83 resultados para Lexical access
The thesis studies role based access control and its suitability in the enterprise environment. The aim is to research how extensively role based access control can be implemented in the case organization and how it support organization’s business and IT functions. This study points out the enterprise’s needs for access control, factors of access control in the enterprise environment and requirements for implementation and the benefits and challenges it brings along. To find the scope how extensively role based access control can be implemented into the case organization, firstly is examined the actual state of access control. Secondly is defined a rudimentary desired state (how things should be) and thirdly completed it by using the results of the implementation of role based access control application. The study results the role model for case organization unit, and the building blocks and the framework for the organization wide implementation. Ultimate value for organization is delivered by facilitating the normal operations of the organization whilst protecting its information assets.
This final project was made for the Broadband department of TeliaSonera. This project gives an overview on how internet service provider might build an access network so that they can offer triple-play services. It also gives information on what equipment is needed and what is required from the access, aggregation and edge networks. The project starts by describing the triple-play service. Then it moves on to optical fiber cables, the network technology and network architecture. At the end of the project there is an example of the process and construction of the access network. It will give an overview of the total process and problems that a network planner might face during the planning phase of the project. It will give some indication on how one area is built from the start to finish. The conclusion of the project presents some points that must be taken into consideration when building an access network. The building of an access network has to be divided to a time span of eight to ten years, where one year is one phase in the project. One phase is divided into three parts; Selecting the areas and targets, Planning the areas and targets, and Documentation. The example area gives indication on the planning of an area. It is almost impossible to connect all targets at the same time. This means that the service provider has to complete the construction in two or three parts. The area is considered to be complete when more than 80% of the real estates have fiber.
Fixed Mobile Convergence is the recent buzz in the field of telecommunication technology. Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology is a realistic implementation of Fixed Mobile Convergence. UMA involves communication between different types of networks. Handover is a very important issue in UMA. The study is an analysis of theoretical handover mechanism and practical test results. It includes a new proposal for handover performance test in UMA. It also provides an overview of basic handover operation on different scenarios in UMA. The practical test involves an experiment on handover performance test using network analyzers. The new proposal provides a different approach for an experimental setting on handover performance test without using network analyzers. The approach is not be implemented because of some technical problem in a network equipment in UMA. The analysis of the test results reveals that time of handover between UMA and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) network is similar to time of handover between inter base station controller (BSC) handover in GSM networks. The new approach is simple and provides measurement at the end point communicating entities. The study gives a general understanding of handover operation, an analysis of handover performance in UMA and specifically provides a new approach useful for further study of handover in different real world environments and scenarios.
The provision of Internet access to large numbers has traditionally been under the control of operators, who have built closed access networks for connecting customers. As the access network (i.e. the last mile to the customer) is generally the most expensive part of the network because of the vast amount of cable required, many operators have been reluctant to build access networks in rural areas. There are problems also in urban areas, as incumbent operators may use various tactics to make it difficult for competitors to enter the market. Open access networking, where the goal is to connect multiple operators and other types of service providers to a shared network, changes the way in which networks are used. This change in network structure dismantles vertical integration in service provision and enables true competition as no service provider can prevent others fromcompeting in the open access network. This thesis describes the development from traditional closed access networks towards open access networking and analyses different types of open access solution. The thesis introduces a new open access network approach (The Lappeenranta Model) in greater detail. The Lappeenranta Model is compared to other types of open access networks. The thesis shows that end users and service providers see local open access and services as beneficial. In addition, the thesis discusses open access networking in a multidisciplinary fashion, focusing on the real-world challenges of open access networks.
Presentation at the "Tutkimus vapaaksi verkkoon!" seminar in Helsinki, January 25, 2011
Esitys Ajankohtaista julkaisuarkistoista -seminaarissa 14.6.2012
Aki Lassilan esitys Europeana työpajassa 20.11.2012 Helsingissä.
Esitys Avoin tiede -keskustelutilaisuudessa 4.3.2013.
Marjatta Autio-Tuulen esitys Kuvailun tiedotuspäivillä Helsingissä 20.3.2013.
The Internet and other new information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become an integral part of most Western societies, from the perspective of both individuals and organizations. In this dissertation the evolving role of the Internet and other new ICTs in Finland over the past decade is studied from the perspective of disparity. The ICT disparities are seen to be constructed from two interconnecting elements, access and implications. The main goal of this dissertation is to examine how access, different user purposes, as well as implications, reflect disparities among different socio-demographic and socioeconomic population groups. For the purposes of this work, four research studies, each with its own, specific topic, were constructed. According to the results, age is clearly the most significant element associated with both access and implications for the new ICTs in Finland. Although other examined factors were also significant, they were often associated with individual research topics. In addition, the dissertation will also provide new research elements for future reference.
Presentation at the Nordic Perspectives on Open Access and Open Science seminar, Helsinki, October 15, 2013