74 resultados para man-made cyanobacterial crusts


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Metalliset maalipurkit valmistetaan tinalla molemmin puolin päällystetystä pellistä. Tina on terästeollisuudelle haitallinen aine raaka-aineen seassa ja tästä syystä tinapellille on ollut vaikeuksia löytää hyötykäyttäjää. Metallipakkauksien osalta on sitouduttu hyötykäyttötavoitteisiin ja niihin pääsemiseksi tulee kerätä myös tinapeltipakkauksia, koska ne muodostavat huomattavan osan vuosittain käytettävistä metallipakkauksista. Suurilta ammattikäyttäjiltä maalipakkauksia on kerätty jo vuodesta 1998 ja pienkuluttajia varten keräyskokeilu aloitettiin vuoden 1999 alkupuolella. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee kuluttajille suunnattua keräyskokeilua ja tutkimuksen tavoitteena on laatia suosituksia ja ohjeita kuluttajamaalipakkausten keräilyn järjestämiseksi Suomessa. Kokeilua varten perustettiin muutamia keräyspisteitä, ensin Suur-Helsingin alueelle ja myöhemmin myös muualle Etelä-Suomeen. Kaikki perustetut keräyspisteet sijaitsivat maalia myyvän kaupan yhteydessä. Kuluttajat suhtautuivat palautusmahdollisuuteen erittäin myönteisesti ja kokeilussa mukana olevat liikkeet saivat positiivista julkisuutta. Keräyspisteisiin pääsääntöisesti palautetut maalipurkit olivat tyhjiä tai niissä oli vain hieman maalia jäljellä. Kaupoissa sijaitsevien keräyspisteiden lisäksi on tarvetta myös kunnallisille keräyspisteille. Kuusakoski Oy on nykyisin ainoa tinapellin käsittelijä Suomessa. Myös Onni Forsell Oy on kehittelemässä tinapellin käsittelymenetelmää. Kuusakosken murskauskäsittelyn ympäristövaikutukset selvitettiin tutkimuksessa ja tulosten mukaan käsittelyssä syntyvä jäte on kaatopaikkakelpoista. Tinapeltimurskeen hyötykäyttäjää ei Suomesta tällä hetkellä löydy, joten murske viedään ulkomaille hyötykäytettäväksi.


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Substance use is one of our most important public health problems. Studying risk factors in a longitudinal study setting helps to identify subgroups of young people at greater risk for substance-use-related problems, and to facilitate targeted prevention efforts. The aim of this thesis was to study childhood predictors and correlates of substance-use-related outcomes among young men in a longitudinal, nationwide birth cohort study. The study population included 10% of all Finnish-speaking boys born in Finland in 1981 (n=2946, 97% of the target population). In 1989, at age eight, valid measures of psychiatric symptoms (Rutter questionnaires and Children’s Depression Inventory) were obtained from parents, teachers and the boys themselves. In 1999, at age 18, boys were reached at their obligatory military call-up (n=2348, 80% of the boys attending the study in 1989). Self-reports of substance use, psychopathology, adaptive functioning (Young Adult Self-Report), and mental health service use were obtained through questionnaires. Information about psychiatric diagnoses from the Military Register (age 18-23 years) and information about offending from the National Police Register (age 16-20 years) were collected in early adulthood (92% of the 1989sample). Boys with childhood conduct, hyperactive, and comorbid conduct-emotional problems had elevated rates of substance use and substance-use-related crime in early adulthood. Depressive symptoms predicted daily smoking, especially among boys of low-educated fathers. Emotional problems predicted lower occurrence of drunkenness-related alcohol use and smoking. Teacher reports on boys’ problem behaviour had the best predictive power for later substance use. At age 18, frequent drunkenness associated with delinquency, smoking and illicit drug use, and having friends. Occasional drunkenness associated with better psychosocial functioning in general compared to boys with frequent drunkenness or without drunkenness-related alcohol use. Illicit drug use without drug offending was not predicted by childhood psychiatric symptoms, but 22% of boys with illicit drug use had a psychiatric diagnosis in early adulthood. Drug offenders, in turn, had psychiatric problems both in childhood and in adulthood. Psychiatric disorders were common among young men with substance-use-related crime. Recidivist crime associated strongly with having a substance use disorder diagnosis according to the Military Register. At age 18, frequent drunkenness was common among boys entering mental health services, but entering substance use treatment was non-existent. According to the findings of this thesis, substance-use-related outcomes accumulate in boys having psychiatric problems both in childhood and in early adulthood. Targeted early interventions in school health care systems, particularly for boys with childhood hyperactive, conduct, and comorbid conduct-emotional problems are recommended. Psychiatric problems and risky behaviours, such as delinquency should always be assessed alongside substance use. Specialized and multidisciplinary care are required for young men who have multiple or complex needs, for instance, for young men with drug offending and recidivist crime. Integrating a substance use treatment perspective with other services where young men are encountered is emphasized.


