478 resultados para Korhonen, Seija
The aim of this master’s thesis is to study how Agile method (Scrum) and open source software are utilized to produce software for a flagship product in a complex production environment. The empirical case and the used artefacts are taken from the Nokia MeeGo N9 product program, and from the related software program, called as the Harmattan. The single research case is analysed by using a qualitative method. The Grounded Theory principles are utilized, first, to find out all the related concepts from artefacts. Second, these concepts are analysed, and finally categorized to a core category and six supported categories. The result is formulated as the operation of software practices conceivable in circumstances, where the accountable software development teams and related context accepts a open source software nature as a part of business vision and the whole organization supports the Agile methods.
This thesis is part of the Arctic Materials Technologies Development –project, which aims to research and develop manufacturing techniques, especially welding, for Arctic areas. The main target of this paper is to clarify what kind of European metallic materials are used, or can be used, in Arctic. These materials include mainly carbon steels but also stainless steels and aluminium and its alloys. Standardized materials, their properties and also some recent developments are being introduced. Based on this thesis it can be said that carbon steels (shipbuilding and pipeline steels) have been developed based on needs of industry and steels exist, which can be used in Arctic areas. Still, these steels cannot be fully benefited, because rules and standards are under development. Also understanding of fracture behavior of new ultra high strength steels is not yet good enough, which means that research methods (destructive and non-destructive methods) need to be developed too. The most of new nickel-free austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels can be used in cold environment. Ferritic and martensitic stainless steels are being developed for better weldability and these steels are mainly developed in nuclear industry. Aluminium alloys are well suitable for subzero environment and these days high strength aluminium alloys are available also as thick sheets. Nanotechnology makes it possible to manufacture steels, stainless steels and aluminium alloys with even higher strength. Joining techniques needs to be developed and examined properly to achieve economical and safe way to join these modern alloys.
Tässä diplomityössä selvitettiin biopolttoaineiden ominaisuuksia leijutuksen kannalta. Ensiksi tutkittavat biopolttoaineet, hake ja turve, seulottiin ja seulotut näytteet analysoitiin. Seuraavaksi turvetta ja haketta leijutettiin eri nopeuksilla ja eri leijutusnopeuksilla saadut näytteet analysoitiin kuva-analysilla. Partikkeleista selvitettiin runsaasti mittoja, kuten keskihalkaisija, pinta-ala ja muotokerroin. Kirjallisuudesta löytyvien korrelaatioiden avulla laskettiin leijutettujen partikkelien vastuskertoimet ja terminaalinopeudet. Korrelaatioiden tuloksia verrattiin mittaustuloksiin. Tässä työssä myös laskettiin kyseisiin biopolttoaineisiin vaikuttavat ominaisvoimat leijutuksessa sekä laskettiin korjauskerroin, jota käytettiin ominaisvoimien korjaamiseen. Referenssiaineina käytettiin hiekkaa ja lasikuulia.
Johdanto ; Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys ; Sinfoniaorkesteri työyhteisönä ; Tutkimuksen kuvaus ; Tutkimustulokset ; Tutkimustulosten koonti ja niiden edelleen kehittely.
Johdanto ; Aikaisempi orkesteritutkimus ; Laatu tutkimuskohteena ; Jyväskylä Sinfonia ; Menetelmät ja toteutus ; Aineiston analysointi ; Keskeisimmät tulokset ja päätelmät ; Pohdinta.