23 resultados para side illumination fluorescence


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Acid mine drainage (AMD) presents a serious problem for the environment for the massive formation of acidic leachates containing heavy metals. The present work deals with the AMD treatment using neutralizing limestone side-products. The conventional methods for prevention, mitigating and control of AMD formation are described. The experimental testing of Nordkalk Oy calcite-containing side-stones for acid neutralizing and removal of nickel from solutions presents the research objective. The batch experiments in acid neutralizing with subsequent metal content analysis were carried out. The results showed the dependence of pH on the dose of neutralizing material and the exposure time. The nickel removal, unlike iron, within the pH range from 1.2 to 6.0 appeared to be inadequate. The further research on nickel co-precipitation with iron and aluminium may appear to be necessary together with testing of alkalinity strengthening materials.


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The number of molecular diagnostic assays has increased tremendously in recent years.Nucleic acid diagnostic assays have been developed, especially for the detection of human pathogenic microbes and genetic markers predisposing to certain diseases. Closed-tube methods are preferred because they are usually faster and easier to perform than heterogenous methods and in addition, target nucleic acids are commonly amplified leading to risk of contamination of the following reactions by the amplification product if the reactions are opened. The present study introduces a new closed-tube switchable complementation probes based PCR assay concept where two non-fluorescent probes form a fluorescent lanthanide chelate complex in the presence of the target DNA. In this dual-probe PCR assay method one oligonucleotide probe carries a non-fluorescent lanthanide chelate and another probe a light absorbing antenna ligand. The fluorescent lanthanide chelate complex is formed only when the non-fluorescent probes are hybridized to adjacent positions into the target DNA bringing the reporter moieties in close proximity. The complex is formed by self-assembled lanthanide chelate complementation where the antenna ligand is coordinated to the lanthanide ion captured in the chelate. The complementation probes based assays with time-resolved fluorescence measurement showed low background signal level and hence, relatively high nucleic acid detection sensitivity (low picomolar target concentration). Different lanthanide chelate structures were explored and a new cyclic seven dentate lanthanide chelate was found suitable for complementation probe method. It was also found to resist relatively high PCR reaction temperatures, which was essential for the PCR assay applications. A seven-dentate chelate with two unoccupied coordination sites must be used instead of a more stable eight- or nine-dentate chelate because the antenna ligand needs to be coordinated to the free coordination sites of the lanthanide ion. The previously used linear seven-dentate lanthanide chelate was found to be unstable in PCR conditions and hence, the new cyclic chelate was needed. The complementation probe PCR assay method showed high signal-to-background ratio up to 300 due to a low background fluorescence level and the results (threshold cycles) in real-time PCR were reached approximately 6 amplification cycles earlier compared to the commonly used FRET-based closed-tube PCR method. The suitability of the complementation probe method for different nucleic acid assay applications was studied. 1) A duplex complementation probe C. trachomatis PCR assay with a simple 10-minute urine sample preparation was developed to study suitability of the method for clinical diagnostics. The performance of the C. trachomatis assay was equal to the commercial C. trachomatis nucleic acid amplification assay containing more complex sample preparation based on DNA extraction. 2) A PCR assay for the detection of HLA-DQA1*05 allele, that is used to predict the risk of type 1 diabetes, was developed to study the performance of the method in genotyping. A simple blood sample preparation was used where the nucleic acids were released from dried blood sample punches using high temperature and alkaline reaction conditions. The complementation probe HLA-DQA1*05 PCR assay showed good genotyping performance correlating 100% with the routinely used heterogenous reference assay. 3) To study the suitability of the complementation probe method for direct measurement of the target organism, e.g., in the culture media, the complementation probes were applied to amplificationfree closed-tube bacteriophage quantification by measuring M13 bacteriophage ssDNA. A low picomolar bacteriophage concentration was detected in a rapid 20- minute assay. The assay provides a quick and reliable alternative to the commonly used and relatively unreliable UV-photometry and time-consuming culture based bacteriophage detection methods and indicates that the method could also be used for direct measurement of other micro-organisms. The complementation probe PCR method has a low background signal level leading to a high signal-to-background ratio and relatively sensitive nucleic acid detection. The method is compatible with simple sample preparation and it was shown to tolerate residues of urine, blood, bacteria and bacterial culture media. The common trend in nucleic acid diagnostics is to create easy-to-use assays suitable for rapid near patient analysis. The complementation probe PCR assays with a brief sample preparation should be relatively easy to automate and hence, would allow the development of highperformance nucleic acid amplification assays with a short overall assay time.


