27 resultados para the quantum Hall effect
Vaahdonestoaineiden haitallinen vaikutus hapen liukenemisnopeuteen biologisen puhdistamon jätevesissä on yleisesti tunnettua. Aineiden eri vaikutusmekanismien takia on silti vaikea etukäteen arvioida, miten ja kuinka paljon aineensiirto muuttuu. Työn tavoitteena oli saada tietoa vaahdonestoaineiden ja muiden pinta-aktiivisten aineiden vaikutuksesta kuplakokoon, kaasun tilavuusosuuteen ja kaasu-neste aineensiirtoon. Työn teoriaosassa on kuvailtu vaahdon muodostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä eri vaahdonestoaineiden vaikutusmekanismeja sellu- ja paperitehtaan jätevedessä. Edelleen on esitetty useita hapen siirtoa estäviä ja parantavia aineita. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kahdenkymmenenviiden eri pinta-aktiivisen aineen vaikutusta hapen liukenemisnopeuteen yksivaiheisessa kuplakolonnissa. Kokeet tehtiin kahdella pitoisuudella, kahdella eri kaasunjakolaitteella ja kolmella eri kaasun tyhjäputkinopeudella. Aineensiirtokokeiden rinnalla tutkittiin jätevesien laatu- ja fysikaalisiaominaisuuksia, niiden vaikutusta hapen liukenemisnopeuteen sekä testattavien koeaineiden vaikutusta fysikaalisin ominaisuuksiin. Kokeet osoittavat että pinta-aktiivisten aineiden vaikutus hapen aineensiirtoon vaihtelee riippuen kaasunjakolaitteesta ja aineen pitoisuuksista. Testatuista vaahdonestonaineista pienin negatiivinen vaikutus oli aineella AT 35 ja positiivinen vaikutustodettiin olevan vaahdonestoaineiden komponenteilla: P2, S1, F4 ja T9.
In this study we observe the poisoning effect of S to the adsorption and dissociation of 02 molecule on Pd surfaces. To perform this study we used Viennaab initio Simulation Package (VASP) and Spanish Initiative for Electronic structure with thousands of Atoms (SIESTA) ab initio softwares. To describe all Pd surfaces we selected the (100), and (211) surfaces, because we need very reactive and simple surfaces. Before studying the poison¬ing effect of S we had to study the dissociation of 02 on the surfaces. We discovered that on the (100) surface the hollow site is the most reactive site, but at room temperature the steric hinderace effect occurs very easily. If the molecule has enough vibrational energyit will dissociate. On the (211) surface the (100) micro facet's hollow site is the most reactive site and the molecule dissociates in the site without any barrier, and the molecule drifts from the terrace to this site. An S atom sticks on the Pd (100) surface in the hollow site. It affects the d-band density of states of the nearests Pd atoms; It moves the center of the d-band downin energy, when the bond between the Pd atom and the 0 atom is more antibonding. In the hollow site the S atom also blocks the dissociation site of the molecule. On the Pd(211) surface the energetically favourable site of the S atom is the(100) microfacet's hollow site. There it blocks the most reactive site, but its effect to the Pd atoms next to it is not significant.
Virranmittausantureita tarvitaan monenlaisissa käyttökohteissa, joissa ne mittaavat sekä virran suuruuttaettä laatua ja toimivat osana niiden säätelyjärjestelmää. Virranmittausantureita tarvitaan myös vikatilanteiden määrittämiseen erilaisissa suojauspiireissä. Taajuusmuuttajissa virranmittaus on hyvin tärkeää ja suurista virroista sekä taajuuksista johtuen se täytyy suunnitella huolella. Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään ja tutkitaan eri virranmittausmenetelmiä, joiden avulla taajuusmuuttajan luotettava virranmittaus voidaan toteuttaa. Työssä tutkitaan eri menetelmiä virranmittauksen toteuttamiseksi, minkä jälkeen niistä valitaan sopiva menetelmä ja tutkitaan sen eri toteutusvaihtoehtoja. Sopivan toteutusvaihtoehdon valinnan jälkeen työssä suunnitellaan oma virranmittausanturi, joka sopii nimenomaisesti taajuusmuuttajakäyttöön. Suunnitellun anturin ominaisuuksia tutkitaan lopuksi simuloimalla, jonka jälkeen arvioidaan sen soveltumista käytännön sovelluksiin sekä arvioidaan erilaisia keinoja sen parantamiseksi.
