20 resultados para organic thin film transistors
First-principles study on electronic and structural properties of Cu(In/Ga)Se alloys for solar cells
Thin-film photovoltaic solar cells based on the Cu(In1−xGax)Se2 (CIGS) alloys have attracted more and more attention due to their large optical absorption coefficient, long term stability, low cost, and high efficiency. Modern theoretical studies of this material with first-principles calculations can provide accurate description of the electronic structure and yield results in close agreement with experimental values, but takes a large amount of calculation time. In this work, we use first-principles calculations based on the computationally affordable meta- generalized gradient approximation of the density-functional theory to investigate electronic and structural properties of the CIGS alloys. We report on the simulation of the lattice parameters and band gaps, as a function of chemical composition. The obtained results were found to be in a good agreement with the available experimental data.
Membraani on ohut kalvo, jossa on pieniä nanomittakaavan reikiä, jotka erottavat partikkelit ja liuenneet yhdisteet liuoksesta. Membraanisuodatuksen käyttö on lisääntynyt merkittävästi vedenpuhdistuksessa, johtuen lisääntyneestä puhtaan veden tarpeesta ja tiukentuneista ympäristövaatimuksista. Tässä työssä esitellään reaaliaikaisia mittausmenetelmiä membraanin likaantumisen seurantaan. Esiteltyjä menetelmiä ovat suora havainnointi pinnan läpi, lasertriangulometria, varjoanalyysi, taittokykymittaus, kuvakatkaisu-menetelmä, partikkelin nopeusmääritys, radioisotooppinen merkintä ja ydinmagneettinen resonanssispektrometria. Mittausmenetelmien avulla likakerroksen paksuutta ja sen leviämistä on mahdollista seurata reaaliaikaisesti. Mittausmenetelmien soveltuvuus olemassa oleviin prosesseihin on vielä epävarmaa. Suurin osa menetelmistä on rajoittunut tiettyyn membraanin materiaaliin, tietynlaiseen membraanisuodatusprosessin rakenteeseen tai tiettyihin olosuhteisiin. Vallitsevien prosessiolosuhteiden lisäksi mittausanturin tulisi kestää myös puhdistusolosuhteet. Lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan, jotta voidaan löytää toimiva laitekokonaisuus tarvittavan tiedon tuottamiseen.
The main advantage of organic electronics over the more widespread inorganic counterparts lies not in the electrical performance, but rather in the solution processability that opens up for low-cost flexible electronics (e.g. displays, sensors and smart tags) fabricated by using printing techniques. Replacing the commonly used laboratory-scale fabrication techniques with mass-printing techniques is, however, truly challenging, especially when low-voltage operation is required. In this thesis it is, nevertheless, demonstrated that low-voltage organic transistors can be fully printed with a similar performance to that of transistors made by laboratory scale techniques. The use of an ion-modulated type of organic field effect transistor (OFET) not only enabled low-voltage operation and printability, but was also found to result in low sensitivity to the surface roughness of the substrate. This allows not only the use of low-cost plastic substrates, but even the use of paper as a substrate. However, while absorption into the porous paper surface is advantageous in a graphical printing process, by reducing the spreading and the coffee-stain effect and by improving the adhesion, it provides great challenges when applying thin electrically active layers. In spite of these difficulties we were able to demonstrate the first low-voltage OFET to be fabricated on paper. We have also shown that low-cost incandescent lamps can be used for sintering printed metal-nanoparticles, and that the process was especially suitable on paper and compatible with a roll-to-roll manufacturing process.
