19 resultados para urban sewage sludge
Jätehuollon tavoitetilana Etelä- ja Länsi-Suomessa vuonna 2020 on, että jätemäärä on vähentynyt, hyödyntäminen lisääntynyt ja jätehuolto muuttunut suunnitelmalliseksi. Jätehuoltoa kehitetään yhteistyössä sidosryhmien kanssa. Tässä ensimmäisessä väliarviossa tarkastellaan Etelä- ja Länsi-Suomen jätesuunnitelman sekä Keski-Suomen jätesuunnitelman toteutumista ja vaikuttavuutta. Väliarvio sisältää seurantatiedot jätemääristä ja tietoa toimenpiteistä jätehuollon kehittämiseksi. Tarkastelu kattaa Etelä-Pohjanmaan, Hämeen, Kaakkois-Suomen, Keski-Suomen, Pirkanmaan, Uudenmaan ja Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskusten toiminta-alueet. Jätesuunnitelmissa vuonna 2009 asetetut tavoitteet ovat edenneet osittain. Painopisteet biohajoavat jätteet sekä yhdyskunta- ja haja-asutuslietteet ovat lähteneet edistymään parhaiten. Haastavimmat teemat, jotka eivät ole edenneet odotetusti, ovat pilaantuneita maita sekä jätehuoltoa poikkeuksellisissa tilanteissa koskevat painopisteet. Lähiaikoina kehittämistä vaativat teemat ovat painopisteet rakentamisen ateriaalitehokkuus sekä tuhkat ja kuonat. Näissä teemoissa on konkreettisia toteutumismahdollisuuksia ja useita kiinnostuneita toimijoita. Uusiomateriaalien kuten tuhkien ja kuonien, teollisuuden sivutuotteiden ja jätemateriaalien käyttöä on mahdollisuus lisätä luonnon kiviainesten sijaan. Rakentamisen materiaalitehokkuutta voidaan ennakoida suunnitelmallisuudella, resurssitehokkuudella ja säästävällä purkamisella. Väliarviossa on esitetty jatkotoimenpiteitä, jotka mahdollistavat jätesuunnitelmien toteutumisen. Asetetuista keskeisistä painopisteistä rakentamisen materiaalitehokkuus sekä tuhkat ja kuonat edellyttävät eniten jatkotoimenpiteitä. Lisäksi yhdyskuntajätteiden kierrätystä tulisi lisätä.
The AQUAREL project studied the availability and optional utilization methods for fish processing side streams and other aquatic biomaterial in the Republic of Karelia. Additionally processing aquatic biomaterial with manure and sewage sludge was studied. Based on the results, the most feasible option today is to process fish side streams to fish oil and dewatered oil-free residue and to use them for fish or animal feed production. However, it is necessary to highlight, that changes in e.g. economic environment, energy prices and demand may require re-evaluating the results and conclusions made in the project. Producing fish oil from fish processing side streams is an easy and relatively simple production process generating a valuable end product. The functionality of the process was confirmed in a pilot conducted in the project. The oil and solids are separated from the heated fish waste based on gravity. The fish oil separating on top of the separator unit is removed. Fish oil can as such be utilized for heating purposes, fish meal or animal feed production, but it can also be further processed to biodiesel. However, due to currently moderate energy prices in Russia, biodiesel production is not economically profitable. Even if the fish oil production process is not complicated, the operative management of small-scale fish oil production unit requires dedicated resources and separate facilities especially to meet hygiene requirements. Managing the side streams is not a core business for fish farmers. Efficient and economically profitable fish oil production requires a centralized production unit with bigger processing capacity. One fish processing unit needs to be designed to manage side streams collected from several fish farms. The optimum location for the processing unit is in the middle of the fish farms. Based on the transportation cost analysis in the Republic of Karelia, it is not economically efficient to transport bio-wastes for more than 100 km since the transportation costs start increasing substantially. Another issue to be considered is that collection of side streams, including the dead fish, from the fish farms should be organized on a daily basis in order to eliminate the need for storing the side streams at the farms. Based on AQUAREL project studies there are different public funding sources available for supporting and enabling profitable and environmentally sustainable utilization, research or development of fish processing side streams and other aquatic biomaterial. Different funding programmes can be utilized by companies, research organizations, authorities and non-governmental organizations.
Biodegradable waste quantities in Lithuania and their potential for the co-treatment in renewable energy and organic fertilizer production are investigated. Two scenarios are formulated to study the differences of the amounts of obtainable energy and fertilizers between different ways of utilization. In the first scenario, only digestion is used, and in the second scenario, other materials than straw are digested, and straw and the solid fraction of sewage sludge digestate are combusted. As a result, the amounts of heat and electricity, as well as the fertilizer amounts in the counties are obtained for both scenarios. Based on this study, the share of renewable energy in Lithuania could be doubled by the co-treatment of different biodegradable materials.
Among the numerous approaches to food waste treatment, the food waste disposers method (FWDs), as a newcomer, has become slowly accepted by the general public owing to the worries about its impact on the existing sewage system. This paper aims to justify the role of FWDs in the process of urbanization in order to better prepare a city to take good care of the construction of its infrastructure and the solid waste treatment. Both the literatures and the case study help to confirm that FWDs has no negative effects on the wastewater treatment plant and it is also environmental friendly by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. In the case study, the Lappeenranta waste water treatment plant has been selected in order to figure out the possible changes to a WWTP following the integration of FWDs: the observation shows only minor changes take place in a WWTP, in case of 25% application, like BOD up 7%, TSS up 6% and wastewater flowrate up 6%, an additional sludge production of 200 tons per year and the extra yield of methane up to 10000m3 per year; however, when the utilization rate of FWD is over 75%, BOD, TSS, and wastewater flowrate will experience more significant changes, thus exerting much pressure on the existing WWTP. FWDs can only be used in residential areas or cities equipped with consummate drainage network within the service sphere of WWTP, therefore, the relevant authority or government department should regulate the installation frequency of FWDs, while promoting the accessory application of FWDs. In the meanwhile, WWTP should improve their treatment process in order to expand their capacity for sludge treatment so as to stay in line with the future development of urban waste management.