Selektiivisten estrogeenireseptorin muuntelijoiden (serm) vaikutus rintasyöpäsolujen ja luun solujen kuolemaan Selektiiviset estrogeenireseptorin muuntelijat (SERMit) ovat ryhmä kemialliselta rakenteeltaan erilaisia yhdisteitä jotka sitoutuvat solunsisäisiin estrogeenireseptoreihin toimien joko estrogeenin kaltaisina yhdisteinä tai estrogeenin vastavaikuttajina. Tamoksifeeni on SERM –yhdiste, jota on jo pitkään käytetty estrogeenireseptoreita (ER) ilmentävän rintasyövän lääkehoidossa. Tamoksifeeni sekä estää rintasyöpäsolujen jakaantumista että toisaalta aikaansaa niiden apoptoosin eli ohjelmoidun solukuoleman muuntelemalla ER-välitteisesti kohdesolun geenien ilmentymistä. Viimeaikaiset tutkimustulokset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet tamoksifeenilla olevan myös nopeampia, nongenomisia vaikutusmekanismeja. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkimme niitä nopeita vaikutusmekanismeja joiden avulla tamoksifeeni vaikuttaa rintasyöpäsolujen elinkykyyn. Osoitamme että tamoksifeeni farmakologisina pitoisuuksina aikaansaa nopean mitokondriaalisen solukuolemaan johtavan signallointireitin aktivoitumisen rintasyöpäsoluissa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimme myös tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaan mitokondriovaurioon johtavia tekijöitä. Tutkimustuloksemme osoittavat että ER-positiivisissa rintasyöpäsoluissa tamoksifeeni indusoi pitkäkestoisen ERK-kinaasiaktivaation, joka voidaan estää 17-beta-estradiolilla. Tamoksifeenin aikaansaama nopea solukuolema on pääosin ER:sta riippumaton tapahtuma, mutta siihen voidaan vaikuttaa myös ER-välitteisin mekanismein. Sen sijaan epidermaalisen kasvutekijäreseptorin (EGFR) voitiin osoittaa osallistuvan tamoksifeenin nopeiden vaikutusten välittämiseen. Tämän lisäksi vertailimme myös estradiolin ja eri SERM-yhdisteiden kykyä suojata apoptoosilta käyttämällä osteoblastiperäisiä soluja. Pytyäksemme vertailemaan ER-isotyyppien roolia eri yhdisteiden suojavaikutuksissa, transfektoimme U2OS osteosarkoomasolulinjan ilmentämään pysyvästi joko ERalfaa tai ERbetaa. Tulostemme mukaan sekä estradioli että uusi SERM-yhdiste ospemifeeni suojaavat osteoblastin kaltaisia soluja etoposidi-indusoidulta apoptoosilta. Sekä ERalfa että ERbeta pystyivät välittämään suojavaikutusta, joskin vaikutukset erosivat toisistaan. Lisäksi havaitsimme edellä mainitun suojavaikutuksen olevan yhteydessä muutoksiin solujen sytokiiniekspressiossa. Tietoa SERM-yhdisteiden anti-ja proapoptoottisten vaikutusmekanismeista eri kohdekudoksissa voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää kehiteltäessä uusia kudosspesifisiä SERM-yhdisteitä.
In this thesis is studied the influence of uniaxial deformation of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures to photoluminescence. Uniaxial deformation was applied along [110] and polarization ratio of photoluminescence at T = 77 K and 300 K was measured. Also the physical origin of photoluminescence lines in spectrum was determined and the energy band splitting value between states of heavy and light holes was estimated. It was found that the dependencies of polarization ratio on uniaxial deformation for bulk GaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs are different. Two observed lines in photoluminescence spectrum are induced by free electron recombination to energy sublevels of valence band corresponding to heavy and light holes. Those sublevels are splited due to the combination of size quantization and external pressure. The quantum splitting energy value was estimated. Also was shown a method, which allows to determine the energy splitting value of sublevels at room temperature and at comparatively low uniaxial deformation, when the other method for determining of the splitting becomes impossible.
