49 resultados para software analysis


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Electric motors driven by adjustable-frequency converters may produce periodic excitation forces that can cause torque and speed ripple. Interaction with the driven mechanical system may cause undesirable vibrations that affect the system performance and lifetime. Direct drives in sensitive applications, such as elevators or paper machines, emphasize the importance of smooth torque production. This thesis analyses the non-idealities of frequencyconverters that produce speed and torque ripple in electric drives. The origin of low order harmonics in speed and torque is examined. It is shown how different current measurement error types affect the torque. As the application environment, direct torque control (DTC) method is applied to permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM). A simulation model to analyse the effect of the frequency converter non-idealities on the performance of the electric drives is created. Themodel enables to identify potential problems causing torque vibrations and possibly damaging oscillations in electrically driven machine systems. The model is capable of coupling with separate simulation software of complex mechanical loads. Furthermore, the simulation model of the frequency converter's control algorithm can be applied to control a real frequency converter. A commercial frequencyconverter with standard software, a permanent magnet axial flux synchronous motor and a DC motor as the load are used to detect the effect of current measurement errors on load torque. A method to reduce the speed and torque ripple by compensating the current measurement errors is introduced. The method is based on analysing the amplitude of a selected harmonic component of speed as a function oftime and selecting a suitable compensation alternative for the current error. The speed can be either measured or estimated, so the compensation method is applicable also for speed sensorless drives. The proposed compensation method is tested with a laboratory drive, which consists of commercial frequency converter hardware with self-made software and a prototype PMSM. The speed and torque rippleof the test drive are reduced by applying the compensation method. In addition to the direct torque controlled PMSM drives, the compensation method can also beapplied to other motor types and control methods.


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Software projects have proved to be troublesome to be implemented and as the size of software keeps increasing it is more and more important to follow-up the projects. The proportion of succeeded software projects is still quite low in spite of the research and the development of the project control methodologies. The success and failure factors of projects are known, as well as the project risks but nevertheless the projects still have problems with keeping the schedule and the budget and achieving the defined functionality and adequate quality. The purpose of this thesis was to find out what deviations are there in projects at the moment, what causes them, and what is measured in projects. Also project deviation was defined in the viewpoint of literature and field experts. The analysis was made using a qualitative research approach. It was found out that there are still deviations in software projects with schedule, budget, quality, requirements, documenting, effort, and resources. In addition also changes in requirements were identified. It was also found out that for example schedule deviations can be affected by reducing the size of a task and adding measurements.


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Tässä työssä on esitetty sen ohjelmiston kehittämisen prosessi, joka on tarkoitettu annettavien palveluiden valvottavaksi käyttäen prototyyppimallia. Raportti sisältää vaatimusten, kohteisiin suunnatun analyysin ja suunnittelun, realisointiprosessien kuvauksen ja prototyypin testauksen. Ohjelmiston käyttöala – antavien palveluiden valvonta. Vaatimukset sovellukselle analysoitiin ohjelmistomarkkinoiden perusteella sekä ohjelmiston engineeringin periaatteiden mukaisesti. Ohjelmiston prototyyppi on realisoitu käyttäen asiakas-/palvelinhybridimallia sekä ralaatiokantaa. Kehitetty ohjelmisto on tarkoitettu venäläisille tietokonekerhoille, jotka erikoistuvat pelipalvelinten antamiseen.


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Ohjelmistokehitys on monimutkainen prosessi. Yksi keskeisistä tekijöistä siinä on ohjelmistolle asetettavat vaatimukset. Näitä vaatimuksia on hyvin monenlaisia, ja eri tasoisia; toivotusta toiminnallisuudesta hyvinkin yksityiskohtaisiin vaatimuksiin. Näiden vaatimusten hallinta on myöskin hyvin monitahoista, vaikkakin se on kirjallisuudessa esitetty selkeänä prosessissa, joka on sarja toisistaan erottuviavaiheita. Työn painopiste oli näiden vaatimusten muutoksen ja valmiiseen ohjelmistoon kohdistuvan palautteen hallinnassa, ja kuinka vaatimustenhallintaohjelmisto voisi olla avuksi näissä prosesseissa. Vaatimustenhallintatyökalun käyttö ei sinällään ratkaise mitään ongelmia, mutta se suo puitteet parantaa vaatimusten hallitsemista. Työkalun käytöstä on muun muassa seuraavia etuja: vaatimusten keskitetty varastointi, käyttäjäoikeuksien määrittely koskien eri käyttäjiä ja heidän pääsyään näkemään tai muuttamaan tietoa, muutoksenhallintaprosessin hallinta, muutosten vaikutuksen analysointi ja jäljitettävyys ja pääsy tietoihin web-selaimella.


