21 resultados para Urban Squares
This thesis examines partnerships in sustainable urban development projects. Achievement of urban development requires the involvement of several parties. The cooperation of the actors of sustainable urban development is achieved by forming partnerships. The purpose of this study is to find solutions and best practices for the management of partnerships in sustainable residential development projects by examining partnerships and their success factors in sustainable urban development. The impact of the roles, responsibilities and interactions of actors taking part in the processes of creating sustainable urban development in outcomes of these development projects and thus on the overall success of accomplishing sustainable development raises the question of how to manage these collaborations. In order to be able to find the best ways of organizing sustainable urban development projects, it is crucial to have the knowledge of how the interactions between all the parties involved in the development can be managed successfully to give the best outcomes. The main research question of this study is: What are the characteristics of successful partnerships in sustainable urban development projects? In order to answer this question, the success factors in partnerships between actors of sustainable urban development are analyzed. In addition, challenges related to these partnerships are examined to get a more comprehensive view of the features of these collaborative ventures and the obstacles that have to be overcome to ensure the successfulness of cooperation. The research approach is multiple case study comprising four cases. The empirical data has been gathered through theme interviews from four different sustainable residential district projects in Sweden and Finland. A comparative analysis of the cases is performed, based on which seven success factors of partnerships in sustainable urban development supported by the prevailing theories are formulated. In addition, challenges faced by projects regarding the partnerships are discussed.
As the rapid development of the society as well as the lifestyle, the generation of commercial waste is getting more complicated to control. The situation of packaging waste and food waste – the main fractions of commercial waste in different countries in Europe and Asia is analyzed in order to evaluate and suggest necessary improvements for the existing waste management system in the city of Hanoi, Vietnam. From all waste generation sources of the city, a total amount of approximately 4000 tons of mixed waste is transported to the composting facility and the disposal site, which emits a huge amount of 1,6Mt of GHG emission to the environment. Recycling activity is taking place spontaneously by the informal pickers, leads to the difficulty in managing the whole system and uncertainty of the overall data. With a relative calculation, resulting in only approximately 0,17Mt CO2 equivalent emission, incinerator is suggested to be the solution of the problem with overloaded landfill and raising energy demand within the inhabitants.
The term urban heat island (UHI) refers to the common situation in which the city is warmer than its rural surroundings. In this dissertation, the local climate, and especially the UHI, of the coastal city of Turku (182,000 inh.), SW Finland, was studied in different spatial and temporal scales. The crucial aim was to sort out the urban, topographical and water body impact on temperatures at different seasons and times of the day. In addition, the impact of weather on spatiotemporal temperature differences was studied. The relative importance of environmental factors was estimated with different modelling approaches and a large number of explanatory variables with various spatial scales. The city centre is the warmest place in the Turku area. Temperature excess relative to the coldest sites, i.e. rural areas about 10 kilometers to the NE from the centre, is on average 2 °C. Occasionally, the UHI intensity can be even 10 °C. The UHI does not prevail continuously in the Turku area, but occasionally the city centre can be colder than its surroundings. Then the term urban cool island or urban cold island (UCI) is used. The UCI is most common in daytime in spring and in summer, whereas during winter the UHI prevails throughout the day. On average, the spatial temperature differences are largest in summer, whereas the single extreme values are often observed in winter. The seasonally varying sea temperature causes the shift of relatively warm areas towards the coast in autumn and inland in spring. In the long term, urban land use was concluded to be the most important factor causing spatial temperature differences in the Turku area. The impact was mainly a warming one. The impact of water bodies was emphasised in spring and autumn, when the water temperature was relatively cold and warm, respectively. The impact of topography was on average the weakest, and was seen mainly in proneness of relatively low-lying places for cold air drainage during night-time. During inversions, however, the impact of topography was emphasised, occasionally outperforming those of urban land use and water bodies.
A direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous machine for a small urban use electric vehicle is presented. The measured performance of the machine at the test bench as well as the performance over the modified New European Drive Cycle will be given. The effect of optimal current components, maximizing the efficiency and taking into account the iron loss, is compared with the simple id=0 – control. The machine currents and losses during the drive cycle are calculated and compared with each other.
Beat-sukupolvi, opiskelijoiden poliittinen aktiivisuus ja hipit olivat tunnettuja ilmiöitä Yhdysvalloissa 1950- ja 1960-luvuilla. Ilmiöillä oli paljon yhteistä ja ne vaikuttivat toisiinsa merkittävästi. Tätä yhteyttä ei aina tuoda esiin. Tämä tutkielma tuo esiin sen, miten The New York Times kirjoitti ilmiöistä. Tutkimus kertoo myös, miten The New York Times yhdistää ilmiöt keskenään. Sen lisäksi tulee esiin The New York Timesin näkemys ilmiöiden taustoista suhteessa nuorisokulttuuriin. Tutkimuksen kohteena on The New York Timesin lehtiartikkeleita vuosilta 1952-1969. Tutkimuksen pääkysymykset ovat: Miten The New York Times suhtautui beat-sukupolveen ja nuorisokulttuurin muutokseen? Miten The New York Times suhtautui yliopisto-opiskelijoihin ja heidän suhteeseensa nuorisokulttuurin muutokseen sekä miten The New York Times näkee hippien muuttavan yhteiskuntaa? Ensimmäistä pääkysymystä tarkastelen kahden alakysymyksen kautta: Miten beat-sukupolven synty esitetään The New York Timesissa, ja toisaalta millaisen kuvan The New York Times antaa beat-sukupolven vaikutuksesta nuorisoon? Toista pääkysymystä käsittelen kysymällä: Miten The New York Times näki nuorten poliittisen vaikuttavuuden nousun ja miten lehti suhtautui ajanjakson yliopistomellakoihin?. Kolmannessa luvussa tarkastelen pääkysymystä kysymällä: Keitä hipit olivat, ja olivatko hipit poliittisesti aktiivisia vai ei? Tutkimuksesta selviää, että The New York Times pyrkii kuvaamaan ilmiöitä mahdollisimman objektiivisesti. Lehti antaa ilmiöitä kuvatessa asioihin hyvin perehtyneiden henkilöiden esittää ilmiö. Sen jälkeen lehti antaa lukijoiden ja muiden asiantuntijoiden kommentoida. The New York Times näkee näiden ilmiöiden yhteyden ja se tulee voimakkaasti esille laajoissa artikkeleissa. Lyhyemmissä uutisissa yhteyttä ei aina näe, ja terminologia on yleistävämpi, tekstin eri tarkoitusperän takia. Kaiken kaikkiaan The New York Times tuo esiin mahdollisimman vähän moralisoivaa kuvaa ilmiöistä ja tuo esiin niiden keskinäisiä suhteita. Tuloksista näkee, että The New York Times on arvoiltaan vapaamielinen lehti, joka uutisoi, näiden aiheiden perusteella, kattavasti koko Yhdysvaltoja koskevista tapahtumista.