59 resultados para implicit categorization


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Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kehittää laskentaohjelma pyörivälle regeneratiiviselle lämmönsiirtimelle. Työ tehtiin Foster Wheeler Energia Oy:n Varkauden toimipisteessä. Työn ensimmäisessä osuudessa tutkittiin kirjallisuuden avulla regeneraattoreihin liittyvää teoriaa. Tämä osuus sisältää regeneratiivisen lämmönsiirron perusteita, regeneraattoreiden luokittelua, sektorijakoja, vuotoja, lämpöpintojen geometriaa ja likaantumista. Soveltavassa osassa tehtiin laskentaohjelma, jonka avulla voidaan laskea pyörivän regeneraattorin mitoitus- ja suorituskykylaskuja. Lisäksi ohjelman avulla voidaan laskea regeneraattorin lämpötilaprofiili.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on määritellä keskeiset ja sopivat asiakasportfoliomallit ja asiakasmatriisit asiakassuhteen määrittämiseen. Tutkimus keskittyy asiakassuhteen arvottamiseen ja avainasiakkaiden määrittämiseen kohdeyrityksessä. Keskeisimmät ja sopivimmat asiakasportfliomallit huomioidaan asiakkaiden arvioinnissa. Tutkielman teoriaosassa esitellään tunnetuimmat ja käytetyimmät asiakasportfoliomallit ja matriisit alan kirjallisuuden perusteella. Tämän lisäksi asiakasportfoliomalleihin yhdistetään näkökulmia suhdemarkkinoinnin, asiakkuuksien johtamisen ja tuoteportfolioiden teorioista. Keskeisimmät kirjallisuuden lähteet ovat johtamisen ja markkinoinnin alalta. Tutkielman empiriaosassa esitellään kohdeyritys ja sen tämän hetkinen asiakassuhteiden johtamiskäytäntö. Lisäksi tehdään parannusehdotuksia kohdeyrityksen nykyiseen asiakassuhteiden arvottamismenetelmään jotta asiakassuhteiden arvon laskeminen vastaisi mahdollisimman hyvin kohdeyrityksen nykyisiä tarpeita. Asiakassuhteen arvon määrittämiseksi käytetään myös fokusryhmähaastattelua. Avainasiakkaat määritellään ja tilannetta havainnollistetaan sijoittamalla avainasiakkaat asiakasportfolioon.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää MRO-tuotteiden hankinnassa käytettäviä liiketoimintasuhdemuotoja sekä huomioitavia asioita siirryttäessä kohti yhteistyötä toimittajan kanssa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena case-tutkimuksena, jossa aineiston kokoaminen pohjautui haastatteluihin, sisäisiin dokumentaatioihin sekä osallistuvaan havainnointiin. Analysointi tapahtui teoreettisen tuoteluokittelun pohjalta sekä luokitteluryhmien tarkastelulla käytännössä. Tutkimuksen keskeisimpänä tuloksena on havainto yhteistyösuhteiden käytön lisääntymisestä vakiotuotteiden hankinnassa. Tämä johtuu pyrkimyksestä suorittaa ko. tuotteiden hankinta mahdollisimman vähin resurssein, jolloin hankintojen huomio voidaan keskittää kriittisempiin tuotteisiin. MRO-tuotteissa käytettäviä yleisimpiä liiketoimintasuhteita ovat kilpailutus sekä vuosi- ja puitesopimukset. Ylläpitosopimukset ja kumppanuus-suhteet ovat mahdollisia, kun tuotteiden strateginen merkitys nousee merkittäväksi ja osapuolten välillä vallitsee korkea luottamus.