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This study presents the information required to describe the machine and device resources in the turret punch press environment which are needed for the development of the analysing method for automated production. The description of product and device resources and their interconnectedness is the starting point for method comparison the development of expenses, production planning and the performance of optimisation. The manufacturing method cannot be optimized unless the variables and their interdependence are known. Sheet metal parts in particular may then become remarkably complex, and their automatic manufacture may be difficult or, with some automatic equipment, even impossible if not know manufacturing properties. This thesis consists of three main elements, which constitute the triangulation. In the first phase of triangulation, the manufacture occuring on a turret punch press is examined in order to find the factors that affect the efficiency of production. In the second phase of triangulation, the manufacturability of products on turret punch presses is examined through a set of laboratory tests. The third phase oftriangulation involves an examination of five industry parts. The main key findings of this study are: all possible efficiency in high automation level machining cannot be achieved unless the raw materials used in production and the dependencies of the machine and tools are well known. Machine-specific manufacturability factors for turret punch presses were not taken into account in the industrial case samples. On the grounds of the performed tests and industrial case samples, the designer of a sheet metal product can directly influence the machining time, material loss, energy consumption and the number of tools required on a turret punch press by making decisions in the way presented in the hypothesis of thisstudy. The sheet metal parts to be produced can be optimised to bemanufactured on a turret punch press when the material to be used and the kinds of machine and tool options available are known. This provides in-depth knowledge of the machine and tool properties machine and tool-specifically. None of the optimisation starting points described here is a separate entity; instead, they are all connected to each other.


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Studien grundar sig på tanken att populärkulturen och dess uttrycksformer är viktiga att analysera närmare även när det gäller en förståelse av religion i dagens värld. Populärkulturen kan antas både spegla och påverka oss. Detta sker naturligtvis inte på ett enkelt sätt, men populärkulturen kan ändå anses vara med och forma hur vi ser på världen omkring oss och på fenomen som t.ex. religion och könsroller. Den genre Sjö valt att rikta in sig på, science fiction, är vald med tanke på hur denna genre tagit sig an både frågor om religion och genus och hur den även blir av betydelse för analyser av dagens värld. Studien riktar i första hand in sig på forskning kring frälsartemat i populärkulturen. Det delvis nya som tillförs forskningen är ett genusperspektiv. Istället för att rikta in sig på de oftast manliga messiasgestalterna ser studien således till den kvinnliga närvaron i berättelserna. För det första analyseras kvinnliga karaktärer i rollerna som kärleksobjekt och mödrar. Centrala frågor som tas upp i denna del av avhandlingen är de kvinnliga karaktärernas roll i förhållande till manliga messiasgestalter och messiasmyter i materialet. Andra frågor som behandlas är de kvinnliga karaktärernas tillgång till en religiös röst och religiöst ledarskap, samt en hurdan kvinnlighet de kan anses representera. För det andra ser studien närmare på frågan om vad som händer med messiasmyten när en kvinna istället för en man tillåts rädda världen. En jämförelse görs mellan manliga och kvinnliga messiasgestalter och vissa tydliga olikheter särskilt i relation till frågor om religiös makt presenteras. Sofia Sjös avhandling visar på problem när det gäller frågor om kvinnligt religiöst ledarskap som även kan relateras till attityder i dagens värld, men pekar också på hur traditionella framställningar av både messiasmyt och kvinnlighet utmanas och förändras i det undersökta materialet.


