24 resultados para basic concepts
Today lean-philosophy has gathered a lot of popularity and interest in many industries. This customer-oriented philosophy helps to understand customer’s value creation which can be used to improve efficiency. A comprehensive study of lean and lean-methods in service industry were created in this research. In theoretical part lean-philosophy is studied in different levels which will help to understand its diversity. To support lean, this research also presents basic concepts of process management. Lastly theoretical part presents a development model to support process development in systematical way. The empirical part of the study was performed by performing experimental measurements during the service center’s product return process and by analyzing this data. Measurements were used to map out factors that have a negative influence on the process flow. Several development propositions were discussed to remove these factors. Problems mainly occur due to challenges in controlling customers and due to the lack of responsibility and continuous improvement on operational level. Development propositions concern such factors as change in service center’s physical environment, standardization of work tasks and training. These factors will remove waste in the product return process and support the idea of continuous improvement.
For my Licentiate thesis, I conducted research on risk measures. Continuing with this research, I now focus on capital allocation. In the proportional capital allocation principle, the choice of risk measure plays a very important part. In the chapters Introduction and Basic concepts, we introduce three definitions of economic capital, discuss the purpose of capital allocation, give different viewpoints of capital allocation and present an overview of relevant literature. Risk measures are defined and the concept of coherent risk measure is introduced. Examples of important risk measures are given, e. g., Value at Risk (VaR), Tail Value at Risk (TVaR). We also discuss the implications of dependence and review some important distributions. In the following chapter on Capital allocation we introduce different principles for allocating capital. We prefer to work with the proportional allocation method. In the following chapter, Capital allocation based on tails, we focus on insurance business lines with heavy-tailed loss distribution. To emphasize capital allocation based on tails, we define the following risk measures: Conditional Expectation, Upper Tail Covariance and Tail Covariance Premium Adjusted (TCPA). In the final chapter, called Illustrative case study, we simulate two sets of data with five insurance business lines using Normal copulas and Cauchy copulas. The proportional capital allocation is calculated using TCPA as risk measure. It is compared with the result when VaR is used as risk measure and with covariance capital allocation. In this thesis, it is emphasized that no single allocation principle is perfect for all purposes. When focusing on the tail of losses, the allocation based on TCPA is a good one, since TCPA in a sense includes features of TVaR and Tail covariance.
This work presents synopsis of efficient strategies used in power managements for achieving the most economical power and energy consumption in multicore systems, FPGA and NoC Platforms. In this work, a practical approach was taken, in an effort to validate the significance of the proposed Adaptive Power Management Algorithm (APMA), proposed for system developed, for this thesis project. This system comprise arithmetic and logic unit, up and down counters, adder, state machine and multiplexer. The essence of carrying this project firstly, is to develop a system that will be used for this power management project. Secondly, to perform area and power synopsis of the system on these various scalable technology platforms, UMC 90nm nanotechnology 1.2v, UMC 90nm nanotechnology 1.32v and UMC 0.18 μmNanotechnology 1.80v, in order to examine the difference in area and power consumption of the system on the platforms. Thirdly, to explore various strategies that can be used to reducing system’s power consumption and to propose an adaptive power management algorithm that can be used to reduce the power consumption of the system. The strategies introduced in this work comprise Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and task parallelism. After the system development, it was run on FPGA board, basically NoC Platforms and on these various technology platforms UMC 90nm nanotechnology1.2v, UMC 90nm nanotechnology 1.32v and UMC180 nm nanotechnology 1.80v, the system synthesis was successfully accomplished, the simulated result analysis shows that the system meets all functional requirements, the power consumption and the area utilization were recorded and analyzed in chapter 7 of this work. This work extensively reviewed various strategies for managing power consumption which were quantitative research works by many researchers and companies, it's a mixture of study analysis and experimented lab works, it condensed and presents the whole basic concepts of power management strategy from quality technical papers.