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Tässä työssä kuvataan erilaisia malleja palveluiden hinnoitteluun. Työn tavoitteena on saada kokonaiskuva erilaisista palveluiden hinnoittelumalleista. Lähtökohtana ovat palveluiden, hinnan, hinnoittelun ja kustannusten määritelmät. Malleista kuvataan hinnoittelun peruste, yleisiä käyttökohteita sekä vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia. Eri mallit on jaettu kahteen osaan. Yrityskohtaiset mallit kuvaavat laajasti hinnoitteluprosessia. Yksityiskohtaisemmat palvelukohtaiset mallit on jaettu resurssi-, tuotos-, käyttöoikeus- ja käyttöperusteisiin, sekä hyöty- ja arvoperusteisiin menetelmiin. Täydellistä kaikille palveluille sopivaa hinnoittelumenetelmää ei ole. Jokaisessa mallissa on heikkouksia ja vahvuuksia. Eri menetelmät soveltuvat erilaisiin tilanteisiin ja niitä käytetään yrityksissä usein rinnakkain niin sanottuina hybridimalleina. Lisäksi palveluiden hinnoitteluun liittyy yllättävän paljon intuitiota ja kokemuksellista tietoa.


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Recent advances in machine learning methods enable increasingly the automatic construction of various types of computer assisted methods that have been difficult or laborious to program by human experts. The tasks for which this kind of tools are needed arise in many areas, here especially in the fields of bioinformatics and natural language processing. The machine learning methods may not work satisfactorily if they are not appropriately tailored to the task in question. However, their learning performance can often be improved by taking advantage of deeper insight of the application domain or the learning problem at hand. This thesis considers developing kernel-based learning algorithms incorporating this kind of prior knowledge of the task in question in an advantageous way. Moreover, computationally efficient algorithms for training the learning machines for specific tasks are presented. In the context of kernel-based learning methods, the incorporation of prior knowledge is often done by designing appropriate kernel functions. Another well-known way is to develop cost functions that fit to the task under consideration. For disambiguation tasks in natural language, we develop kernel functions that take account of the positional information and the mutual similarities of words. It is shown that the use of this information significantly improves the disambiguation performance of the learning machine. Further, we design a new cost function that is better suitable for the task of information retrieval and for more general ranking problems than the cost functions designed for regression and classification. We also consider other applications of the kernel-based learning algorithms such as text categorization, and pattern recognition in differential display. We develop computationally efficient algorithms for training the considered learning machines with the proposed kernel functions. We also design a fast cross-validation algorithm for regularized least-squares type of learning algorithm. Further, an efficient version of the regularized least-squares algorithm that can be used together with the new cost function for preference learning and ranking tasks is proposed. In summary, we demonstrate that the incorporation of prior knowledge is possible and beneficial, and novel advanced kernels and cost functions can be used in algorithms efficiently.


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The main concept of this paper is managing brand equity over time. In the theoretical section, a necessary basis for managing brand equity is first built by reviewing the most important themes related to branding. After this the concept of brand equity is discussed thoroughly, and a framework is built for managing brand equity over time. The empirical section illustrates how the case company, Masku, has built its brand equity over the history of the company. What can be derived from this research is that the process of managing brand equity over time can be an implicit process, and means of reinforcing the brand are often used without specific emphasis to generate business.


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In the Thesis main focus is done on power flow development paths around the Baltic States as well as on market-based requirements for creation of the common Baltic electricity market. Current market regulations between the countries are presented; barriers for creating competitive common Baltic power market and for electricity trading with third countries are clarified; solutions are offered and corresponding road map is developed. Future power development paths around the Baltic States are analysed. For this purpose the 330 kV transmission grid of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is modelled in a power flow tool. Power flow calculations are carried out for winter and summer peak and off-peak load periods in 2020 with different combinations of interconnections. While carrying out power balance experiments several power flow patterns in the Baltic States are revealed. Conclusions are made about security of supply, grid congestion and transmission capacity availability for different scenarios.


