40 resultados para animal experiments
Previous studies have demonstrated that clinical pulpal pain can induce the expression of pro-inflammatory neuropeptides in the adjacent gingival crevice fluid (GCF). Vasoactive agents such as substance P (SP) are known to contribute to the inflammatory type of pain and are associated with increased blood flow. More recent animal studies have shown that application of capsaicin on alveolar mucosa provokes pain and neurogenic vasodilatation in the adjacent gingiva. Pain-associated inflammatory reactions may initiate expression of several pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators. Collagenase-2 (MMP-8) has been considered to be the major destructive protease, especially in the periodontitis-affected gingival crevice fluid (GCF). MMP-8 originates mostly from neutrophil leukocytes, the first line of defence cells that exist abundantly in GCF, especially in inflammation. With this background, we wished to clarify the spatial extensions and differences between tooth-pain stimulation and capsaicin-induced neurogenic vasodilatation in human gingiva. Experiments were carried out to study whether tooth stimulation and capsaicin stimulation of alveolar mucosa would induce changes in GCF MMP-8 levels and whether tooth stimulation would release neuropeptide SP in GCF. The experiments were carried out on healthy human volunteers. During the experiments, moderate and high intensity painful tooth stimulation was performed by a constant current tooth stimulator. Moderate tooth stimulation activates A-delta fibres, while high stimulation also activates C-fibres. Painful stimulation of the gingiva was achieved by topical application of capsaicin-moistened filter paper on the mucosal surface. Capsaicin is known to activate selectively nociceptive C-fibres of stimulated tissue. Pain-evoked vasoactive changes in gingivomucosal tissues were mapped by laser Doppler imaging (LDI), which is a sophisticated and non-invasive method for studying e.g. spatial and temporal characteristics of pain- and inflammation-evoked blood flow changes in gingivomucosal tissues. Pain-evoked release of MMP-8 in GCF samples was studied by immunofluorometric assay (IFMA) and Western immunoblotting. The SP levels in GCF were analysed by Enzyme immunoassay (EIA). During the experiments, subjective stimulus-evoked pain responses were determined by a visual analogue pain scale. Unilateral stimulation of alveolar mucosa and attached gingiva by capsaicin evoked a distinct neurogenic vasodilatation in the ipsilateral gingiva, which attenuated rapidly at the midline. Capsaicin stimulation of alveolar mucosa provoked clear inflammatory reactions. In contrast to capsaicin stimuli, tooth stimulation produced symmetrical vasodilatations bilaterally in the gingiva. The ipsilateral responses were significantly smaller during tooth stimulation than during capsaicin stimuli. The current finding – that tooth stimulation evokes bilateral vasodilatation while capsaicin stimulation of the gingiva mainly produces unilateral vasodilatation – emphasises the usefulness of LDI in clarifying spatial features of neurogenic vasoactive changes in the intra-oral tissues. Capsaicin stimulation of the alveolar mucosa induced significant elevations in MMP-8 levels and activation in GCF of the adjacent teeth. During the experiments, no marked changes occurred in MMP-8 levels in the GCF of distantly located teeth. Painful stimulation of the upper incisor provoked elevations in GCF MMP-8 and SP levels of the stimulated tooth. The GCF MMP-8 and SP levels of the non-stimulated teeth were not changed. These results suggest that capsaicin-induced inflammatory reactions in gingivomucosal tissues do not cross the midline in the anterior maxilla. The enhanced reaction found during stimulation of alveolar mucosa indicates that alveolar mucosa is more sensitive to chemical irritants than the attached gingiva. Analysis of these data suggests that capsaicin-evoked neurogenic inflammation in the gingiva can trigger the expression and activation of MMP-8 in GCF of the adjacent teeth. In this study, it is concluded that experimental tooth pain at C-fibre intensity can induce local elevations in MMP-8 and SP levels in GCF. Depending on the role of MMP-8 in inflammation, in addition to surrogated tissue destruction, the elevated MMP-8 in GCF may also reflect accelerated local defensive and anti-inflammatory reactions.