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Tässä työssä tutkitaan ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurisuunnitteluominaisuuksien vaikutusta erään client-server –arkkitehtuuriin perustuvan mobiilipalvelusovelluksen suunnittelu- ja toteutusaikaan. Kyseinen tutkimus perustuu reaalielämän projektiin, jonka kvalitatiivinen analyysi paljasti arkkitehtuurikompponenttien välisten kytkentöjen merkittävästi vaikuttavan projektin työmäärään. Työn päätavoite oli kvantitatiivisesti tutkia yllä mainitun havainnon oikeellisuus. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi suunniteltiin ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurisuunnittelun mittaristo kuvaamaan kyseisen järjestelmän alijärjestelmien arkkitehtuuria ja luotiin kaksi suunniteltua mittaristoa käyttävää, työmäärää (komponentin suunnittelu-, toteutus- ja testausaikojen summa) arvioivaa mallia, joista toinen on lineaarinen ja toinen epälineaarinen. Näiden mallien kertoimet sovitettiin optimoimalla niiden arvot epälineaarista gloobaalioptimointimenetelmää, differentiaalievoluutioalgoritmia, käyttäen, niin että mallien antamat arvot vastasivat parhaiten mitattua työmäärää sekä kaikilla ominaisuuksilla eli attribuuteilla että vain osalla niistä (yksi jätettiin vuorotellen pois). Kun arkkitehtuurikompenttien väliset kytkennät jätettiin malleista pois, mitattujen ja arvoitujen työmäärien välinen ero (ilmaistuna virheenä) kasvoi eräässä tapauksessa 367 % entisestä tarkoittaen sitä, että näin muodostettu malli vastasi toteutusaikoja huonosti annetulla ainestolla. Tämä oli suurin havaitu virhe kaikkien poisjätettyjen ominaisuuksien kesken. Saadun tuloksen perusteella päätettiin, että kyseisen järjestelmän toteutusajat ovat vahvasti riippuvaisia kytkentöjen määrästä, ja näin ollen kytkentöjen määrä oli mitä todennäköisemmin kaikista tärkein työmäärään vaikuttava tekijä tutkitun järjestelmän arkkitehtuurisuunnittelussa.


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Työn tavoitteena oli löytää tarkka menetelmä kampiakselin vaurioitumisriskin laskentaan vertailemalla eri laskentamenetelmiä. Lopuksi suoritettiin simulointi monikappalejärjestelmälle käyttäen elastisia malleja todellisista rakenteista. Simulointiohjelmana käytettiin AVL:n kehittämää Excite:ia.


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Työssä tutkittiin oliosuunnittelumalleja EPOC-käyttöjärjestelmässä. Työssä tutkittiin sekä yleisiä suunnittelumalleja että EPOC-ympäristössä esiintyviä oliorakenteita, niiden aiheuttamia vaatimuksia sovelluksille sekä niiden käyttämisestä saatavia hyötyjä. Työssä toteutettiin EPOC-ohjelmiston suunnittelu hyödyntäen suunnittelumalleja ja periaatteita. Oliosuunnittelumallit ovat yleistyneet huomattavasti viime vuosina. Suunnittelumallien lähtökohtana ovat sekä yleiset että ympäristökohtaiset suunnitteluperiaatteet ja säännöt. Suunnittelumallit ovat osa isompaa rakennekokonaisuutta, joka käsittää sekä prosessi-, analyysi-, arkkitehtuuri- ym. malleja. Oliosuunnittelumallit nopeuttavat ja helpottavat suunnittelua sekä parantavat uudelleenkäytettävyyttä korkeammalla abstraktiotasolla. EPOC on tulevaisuuden mobiililaitteiden yleisimpiä käyttöjärjestelmiä. EPOC on kokonaisuudessaan oliopohjainen ja sisältää lukuisia oliorakenteita, joiden ymmärtäminen on sovelluskehityksen kannalta elintärkeää. Koska ympäristöt, joissa EPOC-käyttöjärjestelmää käytetään, ovat yleensä resurssien puolesta rajoittuneita, on yleisten suunnittelumallien käytössä oltava tarkkana. EPOC vaatii yleisiin suunnittelumalleihin muutoksia ja estää joidenkin käytön kokonaan.