I likhet med vanliga plaster är de π-konjugerade polymererna flexibla, lösliga och processbara vid låga temperaturer (< 150 ºC). Därutöver har de egenskapen att leda ström. Konduktivitetsintervallet är brett och omfattar nästintill metallisk ledningsförmåga å ena sidan, via halvledarkonduktiva till isolerande å andra sidan. Polymererna utgörs av regelbundna kedjor av kolatomer och associeras sålunda till organiska material. Sedan de första vetenskapliga rapporterna publicerades vid slutet av 1970-talet har π-konjugerade polymerer använts och utvecklats i exempelvis solceller, dioder, lysdioder och transistorer. Nobelpriset i kemi tilldelades år 2000 åt Hideki Shirakawa, Alan J. Heeger och Alan G. MacDiarmid för upptäckten och utvecklandet av ledande polymerer. I min avhandling har jag arbetat med att utveckla och förstå lågspännings jonmodulerade organiska transistorer. Två typer av jonmodulerade organiska transistorer studeras: (1) den jonmodulerade organiska fälteffekt transistorn (jonmodulerade OFETen), som utgör den centrala transistorn i avhandlingen, samt (2) den elektrokemiska transistorn. Den första typen fungerar som en konventionell OFET. Strömmen i halvledaren moduleras av det elektriska fältet över isolatorn. Med användandet av en elektrolyt ”isolator” orsakar polariseringen av jonerna däremot ett högt elektriskt fält vid elektrolyt/halvledargränssnittet och man åstadkommer modulering av strömmen redan vid några volts drivspänningar. I den andra typen utnyttjas elektrokemi för att medelst reduktion/oxidation modulera strömmen i den π-konjugerade polymeren. Ett viktigt ändamål i avhandlingen har också varit att kunna tillverka transistorerna med masstillverkningsmetoder. I avhandlingen presenteras de jonmodulerade organiska transistorernas möjlighet att framställas med masstillverkningsmetoder. Nya koncept introduceras och svagheter identifieras. Skillnaderna mellan OFETen, jonmodulerade OFETen och den elektrokemiska transistorn klargörs. Arbetet skall däremot inte anses fullbordat utan forskningen fortgår för att kringgå svagheterna, öka på transistorernas stabilitet och framförallt tillämpa dem i innovativa applikationer.
The monitoring and control of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) level is of great interest for a wide range of application areas including food quality control, defense and antiterrorist applications and air quality monitoring e.g. in mines. H2S is a very poisonous and flammable gas. Exposure to low concentrations of H2S can result in eye irritation, a sore throat and cough, shortness of breath, and fluid retention in the lungs. These symptoms usually disappear in a few weeks. Long-term, low-level exposure may result in fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness. Higher concentrations of 700 - 800 ppm tend to be fatal. H2S has a characteristic smell of rotten egg. However, because of temporary paralysis of olfactory nerves, the smelling capability at concentrations higher than 100 ppm is severely compromised. In addition, volatile H2S is one of the main products during the spoilage of poultry meat in anaerobic conditions. Currently, no commercial H2S sensor is available which can operate under anaerobic conditions and can be easily integrated in the food packaging. This thesis presents a step-wise progress in the development of printed H2S gas sensors. Efforts were made in the formulation, characterization and optimization of functional printable inks and coating pastes based on composites of a polymer and a metal salt as well as a composite of a metal salt and an organic acid. Different processing techniques including inkjet printing, flexographic printing, screen printing and spray coating were utilized in the fabrication of H2S sensors. The dispersions were characterized by measuring turbidity, surface tension, viscosity and particle size. The sensing films were characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and an electrical multimeter. Thin and thick printed or coated films were developed for gas sensing applications with the aim of monitoring the H2S concentrations in real life applications. Initially, a H2S gas sensor based on a composite of polyaniline and metal salt was developed. Both aqueous and solvent-based dispersions were developed and characterized. These dispersions were then utilized in the fabrication of roll-to-roll printed H2S gas sensors. However, the humidity background, long term instability and comparatively lower detection limit made these sensors less favourable for real practical applications. To overcome these problems, copper acetate based sensors were developed for H2S gas sensing. Stable inks with excellent printability were developed by tuning the surface tension, viscosity and particle size. This enabled the formation of inkjet-printed high quality copper acetate films with excellent sensitivity towards H2S. Furthermore, these sensors showed negligible humidity effects and improved selectivity, response time, lower limit of detection and coefficient of variation. The lower limit of detection of copper acetate based sensors was further improved to sub-ppm level by incorporation of catalytic gold nano-particles and subsequent plasma treatment of the sensing film. These sensors were further integrated in an inexpensive wirelessly readable RLC-circuit (where R is resistor, L is inductor and C is capacitor). The performance of these sensors towards biogenic H2S produced during the spoilage of poultry meat in the modified atmosphere package was also demonstrated in this thesis. This serves as a proof of concept that these sensors can be utilized in real life applications.