In many industries, such as petroleum production, and the petrochemical, metal, food and cosmetics industries, wastewaters containing an emulsion of oil in water are often produced. The emulsions consist of water (up to 90%), oils (mineral, animal, vegetable and synthetic), surfactants and other contaminates. In view of its toxic nature and its deleterious effects on the surrounding environment (soil, water) such wastewater needs to be treated before release into natural water ways. Membrane-based processes have successfully been applied in industrial applications and are considered as possible candidates for the treatment of oily wastewaters. Easy operation, lower cost, and in some cases, the ability to reduce contaminants below existing pollution limits are the main advantages of these systems. The main drawback of membranes is flux decline due tofouling and concentration polarisation. The complexity of oil-containing systems demands complementary studies on issues related to the mitigation of fouling and concentration polarisation in membranebased ultrafiltration. In this thesis the effect of different operating conditions (factors) on ultrafiltration of oily water is studied. Important factors are normally correlated and, therefore, their effect should be studied simultaneously. This work uses a novel approach to study different operating conditions, like pressure, flow velocity, and temperature, and solution properties, like oil concentration (cutting oil, diesel, kerosene), pH, and salt concentration (CaCl2 and NaCl)) in the ultrafiltration of oily water, simultaneously and in a systematic way using an experimental design approach. A hypothesis is developed to describe the interaction between the oil drops, salt and the membrane surface. The optimum conditions for ultrafiltration and the contribution of each factor in the ultrafiltration of oily water are evaluated. It is found that the effect on permeate flux of the various factors studied strongly depended on the type of oil, the type of membrane and the amount of salts. The thesis demonstrates that a system containing oil is very complex, and that fouling and flux decline can be observed even at very low pressures. This means that only the weak form of the critical flux exists for such systems. The cleaning of the fouled membranes and the influence of different parameters (flow velocity, temperature, time, pressure, and chemical concentration (SDS, NaOH)) were evaluated in this study. It was observed that fouling, and consequently cleaning, behaved differently for the studied membranes. Of the membranes studied, the membrane with the lowest propensity for fouling and the most easily cleaned was the regenerated cellulose membrane (C100H). In order to get more information about the interaction between the membrane and the components of the emulsion, a streaming potential study was performed on the membrane. The experiments were carried out at different pH and oil concentration. It was seen that oily water changed the surface charge of the membrane significantly. The surface charge and the streaming potential during different stages of filtration were measured and analysed being a new method for fouling of oil in this thesis. The surface charge varied in different stages of filtration. It was found that the surface charge of a cleaned membrane was not the same as initially; however, the permeability was equal to that of a virgin membrane. The effect of filtration mode was studied by performing the filtration in both cross-flow and deadend mode. The effect of salt on performance was considered in both studies. It was found that salt decreased the permeate flux even at low concentration. To test the effect of hydrophilicity change, the commercial membranes used in this thesis were modified by grafting (PNIPAAm) on their surfaces. A new technique (corona treatment) was used for this modification. The effect of modification on permeate flux and retention was evaluated. The modified membranes changed their pore size around 33oC resulting in different retention and permeability. The obtained results in this thesis can be applied to optimise the operation of a membrane plant under normal or shock conditions or to modify the process such that it becomes more efficient or effective.
