68 resultados para Export SMEs
Strategic alliances as an international entry strategy: Finnish cleantech SMEs and the Indian market
The demand for environmental technologies, also called cleantech, is growing globally but the need is especially high in emerging markets such as India where the rising economy and rapid industrialisation have led to increasing energy needs and environmental degradation. The market is of great potential also for the Finnish cleantech cluster that represents advanced expertise in several fields of environmental technologies. However, most of the Finnish companies in the field are SMEs that face challenges in their internationalisation due to their limited resources. The objective of this study was to estimate, whether strategic alliances could be an efficient entry strategy for Finnish cleantech SMEs entering the Indian market. This was done by studying what are the key factors influencing the international entry mode decision of Finnish cleantech SMEs, what are the major factors affecting the entry of Finnish cleantech SMEs to the Indian market and how do Finnish cleantech SMEs use strategic alliances in their internationalisation process. The study was realised as a qualitative multi-case study through theme interviews of Finnish cleantech SME representatives. The results indicated that Finnish cleantech SMEs prefer to enter international markets through non-equity and collaborative modes of entry. These entry modes are chosen because of the small size and limited resources of companies, but also because they want to protect their innovative technologies from property rights violations. India is an attracting market for Finnish cleantech SMEs mainly because of its size and growth, but insufficient environmental regulation and high import tariffs have hindered entry to the market. Finnish cleantech SMEs commonly use strategic alliances in their internationalisation process but the use is rather one-sided. Most of the formed strategic alliances are low-commitment, international contractual agreement in sales and distribution. Alliance partner selection receives less attention. In the future, providing Finnish cleantech SMEs with international experience and training could help in diversifying the use of strategic alliances and increase their benefits to SME internationalisation.
Knowledge transfer is a complex process. Knowledge transfer in the form of exporting education products from one system of education to another is particularly complicated, because each system has been developed in a particular context to meet the requirements seen as relevant at each time. National innovation systems are often seen to form an essential framework within which the development of a country, its economy and level of knowledge are considered and promoted. These systems are orientated towards the future, and as such they also provide a framework for the knowledge transfer related to the development of education. In the best of circumstances they are able to facilitate and boost this transfer both from the viewpoint of the provider and the recipient. The leading thought and the idea of the study is that education export is a form of knowledge transfer, which is illustrated by the existing models included. The purpose of this study is to explore, analyze and describe the factors and phenomena related to education export, and more specifically, those related to the experiences and potential of Finnish education export to Chile. For better understanding, of the multiplicity of the issue involved, the current status of education export between Finland and Chile and he existing efforts within the Finnish innovation network will be outlined as well as new forms of co-operation between Finland and Chile in educational matters explored. Several countries have started to commercialize their education system in order to establish themselves as emerging education exporters. Moreover, the demand for education reform is accurate in many developing countries. This offers a good match between Finland and Chile to be the example countries of the research. The main research findings suggest that there are several business areas in education export. These include degrees in education, training services and education technologies for example The factors that influence education export can be divided into four groups, including academic, cultural, political and economic aspects. Challenges to overcome include the lack of product or services to be sold, lack of market and cultural knowledge of the buyer country, financing and lack of suitable pricing model. National innovation systems could be seen as enabling entities for successful education export. The extensive networks that national innovation systems aim to form, could operate as a basis for joining the forces in selling knowledge as well as receiving knowledge in a constructive way.
This study concentrates on how to develop a brand communication strategy for ecommerce SMEs in Chinese cosmetic market with new media channels. This study is a qualitative research. Data collection consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is from the case company’s websites, observation of benchmarked companies and observation of the case company. Secondary data will be collected from relevant websites and reliable databases. In order to explore the research questions, comparative benchmarking was conducted to develop brand communication strategy for case company April. The results of the study illustrate that e-commerce SMEs have to consider brand positioning strategy, brand awareness strategy, brand attitude strategy, brand media strategy and the brand benefits as well to develop brand communication strategy.
The thesis aims to clarify the mixed results of prior literature regarding the performance impacts of entrepreneurship and human capital through service innovation and international expansion. The thesis examines the factors affecting degree of internationalization (DOI) and performance in ICT SMEs. These factors are entrepreneurial orientation (EO), human capital and service innovation (SI). The data was collected via questionnaire from Finnish ICT SMEs. The results suggest that EO consist of three dimensions that have different impact in DOI and SI. Also DOI has inverted U-shaped relationship with international performance, whereas DOI-profitability relationship is linear. The results of the study suggest that SMEs should not blindly increase their DOI, and that strategic focus is important.
