24 resultados para particle widths
A Study on Health Effects of Fine Particle Concentrations in Tampere area during 2.5 Years Follow-up
Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV, is an optical measuring technique to obtain velocity information of a flow in interest. With PIV it is possible to achieve two or three dimensional velocity vector fields from a measurement area instead of a single point in a flow. Measured flow can be either in liquid or in gas form. PIV is nowadays widely applied to flow field studies. The need for PIV is to obtain validation data for Computational Fluid Dynamics calculation programs that has been used to model blow down experiments in PPOOLEX test facility in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. In this thesis PIV and its theoretical background are presented. All the subsystems that can be considered to be part of a PIV system are presented as well with detail. Emphasis is also put to the mathematics behind the image evaluation. The work also included selection and successful testing of a PIV system, as well as the planning of the installation to the PPOOLEX facility. Already in the preliminary testing PIV was found to be good addition to the measuring equipment for Nuclear Safety Research Unit of LUT. The installation to PPOOLEX facility was successful even though there were many restrictions considering it. All parts of the PIV system worked and they were found out to be appropriate for the planned use. Results and observations presented in this thesis are a good background to further PIV use.
Papper kan anses vara ett av de mest använda materialen i det dagliga livet. Tidskrifter, tidningar, böcker och diverse förpackningar är några exempel på pappersbaserade produkter. Papperets egenskaper måste anpassas till användningsändamålet. En tidskrift kräver t.ex. hög ljushet, opacitet och en slät yta hos papperet, medan dessa egenskaper är mindre viktiga för en dagstidning. Allt tryckpapper behöver vissa mekaniska egenskaper för att tåla vidarebearbetning såsom kalandrering, tryckning och vikning. Man kan bestryka papper för att förbättra dess optiska egenskaper och tryckbarhetsegenskaper. Vid bestrykning appliceras en dispersion av mineralpigment och polymerbindemedel som ett tunt lager på papperets yta. Bestrykningsskiktet kan ses som ett komplext, poröst kompositmaterial som även bidrar till papperets mekaniska egenskaper och dess processerbarhet i diverse konverteringsoperationer. Kravet på framställning av förmånligt papper med tillräckliga styrkeegenskaper ställer allt högre krav på optimeringen av pappersbestrykningsskiktets egenskaper och produktionskostnader. Målet med detta arbete var att förstå sambandet mellan pigmentbestrykningsskiktets mikrostruktur och dess makroskopiska, mekaniska egenskaper. Resultaten visar att adhesionen i gränsytan mellan pigment och bindemedel är kritisk för bestrykningsskiktets förmåga att bära mekanisk belastning. Polära vätskor är vanliga i tryckfärger och kan, eftersom de påverkar syra/bas-interaktionerna mellan pigment och latexbindemedel, försvaga denna adhesion. Resultaten tyder på att ytstyrkan hos bestruket papper kan höjas genom användning av bifunktionella dispergeringsmedel för mineralpigment. Detta medför inbesparingar i pappersproduktionen eftersom mängden bindemedel, den dyraste komponenten i bestrykningsskiktet, kan minskas.
The objective of the thesis was to develop methods to manufacture and control calcium carbonate crystal nucleation and growth in precipitation process. The work consists of experimental part and literature part that addresses theory of nucleation, crystallization and precipitation. In the experimental part calcium carbonate was precipitated using carbonization reaction. Precipitation was carried out in presence of known morphology controlling agents (anionic polymers and sodium silicate) and by using different operation conditions. Formed material was characterized using SEM images, and its thermal stability was assessed. This work demonstrates that carbon dioxide feeding rate and concentrations of calcium hydroxide and additives can be used to control size, shape and amount of precipitating calcium carbonate.
The development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) has raised interest towards novel fluidised bed (FB) energy applications. In these applications, limestone can be utilized for S02 and/or CO2 capture. The conditions in the new applications differ from the traditional atmospheric and pressurised circulating fluidised bed (CFB) combustion conditions in which the limestone is successfully used for SO2 capture. In this work, a detailed physical single particle model with a description of the mass and energy transfer inside the particle for limestone was developed. The novelty of this model was to take into account the simultaneous reactions, changing conditions, and the effect of advection. Especially, the capability to study the cyclic behaviour of limestone on both sides of the calcination-carbonation equilibrium curve is important in the novel conditions. The significances of including advection or assuming diffusion control were studied in calcination. Especially, the effect of advection in calcination reaction in the novel combustion atmosphere was shown. The model was tested against experimental data; sulphur capture was studied in a laboratory reactor in different fluidised bed conditions. Different Conversion levels and sulphation patterns were examined in different atmospheres for one limestone type. The Conversion curves were well predicted with the model, and the mechanisms leading to the Conversion patterns were explained with the model simulations. In this work, it was also evaluated whether the transient environment has an effect on the limestone behaviour compared to the averaged conditions and in which conditions the effect is the largest. The difference between the averaged and transient conditions was notable only in the conditions which were close to the calcination-carbonation equilibrium curve. The results of this study suggest that the development of a simplified particle model requires a proper understanding of physical and chemical processes taking place in the particle during the reactions. The results of the study will be required when analysing complex limestone reaction phenomena or when developing the description of limestone behaviour in comprehensive 3D process models. In order to transfer the experimental observations to furnace conditions, the relevant mechanisms that take place need to be understood before the important ones can be selected for 3D process model. This study revealed the sulphur capture behaviour under transient oxy-fuel conditions, which is important when the oxy-fuel CFB process and process model are developed.
Permanent magnet synchronous machines with fractional-slot non-overlapping windings (FSPMSM), also known as tooth-coil winding permanent magnet synchronous machines (TCW PMSM), have been under intensive research during the latest decade. There are many optimization routines explained and implemented in the literature in order to improve the characteristics of this machine type. This paper introduces a new technique for torque ripple minimization in TCW PMSM. The source of torque harmonics is also described. The low order torque harmonics can be harmful for a variety of applications, such as direct drive wind generators, direct drive light vehicle electrical motors, and for some high precision servo applications. The reduction of the torque ripple harmonics with the lowest orders (6th and 12th) is realized by machine geometry optimization technique using finite element analysis (FEA). The presented optimization technique includes the stator geometry adjustment in TCW PMSMs with rotor surface permanent magnets and with rotor embedded permanent magnets. Influence of the permanent magnet skewing on the torque ripple reduction and cogging torque elimination was also investigated. It was implemented separately and together with the stator optimization technique. As a result, the reduction of some torque ripple harmonics was attained.
Syksy Räsänen's presentation at Kirjastoverkkopäivät, Helsinki 21.10.2015.
Stochastic particle models: mean reversion and burgers dynamics. An application to commodity markets
The aim of this study is to propose a stochastic model for commodity markets linked with the Burgers equation from fluid dynamics. We construct a stochastic particles method for commodity markets, in which particles represent market participants. A discontinuity in the model is included through an interacting kernel equal to the Heaviside function and its link with the Burgers equation is given. The Burgers equation and the connection of this model with stochastic differential equations are also studied. Further, based on the law of large numbers, we prove the convergence, for large N, of a system of stochastic differential equations describing the evolution of the prices of N traders to a deterministic partial differential equation of Burgers type. Numerical experiments highlight the success of the new proposal in modeling some commodity markets, and this is confirmed by the ability of the model to reproduce price spikes when their effects occur in a sufficiently long period of time.