535 resultados para Jussila, Raimo: Vanhat sanat
Soitinnus: sellot (9).
Soitinnus: sellot (16).
Esittäjätiedot ja vuosiluvut saatu Yleisradiolta sillä oletuksella että kyseessä on juuri tämä 1981 esitys (nauhakotelossa Ylen nauhanumero, jota ei kuitenkaan löydy Ylen tietokannasta).
Radio-ohjelma suomalaisesta klassisen laulun kulttuurista, sisältää Suomessa äänitettyjä haastatteluja ja musiikkinäytteitä.
Soitinnus: piano.
Soitinnus: sellot (9).
Soitinnus: lauluääni (sopraano), käyrätorvi, viulut (2), alttoviulu, sello.
Soitinnus: orkesteri. - Viimeisessä osassa myös: lauluäänet (mezzosopraano, tenori), sekakuoro.
Metal industries producing thick sections have shown increasing interest in the laser–arc hybrid welding process because of its clear advantages compared with the individual processes of autogenous laser welding and arc welding. One major benefit of laser–arc hybrid welding is that joints with larger gaps can be welded with acceptable quality compared to autogenous laser welding. The laser-arc hybrid welding process has good potential to extend the field of applications of laser technology, and provide significant improvements in weld quality and process efficiency in manufacturing applications. The objective of this research is to present a parameter set-up for laser–arc hybrid welding processes, introduce a methodical comparison of the chosen parameters, and discuss how this technology may be adopted in industrial applications. The research describes the principles, means and applications of different types of laser–arc hybrid welding processes. Conducted experiment processing variables are presented and compared using an analytical model which can also be used for predictive simulations. The main argument in this thesis is that profound understanding of the advanced technology of laser-arc hybrid welding will help improve the productivity of welding in industrial applications. Based on a review of the current knowledge base, important areas for further research are also identified. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses laser–arc hybrid welding by characterizing its mechanism and most important variables. The second part comprises four research papers elaborating on the performance of laser– arc hybrid welding in the joining of metals. The study uses quantitative and qualitative research methods which include in-depth, interpretive analyses of results from a number of research groups. In the interpretive analysis, the emphasis is placed on the relevance and usefulness of the investigative results drawn from other research publications. The results of this study contribute to research on laser–arc hybrid welding by increasing understanding of how old and new perspectives on laser–arc hybrid welding are evidenced in industry. The research methodology applied permits continued exploration of how laser–arc hybrid welding and various process factors influence the overall quality of the weld. Thestudy provides a good foundation for future research, creates improved awareness of the laser–arc hybrid welding process, and assists the metal industry to maximize welding productivity.