38 resultados para Child size
The aims of this study were to validate an international Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) instrument, to describe child self and parent-proxy assessed HRQL at child age 10 to 12 and to compare child self assessments with parent-proxy assessments and school nursing documentation. The study is part of the Schools on the Move –research project. In phase one, a cross-cultural translation and validation process was performed to develop a Finnish version of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ 4.0 (PedsQL™ 4.0). The process included a two-way translation, cognitive interviews (children n=7, parents n=5) and a survey (children n=1097, parents n=999). In phase two, baseline and follow-up surveys (children n=986, parents n=710) were conducted to describe and compare the child self and parent-proxy assessed HRQL in school children between the ages 10 and 12. Phase three included two separate data, school nurse documented patient records (children n=270) and a survey (children n=986). The relation between child self assessed HRQL and school nursing documentation was evaluated. Validity and reliability of the Finnish version of PedsQL™ 4.0 was good (Child Self Report α=0.91, Parent-Proxy Report α=0.88). Children reported lower HRQL scores at the emotional (mean 76/80) than the physical (mean 85/89) health domains and significantly lower scores at the age of 10 than 12 (dMean=4, p=<0.001). Agreement between child self and parent-proxy assessment was fragile (r=0,4, p=<0.001) but increased as the child grew from age 10 to 12 years. At health check-ups, school nurses documented frequently children’s physical health, such as growth (97%) and posture (98/99%) but seldom emotional issues, such as mood (2/7%). The PedsQLTM 4.0 is a valid instrument to assess HRQL in Finnish school children although future research is recommended. Children’s emotional wellbeing needs future attention. HRQL scores increase during ages between childhood and adolescence. Concordance between child self and parent-proxy assessed HRQL is low. School nursing documentation, related to child health check-ups, is not in line with child self assessed HRQL and emotional issues need more attention.
The report describes those factors of the future that are related to the growth and needs of Russia, China, and India and that may provide significant internationalisation potential for Uusimaa companies. The report examines the emerging trends and market-entry challenges for each country separately. Additionally, it evaluates the training needs of Uusimaa companies in terms of the current offerings available for education on topics related to Russia, China, and India. The report was created via the Delphi method: experts were interviewed, and both Trendwiki material and the latest literature were used to create a summary of experts’ views, statements, and reasons behind recent developments. This summary of views was sent back to the experts with the objective of reaching consensus synthesising the differing views or, at least, of providing argumentation for the various alternative lines of development. In addition to a number of outside experts and business leaders, all heads of Finpro’s Finland Trade Centers participated in the initial interviews. The summary was commented upon by all Finpro consultants and analysts for Russia, China, and India, with each focusing on his or her own area of expertise. The literature used consisted of reports, listed for each country, and an extensive selection of the most recent newspaper articles. The report was created in January-April 2010. On 22 April 2010 its results were reviewed at the final report presentation in cooperation with the Uusimaa ELY Centre.
The present Master’s thesis presents theoretical description of the extraodinary behavior of the confined Indium nanoparticles. Superconducting properties of nanoparticles and nanocomposites are extensively reviewed. Special attention has been paid to phase fluctuation, shell and disordered effects. The experimental data has been obtained and provided by Dmitry Shamshur from Ioffe Physical Technical Institute. The investigated material represents a highly ordered system of silicate spheres filled with indium metal, where the In nanoparticles are interconnected between each other. Bulk indium is a superconductor with crititcal superconducting temperature Tc0 = 3:41 K. But indium nanoparticles exhibit different behavior, the critical temperature rise by approximately 20% up to 4.15 K. As well as transition of the indium particles to type-II superconductivity with high critical magnetic fields. Such diversity is explained by finite size effects which originate from nanosize of the samples.
