374 resultados para Alanko, Pentti: Luonnonkasvit puutarhassa


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Sosiologian tulevaisuus.


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ABSTRACT Towards a contextual understanding of B2B salespeople’s selling competencies − an exploratory study among purchasing decision-makers of internationally-oriented technology firms The characteristics of modern selling can be classified as follows: customer retention and loyalty targets, database and knowledge management, customer relationship management, marketing activities, problem solving and system selling, and satisfying needs and creating value. For salespeople to be successful in this environment, they need a wide range of competencies. Salespeople’s selling skills are well documented in seller side literature through quantitative methods, but the knowledge, skills and competencies from the buyer’s perspective are under-researched. The existing research on selling competencies should be broadened and updated through a qualitative research perspective due to the dynamic nature and the contextual dependence of selling competencies. The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of the professional salesperson’s selling competencies from the industrial purchasing decision- makers’ viewpoint within the relationship selling context. In this study, competencies are defined as sales-related knowledge and skills. The scope of the study includes goods, materials and services managed by a company’s purchasing function and used by an organization on a daily basis. The abductive approach and ‘systematic combining’ have been applied as a research strategy. In this research, data were generated through semi- structured, person-to-person interviews and open-ended questions. The study was conducted among purchasing decision-makers in the technology industry in Finland. The branches consisted of the electronics and electro-technical industries and the mechanical engineering and metals industries. A total of 30 companies and one purchasing decision-maker from each company were purposively chosen for the sampling. The sample covers different company sizes based on their revenues, their differing structures – varying from public to family companies –that represent domestic and international ownerships. Before analyzing the data, they were organized by the purchasing orientations of the buyers: the buying, procurement or supply management orientation. Thematic analysis was chosen as the analysis method. After analyzing the data, the results were contrasted with the theory. There was a continuous interaction between the empirical data and the theory. Based on the findings, a total of 19 major knowledge and skills were identified from the buyers’ perspective. The specific knowledge and skills from the viewpoint of customers’ prevalent purchasing orientations were divided into two categories, generic and contextual. The generic knowledge and skills apply to all purchasing orientations, and the contextual knowledge and skills depend on customers’ prevalent purchasing orientations. Generic knowledge and skills relate to price setting, negotiation, communication and interaction skills, while contextual ones relate to knowledge brokering, ability to present solutions and relationship skills. Buying-oriented buyers value salespeople who are ‘action oriented experts, however at a bit of an arm’s length’, procurement buyers value salespeople who are ‘experts deeply dedicated to the customer and fostering the relationship’ and supply management buyers value salespeople who are ‘corporate-oriented experts’. In addition, the buyer’s perceptions on knowledge and selling skills differ from the seller’s ones. The buyer side emphasizes managing the subject matter, consisting of the expertise, understanding the customers’ business and needs, creating a customized solution and creating value, reliability and an ability to build long-term relationships, while the seller side emphasizes communica- tion, interaction and salesmanship skills. The study integrates the selling skills of the current three-component model− technical knowledge, salesmanship skills, interpersonal skills− and relationship skills and purchasing orientations, into a selling competency model. The findings deepen and update the content of these knowledges and skills in the B2B setting and create new insights into them from the buyer’s perspective, and thus the study increases contextual understanding of selling competencies. It generates new knowledge of the salesperson’s competencies for the relationship selling and personal selling and sales management literature. It also adds knowledge of the buying orientations to the buying behavior literature. The findings challenge sales management to perceive salespeople’s selling skills both from a contingency and competence perspective. The study has several managerial implications: it increases understanding of what the critical selling knowledge and skills from the buyer’s point of view are, understanding of how salespeople effectively implement the relationship marketing concept, sales management’s knowledge of how to manage the sales process more effectively and efficiently, and the knowledge of how sales management should develop a salesperson’s selling competencies when managing and developing the sales force. Keywords: selling competencies, knowledge, selling skills, relationship skills, purchasing orientations, B2B selling, abductive approach, technology firms