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The present thesis investigated the importance of semantics in generating inferences during discourse processing. Three aspects of semantics, gender stereotypes, implicit causality information and proto-role properties, were used to investigate whether semantics is activated elaboratively during discourse comprehension and what its relative importance is in backward inferencing compared to discourse/structural cues. Visual world eye-tracking studies revealed that semantics plays an important role in both backward and forward inferencing: Gender stereotypes and implicit causality information is activated elaboratively during online discourse comprehension. Moreover, gender stereotypes, implicit causality and proto-role properties of verbs are all used in backward inferencing. Importantly, the studies demonstrated that semantic cues are weighed against discourse/structural cues. When the structural cues consist of a combination of cues that have been independently shown to be important in backward inferencing, semantic effects may be masked, whereas when the structural cues consist of a combination of fewer prominent cues, semantics can have an earlier effect than structural factors in pronoun resolution. In addition, the type of inference matters, too: During anaphoric inferencing semantics has a prominent role, while discourse/structural salience attains more prominence during non-anaphoric inferencing. Finally, semantics exhibits a strong role in inviting new inferences to revise earlier made inferences even in the case the additional inference is not needed to establish coherence in discourse. The findings are generally in line with the Mental Model approaches. Two extended model versions are presented that incorporate the current findings into the earlier literature. These models allow both forward and backward inferencing to occur at any given moment during the course of processing; they also allow semantic and discourse/structural cues to contribute to both of these processes. However, while the Mental Model 1 does not assume interactions between semantic and discourse/structural factors in forward inferencing, the Mental Model 2 does assume such a link.


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This is a study of team social networks, their antecedents and outcomes. In focusing attention on the structural configuration of the team this research contributes to a new wave of thinking concerning group social capital. The research site was a random sample of Finnish work organisations. The data consisted of 499 employees in 76 teams representing 48 different organisations. A systematic literature review and quantitative methods were used in conducting the research: the former primarily to establish the current theoretical position on the relationships among the variables and the latter to test these relationships. Social network analysis was the primary method used in identifying the social-network relations among the work-team members. The first and key contribution of this study is that it relates the structuralnetwork properties of work teams to behavioural outcomes, attitudinal outcomes and, ultimately, team performance. Moreover, it shows that addressing attitudinal outcomes is also important in terms of team performance; attitudinal outcomes (team identity) mediated the relationship between the team’s performance and its social network. The second contribution is that it examines the possible antecedents of the social structure. It is thus one response to Salancik’s (1995) call for a network theory in that it explains why certain network characteristics exist. Itdemonstrates that irrespective of whether or not a team is heterogeneous in terms of age or gender, educational diversity may protect it from centralisation. However, heterogeneity in terms of gender turned out to have a negative impact on density. Thirdly, given the observation that the benefits of (team) networks are typically theorised and modelled without reference to the nature of the relationships comprising the structure, the study directly tested whether team knowledge mediated the effects of instrumental and expressive network relationships on team performance. Furthermore, with its focus on expressive networks that link the workplace to a more informal world, which have been rather neglected in previous research, it enhances knowledge of teams andnetworks. The results indicate that knowledge sharing fully mediates the influence of complementarities between dense and fragmented instrumental network relationships, thus providing empirical validation of the implicit understanding that networks transfer knowledge. Fourthly, the study findings suggest that an optimal configuration of the work-team social-network structure combines both bridging and bonding social relationships.