In this thesis three experiments with atomic hydrogen (H) at low temperatures T<1 K are presented. Experiments were carried out with two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) H gas, and with H atoms trapped in solid H2 matrix. The main focus of this work is on interatomic interactions, which have certain specific features in these three systems considered. A common feature is the very high density of atomic hydrogen, the systems are close to quantum degeneracy. Short range interactions in collisions between atoms are important in gaseous H. The system of H in H2 differ dramatically because atoms remain fixed in the H2 lattice and properties are governed by long-range interactions with the solid matrix and with H atoms. The main tools in our studies were the methods of magnetic resonance, with electron spin resonance (ESR) at 128 GHz being used as the principal detection method. For the first time in experiments with H in high magnetic fields and at low temperatures we combined ESR and NMR to perform electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) as well as coherent two-photon spectroscopy. This allowed to distinguish between different types of interactions in the magnetic resonance spectra. Experiments with 2D H gas utilized the thermal compression method in homogeneous magnetic field, developed in our laboratory. In this work methods were developed for direct studies of 3D H at high density, and for creating high density samples of H in H2. We measured magnetic resonance line shifts due to collisions in the 2D and 3D H gases. First we observed that the cold collision shift in 2D H gas composed of atoms in a single hyperfine state is much smaller than predicted by the mean-field theory. This motivated us to carry out similar experiments with 3D H. In 3D H the cold collision shift was found to be an order of magnitude smaller for atoms in a single hyperfine state than that for a mixture of atoms in two different hyperfine states. The collisional shifts were found to be in fair agreement with the theory, which takes into account symmetrization of the wave functions of the colliding atoms. The origin of the small shift in the 2D H composed of single hyperfine state atoms is not yet understood. The measurement of the shift in 3D H provides experimental determination for the difference of the scattering lengths of ground state atoms. The experiment with H atoms captured in H2 matrix at temperatures below 1 K originated from our work with H gas. We found out that samples of H in H2 were formed during recombination of gas phase H, enabling sample preparation at temperatures below 0.5 K. Alternatively, we created the samples by electron impact dissociation of H2 molecules in situ in the solid. By the latter method we reached highest densities of H atoms reported so far, 3.5(5)x1019 cm-3. The H atoms were found to be stable for weeks at temperatures below 0.5 K. The observation of dipolar interaction effects provides a verification for the density measurement. Our results point to two different sites for H atoms in H2 lattice. The steady-state nuclear polarizations of the atoms were found to be non-thermal. The possibility for further increase of the impurity H density is considered. At higher densities and lower temperatures it might be possible to observe phenomena related to quantum degeneracy in solid.
Hormonstörande ämnen är syntetiska eller naturliga ämnen som stör organismers hormonsystem och bidrar till könsförvirring och sterilitet. Sådana ämnen kommer i ökande takt ut i vattenmiljön genom rester av läkemedel, bekämpningsmedel och industriprodukter. Eftersom det finns många likheter mellan hormonsystemen hos människan och övriga ryggradsdjur kan till exempel fiskar användas som modellsystem för att underöka detta problem. I tidigare undersökningar har man funnit hormonella störningar, bl.a. feminisering och maskulinisering hos fiskar som utsatts för avfallsvatten från kommunala reningsverk eller avfallsvatten från pappersindustrin. Målet med denna avhandling var att undersöka om renat avfallsvatten från kommunala reningsverk längs Finlands kust innehåller hormonstörande ämnen i sådana mängder att de kan försorsaka hormonstörande effekter på fisk. Målet i denna avhandling var också att utveckla cellulära testsystem baserade på fiskceller, eftersom behovet av tillförlitliga och kostnadseffektiva cellbaserade tester för att underlätta riskbedömningen av hormonstörande ämnen är mycket stort för tillfället. Som testsystem har storspiggen använts, som besitter flera användbara biomarkörer för att mäta hormonstörande ämnens påverkan. Resultaten tyder på att problemen med hormonstörande påverkan på fisk inte är lika utbredda i Finland som i många andra europeiska länder. Detta beror troligtvis på att finska reningsverk har effektiva reningstekniker som reducerar mängden hormonstörande ämnen, eller på att utspädningen av avloppen i recipienterna är större än i många andra länder. Dock kan problemen inte helt uteslutas eftersom vissa feminiserande (estrogena) effekter kunde observeras hos fisken i de undersökta recipienterna utanför kommunala reningsverk. I kontrollerade laboratorieförsök där storpsiggar exponerades för kommunalt avloppsvatten uppmättes även här effekter som tyder på förekomst av estrogener i avloppsvattnet. De cell-baserade testsystemen klarade av att förutspå hormonella effekter hos hel fisk och kan därför vara mycket användbara i fortsatta studier av hormonstörande ämnens verkningsmekanismer i preliminära toxicitetsbedömningar.