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Fluoresenssiperusteiset kuvantamismenetelmät lysinurisen proteiini-intoleranssin (LPI) soluhäiriön tutkimuksessa Lysinurinen proteiini-intoleranssi on suomalaiseen tautiperintöön kuuluva autosomaalisesti peit¬tyvästi periytyvä sairaus, jonka aiheuttaa kationisten aminohappojen kuljetushäiriö munuaisten ja ohutsuolen epiteelisolujen basolateraalikalvolla. Aminohappojen kuljetushäiriö johtaa moniin oirei¬siin, kuten kasvuhäiriöön, osteoporoosiin, immuunijärjestelmän häiriöihin, oksenteluun ja runsaspro¬teiinisen ravinnon nauttimisen jälkeiseen hyperammonemiaan. LPI-geeni SLC7A7 (solute carrier family 7 member 7) koodaa y+LAT1 proteiinia, joka on basolateraali¬nen kationisten ja neutraalien aminohappojen kuljettimen kevyt ketju, joka muodostaa heterodimee¬rin raskaan alayksikön 4F2hc:n kanssa. Tällä hetkellä SLC7A7-geenistä tunnetaan yli 50 LPI:n aiheut¬tavaa mutaatiota. Tässä tutkimuksessa erityyppisiä y+LAT1:n LPI-mutaatiota sekä yhdeksän C-terminaalista polypep¬tidiä lyhentävää deleetiota kuvannettiin nisäkässoluissa y+LAT1:n GFP (green fluorescent protein) -fuusioproteiineina. Tulokset vahvistivat muissa soluissa tehdyt havainnot siitä, että 4F2hc on edel¬lytyksenä y+LAT1:n solukalvokuljetukselle, G54V-pistemutantti sijaitsee solukalvolla samoin kuin vil¬lityyppinen proteiini, mutta lukukehystä muuttavia ja proteiinia lyhentäviä mutantteja ei kuljeteta solukalvoon. Lisäksi havaittiin, että poikkeuksena tästä säännöstä ovat y+LAT1-deleetioproteiinit, joista puuttui korkeintaan 50 C-terminaalista aminohappoa. Nämä lyhentyneet kuljettimet sijaitsevat solukalvolla kuten villityyppiset ja LPI-pistemutanttiproteiinit. Dimerisaation osuutta kuljetushäiriön synnyssä tutkittiin käyttämällä fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) menetelmää. Heterodimeerin alayksiköistä kloonattiin ECFP (cyan) ja EYFP (yellow) fuusioproteiinit, joita ilmennettiin nisäkässoluissa, ja FRET mitattiin virtaussytometri-FRET -menetel¬mällä (FACS-FRET). Tutkimuksissa kaikkien mutanttien havaittiin dimerisoituvan yhtä tehokkaasti. Kul¬jetushäiriön syynä ei siten ole alayksiköiden dimerisaation estyminen mutaation seurauksena. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kaikki mutantti-y+LAT1-transfektiot tuottavat vähemmän transfektoi¬tuneita soluja kuin villityyppisen y+LAT1:n transfektiot. Solupopulaatioissa, joihin oli tranfektoitu lu¬kukehystä muuttava tai stop-kodonin tuottava mutaatio havaittiin suurempi kuolleisuus kuin saman näytteen transfektoitumattomissa soluissa, kun taas villityyppistä tai G54V-pistemutanttia tuottavas¬sa solupopulaatiossa oli pienempi kuolleisuus kuin saman näytteen fuusioproteiinia ilmentämättö¬missä soluissa. Tulos osoittaa mutanttiproteiinien erilaiset vaikutukset niitä ilmentäviin soluihin, joko suoraan y+LAT1:n tai 4F2hc:n kautta aiheutuneina. LPIFin SLC7A7 lähetti-RNA:n määrä ei merkittävästi poikennut villityyppisen määrästä fibroblasteissa ja lymfoblasteissa. SLC7A7:n promoottorianalyysissä oli osoitettavissa säätelyalueita geenin 5’ ei-koo¬daavalla alueella sekä ensimmäisten kahden intronin alueella. LPI-taudin tautimekanismin kannalta keskeisin tekijä on kuitenkin aminohappokuljetuksen häiriö, jonka vaikutuksesta näistä aminohapoista riippuvaiset prosessit elimistössä eivät toimi normaalisti. Havaittu virheellinen y+LAT1/4F2hc kuljetuskompleksin sijainti edellyttää lisätutkimuksia sen mahdol¬lisen kliinisen merkityksen selvittämiseksi.