It is a well known phenomenon that the constant amplitude fatigue limit of a large component is lower than the fatigue limit of a small specimen made of the same material. In notched components the opposite occurs: the fatigue limit defined as the maximum stress at the notch is higher than that achieved with smooth specimens. These two effects have been taken into account in most design handbooks with the help of experimental formulas or design curves. The basic idea of this study is that the size effect can mainly be explained by the statistical size effect. A component subjected to an alternating load can be assumed to form a sample of initiated cracks at the end of the crack initiation phase. The size of the sample depends on the size of the specimen in question. The main objective of this study is to develop a statistical model for the estimation of this kind of size effect. It was shown that the size of a sample of initiated cracks shall be based on the stressed surface area of the specimen. In case of varying stress distribution, an effective stress area must be calculated. It is based on the decreasing probability of equally sized initiated cracks at lower stress level. If the distribution function of the parent population of cracks is known, the distribution of the maximum crack size in a sample can be defined. This makes it possible to calculate an estimate of the largest expected crack in any sample size. The estimate of the fatigue limit can now be calculated with the help of the linear elastic fracture mechanics. In notched components another source of size effect has to be taken into account. If we think about two specimens which have similar shape, but the size is different, it can be seen that the stress gradient in the smaller specimen is steeper. If there is an initiated crack in both of them, the stress intensity factor at the crack in the larger specimen is higher. The second goal of this thesis is to create a calculation method for this factor which is called the geometric size effect. The proposed method for the calculation of the geometric size effect is also based on the use of the linear elastic fracture mechanics. It is possible to calculate an accurate value of the stress intensity factor in a non linear stress field using weight functions. The calculated stress intensity factor values at the initiated crack can be compared to the corresponding stress intensity factor due to constant stress. The notch size effect is calculated as the ratio of these stress intensity factors. The presented methods were tested against experimental results taken from three German doctoral works. Two candidates for the parent population of initiated cracks were found: the Weibull distribution and the log normal distribution. Both of them can be used successfully for the prediction of the statistical size effect for smooth specimens. In case of notched components the geometric size effect due to the stress gradient shall be combined with the statistical size effect. The proposed method gives good results as long as the notch in question is blunt enough. For very sharp notches, stress concentration factor about 5 or higher, the method does not give sufficient results. It was shown that the plastic portion of the strain becomes quite high at the root of this kind of notches. The use of the linear elastic fracture mechanics becomes therefore questionable.
In the present work the aim was to prepare an automatic installation for studies of galvanomagnetic effects in solids and to test it by calibration measurements. As a result required automatic installation was created in this work and test measurements were performed. Created setup automatically provides measurements of the magnetoresistance of the Hall effect with an accuracy of ± 2 µV in the temperature range 2 – 300 K and steady magnetic fields up to 6 T. The test measurements of the glassy carbon samples showed that the setup is reliable, has high sensitivity and is easy to use. The results obtained in the research process are pioneer and will be separately analyzed.
This thesis is devoted to growth and investigations of Mn-doped InSb and II-IV-As2 semiconductors, including Cd1-xZnxGeAs2:Mn, ZnSiAs2:Mn bulk crystals, ZnSiAs2:Mn/Si heterostructures. Bulk crystals were grown by direct melting of starting components followed by fast cooling. Mn-doped ZnSiAs2/Si heterostructures were grown by vacuum-thermal deposition of ZnAs2 and Mn layers on Si substrates followed by annealing. The compositional and structural properties of samples were investigated by different methods. The samples consist of micro- and nano- sizes clusters of an additional ferromagnetic Mn-X phases (X = Sb or As). Influence of magnetic precipitations on magnetic and electrical properties of the investigated materials was examined. With relatively high Mn concentration the main contribution to magnetization of samples is by MnSb or MnAs clusters. These clusters are responsible for high temperature behavior of magnetization and relatively high Curie temperature: up to 350 K for Mn-doped II-IV-As2 and about 600 K for InMnSb. The low-field magnetic properties of Mn-doped II-IV-As2 semiconductors and ZnSiAs2:Mn/Si heterostructures are connected to the nanosize MnAs particles. Also influence of nanosized MnSb clusters on low-field magnetic properties of InMnSb have been observed. The contribution of paramagnetic phase to magnetization rises at low temperatures or in samples with low Mn concentration. Source of this contribution is not only isolated Mn ions, but also small complexes, mainly dimmers and trimmers formed by Mn ions, substituting cation positions in crystal lattice. Resistivity, magnetoresistance and Hall resistivity properties in bulk Mn-doped II-IV-As2 and InSb crystals was analyzed. The interaction between delocalized holes and 3d shells of the Mn ions together with giant Zeeman splitting near the cluster interface are respond for negative magnetoresistance. Additionally to high temperature critical pointthe low-temperature ferromagnetic transition was observed Anomalous Hall effect was observed in Mn doped samples and analyzed for InMnSb. It was found that MnX clusters influence significantly on magnetic scattering of carriers.
The present manuscript represents the completion of a research path carried forward during my doctoral studies in the University of Turku. It contains information regarding my scientific contribution to the field of open quantum systems, accomplished in collaboration with other scientists. The main subject investigated in the thesis is the non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems with focus on continuous variable quantum channels, e.g. quantum Brownian motion models. Non-Markovianity is here interpreted as a manifestation of the existence of a flow of information exchanged by the system and environment during the dynamical evolution. While in Markovian systems the flow is unidirectional, i.e. from the system to the environment, in non-Markovian systems there are time windows in which the flow is reversed and the quantum state of the system may regain coherence and correlations previously lost. Signatures of a non-Markovian behavior have been studied in connection with the dynamics of quantum correlations like entanglement or quantum discord. Moreover, in the attempt to recognisee non-Markovianity as a resource for quantum technologies, it is proposed, for the first time, to consider its effects in practical quantum key distribution protocols. It has been proven that security of coherent state protocols can be enhanced using non-Markovian properties of the transmission channels. The thesis is divided in two parts: in the first part I introduce the reader to the world of continuous variable open quantum systems and non-Markovian dynamics. The second part instead consists of a collection of five publications inherent to the topic.