Alpha2-Adrenoceptors: structure and ligand binding properties at the molecular level The mouse is the most frequently used animal model in biomedical research, but the use of zebrafish as a model organism to mimic human diseases is on the increase. Therefore it is considered important to understand their pharmacological differences from humans also at the molecular level. The zebrafish Alpha2-adrenoceptors were expressed in mammalian cells and the binding affinities of 20 diverse ligands were determined and compared to the corresponding human receptors. The pharmacological properties of the human and zebrafish Alpha2--adrenoceptors were found to be quite well conserved. Receptor models based on the crystal structures of bovine rhodopsin and the human Beta2-adrenoceptor revealed that most structural differences between the paralogous and orthologous Alpha2--adrenoceptors were located within the second extracellular loop (XL2). Reciprocal mutations were generated in the mouse and human Alpha2--adrenoceptors. Ligand binding experiments revealed that substitutions in XL2 reversed the binding profiles of the human and mouse Alpha2--adrenoceptors for yohimbine, rauwolscine and RS-79948-197, evidence for a role for XL2 in the determination of species-specific ligand binding. Previous mutagenesis studies had not been able to explain the subtype preference of several large Alpha2--adrenoceptor antagonists. We prepared chimaeric Alpha2--adrenoceptors where the first transmembrane (TM1) domain was exchanged between the three human Alpha2--adrenoceptor subtypes. The binding affinities of spiperone, spiroxatrine and chlorpromazine were observed to be significantly improved by TM1 substitutions of the Alpha2a--adrenoceptor. Docking simulations indicated that indirect effects, such as allosteric modulation, are more likely to be involved in this phenomenon rather than specific side-chain interactions between ligands and receptors.
Unlike their counterparts in Europe and America, the citizen organizations acting for the well-being of animals in Japan have not received scholarly attention. In this research, I explore the activities of twelve Japanese pro-animal organizations in Tokyo and Kansai area from the perspective of social movement and civil society studies. The concept of a ‘pro-animal organization’ is used to refer generally to the collectives promoting animal well-being. By using the collective action frame analysis and the three core framing tasks – diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational – as the primarily analytical tools, I explore the grievances, tactics, motivational means, constructions of agency and identity as well as framing of civil society articulated in the newsletters and the interviews of the twelve organizations I interviewed in Japan in 2010. As the frame construction is always done in relation to the social and political context, I study how the organizations construct their roles as civil society actors in relation to other actors, such as the state, and the idea of citizen activism. The deficiencies in the animal welfare law and lack of knowledge among the public are identified as the main grievances. The primary tactic to overcome these problems was to educate and inform the citizens and authorities, because most organizations lack the channels to influence politically. The audiences were mostly portrayed as either ignorant bystanders or potential adherents. In order to motivate people to join their cause and to enforce the motivation within the organization, the organizations emphasized their uniqueness, proved their efficiency, claimed credit and celebrated even small improvements. The organizations tended to create three different roles for citizen pro-organizations in civil society: reactive, apolitical and emphatic animal lovers concentrating on saving individual animals, proactive, educative bridge-builders seeking to establish equal collaborative relations with authorities, and corrective, supervising watchdogs demanding change in delinquencies offending animal rights. Based on the results of this research, I suggest that by studying how and why the different relations between civil society and the governing actors of the state are constructed, a more versatile approach to citizens’ activism in its context can be achieved.
Filtration is a widely used unit operation in chemical engineering. The huge variation in the properties of materials to be ltered makes the study of ltration a challenging task. One of the objectives of this thesis was to show that conventional ltration theories are di cult to use when the system to be modelled contains all of the stages and features that are present in a complete solid/liquid separation process. Furthermore, most of the ltration theories require experimental work to be performed in order to obtain critical parameters required by the theoretical models. Creating a good overall understanding of how the variables a ect the nal product in ltration is somewhat impossible on a purely theoretical basis. The complexity of solid/liquid separation processes require experimental work and when tests are needed, it is advisable to use experimental design techniques so that the goals can be achieved. The statistical design of experiments provides the necessary tools for recognising the e ects of variables. It also helps to perform experimental work more economically. Design of experiments is a prerequisite for creating empirical models that can describe how the measured response is related to the changes in the values of the variable. A software package was developed that provides a ltration practitioner with experimental designs and calculates the parameters for linear regression models, along with the graphical representation of the responses. The developed software consists of two software modules. These modules are LTDoE and LTRead. The LTDoE module is used to create experimental designs for di erent lter types. The lter types considered in the software are automatic vertical pressure lter, double-sided vertical pressure lter, horizontal membrane lter press, vacuum belt lter and ceramic capillary action disc lter. It is also possible to create experimental designs for those cases where the variables are totally user de ned, say for a customized ltration cycle or di erent piece of equipment. The LTRead-module is used to read the experimental data gathered from the experiments, to analyse the data and to create models for each of the measured responses. Introducing the structure of the software more in detail and showing some of the practical applications is the main part of this thesis. This approach to the study of cake ltration processes, as presented in this thesis, has been shown to have good practical value when making ltration tests.
