628 resultados para Hartogh, Govert den: Mutual expectations
kuv., 13 x 22 cm
kuv., 13 x 21 cm
kuv., 13 x 21 cm
kuv., 16 x 23 cm
kuv., 23 x 16 cm
17 x 21 cm
15 x 23 cm
Under 1900-talets tre sista decennier stötte de västeuropeiska socialdemokratiska partierna på två svårbemästrade utmaningar: en ökad popularitet hos nyliberala lösningar inom finans- och socialpolitik samt ett ökat intresse för ekologi och tillväxtkritik. Genom en granskning av 19 socialdemokratiska partiers valprogram söker denna avhandling ta reda på hur dessa värdemässiga förskjutningar omformat socialdemokratiska partiideologier. Avhandlingens deskriptiva del bidrar med två övergripande observationer. För det första kan tesen om socialdemokratins högerförskjutning åtminstone delvis beläggas; den socialdemokratiska partifamiljen förskjuts nu klart närmare den nyliberala polen längs den socioekonomiska vänster-högerdimensionen. Skillnaderna mellan de enskilda partierna är dock påtagliga; en del genomför bestående ideologiska högersvängar medan andra endast tillfälligt antar mer högerorienterade positioner. För det andra kan även en ökning också i de gröna värderingarnas närvaro observeras. Även här återfinns betydande skillnader mellan enskilda partier; medan merparten av de nordeuropeiska socialdemokratiska partierna antar en tydligt grön programmatisk profil bevarar de sydeuropeiska partierna övervägande tillväxtorienterade partiideologier. Avhandlingens andra empiriska del strävar efter att finna förklaringar till dessa omvandlingar. En första övergripande observation indikerar att de partier som genomgått en bestående partiideologisk omorientering i nyliberal riktning gjort så som en följd av olika omständigheter, såsom ekonomisk globalisering, samhälleliga opinionsförskjutningar eller förskjutningar inom konkurrerande partier. Goda politiska framgångar och en stabil partiorganisation, däremot, har ofta bidragit till att den hävdvunna partiideologin bevarats. Förskjutningar mot en grönare profil har även de föregåtts av en rad olika omständigheter, av vilka politiska tillbakagångar och en tidigare etablering av gröna partier framstår som speciellt betydelsefulla. Återigen är politiska framgångar och en stabil organisation starka garanter för en bevarad partiideologi.
A narrow review on mutual fund performance evaluation methods.
The purpose of this research is to examine factors affecting international students’ service quality expectations in higher education. The aim is pursued by investigating the international students’ quality expectations and the role of price, culture and personal values in forming these expectations. The theoretical part of this research is centered on themes related to service quality, the nature of educational services, the process of forming quality expectations and the antecedents of service quality expectations. The empirical part of the research was conducted with a quantitative method and the data was collected by using a web based questionnaire. The sample consisted of 268 students who applied to international master’s degree programmes in Finland in the spring of 2012. The response rate was 24,1 %. The research results show that personal values and culture affect the international students’ quality expectations of educational services but that price is not significantly related to the quality expectations.
This is a study in the field of caring science. The kinds of knowledge expansion and theoretical formation outlined in this thesis have a hypothetic-deductive design. The synthesizer of caring science between caring ethos and nursing intensity evolves through a hermeneutic movement between understanding and interpretation, in the dialectic tension between thesis and antithesis. The study had three main aims with corresponding research questions. The first aim was to deepen the understanding of caring ethos within the care of older people from the perspective of caring science. The second aim was to deepen the understanding of nursing intensity within the care of older people, again from the perspective of caring science. The third aim of the study was to create a theoretical model describing the synthesizer between the caring ethos and nursing intensity. The synthesizer of caring science between caring ethos and nursing intensity took place in a process of creativity, which resulted in six new patterns of interpretation. Good care is in constant movement and tension between the ethical and the unethical. In order to guarantee the older person of the future dignity, a caring community, and integrity in care, there is a need for an awareness of and responsibility for those entities than can become ethical problems and dilemmas. The model that describes the synthesizer between caring ethos and nursing intensity, consist of four cornerstones such as caring ethics, wishes and anticipations, an ethical manner in words and action, and ethical leadership. Good care based on the values dignity, a caring community, safety, and integrity, receive their legitimacy through ethical awareness, and consent among caregivers. Ethical awareness deepens the understanding of wishes and expectations that may arise as special needs. Care thus requires an awareness of the balance between the patient’s care need and optimal level of nursing intensity. An ethical leadership considers the needs of the patient and accepts nothing but a work situation where optimal nursing intensity and optimal resource allocation makes good care possible.