The parents of premature infants, especially the mothers, are at increased risk for distress. Infants born prematurely are at risk for developmental problems. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the psychological well-being of both parents is associated with child development in very low birth weight (VLBW, ≤1500g) children. The burden of prematurity-related morbidity to the children and to the family was also assessed. A cohort of 201 VLBW infants born during 2001–2006 in the Turku University Hospital, Finland, and their parents were studied (I–IV). One study included a control group (n=166) of full-term infants (IV). The psychological well-being of the parents was evaluated by assessments of depressive symptoms, parenting stress, the sense of coherence and general family functioning. Cognitive, behavioral, and socio-emotional development, and the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of the children were determined when the children were 2 to 8 years old. The psychological well-being of the parents was associated with the cognitive, behavioral and social development of the VLBW children. The VLBW infants with prematurity-related morbidities had a poorer HRQoL and the general functioning of the family was inferior compared to the control children and their families. 64.5% of the VLBW children survived without morbidities. Most of the VLBW children did not have significant behavior problems (93%), had normal social skills (63%), had no emotional problems (64%), and had no problems in executive functioning (62%). Only 3% of the surviving VLBW infants had significant cognitive delay. In conclusion, the depressive symptoms and stress of the parents can be risk factors for disadvantageous child development, while a strong sense of coherence can be protective. Parents of the premature children with developmental delays might also experience more depressive symptoms and stress than other parents. Prematurity-related morbidities were a burden to the VLBW child as well as to the family.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisen kuvataiteilija Heidi Tikan videoinstallaatiota Mother, Child (2011/2000). Tutkielmassa tutkitaan installaation uusinta, vuonna 2011 tehtyä versiota. Mother, Child on liikkuvan kuvan installaatio, jossa videokuva projisoidaan valkoiselle harsokankaalle, jota istuimelle asettunut katsoja pitää käsivarsillaan. Kankaalle heijastuu liikkuvaa kuvaa poikavauvasta, joka imee naisen rintaa. Installaatioon osallistuessaan katsojalle syntyy vaikutelma siitä, että hän pitää vauvaa sylissään, jolloin hän voi eläytyä lasta hoivaavan ja imettävän äidin asemaan. Lisäksi tutkielmassa huomioidaan, kuinka installaation tekniikan ansiosta videolla näkyvä vauva ja installaation katsoja voivat olla vuorovaikutuksessa keskenään. Tutkielma jakautuu kolmeen käsittelylukuun, joissa jokaisessa lähestytään Mother, Child -installaatiota eri näkökulmasta: ensimmäisessä käsittelyluvussa Mother, Child -installaatiota tarkastellaan feministisen taiteentutkimuksen lähtökohdista, toisessa käsittelyluvussa installaation analyysissä sovelletaan affektiteorioita ja kolmannen käsittelyluvun teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostaa uusmaterialismi. Tutkimuskysymykset keskittyvät installaation katsojan ja videolla näkyvän naisen ruumiin tarkasteluun, installaation affekteihin sekä installaation materiaalisuuteen ja tulemisen prosessiin. Valittujen näkökulmien avulla sekä molekulaarisen taidehistorian metodia ja deleuze-guattarilaista filosofiaa soveltamalla tutkielmassa löydetään vaihtoehtoisia tapoja, joilla lähestyä Mother, Child -installaatiota jonakin muuna kuin representaationa: muotoutuvana, materiaalisena ja affektiivisena katsojan ja installaation ainutkertaisena kohtaamistapahtumana. Maailman representoimisen eli esittämisen tai samankaltaisten äitiyskuvien toisintoiston sijaan tutkielmassa korostuu ajatus Mother, Child -installaation olemassaolosta omana aktiivisesta materiasta muodostuvana itsenään ja osana todellista, materiaalista maailmaa. Tutkielmassa installaation olemassaolo ja jatkuva muotoutuminen määritellään tulemisen prosessiksi. Mother, Child edellyttää katsojansa ruumiillista ja affektiivista osallistumista tapahtuakseen eli tullakseen olevaksi. Tutkielmassa esitetään, että osallistavaa taidetta tutkittaisiin osallistuvan taiteentutkimuksen ja affektiivisen virittäytymisen keinoin, jolloin tutkija voi hyödyntää tunnereaktioitaan ja affektoitumisen kokemuksiaan tutkimuksessa. Tällöin tutkimuskohteeseen suhtaudutaan tutkimuksen objektin sijaan keskustelukumppanina ja tutkija asettuu samalle tasolle taiteen kanssa. Tutkijan on antauduttava taiteen molekulaarisen virran vietäväksi, mikä merkitsee herkkyyttä ja avoimuutta taiteen materian ja affektien liikkeelle sekä taiteen lähelle menemistä eli seuraamista.