The rapid economic growth in China has resulted in environmental challenges ranging from air pollution to water-related issues. Thus supporting clean technology, or cleantech, that encompasses industries that focus on alternative energy, pollution and recycling, power supplies and conservation has become one of the focal points in the Chinese economic policy for the next decade. Simultaneously, the Finnish government has initiated programs to support the internationalisation of domestic cleantech companies in an attempt to spiral the industry into one of the pillars of Finnish economic growth. This study concentrates on the conjunction of these two themes and studies the challenges faced by Finnish cleantech SMEs in the Chinese market. Consequently, the study answers the following sub questions: 1. What human and financial resource-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market and what are their solutions? 2. What knowledge-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market and how can these difficulties be resolved? 3. What network-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market, how do they relate to the resource- and knowledge-based challenges, and how can these difficulties be resolved? This qualitative study is conducted by analysing four semi structured interviews collected from four Finnish SMEs that operate in China. The findings of the study indicate that in human resources the most important challenges are related to the hiring and retaining of employees. In contrast to extant academic literature results distinguish salary and social status as the main solutions to this challenge. Regarding financial resources it is discovered that cleantech companies enjoy a benign business environment in China and benefit from the Chinese government’s support for cleantech industry. Challenges related to knowledge resources can be grouped into categories with the most interesting knowledge flows being the stream of local market knowledge into to the foreign parent company and the outward flow of manufacturing and business practice information into the target venture. The challenge related to the first flow is gathering relevant information and the main solutions are clustering at the foreign location and hiring knowledge prior to internationalisation. Regarding the second flow the main challenge is related to intellectual property rights and the most interesting solution is the purposeful transformation of explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge. Finally, it is discovered that networks, called guanxi in China, greatly affect the business processes. Within the guanxi system there is the concept of face which was found to affect employee propensity to stay as well as, as a novel academic result, employees’ knowledge sharing intention.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut selvittää suomalaisten bioenergia-alan pk-yritysten halukkuus tehdä vientiyhteistyötä ja selvittää millaiset vientiyhteistyömuodot soveltuvat alalle. Tutkimuksessa on lisäksi selvitetty mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat menestyksekkääseen yhteistyöhön. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1. Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat strategisen allianssin ja vientiyhteistyön menestykseen? 2. Minkälaiset vientiyhteistyömuodot soveltuvat parhaiten bioenergia-alalle? Tutkimuksessa on käytetty kvalitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Ensimmäisessä osiossa on vastattu kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla ensimmäiseen tutkimuskysymykseen. Toisessa osiossa jälkimmäiseen tutkimuskysymykseen on vastattu analysoimalla teemahaastatteluita, joihin on valittu suomalaisia bioenergia-alan pk-yrityksiä. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että luottamus ja sitoutuminen ovat yhteisiä päätekijöitä, kun tarkastellaan strategisia alliansseja ja vientiyhteistyötä. Muita menestykseen vaikuttavia yhteisiä tekijöitä on partnereiden valinta, yritysten yhteensopivuus, ystävyyssuhteet ja henkilökemiat, johtaminen sekä pitkän aikavälin suhteet. Bioenergia-alalle parhaiten soveltuvat vientiyhteistyömuodot ovat tutkimuksen mukaan yhteistyö suorassa viennissä (jälleenmyyjien tai tuontiagenttien kautta) ja markkinointiyhteistyö.
This study focuses on the relationship between organizational network competence and the internationalization process of small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Over recent decades, the global business environment has become increasingly conducive to internationalization of small firms. A central facilitating factor in the process has been the emergence of networked business relationships between internationalizing firms. Research on SME internationalization has found that certain types of structures and dynamics of business networks allow SMEs access to the resources they need to enter foreign markets. This consequently means that their internationalization often becomes to depend on the networks they are embedded in. However, research so far has mostly ignored the possibility that the organizational ability to develop and manage business network relationships, network competence, may be a major underlying factor in determining how well SMEs can leverage their network relationships to enter foreign markets and consequently may determine in large part how successful their internationalization process turns out to be. This study aims to respond to those gaps, by empirically examining how the development of network competence in internationalizing SMEs influences the internationalization outcomes that they can expect, and how such network competence is conceptualized and developed. Using a mixed methods approach, survey data collected from 298 Finnish SMEs across five industry sectors is first used to examine how levels of network competence are related to internationalization propensity of SMEs and their subsequent international performance, growth and profitability as internationally operating firms. In order to illustrate in more detail the ways in which network competence is conceptualized and how it develops during the internationalization process of an SME, qualitative data from internationally operating Finnish SMEs are used. Longitudinal interview data of an internationalizing Finnish SME is accompanied by data gathered through a series of semistructured interviews of Finnish and Russian managers involved in mutual business relationship dyads. Structurally, this thesis examines the research issue as an article-based dissertation, consisting of five journal and conference publications. Three of these publications are based on the quantitative data, and the remaining two apply the qualitative interview data. The results find several aspects where network competence has a positive influence on the success of internationalizing SMEs, how it develops and what it entails conceptually in this context. Quantitatively, the level of network competence is found to have a positive relationship to various internationalization outcomes, including the propensity of SMEs to enter foreign markets and on their subsequent international performance, their growth and their profitability. Additionally, the positive relationship is divided between the relationship-specific and cross-relational dimension of network