The objective of this master's thesis was to develop a process to increase the value of residual fungal biomass as an animal feed. The increase in value is achieved by enriching the protein content in the biomass and potentially isolating other valuable fractions for productisation. In the literature part of this thesis the composition of fungal biomass and fungal cell wall and the factors affecting them during cultivation are presented. The possible processing options are also presented and evaluated. The soy protein and single cell protein product manufacturing processes are used as examples due to the lack of fungal biomass fractionation processes found in published literature. The second part of this thesis was performed by making laboratory experiments on the developed process, which consisted of acid hydrolysis with subsequent ethanol extraction. Chitin was precipitated from the acid hydrolysate filtrate. The experiments were conducted with three different hydrolysis temperatures and three different acid concentrations. The optimal hydrolysis conditions were 60 °C with 10 %-vol acid concentration. Optimal conditions in hydrolysis resulted in 30 % increase in protein content in the final biomass. The conceptual process was modelled to scale of 10 000 t/a biomass feed. The mass and energy balances were based on the laboratory experiments. Economic calculations were performed to determine the maximal capital expense while achieving 10 % internal rate of return for the investment. For the basic case the capital expense threshold was 25.8 M€. Four optional cases and parameter sensitivity analysis were performed to determine the effects of changes in the process. The chitin sales had the greatest impact of the individual parameters.
Filtration is a widely used unit operation in chemical engineering. The huge variation in the properties of materials to be ltered makes the study of ltration a challenging task. One of the objectives of this thesis was to show that conventional ltration theories are di cult to use when the system to be modelled contains all of the stages and features that are present in a complete solid/liquid separation process. Furthermore, most of the ltration theories require experimental work to be performed in order to obtain critical parameters required by the theoretical models. Creating a good overall understanding of how the variables a ect the nal product in ltration is somewhat impossible on a purely theoretical basis. The complexity of solid/liquid separation processes require experimental work and when tests are needed, it is advisable to use experimental design techniques so that the goals can be achieved. The statistical design of experiments provides the necessary tools for recognising the e ects of variables. It also helps to perform experimental work more economically. Design of experiments is a prerequisite for creating empirical models that can describe how the measured response is related to the changes in the values of the variable. A software package was developed that provides a ltration practitioner with experimental designs and calculates the parameters for linear regression models, along with the graphical representation of the responses. The developed software consists of two software modules. These modules are LTDoE and LTRead. The LTDoE module is used to create experimental designs for di erent lter types. The lter types considered in the software are automatic vertical pressure lter, double-sided vertical pressure lter, horizontal membrane lter press, vacuum belt lter and ceramic capillary action disc lter. It is also possible to create experimental designs for those cases where the variables are totally user de ned, say for a customized ltration cycle or di erent piece of equipment. The LTRead-module is used to read the experimental data gathered from the experiments, to analyse the data and to create models for each of the measured responses. Introducing the structure of the software more in detail and showing some of the practical applications is the main part of this thesis. This approach to the study of cake ltration processes, as presented in this thesis, has been shown to have good practical value when making ltration tests.
Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV, is an optical measuring technique to obtain velocity information of a flow in interest. With PIV it is possible to achieve two or three dimensional velocity vector fields from a measurement area instead of a single point in a flow. Measured flow can be either in liquid or in gas form. PIV is nowadays widely applied to flow field studies. The need for PIV is to obtain validation data for Computational Fluid Dynamics calculation programs that has been used to model blow down experiments in PPOOLEX test facility in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. In this thesis PIV and its theoretical background are presented. All the subsystems that can be considered to be part of a PIV system are presented as well with detail. Emphasis is also put to the mathematics behind the image evaluation. The work also included selection and successful testing of a PIV system, as well as the planning of the installation to the PPOOLEX facility. Already in the preliminary testing PIV was found to be good addition to the measuring equipment for Nuclear Safety Research Unit of LUT. The installation to PPOOLEX facility was successful even though there were many restrictions considering it. All parts of the PIV system worked and they were found out to be appropriate for the planned use. Results and observations presented in this thesis are a good background to further PIV use.