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Kuluttajien arvojen muutosten erityisesti eettisyyttä korostavaan suuntaan ja individualisaation seurauksena markkinat ovat fragmentoituneet. Lisäksi julkista sektoria on alettu kestävyysvajeen ja poliittisten linjausten seurauksena yksityistämään ja markkinaehtoistamaan. Näiden muutosten seurauksena on alkanut syntyä uudenlaista yhteiskunnallista yritystoimintaa, joka ei pohjaudu voitontavoittelulle, vaan yhteiskunnassa ilmenevien ongelmien ratkaisemiselle. Tutkimuksessa on selvitetty, mitä tarkoittavat yhteiskunnallisten yritysten sekä liiketoimintastrategioiden käsitteet vähittäiskaupan toimialalla. Käsitteiden määrittelyn avulla on pyritty selvittämään millaisia liiketoimintastrategioita yhteiskunnalliset yritykset voivat hyödyntää vähittäiskapan toimialalla. Yhteiskunnallisten yritysten sekä liiketoimintastrategioiden käsitettä vähittäiskaupan toimialalla on selvitetty käsiteanalyysin avulla. Käsiteanalyysissä on muodostettu tietopohja alan julkaisujen avulla, pääkäsitteitä on analysoitu vertailtu suhteessa niiden lähikäsitteisiin. Käsitteet on purettu osiin, eli nostettu esiin erilaisia tulkintoja sekä näkemyksiä ja pohdittu niitä. Analyysiä on tehty hermeneuttisen kehän avulla. Yhteiskunnallisten yritysten tavoitteena on yhteiskunnallisten ongelmien lieventäminen tai poistaminen. Valtaosa niiden voitoista käytetään yhteiskunnallisten tavoitteiden edistämiseen. Niiden toimintaan kuuluu olennaisesti sidosryhmien osallistaminen yrityksen päätöksentekoon. Niiden liiketoiminta on avointa ja läpinäkyvää. Liiketoimintastrategialla tarkoitetaan yhdellä toimialalla noudatettavia strategioita. Vähittäiskaupan toimialalla yhteiskunnallisten yritysten liiketoimintastrategiat voidaan jakaa kilpailu- ja yhteistyöstrategioihin. Kilpailustrategioita ovat tuottavuus ja yrityksen asemointi kuluttajien mieleen. Yhteistyöstrategioita ovat arvon yhteistuotanto ja arvoverkostoyhteistyö sidosryhmien kanssa. Yhteiskunnallisen yrityksen käsite on moninainen ja vielä osin jäsentymätön. Sen toiminnassa keskeistä on yhteiskunnallisen hyvän tuottaminen sekä voittojen ohjaaminen tämän tarkoituksen toteuttamiseksi. Yritystoiminnan perusedellytys on kannattavuus, joka saavutetaan kilpailuedun avulla ja joka pohjautuu kilpailijoita parempaan tuottavuuteen tai ylivertaiseen asiakkaalle tuotettuun arvoon. Ylivertainen asiakasarvo saavutetaan asemoimalla yritys halutulla tavalla kuluttajien mieliin asiakaslupauksen kautta. Tuottavuus ja asemointi tuotetaan yrityksen arvoketjussa suhteellisen resurssiedun kautta, mikä pohjautuu arvoketju-, ympäristö- ja yritysanalyyseihin


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Integrins are the main cell surface receptors by which cells adhere to the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). Cells regulate integrin-mediated adhesions by integrin endo/exocytic trafficking or by altering the integrin activation status. Integrin binding to ECM-components induces several intracellular signalling cascades, which regulate almost every aspect of cell behaviour from cell motility to survival, and dysregulation of integrin traffic or signalling is associated with cancer progression. Upon detachment, normal cells undergo a specialised form of programmed cell death namely anoikis and the ECM-integrin -mediated activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signalling at the cell surface has been considered critical for anoikis suppression. Integrins are also constantly endocytosed and recycled back to the plasma membrane, and so far the role of integrin traffic in cancer has been linked to increased adhesion site turnover and cell migration. However, different growth factor receptors are known to signal also from endosomes, but the ability of integrins to signal from endosomes has not been previously studied. In this thesis, I demonstrate for the first time that integrins are signalling also from endosomes. In contrast to previous believes, integrin-induced focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signalling occurs also on endosomes, and the endosomal FAK signalling is critical for anoikis suppression and for cancer related processes such as anchorage-independent growth and metastasis. Moreover, we have set up a new integrin trafficking assay and demonstrate for the first time in a comprehensive manner that active and inactive integrins undergo distinct trafficking routes. Together these results open up new horizons in our understanding of integrins and highlight the fundamental connection between integrin traffic and signalling.