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Laborationerna utgör i många skolor inom den grundläggande utbildningen en självklar del av kemiundervisningen. Laborationerna är vanligen formulerade som ”recept” och eleverna skall följa en given beskrivning då de genomför laborationen. Kravet på eget tänkande från elevernas sida kan härigenom bli litet. Laborationerna är därför utsatta för en hel del kritik på olika håll i världen, därför att de anses ineffektiva ur lärande-synvinkel. S.k. öppna laborationer är en annan typ av laboration som innebär att eleverna ställs inför ett problem eller en utmaning. Eleverna skall själva inom sin laborationsgrupp komma underfund med och planera hur de skall genomföra laborationen. Denna form av laborationer ställer andra krav på elevernas tänkande än traditionella ”kokbokslaborationer”. I denna studie har elever i en klass i årskurs 7 under sin första kemikurs arbetat med öppna laborationer. Laborationerna har av klassens lärare formulerats som utmaningar för eleverna. Eleverna har som ett hjälpverktyg under laborationen använt s.k. V-diagram. V-diagram utgör ett grafiskt verktyg som kan användas som en laborationsrapport. I V-diagrammet synliggörs de olika momenten som ingår i en laboration eller i en undersökning. Vilken är forskningsfrågan, hur planerar man att söka svar på sin fråga, vilka resultat har man kommit till och vilka slutsatser kan man dra? V-diagrammet innehåller också en teoretisk och begreppslig sida där laborationens teoretiska förankring synliggörs. Resultaten från undersökningen visar att arbetet med öppna laborationer i kombination med V-diagram hade positiv inverkan på elevernas uppfattning om sitt eget lärande. Eleverna upplevde att laborationerna krävde tänkande men att detta samtidigt ledde till förståelse. Eleverna hjälpte varandra att försöka förstå då de gemensamt skulle lösa problem. I diskussionen med sina kamrater och med läraren fick eleverna möjlighet att formulera sina egna uppfattningar och konfrontera dem mot andra uppfattningar. V-diagrammets struktur fungerade som vägledning då eleverna planerade sin laboration, men gav också en överblick över laborationer i efterhand då eleverna förberedde sig inför kursprovet, vilket för en del elever bidrog till deras förståelse. Grupperna var i allmänhet mycket fokuserade på uppgiften då de planerade en öppen laboration. Laborationerna hade alla en förankring i vardagen vilket gjorde att eleverna kunde göra kopplingar mellan sina egna erfarenheter och laborationen. Majoriteten av eleverna uppgav efter kemikursen att de upplevt den som intressant och laborationerna lyftes fram speciellt. De öppna laborationerna ställde stora krav på laborationsgrupperna och på elevernas samarbetsförmåga och gjorde laborationerna känsliga för grupprelaterade problem, genom att eleverna skulle klara av utmaningar gemensamt. För en elev med svag självuppfattning kan tillrättalagda laborationer med klara instruktioner kännas tryggare än en öppen laboration, där utmaningen är större. Samtidigt hade just utmaningarna, som var på en nivå som eleverna klarade av efter att ha tänkt och diskuterat med varandra, en positiv inverkan på självuppfattningen för ett flertal av eleverna. Att klara av utmaningar på rätt nivå kan inverka positivt på den egna själuppfattningen. De öppna laborationerna ställer krav på läraren att vara flexibel och kunna gå in i rollen av bl.a. handledare och coach. Samtidigt utgör lärare en representant för det naturvetenskapliga samfundet och har ansvar för att göra teori och begrepp tillgängliga för eleverna då de behöver dessa i sina undersökningar. För lärare kan de öppna laborationerna kännas problematiska, eftersom de själva sällan har erfarenheter av denna typ av laborationer från sin egen skoltid eller utbildning.