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Appearance of trust in regional, co-operative networks In our times, the value of social networks has been widely acknowledged. One can say that it is important for private persons to get networked, whilst it is even a must for companies and organizations in business life. This doctor's thesis examines three co-operative regional networks. Networks are located in Western Uusimaa (Länsi-Uusimaa) region in southernmost Finland, and they had both public organizations and private companies as participants (later called ‘players’). Initially, all of them were co-financed from public funds, and two of them are still operational while writing this. The main target of these networks has been to act as learning networks. The learning network stands for an ensemble of research and development units and workplaces constituting a common forum for learning. The main focus in this study has been on qualitative and structural characteristics of the networks, and how they are relating with intrinsic trust. In addition to the development of trust, it has been studied, at what level organizational learning within the networks takes place, and lastly, what kind of factors facilitate the development of social capital. The theoretical framework for the study is built on analysing trust and social capital. It is a 'mission impossible' to find single definitions for such major concepts. In this study, from the research questions' point of view it has been more relevant to concentrate on the aspects of networking and the relationships between the participating organizations. The total view in this study is very network-centric, and therefore those theories which have similar point of view have been prioritized. Such is the theory about structural holes by Ronald S. Burt (1992). It has been widely applied; especially his views on constraints affecting players in networks. The purpose of this study has not been to create new theories or to analyse and compare thoroughly the existing theoretical trends. Instead, the existing theories have provided the study with conceptual tools, which have been utilized for supporting the empirical results. The aim has been to create an explanatory case study consisting relevant discussion on the relationship between the network characteristics and the appearance of trust. The conceptual categorization for confidence vs. trust created by Niklas Luhmann (1979) is another important theoretical building block. In most cases, co-operation in networks is initiated by people already trusting in each other and willing to work together. However, personal trust is not sufficient in the long run to sustain the co-operation within the network: more abstract systemic trust described by Luhmann must also emerge. In the networks with different structures and at different development phases, these forms of trust appear at different levels. In this study, Luhmann’s systemic trust as a term has been replaced by the concept of 'trust in network as a system'. Structural characteristics of a network (density, centrality, structural holes etc.) have been selected to explain the creation of social capital and trust. The ability to adapt new information is essential for the development of social capital. Qualitative analysis for development phase has been used, and the Learning Network Maturity Test by Leenamaija Otala (2000) and her work have been applied. Thus, the qualitative characteristics and the structural characteristics of the networks are utilized together, when the creation of social capital and appearance of trust are assessed. Social Network Analysis, questionnaires and interviews have been the research methods. Quantitative and qualitative data have been combined. There is a similarity in viewpoints to research data with Extensive Case Study method, in which different cases are searched by exploring various cases and comparing certain common features between them and generic models. Development of trust, social capital and organizational learning has been explained in the study by comparing the networks in hand. Being a case study, it doesn't have targets to provide with general results and findings like conventional surveys. However, in this work phenomena and mechanisms related to them are interpreted from the empirical data. Key finding of this study is that the networks with high structural equality and clear target setting enable building trust to the network as a system. When systemic trust is present, e.g. changes in personnel involved in the co-operation won't hinder the network from remaining operational. On the other hand, if the players are not well motivated to co-operate, if the network is extremely centralized structurally, or if the network has players holding very much more beneficial position compared to the others, systemic trust won't develop: trust tends to remain at the personal level, and is directed to some players only. Such networks won't generate results and benefits to its players, and most probably they won’t live very long. In other words, learning networks cannot solely be based on willingness to learn, but also on willingness to co-operate.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the consumer search behavior in high involvement purchases. The results of this research provide the descriptive analysis of the information search phase which is a part of the decision-making process. The study focuses on customer’s choice of the information sources, motivation behind it and different factors that influence the search behavior. Particular attention is paid to the purchase categorization and the differences in information search between products and services. The qualitative research method is chosen for this study. The data is gathered through ten theme interviews. Each participant of the interview describes his/her own search behavior in a product and a service case. The results indicate that consumer search behavior vary according to the purchase categorization, demographic, individual and situational factors. Moreover, the above-mentioned factors influence the purpose and position of the information search phase in a five-step decision making model.


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Artikel i konferensrapport.


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Avhandlingen är en studie i kön, genus och sexualitet i den franska författarinnan Marguerite Yourcenars romaner. Undersökningen utgår från ett queer-teoretiskt perspektiv och har som syfte att belysa de olika sätt på vilka Yourcenars texter uttrycker ett ifrågasättande av och ett överskridande av normer beträffande kön, manlighet och kvinnlighet, samt sexuella kategorier. Det tudelade könssystemet (man/kvinna) och motsättningen mellan heterosexualitet och homosexualitet ses som förenklade sociala konstruktioner som inte motsvarar den mångfasetterade verklighet som avbildas i texterna. Mångfald, flyktighet och gränsöverskridande är nyckelord i undersökningen. I avhandlingen granskas snart när alla Yourcenars romaner samt en novell i form av separata läsningar, för att ge en så heltäckande bild som möjligt av hur problematiken behandlas i hennes produktion. Således belyses särarten hos varje verk och det är även möjligt att uppmärksamma den utveckling som skett under karriärens gång. Kön och sexualitet diskuteras separat i enlighet med Gayle Rubins och Eve Sedgwicks tes att sexualitetsforskning och genusstudier inte bör sammanblandas: sexualitet är ett så komplext fenomen att kön och genus är otillräckliga analysverktyg för en seriös och djuplodande diskussion. Genom att lyfta fram olika exempel på figurer i Yourcenars romaner som implicit eller explicit tar avstånd ifrån en klar indelning i män och kvinnor, respektive manlighet och kvinnlighet, påvisas att tanken att det existerar två olika biologiska kön systematiskt tillbakavisas. Diskussionen om sexualitetstemat koncentrerar sig på förhållandet mellan homo-och heterosexualitet, men betonar även hur temat anknyter till andra centrala teman, såsom religion och ras. Bilden av homosexualitet ändrar från en text till en annan, vilket illusterar att en skarp motsättning mellan homo- och heterosexualitet är ohållbar.


