32 resultados para Ehrenreich, Barbara: Nickel and dimed - undercover in low-wage USA
Asthma, COPD, and asthma and COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) are chronic pulmonary diseases with an obstructive component. In COPD, the obstruction is irreversible and the disease is progressive. The aim of the study was to define and analyze factors that affected disease progression and patients’ well-being, prognosis and mortality in Chronic Airway Disease (CAD) cohort. The main focus was on COPD and ACOS patients. Retrospective data from medical records was combined with genetic and prospective follow-up data. Smoking is the biggest risk factor for COPD and even after the diagnosis of the disease, smoking plays an important role in disease development and patient’s prognosis. Sixty percent of the COPD patients had succeeded in smoking cessation. Patients who had managed to quit smoking had lower mortality rates and less psychiatric diseases and alcohol abuse although they were older and had more cardiovascular diseases than patients who continued smoking. Genetic polymorphism rs1051730 in the nicotinic acethylcholine receptor gene (CHRNA3/5) associated with heavy smoking, cancer prevalence and mortality in two Finnish independent cohorts consisting of COPD patients and male smokers. Challenges in smoking cessation and higher mortality rates may be partly due to individual patient’s genetic composition. Approximately 50% of COPD patients are physically inactive and the proportion was higher among current smokers. Physically active and inactive patients didn’t differ from each other in regard to age, gender or comorbidities. Bronchial obstruction explained inactivity only in severe disease. Subjective sensation of dyspnea, however, had very strong association to inactivity and was also associated to low health related quality of life (HRQoL). ACOS patients had a significantly lower HRQoL than either the patients with asthma or with COPD even though they were younger than COPD patients, had better lung functions and smaller tobacco exposure.
The Finnish legislation requires for a safe and secure learning environment. However, the comprehensive, risk based safety and security management (SSM) and the management commitment in the implementation and development of the SSM are not mentioned in the legislation. Multiple institutions, operators and researchers have studied and developed safety and security in educational institutions over the past decade. Typically the approach has been fragmented and without bringing up the importance of the comprehensive SSM. The development needs of the safety and security operations in universities have been studied. However, in universities of applied sciences (UASs) and in elementary schools (ESs), the performance level, strengths and weaknesses of the comprehensive SSM have not been studied. The objective of this study was to develop the comprehensive, risk based SSM of educational institutions by developing the new Asteri consultative auditing process and study its effects on auditees. Furthermore, the performance level in the comprehensive SSM in UASs and ESs were studied using Asteri and the TUTOR model developed by the Keski-Uusimaa Department for Rescue Services. In addition, strengths, development needs and differences were identified. In total, 76 educational institutions were audited between the years 2011 and 2014. The study is based on logical empiricism, and an observational applied research design was used. Auditing, observation and an electronic survey were used for data collection. Statistical analysis was used to analyze the collected information. In addition, thematic analysis was used to analyze the development areas of the organizations mentioned by the respondents in the survey. As one of the main contributions, this research presents the new Asteri consultative auditing process. Organizations with low performance levels on the audited subject benefit the most from the Asteri consultative auditing process. Asteri may be usable in many different types of audits, not only in SSM audits. As a new result, this study provides new knowledge on attitudes related to auditing. According to the research findings, auditing may generate negative attitudes and the auditor should take them into account when planning and preparing for audits. Negative attitudes can be compensated by producing added value, objectivity and positivity for the audit and, thus, improve the positive effects of auditing on knowledge and skills. Moreover, as the results of this study shows, auditing safety and security issues do not increase feelings of insecurity, but rather increase feelings of safety and security when using the new Asteri consultative auditing process with the TUTOR model. The results showed that the SSM in the audited UASs was statistically significantly more advanced than that in the audited ESs. However, there is still room for improvement in the ESs and the UASs as the approach to the SSM was fragmented. It can be assumed that the majority of Finnish UASs and ESs do not likely meet the basic level of the comprehensive, risk based the SSM.