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Earlier research has shown that strong experiences related to music (SEM) can occur in very different contexts and take on many different forms. Experiences like these seem significant and have among other things reportedly had an affect on the individual's continuing relationship towards music, which makes them interesting from a pedagogical point of view. Formal teaching situations, though, are under-represented in studies where people have been asked to describe strong experiences that they have had in connection with music. The purpose of my thesis is to investigate what SEM may mean to pupils and teachers in lower secondary school (grades 7-9), and to inquire more deeply into the potential "space" for such experiences within school music education. On a comprehensive level my ambition is to deepen the understanding for SEM as a possible element in pedagogical situations. Three empirical perspectives are employed: pupil-, teacher- and curriculum perspectives. The pupil perspective involved an analysis of written accounts of 166 fifteen-year-olds, describing own strong experiences. The teacher perspective involved studying 28 music teachers' conceptions of the purpose of teaching music in school as well as their understanding about strong music experiences in school context. Further, the teachers' descriptions of SEM that they have had themselves were analysed. The curriculum perspective is reflected through a study of how music experience was represented in 24 local and 2 national curriculum texts for music. Grounded in a phenomenological-hermeneutical perspective the material have been analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The result points towards the fact that the music education in school has the potential to become an arena for SEM and that this can happen in relation to a multitude of activities and genres and take on many different expressions. Only one pupil referred to a musical encounter in the classroom environment; all other experiences that occurred inside the frame of school activity had taken place in other arenas (the school hall, public concert halls, and so on). However, more than 98 % of the descriptions concerned musical encounters in leisure time contexts. The significance of SEM is further clarified by narrative constructions. SEM as a conception does not occur on the curriculum level; however the analyze revealed a number of interesting "openings" which are illustrated. Even though all teachers displayed a fundamentally positive attitude towards the idea of regarding SEM as a feature of formal musical learning, it became clear that many teachers never had approached this theme from a pedagogical point of view before. Still, they proved to have an evident "familiarity" towards the phenomenon based on their own experiences of receptive and performative musical encounter. The possible space for strong musical experiences within school music education is specified through a detailed illustration of six specific themes derived from the reasoning of the teachers. Furthermore, this is described through a mapping of the potential experiencing zone, constructed from the teachers descriptions of educational aims.


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The aim of this thesis is to gain new understanding of health based on the work Penseés (Thoughts) by Blaise Pascal. The research interest originates from the motive of the heart for the greatness of man in conjunction with his baseness. The study is hermeneutic and the purpose is to describe health formulated as new abductive theses based on the assumption that caring science and caring theology can be conjoined in the same ontology. The work Penseés is, in Gadamer’s sense, alive since the text is constantly being made use of and is in this occurence interpreted through the requirements made by caring science. Pascal’s arguments continue through the historically effected consciousness while the interpretation is confronted with the ontological model of health. In the initial horizon we find the understanding of the motion of health and the extension towards text materials which is undertaken by Pascal’s Penseés. to open up the perspective and be able to project the horizon of the text. In the encounter with the text, the core content will first be discussed in an interpretative part after which the understanding gained will be summarized into new abductive assumptions. On the basis of Gadamer’s emphasis on the applications of the interpretations, the merging of the horizons will identify health as something desired by man, what he is and what he wants to accomplish. The creation of health is the reason of the heart, and on the basis of what man wants to confide in, the rise of health will be established. The totality of greatness and baseness of man is achieved by the accomplishment of health. That man owns spiritual devotedness means health whereas unhealthy means that he is insecure of his character and leads a life with ill-considered amusements. When according to Pascal, man’s desires and thoughts are joined in the heart, a connecting relation will arise. Hence the spiritual edification that man will fail to secure if he puts too much of his confidence in transient reason is included, something that is insufficient when it comes to understand the meaning of health.


