741 resultados para Salminen, Pauliina
Kuvannut Teo Salminen v. 2006. Hankittu Kansalliskirjastoon v. 1937. Kulkenut sitä ennen Röppäsen (Reppijev) suvussa. Käsittelee Kristuksen kärsimyshistoriaa. Lisätietoja: http://www.manssila.net/index.php?page=uskonto&id=3
The objective of this thesis is to examine the factors that have an impact on the location decision of new manufacturing site and to create the relative order of importance of these factors by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The decision making process especially related to the location selection and the measurement of the location factors are also examined. In theoretical part the character of decision making process and the relevant methods are introduced. Based on the previous studies of other researchers, the location factors are examined and the main research method, analytic hierarchy process, is also introduced. The empirical part of the study mainly follows the phases of decision making process and is emphasized on the main stages of analytic hierarchy process; building the hierarchy, defining the priorities and analyzing the results. The hierarchy is constructed from seven main criteria which all have several sub criteria. The evaluation of the hierarchy is implemented at the group decision making –laboratory and there can be seen significant differences between the importance of criteria. The final stage in the study is to create the appropriate measurement scales to the chosen criteria.