Ohjelmoinnin opettaminen yleissivistävänä oppiaineena on viime aikoina herättänyt kiinnostusta Suomessa ja muualla maailmassa. Esimerkiksi Suomen opetushallituksen määrittämien, vuonna 2016 käyttöön otettavien peruskoulun opintosuunnitelman perusteiden mukaan, ohjelmointitaitoja aletaan opettaa suomalaisissa peruskouluissa ensimmäiseltä luokalta alkaen. Ohjelmointia ei olla lisäämässä omaksi oppiaineekseen, vaan sen opetuksen on tarkoitus tapahtua muiden oppiaineiden, kuten matematiikan yhteydessä. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee yleissivistävää ohjelmoinnin opetusta yleisesti, käy läpi yleisimpiä haasteita ohjelmoinnin oppimisessa ja tarkastelee erilaisten opetusmenetelmien soveltuvuutta erityisesti nuorten oppilaiden opettamiseen. Tutkimusta varten toteutettiin verkkoympäristössä toimiva, noin 9–12-vuotiaille oppilaille suunnattu graafista ohjelmointikieltä ja visuaalisuutta tehokkaasti hyödyntävä oppimissovellus. Oppimissovelluksen avulla toteutettiin alakoulun neljänsien luokkien kanssa vertailututkimus, jossa graafisella ohjelmointikielellä tapahtuvan opetuksen toimivuutta vertailtiin toiseen opetusmenetelmään, jossa oppilaat tutustuivat ohjelmoinnin perusteisiin toiminnallisten leikkien avulla. Vertailututkimuksessa kahden neljännen luokan oppilaat suorittivat samankaltaisia, ohjelmoinnin peruskäsitteisiin liittyviä ohjelmointitehtäviä molemmilla opetus-menetelmillä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää alakouluoppilaiden nykyistä ohjelmointiosaamista, sitä minkälaisen vastaanoton ohjelmoinnin opetus alakouluoppilailta saa, onko erilaisilla opetusmenetelmillä merkitystä opetuksen toteutuksen kannalta ja näkyykö eri opetusmenetelmillä opetettujen luokkien oppimistuloksissa eroja. Oppilaat suhtautuivat kumpaankin opetusmenetelmään myönteisesti, ja osoittivat kiinnostusta ohjelmoinnin opiskeluun. Sisällöllisesti oppitunneille oli varattu turhan paljon materiaalia, mutta esimerkiksi yhden keskeisimmän aiheen, eli toiston käsitteen oppimisessa aktiivisilla leikeillä harjoitellut luokka osoitti huomattavasti graafisella ohjelmointikielellä harjoitellutta luokkaa parempaa osaamista oppitunnin jälkeen. Ohjelmakoodin peräkkäisyyteen liittyvä osaaminen oli neljäsluokkalaisilla hyvin hallussa jo ennen ohjelmointiharjoituksia. Aiheeseen liittyvän taustatutkimuksen ja luokkien opettajien haastatteluiden perusteella havaittiin koulujen valmiuksien opetussuunnitelmauudistuksen mukaiseen ohjelmoinnin opettamiseen olevan vielä heikolla tasolla.