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The purpose of this thesis is to develop a theory model about some core concepts and phenomena within caritative ethics when patients' demands are existential. There are two research questions, (A) Which realities represent concepts such courage, responsibility, and sacrifice within the caritative ethics. (B) Which phenomena of ethical significance are made current and applicable when patients¿ demands are existential. This study takes as its point of departurecertain chosen theoretical perspectives that discuss some perspectives of the concepts of courage, responsibility, and sacrifice in terms of their significanceto the research questions A. This represents the study¿s theoretical data. The empirical data provide answers to the research question B. In the end, the thesis discusses synthesis of these two accesses of knowledge in order to formulate theses and create a theory model. Løgstrup's contribution and description of the ethical claim helps in understanding and interpreting the links between the substance of the caritative ethic and the concrete reality in the encounter with existential issues. This thesis is a study within the field of Caring Science. The nursing profession provides empirical data and reflects the study topic, by addressing issues of relevance to the application of the knowledge of Caring Sciencein light of the nursing profession's various daily challenges. This study proceeds from the basic assumption: "Caring relationships form the meaningful contextfor caring and derive from the ethos of love, responsibility, and sacrifice, i.e. a caritative ethics" (Eriksson 2001). This study attempts to explore and prove this statement in the light of theoretical and empirical data, in the light ofthe caring scientific perspective which is here linked particularly to the viewof man as a unity of body, mind, and soul, and to the ontological health model. Hermeneutics is the overall perspective for the interpretations proposed in this thesis. Through conversation and hermeneutic observations, I try to understandthe challenges of nursing performance in the encounter with existential issues. This constitutes the empirical data that was gathered on a ward treating cancerpatients. The discussion proceeds sequence by sequence, first by discussing theconditions of the caritative ethics when meeting the existential claims in the light of the concepts of courage, sacrifice, and responsibility. Then a thesis is formulated concerning the caritative ethics in the light of Caring Science. This is the foundation of the creation of the theory model. The resulting theses concern the chosen concepts and phenomena which promote caritative ethics when patients' claims are existential: Freedom is the hallmark of caritative ethics. Freedom is the basic category of caring. When attending to the patient's existential claims, it is of vital importance to secure human relationships as caring interpersonal communions, created by responsible persons who have shown courage and sacrifice. Courage and sacrifice constitute the ethos of caring communities (communions). Courage and sacrifice are then a part of the collective ethos of caring communities, because the patient is confirmed as the unity of body, mind, and soul.


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The home as ethos, an ethical dimension of human beings, is this study’s focus of interest. Can the home as ethos comprise motive and driving force for a human being? This dissertation has a mainly hermeneutic approach with a Caring Science interpretive horizon. Firstly, the purpose of this study is to develop the concept “home” through etymological and semantic analysis. The concept’s Caring Science content is also investigated. Secondly, the purpose of this study is to investigate, through the use of a history of ideas method, how the home as ethos is made visible and evident in public health nurses’ caring during the first half of the 20th century. Which motives compromise the driving force behind public health nurses’ caring? Which idea patterns are stressed? Material for the study’s concept determination consists of tymological dictionaries as well as Swedish language dictionaries published from 1850 – 2001. The results of the concept determination provide a preliminary idea-model, where dimensions such as ethos as a human being’s innermost room, human beings’ manner of being, and the metaphor “my home is my castle” are stressed. These results comprise the background of the history of ideas portion of the study. The study’s history of ideas investigation occurs through the evaluation and interpretation of historical sources focusing on the caring provided by public health nurses. Public health nurses comprise both the context and prevalent traditions during the time-period studied. The historical sources consist of three different types of sources, namely textbooks, archived material, and the professional nursing journals Epione and Sairaanhoitajatarlehti. The purpose is to rediscover fundamental idea-patterns through the thematic structuring of the patterns appearing in the historical sources. Three main idea-patterns and underlying themes are rediscovered: love- a fire which burns inside human beings; reverence for human beings and home; and the honor of responsibility. The emerging patterns are tightly interwoven and form a pattern. A new interpretation occurs, widening the study’s horizon and leading to the emergence of the theory-model’s contours. The study’s theory-model is formed from three different levels. Ethos as a human being’s innermost room- the spirit, encompasses a human being’s value base and the spirit that he/she is permeated with. Fundamental values are converted into an internal ethic, becoming visible in human beings’ manner of being- the manner of conduct. The metaphor “my home is my castle”- the tone, symbolizes the room where a human being’s abstract or concrete being lives. The spirit, the ethos, is expressed in a home’s culture and atmosphere, that is to say the tone of a home or how one lives in a room. Communion is a significant component in the creation of a culture and atmosphere. This study’s theory-model gives rise to a new perspective that can generate new patterns of action. The study’s theory-model results in a new historically-based view that create new patterns of action in care and Caring Science today.