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Tässä luomistyössä on esitetty tutkimus informaation suojaamisen menetelmien osalta paikallisissa ja ryhmäkuntaisissa verkoissa. Tutkimukseen kuuluu nykyaikaisten kryptagraafisten järjestelmien, Internetin/Intranetin ohjelmointikeinojen ja pääsyoikeuksien jakelumenetelmien analyysi. Tutkimusten perusteella on laadittu ohjelmiston prototyyppi HTML-tiedostojen suojaamista varten. Ohjelmiston laatimisprosessi on sisältänyt vaatimusten, järjestelmän ja suojelukomponenttien suunnittelun ja protytyypin testauksen. Ohjelmiston realisoinnin jälkeen kirjoitettiin käyttöohjeet. Ohjelmiston prototyyppi suojaa informaatiota HTML-tiedoston koko käytön aikana ja eri yrityksissä voidaan käyttää sitä pienien laajennuksien jälkeen.


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Over the last decades, calibration techniques have been widely used to improve the accuracy of robots and machine tools since they only involve software modification instead of changing the design and manufacture of the hardware. Traditionally, there are four steps are required for a calibration, i.e. error modeling, measurement, parameter identification and compensation. The objective of this thesis is to propose a method for the kinematics analysis and error modeling of a newly developed hybrid redundant robot IWR (Intersector Welding Robot), which possesses ten degrees of freedom (DOF) where 6-DOF in parallel and additional 4-DOF in serial. In this article, the problem of kinematics modeling and error modeling of the proposed IWR robot are discussed. Based on the vector arithmetic method, the kinematics model and the sensitivity model of the end-effector subject to the structure parameters is derived and analyzed. The relations between the pose (position and orientation) accuracy and manufacturing tolerances, actuation errors, and connection errors are formulated. Computer simulation is performed to examine the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Software faults are expensive and cause serious damage, particularly if discovered late or not at all. Some software faults tend to be hidden. One goal of the thesis is to figure out the status quo in the field of software fault elimination since there are no recent surveys of the whole area. Basis for a structural framework is proposed for this unstructured field, paying attention to compatibility and how to find studies. Bug elimination means are surveyed, including bug knowhow, defect prevention and prediction, analysis, testing, and fault tolerance. The most common research issues for each area are identified and discussed, along with issues that do not get enough attention. Recommendations are presented for software developers, researchers, and teachers. Only the main lines of research are figured out. The main emphasis is on technical aspects. The survey was done by performing searches in IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, and Inspect databases. In addition, a systematic search was done for a few well-known related journals from recent time intervals. Some other journals, some conference proceedings and a few books, reports, and Internet articles have been investigated, too. The following problems were found and solutions for them discussed. Quality assurance is testing only is a common misunderstanding, and many checks are done and some methods applied only in the late testing phase. Many types of static review are almost forgotten even though they reveal faults that are hard to be detected by other means. Other forgotten areas are knowledge of bugs, knowing continuously repeated bugs, and lightweight means to increase reliability. Compatibility between studies is not always good, which also makes documents harder to understand. Some means, methods, and problems are considered method- or domain-specific when they are not. The field lacks cross-field research.


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This diploma thesis has been done to international organization which takes care from the accounting actions of two major companies. In this organization are used three different purchasing tools which are used when new asset master data is wanted to input to SAP R/3- system. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much changing the user interface of one of these three e-procurement programs will affect to overall efficiency in asset accounting. As an addition will be introduced project framework which can be used in future projects and which help to avoid certain steps in the development process. At the moment data needs to be inputted manually with many useless mouse clicks and data needs to be searched from many various resources which slow down the process. Other organization has better tools at the moment than the myOrders system which is under investigation Research was started by exploring the main improvement areas. After this possible defects were traced. Suggested improvements were thought by exploring literature which has been written from usability design and research. Meanwhile also directional calculations from the benefits of the project were done alongside with the analysis of the possible risks and threats. After this NSN IT approved the changes which they thought was acceptable. The next step was to program them into tool and test them before releasing to production environment. The calculations were made also from implemented improvements and compared them to planned ones From whole project was made a framework which can be utilized also to other similar projects. The complete calculation was not possible because of time schedule of the project. Important observation in the project was that efficiency is not improved not only by changing the GUI but also improving processes without any programming. Feedback from end user should be also listened more in development process. End-user is after all the one who knows the best how the program should look like.