The starting point of this study is to direct more attention to the teacher and those entrepreneurship education practices taking place in formal school to find out solutions for more effective promotion of entrepreneurship education. For this objective, the strategy-level aims of entrepreneurship education need to be operationalised into measurable and understandable teacher-level practices. Furthermore, to enable the effective development of entrepreneurship education in basic and upper secondary level education, more knowledge is needed of the state of affairs of entrepreneurship education in teaching. The purpose of the study is to increase the level of understanding of teachers’ entrepreneurship education practices, and through this to develop entrepreneurship education. This study builds on the literature on entrepreneurship education and especially those elements referring to the aims, resources, benefits, methods, and practises of entrepreneurship education. The study comprises five articles highlighting teachers’ role in entrepreneurship education. In the first article the concept of entrepreneurship and the teachers role in reflection upon his/hers approaches to entrepreneurship education are considered. The second article provides a detailed analysis of the process of developing a measurement tool to depict the teachers’ activities in entrepreneurship education. The next three articles highlight the teachers’ role in directing the entrepreneurship education in basic and upper secondary level education. Furthermore, they analyse the relationship between the entrepreneurship education practises and the teachers’ background characteristics. The results of the study suggest a wide range of conclusions and implications. First, in spite of many outspoken aims connected to entrepreneurship education, teachers have not set any aims for themselves. Additionally, aims and results seem to mix. However, it is possible to develop teachers’ target orientation by supporting their reflection skills, and through measurement and evaluation increase their understanding of their own practices. Second, applying a participatory action process it is possible to operationalise teachers’entrepreneurship education practices. It is central to include the practitioners’ perspective in the development of measures to make sure that the concepts and aims of entrepreneurship education are understood. Third, teachers’ demographic or tenure-related background characteristics do not affect their entrepreneurship education practices, but their training related to entrepreneurship education, participation in different school-level or regional planning, and their own capabilities support entrepreneurship education. Fourth, a large number of methods are applied to entrepreneurship education, and the most often used methods were different kinds of discussions, which seem to be an easy, low-threshold way for teachers to include entrepreneurship education regularly in their teaching. Field trips to business enterprises or inviting entrepreneurs to present their work in schools are used fairly seldom. Interestingly, visits outside the school are more common than visitors invited to the school. In line, most of the entrepreneurship education practices take place in a classroom. Therefore it seems to be useful to create and encourage teachers towards more in-depth cooperation with companies (e.g. via joint projects) and to network systematically. Finally, there are plenty of resources available for entrepreneurship education, such as ready-made materials, external stakeholders, support organisations, and learning games, but teachers have utilized them only marginally.
The goal of this study was to find and develop new or improved service concepts for rolls in a paper machine and secondary targets were to find out what the KPIs and values of the concepts are. Two methodologies were utilized in researching this problem; firstly sales personnel were interviewed about customer values and KPIs and a questionnaire about service modules were sent out to four BSI (basic sales item) responsible persons. Throughout the research process differences in geographic regions were identified and several customer KPIs and values were discovered. The interviews showed that the main concern for customers is the cost of operations. The goal is to produce the same or in some cases more tons with smaller operating costs. The questionnaire standardized the data about service modules and made it possible to link these values, KPIs and concerns of customers to Valmet’s service offering. Eventually these service modules were used to create a service concepts that offer flexibility, cost savings, safety and peace of mind for the customers. With this new conceptual approach Valmet can more flexibly answer to customer quotations and modify the offering to better generate customer value and customer satisfaction. In addition a new BSI was defined and proposed for pilot projects.
The concepts of social entrepreneurship and social enterprises have been extensively discussed in the previous two decades, yet the topic is still not matured yet. Most of the available literature is focused on defining these terms. Similarly, limited number of authors has discussed the marketing function of these enterprises or how marketing is interpreted in social entrepreneurship models. However, there is a plethora of literature on marketing entailing many different theories, amongst which the newest one is the “market orientation concept”. Market orientation is a mix of customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination suggesting marketing to be a part of the business philosophy. This study focuses on the marketing and market orientation of social enterprises while giving an overview of the literature of marketing and market orientation in social enterprises. This study aims to provide two basic questions, 1) what is the literature on marketing and market orientation of social enterprises while explaining the literature of social enterprises in Pakistan and 2) how these concepts are interpreted in social enterprises in Pakistani market. Key features of research methodology include case study approach while conducting thematic analysis using thematic networks. The results indicate that only a limited number of authors have discussed market orientation concept in social enterprises. The results from the interview data indicate the usage of marketing by a firm unconsciously without a specific marketing department. In addition to that, it has been found that in social enterprise world competition is tackled through a win-win approach with a view that many enterprises working for society improve the society which is the basic mission of any social enterprise. The data also showed that in Pakistani market, social enterprise concept is not legally used yet, which allows for more room for innovation. This study intends to give a new perspective to the theorists to use market orientation concept in social enterprises and also to managers to use marketing as their business philosophy in order to satisfy the stakeholders for better delivery of their businesses and as well for social good.