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Global illumination algorithms are at the center of realistic image synthesis and account for non-trivial light transport and occlusion within scenes, such as indirect illumination, ambient occlusion, and environment lighting. Their computationally most difficult part is determining light source visibility at each visible scene point. Height fields, on the other hand, constitute an important special case of geometry and are mainly used to describe certain types of objects such as terrains and to map detailed geometry onto object surfaces. The geometry of an entire scene can also be approximated by treating the distance values of its camera projection as a screen-space height field. In order to shadow height fields from environment lights a horizon map is usually used to occlude incident light. We reduce the per-receiver time complexity of generating the horizon map on N N height fields from O(N) of the previous work to O(1) by using an algorithm that incrementally traverses the height field and reuses the information already gathered along the path of traversal. We also propose an accurate method to integrate the incident light within the limits given by the horizon map. Indirect illumination in height fields requires information about which other points are visible to each height field point. We present an algorithm to determine this intervisibility in a time complexity that matches the space complexity of the produced visibility information, which is in contrast to previous methods which scale in the height field size. As a result the amount of computation is reduced by two orders of magnitude in common use cases. Screen-space ambient obscurance methods approximate ambient obscurance from the depth bu er geometry and have been widely adopted by contemporary real-time applications. They work by sampling the screen-space geometry around each receiver point but have been previously limited to near- field effects because sampling a large radius quickly exceeds the render time budget. We present an algorithm that reduces the quadratic per-pixel complexity of previous methods to a linear complexity by line sweeping over the depth bu er and maintaining an internal representation of the processed geometry from which occluders can be efficiently queried. Another algorithm is presented to determine ambient obscurance from the entire depth bu er at each screen pixel. The algorithm scans the depth bu er in a quick pre-pass and locates important features in it, which are then used to evaluate the ambient obscurance integral accurately. We also propose an evaluation of the integral such that results within a few percent of the ray traced screen-space reference are obtained at real-time render times.


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The acid mining drainage is considered the most significant environmental pollution problem around the world for the extensive formation acidic leachates containing heavy metals. Adsorption is widely used methods in water treatment due to it easy operation and the availability of a wide variety of commercial adsorbent (low cost). The primary goal of this thesis was to investigate the efficiency of neutralizing agents, CaCO3 and CaSiO3, and metal adsorption materials with unmodified limestone from Company Nordkalk Oy. In addition to this, the side materials of limestone mining were tested for iron adsorption from acidic model solution. This study was executed at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. The work utilised fixed-bed adsorption column as the main equipment and large fluidized column. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine ferric removal and the composition of material respectively. The results suggest a high potential for the studied materials to be used a low cost adsorbents in acid mine drainage treatment. From the two studied adsorbents, the FS material was more suitable than the Gotland material. Based on the findings, it is recommended that further studies might include detailed analysis of Gotland materials.


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Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy designs and manufactures waste heat recovery systems utilizing extended surfaces. The waste heat recovery boiler considered in this thesis is a water-tube boiler where exhaust gas is used as the convective heat transfer medium and water or steam flowing inside the tubes is subject to cross-flow. This thesis aims to contribute to the design of waste heat recovery boiler unit by developing a numerical model of the H-type finned tube bundle currently used by Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy to evaluate the gas-side heat transfer performance. The main objective is to identify weaknesses and potential areas of development in the current H-type finned tube design. In addition, numerical simulations for a total of 15 cases with varying geometric parameters are conducted to investigate the heat transfer and pressure drop performance dependent on H-type fin geometry. The investigated geometric parameters include fin width and height, fin spacing, and fin thickness. Comparison between single and double tube type configuration is also conducted. Based on the simulation results, the local heat transfer and flow behaviour of the H-type finned tube is presented including boundary layer development between the fins, the formation of recirculation zone behind the tubes, and the local variations of flow velocity and temperature within the tube bundle and on the fin surface. Moreover, an evaluation of the effects of various fin parameters on heat transfer and pressure drop performance of H-type finned tube bundle has been provided. It was concluded that from the studied parameters fin spacing and fin width had the most significant effect on tube bundle performance and the effect of fin thickness was the least important. Furthermore, the results suggested that the heat transfer performance would increase due to enhanced turbulence if the current double tube configuration is replaced with single tube configuration, but further investigation and experimental measurements are required in order to validate the results.


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Utilization of light and illumination systems in automotive industry for different purposes has been increased significantly in recent years. Volvo as one of the leading companies in manufacturing of luxury cars has found the great capacity in this area. The performance of such an illumination systems is one of the challenges that engineers in this industry are facing with. In this study an effort has been made to design a system to make the iron mark of Volvo being illuminated and the system is being evaluated by optics simulation in software using Ray optics method. At the end, results are assessed and some optimizations are carried out. Different kind of light guides, front side of the iron mark and some possible arrangement for LED also evaluated and different materials tested. The best combination from uniformity, color and amount of luminance aspect selected as a possible solution for this special project which can be used as a base for further studies in Volvo.