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A coupled system simulator, based on analytical circuit equations and a finite element method (FEM) model of the motor has been developed and it is used to analyse a frequency-converterfed industrial squirrel-cage induction motor. Two control systems that emulate the behaviour of commercial direct-torque-controlled (DTC) and vector-controlled industrial frequency converters have been studied, implemented in the simulation software and verified by extensive laboratory tests. Numerous factors that affect the operation of a variable speed drive (VSD) and its energy efficiency have been investigated, and their significance in the simulation of the VSD results has been studied. The dependency of the frequency converter, induction motor and system losses on the switching frequency is investigated by simulations and measurements at different speeds for both the vector control and the DTC. Intensive laboratory measurements have been carried out to verify the simulation results.


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Cloud computing enables on-demand network access to shared resources (e.g., computation, networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as services over the Internet and the hardware and system software in the data centers. Software as a service (SaaS) is part of cloud computing. It is one of the cloud service models. SaaS is software deployed as a hosted service and accessed over the Internet. In SaaS, the consumer uses the provider‘s applications running in the cloud. SaaS separates the possession and ownership of software from its use. The applications can be accessed from any device through a thin client interface. A typical SaaS application is used with a web browser based on monthly pricing. In this thesis, the characteristics of cloud computing and SaaS are presented. Also, a few implementation platforms for SaaS are discussed. Then, four different SaaS implementation cases and one transformation case are deliberated. The pros and cons of SaaS are studied. This is done based on literature references and analysis of the SaaS implementations and the transformation case. The analysis is done both from the customer‘s and service provider‘s point of view. In addition, the pros and cons of on-premises software are listed. The purpose of this thesis is to find when SaaS should be utilized and when it is better to choose a traditional on-premises software. The qualities of SaaS bring many benefits both for the customer as well as the provider. A customer should utilize SaaS when it provides cost savings, ease, and scalability over on-premises software. SaaS is reasonable when the customer does not need tailoring, but he only needs a simple, general-purpose service, and the application supports customer‘s core business. A provider should utilize SaaS when it offers cost savings, scalability, faster development, and wider customer base over on-premises software. It is wise to choose SaaS when the application is cheap, aimed at mass market, needs frequent updating, needs high performance computing, needs storing large amounts of data, or there is some other direct value from the cloud infrastructure.


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Increase of computational power and emergence of new computer technologies led to popularity of local communications between personal trusted devices. By-turn, it led to emergence of security problems related to user data utilized in such communications. One of the main aspects of the data security assurance is security of software operating on mobile devices. The aim of this work was to analyze security threats to PeerHood, software intended for performing personal communications between mobile devices regardless of underlying network technologies. To reach this goal, risk-based software security testing was performed. The results of the testing showed that the project has several security vulnerabilities. So PeerHood cannot be considered as a secure software. The analysis made in the work is the first step towards the further implementation of PeerHood security mechanisms, as well as taking into account security in the development process of this project.


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One of the most crucial tasks for a company offering a software product is to decide what new features should be implemented in the product’s forthcoming versions. Yet, existing studies show that this is also a task with which many companies are struggling. This problem has been claimed to be ambiguous and changing. There are better or worse solutions to the problem, but no optimal one. Furthermore, the criteria determining the success of the solution keeps changing due to continuously changing competition, technologies and market needs. This thesis seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that companies have reportedly faced in determining the requirements for their forthcoming product versions. To this end, product management related activities are explored in seven companies. Following grounded theory approach, the thesis conducts four iterations of data analysis, where each of the iterations goes beyond the previous one. The thesis results in a theory proposal intended to 1) describe the essential characteristics of organizations’ product management challenges, 2) explain the origins of the perceived challenges and 3) suggest strategies to alleviate the perceived challenges. The thesis concludes that current product management approaches are becoming inadequate to deal with challenges that have multiple and conflicting interpretations, different value orientations, unclear goals, contradictions and paradoxes. This inadequacy continues to increase until current beliefs and assumptions about the product management challenges are questioned and a new paradigm for dealing with the challenges is adopted.