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En väsentlig fråga inom såväl lingvistiska som kognitiva teorier är, hur språket beskriver kausala relationer. I finskan finns det en speciell typ av kausativa verb avledda med suffixet (U)ttA som används för att uttrycka att handlingen i fråga utförs av någon annan än subjektreferenten, t.ex. Maija haetuttaa Matilla kirjastosta kirjan ’Maija låter Matti hämta boken från biblioteket’ och Matti juoksuttaa Maijan kaupunkiin ’Matti låter Maija springa till staden’. Syftet med denna avhandling var att med exempel av sociala dominansens kausativer undersöka ordbildningens natur samt begreppet ’socialt förorsakande’. För att beskriva avledningars regelbundna argumentstruktur i form av kopplingen mellan syntaxen och semantiken upprättades deras prototypiska strukturer. Dessa verb har emellertid också specifika användningsområden som framhäver variationer i sociala relationer. Säregna egenskaper hos den sociala dominansens kausativer inkluderades i undersökningen och definierades som konstruktioner. Konstruktionerna omfattar speciella syntaktiska och/eller semantiska element och utöver det också pragmatiska värderande implikationer. Uppbyggnaden av den sociala dimensionen hos de undersökta verben består av egenskaper förbundna med typen av förorsakande, argumentens agentiva egenskaper (aktivitet eller passivitet, dominans, kontroll, viljestyrdhet och ansvarighet) samt konventionaliserade attityder och tolkningar. Ett exempel på en s.k. 'tolkningskonstruktion’ är den negativa dominansens uttryck som i avhandlingen kallas Maktmissbrukskonstruktionen. Denna konstruktion inkluderar talarens starkt kritiska hållning till den uttryckta situationen, t.ex. Asiakas juoksuttaa lentoemäntää ’Kunden låter flygvärdinnan springa’. Dessa konstruktioner fyller en viktig funktion i språklig kommunikation: att beskriva avvikande av sociala normer och att foga expressivitet till budskapet. Metodologiskt kombinerar denna avhandling teorier som baseras på det aktuella språkbruket och teoretisk lingvistisk analys. Verbens samt konstruktionernas konceptuella lexikala struktur och prototypstrukturerna analyserades med hjälp av den konceptuella semantikens verktyg, som har utvecklats av Jackendoff, Nikanne och Pörn.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on löytää hankintaprosessin optimaalinen toteutustapa tutkimuksen kohdeyritykselle. Tutkielmassa kuvataan kohdeyrityksen hankintaprosessin kulku nykyisellään ja annetaan kehitysehdotuksia. Tutkielmassa pohditaan sitä, mitä osia kohdeyrityksen tulisi hankintaprosessissa suorittaa itse, ja mitä osia puolestaan tulisi ulkoistaa palveluntarjoajille. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan myös ICT-hankintoihin liittyviä erityispiirteitä ja haasteita. Lisäksi tutkielmassa käydään läpi toimittajien vertailussa käytettäviä kriteerejä. Myös hankintalain vaikutusta kohdeyrityksen toimintaan tarkastellaan lyhyesti. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu neljästä teoria-alueesta, jotka ovat: ulkoistaminen, toimittajien luokittelu, toimittajien arviointi ja julkiset hankinnat. Teorian ja empirian välisen vuoropuhelun avulla esitetään ehdotus hankintaprosessin optimaaliseksi toteutustavaksi. Muutoksia ehdotetaan erityisesti toimijoiden väliseen roolijakoon hankintaprosessissa. Työ on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus. Teoriaosio perustuu kirjallisuuskatsaukseen ja empiriaosio perustuu lähinnä haastatteluihin.