37 resultados para 198-1211B


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The search for new renewable materials has intensified in recent years. Pulp and paper mill process streams contain a number of potential compounds which could be used in biofuel production and as raw materials in the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. Prior to utilization, these compounds require separation from other compounds present in the process stream. One feasible separation technique is membrane filtration but to some extent, fouling still limits its implementation in pulp and paper mill applications. To mitigate fouling and its effects, foulants and their fouling mechanisms need to be well understood. This thesis evaluates fouling in filtration of pulp and paper mill process streams by means of polysaccharide model substance filtrations and by development of a procedure to analyze and identify potential foulants, i.e. wood extractives and carbohydrates, from fouled membranes. The model solution filtration results demonstrate that each polysaccharide has its own fouling mechanism, which also depends on the membrane characteristics. Polysaccharides may foul the membranes by adsorption and/or by gel/cake layer formation on the membrane surface. Moreover, the polysaccharides interact, which makes fouling evaluation of certain compound groups very challenging. Novel methods to identify wood extractive and polysaccharide foulants are developed in this thesis. The results show that it is possible to extract and identify wood extractives from membranes fouled in filtration of pulp and paper millstreams. The most effective solvent was found to be acetone:water (9:1 v/v) because it extracted both lipophilic extractives and lignans at high amounts from the fouled membranes and it was also non-destructive for the membrane materials. One hour of extraction was enough to extract wood extractives at high amounts for membrane samples with an area of 0.008 m2. If only qualitative knowledge of wood extractives is needed a simplified extraction procedure can be used. Adsorption was the main fouling mechanism in extractives-induced fouling and dissolved fatty and resin acids were mostly the reason for the fouling; colloidal fouling was negligible. Both process water and membrane characteristics affected extractives-induced fouling. In general, the more hydrophilic regenerated cellulose (RC) membrane fouled less that the more hydrophobic polyethersulfone (PES) and polyamide (PA) membranes independent of the process water used. Monosaccharide and uronic acid units could also be identified from the fouled synthetic polymeric membranes. It was impossible to analyze all monosaccharide units from the RC membrane because the analysis result obtained contained degraded membrane material. One of the fouling mechanisms of carbohydrates was adsorption. Carbohydrates were not potential adsorptive foulants to the sameextent as wood extractives because their amount in the fouled membranes was found to be significantly lower than the amount of wood extractives.


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Bioactive glasses (BGs) form a group of synthetic, surface-active, composition-dependent, silica-based biomaterials with osteoconductive, osteopromotive, and even angiogenic, as well as antibacterial, properties. A national interdisciplinary research group, within the Combio Technology Program (2003–2007), developed a porous load-bearing composite for surgical applications made of BG 1–98 and polymer fibers. The pre-clinical part of this thesis focused on the in vitro and in vivo testing of the composite materials in a rabbit femur and spinal posterolateral fusion model. The femur model failed to demonstrate the previously seen positive effect of BG 1–98 on osteogenesis, probably due to the changed resorption properties of BG in the form of fibers. The spine study was terminated early due to adverse events. In vitro cultures showed the growth inhibition of human mesenchymal stems next to BG 1–98 fibers and radical pH changes. A prospective, long-term, follow-up study was conducted on BG–S53P4 and autogenous bone used as bone graft substitutes for instrumented posterolateral spondylodesis in the treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis (n=17) and unstable burst fractures (n=10) during 1996–1998. The operative outcome was evaluated from X-rays and CT scans, and a clinical examination was also performed. On the BG side, a solid fusion was observed in the CT scans of 12 patients, and a partial fusion was found in 5 patients, the result being a total fusion rate in all fusion sites (n=41) 88% for levels L4/5 and L5/S1 in the spondylolisthesis group. In the spine fracture group, solid fusion was observed in five patients, and partial fusion was found in five resulting in a total fusion rate of 71% of all fusion sites (n=21). The pre-clinical results suggest that under certain conditions the physical form of BG can be more critical than its chemical composition when a clinical application is designed. The first long-term clinical results concerning the use of BG S53P4 as bone graft material in instrumented posterolateral spondylodesis seems to be a safe procedure, associated with a very low complication rate. BG S53P4 used as a stand-alone bone substitute cannot be regarded as being as efficient as AB in promoting solid fusion.


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Vantaanjoen vesistöalueella sijaitsevan Ohkolanjoen valuma-alueella laadittiin maatalousalueiden suojavyöhykkeiden yleissuunnitelma syksyllä 2010. Kartoituksessa löytyneet kohteet sisällytettiin yleissuunnitelmaan karttojen muodossa. Suojavyöhykkeet pidättävät tehokkaasti maatalousmaalta vesistöön kulkeutuvia ravinteita ja kiintoainesta. Maisemallisesti suojavyöhykkeet elävöittävät ympäristöä ja edistävät luonnon monimuotoisuutta maatalousalueilla. Suojavyöhykkeitä voidaan perustaa vesistöön tai valtaojaan rajoittuville tai tulvaherkille pelloille, sekä pohjavesialueille. Suojavyöhyke perustetaan ympäristötukikelpoiselle lohkolle ja tukea hakevan viljelijän täytyy olla sitoutunut ympäristötukeen. Yleissuunnittelun tavoitteena on löytää ne kohteet, joissa suojavyöhykkeistä olisi eniten hyötyä vesiensuojelun kannalta. Huomioon on otettu myös maisemalliset arvot ja luonnon monimuotoisuus. Suojavyöhykkeiden perustamiseen voi hakea maatalouden ympäristötuen erityistukea. Yleissuunnitelmassa esitetyt kohteet ovat suosituksia, maatalouden erityistukien hakeminen on aina vapaaehtoista. Ohkolanjoen valuma-alueen yleissuunnitelmassa esitetään suojavyöhykesuositusta yhteensä 25,7 kilometrin matkalle. Tästä erittäin tarpeellisia on 11,4 km ja tarpeellisia 14,3 km. Pohjavesialueella peltoa on vain vähän.


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14 x 10 cm