The doctoral study presents a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the institutional environment on the internationalization-based growth strategic choices of small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies. In responding to the calls for more research on institutions and international entrepreneurship, this dissertation extends the linkages between the two to the context of emerging economies. The study presents a comprehensive analysis of institutional challenges and their impact on the internationalization of SMEs in emerging economies, particularly in Russia. The research contributes to the adoption of the institution-based view in international entrepreneurship. The dissertation is presented through five research papers. Based on primary and secondary data, the study categorizes the possible sources of institutional influences on internationalization and empirically tests their impact by applying a method triangulation research design. The result of the conducted research is a proposed theoretical model of the institutional impact on the internationalization of SMEs in emerging economies. The model is specifically focused on the growth stage of the entrepreneurial process and considers only its internationalization facet. The research identifies and provides empirical support for the existence of a positive influence of a transparent and supportive regulatory environment, an institutionalized pool of general business knowledge, and collectivistic value orientation on the proclivity of SMEs to internationalize. A level of appreciation of entrepreneurial initiatives in home country and a greater positive institutional gap provide a positive impact on the international performance of SMEs. The research provides contextualized knowledge of the institutional impact on the internationalization of SMEs in Russia. The obtained results present theoretical value in terms of showing how the environmental conditions effect the entrepreneurial internationalization-based growth in emerging economies, providing the methodological insights into the measurement of the institutional effects, and empirically contextualizing the linkage between institutions and internationalization in the Russian business environment. The research also provides value for the business and policy making stakeholders by identifying ways of utilizing the conditions in the external institutional environment.
The thesis is devoted to a theoretical study of resonant tunneling phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures. It considers several problems relevant to modern solid state physics. Namely these are tunneling between 2D electron layers with spin-orbit interaction, tunnel injection into molecular solid material, resonant tunnel coupling of a bound state with continuum and resonant indirect exchange interaction mediated by a remote conducting channel. A manifestation of spin-orbit interaction in the tunneling between two 2D electron layers is considered. General expression is obtained for the tunneling current with account of Rashba and Dresselhaus types of spin-orbit interaction and elastic scattering. It is demonstrated that the tunneling conductance is very sensitive to relation between Rashba and Dresselhaus contributions and opens possibility to determine the spin-orbit interaction parameters and electron quantum lifetime in direct tunneling experiments with no external magnetic field applied. A microscopic mechanism of hole injection from metallic electrode into organic molecular solid (OMS) in high electric field is proposed for the case when the molecules ionization energy exceeds work function of the metal. It is shown that the main contribution to the injection current comes from direct isoenergetic transitions from localized states in OMS to empty states in the metal. Strong dependence of the injection current on applied voltage originates from variation of the number of empty states available in the metal rather than from distortion of the interface barrier. A theory of tunnel coupling between an impurity bound state and the 2D delocalized states in the quantum well (QW) is developed. The problem is formulated in terms of Anderson-Fano model as configuration interaction between the carrier bound state at the impurity and the continuum of delocalized states in the QW. An effect of this interaction on the interband optical transitions in the QW is analyzed. The results are discussed regarding the series of experiments on the GaAs structures with a -Mn layer. A new mechanism of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor heterosructures is considered, namely the resonant enhancement of indirect exchange interaction between paramagnetic centers via a spatially separated conducting channel. The underlying physical model is similar to the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction; however, an important difference relevant to the low-dimensional structures is a resonant hybridization of a bound state at the paramagnetic ion with the continuum of delocalized states in the conducting channel. An approach is developed, which unlike RKKY is not based on the perturbation theory and demonstrates that the resonant hybridization leads to a strong enhancement of the indirect exchange. This finding is discussed in the context of the known experimental data supporting the phenomenon.
High magnetic fields and extremely low temperatures are essential in the study of new semiconductor materials for example in the field of spintronics. Typical phenomenons that arise in such conditions are: Hall Effect, Anomalous Hall effect and Shubnikov de-Haas effect. In this thesis a device capable for such conditions was described. A strong magnetic field pulse generator situated in the laboratory of physics and the Lappeenranta University of Technology was studied. The device is introduced in three parts. First one is the pulsed field magnetic generator, which is responsible for generating the high magnetic field. Next one is the measurement systems, which are responsible for monitoring the sample and the system itself. The last part describes the cryostat system, which allows the extremely cold temperatures in the system.