competence, in that the influence of the former is relevant for the propensity to internationalize, while the latter is for the growth and profitability of the already internationalized SMEs. Qualitatively, the results suggest, firstly, that the development process of network competence does not necessarily precede the start of the internationalization process, but may occur through a gradual learning process alongside it. And secondly, the results also imply that the conceptualization of network competence by Finnish managers of internationally operating Finnish SMEs is structurally distinct from that of their culturally distinct partner managers in Russia. This study contributes to the literature on SME internationalization in several ways. Firstly, it introduces operationalized organizational competencies to the literature on internationalization of SMEs, which has so far mainly examined the influence of business networking on the internationalization process without having such an organizational viewpoint. Furthermore, this study provides a multi-level analysis of the determinants of successful SME internationalization, by examining various strategic and performance outcomes across the process. These results also contribute to the literature on organizational strategy of internationalizing SMEs, by clarifying how different dimensions of business networking may be optimal in different phases of the internationalization process. Conceptually, the results of this study contribute to the literature on competence development and SME internationalization, by illustrating how the development process of network competence may occur during internationalization process. Thus, they also contribute to the discussion on how SMEs are able to influence the dynamics and structures of their business networks over time. Finally, this study contributes to the literature on the role of culture in the internationalization process, by implying that the cultural background of the manager of the SME may determine whether business networking and network competence is seen as an organizational-level or an individual level capability. The study also includes some additional contributions to the literature on dynamic capabilities in strategic management, and on that of strategic business networks. These include further clarifying the exact nature and tangibility of dynamic capabilities, and being one of the first studies to introduce constructs from both dynamic capabilities and business network literature to the field of international entrepreneurship. And finally, the study also has some contribution on the two streams of literature, in illustrating how both dyadic and network-level capabilities may be relevant, depending on the current strategic goals and market position of the firm. Keywords: network competence, internationalizatio
Food industry in Finland has a long tradition and the new trends and the future of Finnish food industry is going towards functional and healthy food for the consumers in and outside Finland. Small companies operating in this industry face many difficulties in trying to compete and expand to new markets, that is why these companies are the key of innovation and they have done many breakthroughs in the food industry as well. It is therefore important to understand the internationalization process these companies follow and entry strategies they use, and moreover how they use their limited resources in order to be successful in international markets. This thesis via a case study approach deals with the issue of internationalization of SMEs and Finnish food industry. This study supports earlier theories of internationalization, primarily the Uppsala model and acknowledges internationalization as an incremental process. Meaning that psychic distance is indeed the major barrier of internationalization, and acquisition of international knowledge requires significant amount of time which influences the level of resource-commitment in foreign markets. It follows that due to the risks involved in foreign markets, the least resource-intensive modes of market entry such as direct and indirect exports are generally preferred at the start of internationalization process. As of what explains the non-conventional rapid internationalization process, we conclude that in an internationalized industry and country with established trade flows like Finland, the context in which firms operate may be less significant than the varying level of entrepreneurial skills and confidence present therein.
ERP system is now attracting the SMEs, as it is now economical and affordable for them. The current research emphasizes on “how to make ERP successful for SMEs”. The researchers have identified various critical success factors in implementation of ERP. The research gap noticed by author is the missing point of view of ERP consultant. This thesis investigates the answer of research question “What are the critical success factors in implementation of ERP system in SMEs in opinion of ERP consultants and acquiring organizations”. The purpose of this study is to identify the highly important and less important factors. The study results will suggest the ERP managers where they have to concentrate more in order to achieve success. Literature is reviewed in order to setup a base for empirical study. Aplenty of work is found related to CSFs, SMEs and ERP. The authors and factors are organized in form of a table that tells which author is agreed upon which factor. Final result of literature review is a list of 14 CSFs. The qualitative research methodology is used to investigate the ERP in Pakistani SMEs. A case study approach is selected because of unified nature of SMEs in Pakistan. A rice mill is selected as a case because it contains maximum SME attributes. The opinion of a Microsoft certified consultant is obtained by a semi-structured interview. Similarly a semi-structured interview is conducted with CIO of SME that acquired ERP. Both the interviewees are asked about all 14 factors, whether they are agree or not and why. The collected evidences then analyzed by tabulation. The factors upon which both the participants found agreed, taken as highly important. Similarly the factors upon which both participants found disagree, taken as less important. Study results present a grid with four quadrants, the CSFs highly important in opinion of both, the CSFs less important in opinion of both, CSFs important in opinion of consultant but not client, CSFs important in opinion of client but not consultant. In discussion part, the significance of each factor is discussed individually. It is discussed that why some factors are high/less important for SMEs in Pakistan. The study output communicates a message that the success of ERP system in SMEs is linked with careful management of five important factors, the project management, top management support, user training and education, consultant participation and ERP teamwork and composition. The ERP consultants and managers can divert their concentration from less important factors such as user involvement, culture readiness and ERP package selection, toward the highly important factors. The limitations of the study are small number of interviews and less people involved, provide an opportunity for future research in this field of information system.
Pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten kansainvälistyminen etenee tyypillisesti hyvin maltillisesti, askel-askeleelta. Kotimarkkinoiden rajalliset kasvumahdollisuudet ja kansainvälisten markkinoiden houkuttelevuus ovat tärkeimpiä syitä vientitoiminnan aloittamiselle. Nykyisessä globaalissa liiketoimintaympäristössä kilpailu on kovaa ja vaatii yrityksiltä paljon osaamista ja resursseja. Pk-yritysten rajallisia resursseja voidaan kehittää ja lisätä yritysten välisen verkostoitumisen ja ulkopuolisten toimijoiden avulla. Tämä diplomityö on toteutettu osana Cleantech Finland Bioenergy –kehitysprojektia, joka pyrkii edistämään Savon alueen bioenergia-alan yritysten kansainvälistymis-mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kasvattaa tietoutta erilaisista kansainvälistymisstrategioista ja vientitoiminnan vaatimista toimenpiteistä. Empiirisen tutkimuksen tärkein tavoite on tukea tutkimuksessa mukana olevien pk-yritysten kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan aloittamista. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kehittyvä bioenergia-ala ja Saksan markkinat tarjoavat pk-yrityksille kasvumahdollisuuksia. Tuloksissa painotetaan pk-yritysten oman osaamisen kehittämistä ja kykyä pitkäjänteiseen työhön. Ymmärtämällä asiakkaiden ostopäätösprosessia, voidaan omaa myynti- ja markkinointiosaamista sekä rajallisia resursseja keskittää oikeisiin asioihin.
The purpose of this study is based on the need of finding what kind of problems Finnish SMEs face in Russian market and how they could be supported. Used support activities in certain levels of internationalization and internationalization patterns are evaluated, international experience of entrepreneur is compared to used support activities and the most challenging pillars in Russia from the Institutional Theory are defined. The empirical part of the study is a semi structured qualitative analysis of ten case companies that represent different industry fields. All of them are SMEs and they represent different levels of internationalization and internationalization patterns. The results of this study indicated that usefulness of support activities have to be evaluated case by case. All the companies are individual organizations and usefulness of support activities have to be evaluated according to the actual situation of the company. International experience of manager has effect on the use of support activities. SMEs identified many problems related to pillars of Institutional theory and regulative environment seems to be the most challenging one.
After the economic reform, China has undergone fast economic growth, urbanization and adopted the western lifestyle. Global enterprises are investing in China and Finnish companies began to enter the Chinese market after the 1980s. Fast economic growth has downside effects like pollution and thus more cleantech solutions are needed. There are different kinds of entry modes that companies are using when entering the Chinese market. This thesis focuses on export tire entry mode. The purpose of this study is to examine cleantech companies’ opinions about the export tire operations. The background of this study is built by combining the written knowledge about the history of the Chinese industry and market entry modes. The empirical part of the study is a semi-structured, qualitative analysis of five case companies that are operating together in a particular export tire and represent the highest Finnish cleantech knowledge. The results of this study indicate that the export tire entry is an easy and cost effective way to enter new markets or market segment. Export tire is really dependent on the leader who in this particular case succeeded well.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are assuredly important to maintain strong economic growth. How to manage and maintain SMEs’ performance is a sizable challenge, and requires an understanding of the drivers of performance. Innovation capability has been suggested to be one of these key drivers. In order to manage innovation capability– performance relationship, it has to be measured. SMEs may have distinct characteristics that separate them being just smaller versions of large firms. Performance measurement and management of innovation capability is challenging, because SMEs usually have some drawbacks compared to large firms. Thus, it is unclear whether theories developed to understand large firms apply to SMEs. This research contributes to the existing discussion on performance management through innovation capability in the SME context. First, it aims at increasing understanding of the role of innovation capability in performance management. Second, it aims at clarifying the role of performance measurement in developing innovation capability. Thus, the main objective of the research is to study how to manage performance through measuring and managing innovation capability. The thesis is based on five research articles that follow a positivist approach. From a methodological point of view, quantitative and complementing conceptual methods of data collection are utilized. This research indicates that the performance management and measurement play a significant role in innovation capability in SMEs. This research makes three main contributions. First, it gives empirical evidence on the connection between innovation capability and SME performance. Second, it illustrates the connection between performance measurement and innovation capability. Thirdly, it clarifies how to measure the relationship between innovation capability and performance.