22 resultados para matrix assisted
Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten DSM ja siihen liittyvät analyysit toimivat. Työssä selvitetään myös, miten DSM:a voidaan hyödyntää tuotekehityksessä ja ohjelmistotuotannon kohtaamissa ongelmissa. DSM-neliömatriisiin sijoitetaan tarkasteltavan kohteen osat riveihin ja kolumneihin identtisessä järjestyksessä. Matriisin soluihin merkitään osien väliset riippuvuudet, joilla selvitetään kunkin osan lähettämä ja vastaanottama data suhteessa muihin osiin. DSM-analyysissa osien järjestystä muutetaan suoritus- tai toteutusjärjestyksen mukaisesti parhaaseen järjestykseen. Osat ryhmitellään moduuleihin, jolloin esimerkiksi tuotekehitys ohjautuu automaattisesti modulaarisuuteen. Tuotekehitysprojekteihin DSM on kompaktin muodon, yksinkertaisuuden ja automaattisen järjestelyn ansiosta erinomainen työkalu, jolla voidaan mallintaa käytännössä mitä tahansa, mikä voidaan jakaa toisistaan riippuviin osiin. DSM voi vähentää projektien suunnitteluun vaadittua työmäärää ja avustaa realististen budjettien ja aikataulujen luontia suurissa projekteissa.
The objective of this thesis was to study the effect of pulsed electric field on the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles via sol-gel method under the visible light irradiation. The literature part introduces properties of different TiO2 crystal forms and principle of photocatalysis. It was expected that pulsed electric field would have an influence on degradation for oxalic acid and formic acid. TiO2 samples were prepared by using three frequencies (50Hz, 294Hz, and 963Hz) and two treatment times (12 minutes and 24 minutes) of pulsed electric field. The photocatalytic activities of TiO2 samples produced with sol-gel method were also compared with the TiO2 particles made by previous study and with the commercial TiO2 powder Aeroxide® (Evonic Degussa GmbH) at the same condition. Results show that pulsed electric field does have an effect on degradation for oxalic acid and formic acid. Generally, higher photocatalytic activities for oxalic acid and formic acid were obtained with lower frequency and longer treatment time of pulsed electric field.
The central role of extracellular matrix (ECM) macromolecules in diseases such as cancer and atherosclerotic vascular diseases including diabetic macroangiopathy is indisputable. Decorin and hyaluronan (HA) represent vital ECM macromolecules in the microenvironment of cells and are centrally involved in human cancer and cardiovascular biology. In cancer, decorin is considered to play a tumor suppressive role. However, there is some discrepancy whether malignant cells express it. Regarding HA, its contribution to the development of atherosclerotic vascular diseases has been well established. Nevertheless, the precise role of HA in arterial narrowing associated with diabetes is not known. The present study focused on two vital ECM macromolecules, namely decorin and HA. First, decorin expression was studied in human tumorigenesis. Furthermore, the effect of adenovirus-mediated decorin transduction on selected cancer cell lines was investigated. The results invariably showed that cancer cells completely lacked decorin expression. The study also demonstrated that transducing cancer cells with decorin adenoviral vector markedly inhibited their malignant behavior. In line with this, a strong induction of decorin expression in normal human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), but not in abnormal hESCs was observed during their differentiation. Secondly, the significance of HA in the development of diabetic macroangiopathy in response to hyperglycemia was evaluated. Results showed that the synthesis of HA by vascular smooth muscle cells was significantly increased in response to high glucose concentration. This increase was associated with the diminished ability of the cells to contract collagen-rich matrix suggesting that HA participates in the disturbed vascular remodeling of diabetic patients. The results of this study support endeavours to develop novel ECM macromolecule -based therapies targeting cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Bidirectional exchange of information between the cancer cells and their environment is essential for cancer to evolve. Cancer cells lose the ability to regulate their growth, gain the ability to detach from neighboring cells and finally some of the cells disseminate from the primary tumor and invade to the adjacent tissue. During cancer progression, cells acquire features that promote cancer motility and proliferation one of them being increased filopodia number. Filopodia are dynamic actin-rich structures extending from the leading edge of migrating cells and the main function of these structures is to serve as environmental sensors. It is nowadays widely appreciated, that not only the cancer cells, but also the surrounding of the tumor – the tumor microenvironment- contribute to cancer cell dissemination and tumor growth. Activated stromal fibroblasts, also known as cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) actively participate on tumor progression. CAFs are the most abundant cell type surrounding the cancer cells and they are the main cell type producing the extracellular matrix (ECM) within tumor stroma. CAFs secrete growth factors to promote tumor growth, direct cancer cell invasion as well as modify the stromal ECM architecture. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the function of filopodia, particularly the role of filopodia-inducing protein Myosin-X (Myo10), in breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis. We found that Myo10 is an important regulator of basal type breast cancer spreading downstream of mutant p53. In addition, I investigated the role of CAFs and their secreted matrix on tumor growth. According to the results, CAF-derived matrix has altered organization and stiffness which induces the carcinoma cell proliferation via epigenetic mechanisms. I identified histone demethylase enzyme JMJD1a to be regulated by the stiffness and to participate in stiffness induced growth control.
The successful performance of company in the market relates to the quality management of human capital aiming to improve the company's internal performance and external implementation of the core business strategy. Companies with matrix structure focusing on realization and development of innovation and technologies for the uncertain market need to select thoroughly the approach to HR management system. Human resource management has a significant impact on the organization and use a variety of instruments such as corporate information systems to fulfill their functions and objectives. There are three approaches to strategic control management depending on major impact on the major interference in employee decision-making, development of skills and his integration into the business strategy. The mainstream research has focus only on the framework of strategic planning of HR and general productivity of firm, but not on features of organizational structure and corporate software capabilities for human capital. This study tackles the before mentioned challenges, typical for matrix organization, by using the HR control management tools and corporate information system. The detailed analysis of industry producing and selling electromotor and heating equipment in this master thesis provides the opportunity to improve system for HR control and displays its application in the ERP software. The results emphasize the sustainable role of matrix HR input control for creating of independent project teams for matrix structure who are able to respond to various uncertainties of the market and use their skills for improving performance. Corporate information systems can be integrated into input control system by means of output monitoring to regulate and evaluate the processes of teams, using key performance indicators and reporting systems.