57 resultados para Surface-initiated polymerization


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia pintaliimatärkkelysten reologista käyttäytymistä korkeissa kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa. Tarve työn suorittamiselle syntyi kun tutkittiin pintaliimausta filminsiirtopuristimella tavallista korkeammissa kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa, sileän sauvan ollessa applikointilaitteena. Koska applikointi sileällä sauvalla tapahtuu hydrodynaamisten periaatteiden mukaisesti, sen käyttö edellyttää pintaliimojen reologisten ominaisuuksien tarkkaa tuntemusta ja hallintaa.Kiinnostuksen kohteena olevat ominaisuudet olivat tärkkelysten kuiva-ainepitoisuuden (8 – 30 %) vaikutus viskositeettiin eri lämpötiloissa (20, 30, 40 ja 50 ºC), leikkausnopeus alueella 1 s-1 - 700 000 s-1. Myös tärkkelysten myötörajat määritettiin tutkimuksessa. Viskositeetti eri leikkausnopeusalueilla mitattiin seuraavilla laitteilla: Bohlin VOR (matalat leikkausnopeudet ja myötöraja) ja Hercules HiShear (keskitason leikkausnopeudet) reometrit sekä Eklund kapillaariviskometri (korkeat leikkausno-peudet). Analysoidut tärkkelykset olivat kaksi anionista matalaviskoottista peruna (tärkkelys A) ja ohra (tärkkelys C) tärkkelystä, sekä yksi kationinen korkeaviskoottinen peruna tärkkelys (tärkkelys B). Tutkittujen tärkkelysten Brookfield viskositeetit (100 rpm) olivat (10 % liuos, 60 °C:ssa) tärkkelys A ja C: 25 ± 5 mPas ja tärkkelys B: 100 ± 20 mPas.Tärkkelysliuosten kuiva-ainepitoisuuden noustessa muuttui virtauskäyttäytyminen Newtoniaalisesta leikkausohenevaksi. Leikkausoheneva käyttäytyminen oli voimakkainta tärkkelys B:n kohdalla. Viskositeetti – lämpötila riippuvuus korkeissa leikkausnopeuksissa (esim. 500 000 s-1) oli vähäisempää, mitä oli oletettavissa Brookfield viskositeettiarvojen perusteella. Kaikki tarkkelykset osoittautuivat tiksotrooppisiksi, myös tiksotrooppisuus lisääntyi kuiva-ainepitoisuuden kasvaessa. Tärkkelysten myötörajat osoittautuivat odottamattoman alhaisiksi, kuitenkin varsinkin tärkkelys B:n myötörajat olivat selvästi riippuvaisia lämpötilasta ja kuiva-ainepitoisuudesta. Tutkittujen tärkkelysten virtauskäyttäytyminen oli kirjallisuudessa esitetyn kaltaista. Tärkkelysmolekyylien ketjun pituus oli tärkein tärkkelyksen reologisia ominaisuuksia määrittävä tekijä; mitä matalampi on tärkkelyksen molekyylimassa, sitä matalammat ovat viskositeetti ja myötöraja. Pintaliimauksessa tärkkelysmolekyylien ketjunpituudella on suuri vaikutus ajettavuuteen ja lopputuotteen ominaisuuksiin. Haasteellista pintaliimatärkkelyksen valinnassa on sellaisen yhdistelmän löytäminen, jossa sopivan reologisen käyttäytymisen omaava tärkkelys ja pintaliimatulle paperille tai kartongille asetetut vaatimukset kohtaavat.


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Streptavidin, a tetrameric protein secreted by Streptomyces avidinii, binds tightly to a small growth factor biotin. One of the numerous applications of this high-affinity system comprises the streptavidin-coated surfaces of bioanalytical assays which serve as universal binders for straightforward immobilization of any biotinylated molecule. Proteins can be immobilized with a lower risk of denaturation using streptavidin-biotin technology in contrast to direct passive adsorption. The purpose of this study was to characterize the properties and effects of streptavidin-coated binding surfaces on the performance of solid-phase immunoassays and to investigate the contributions of surface modifications. Various characterization tools and methods established in the study enabled the convenient monitoring and binding capacity determination of streptavidin-coated surfaces. The schematic modeling of the monolayer surface and the quantification of adsorbed streptavidin disclosed the possibilities and the limits of passive adsorption. The defined yield of 250 ng/cm2 represented approximately 65 % coverage compared with a modelled complete monolayer, which is consistent with theoretical surface models. Modifications such as polymerization and chemical activation of streptavidin resulted in a close to 10-fold increase in the biotin-binding densities of the surface compared with the regular streptavidin coating. In addition, the stability of the surface against leaching was improved by chemical modification. The increased binding densities and capacities enabled wider high-end dynamic ranges in the solid-phase immunoassays, especially when using the fragments of the capture antibodies instead of intact antibodies for the binding of the antigen. The binding capacity of the streptavidin surface was not, by definition, predictive of the low-end performance of the immunoassays nor the assay sensitivity. Other features such as non-specific binding, variation and leaching turned out to be more relevant. The immunoassays that use a direct surface readout measurement of time-resolved fluorescence from a washed surface are dependent on the density of the labeled antibodies in a defined area on the surface. The binding surface was condensed into a spot by coating streptavidin in liquid droplets into special microtiter wells holding a small circular indentation at the bottom. The condensed binding area enabled a denser packing of the labeled antibodies on the surface. This resulted in a 5 - 6-fold increase in the signal-to-background ratios and an equivalent improvement in the detection limits of the solid-phase immunoassays. This work proved that the properties of the streptavidin-coated surfaces can be modified and that the defined properties of the streptavidin-based immunocapture surfaces contribute to the performance of heterogeneous immunoassays.


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The results and discussions in this thesis are based on my studies about selfassembled thiol layers on gold, platinum, silver and copper surfaces. These kinds of layers are two-dimensional, one molecule thick and covalently organized at the surface. They are an easy way to modify surface properties. Self-assembly is today an intensive research field because of the promise it holds for producing new technology at nanoscale, the scale of atoms and molecules. These kinds of films have applications for example, in the fields of physics, biology, engineering, chemistry and computer science. Compared to the extensive literature concerning self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold, little is known about the structure and properties of thiolbased SAMs on other metals. In this thesis I have focused on thiol layers on gold, platinum, silver and copper substrates. These studies can be regarded as a basic study of SAMs. Nevertheless, an understanding of the physical and chemical nature of SAMs allows the correlation between atomic structure and macroscopic properties. The results can be used as a starting point for many practical applications. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and synchrotron radiation excited high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy (HR-XPS) together with time-offlight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) were applied to investigate thin organic films formed by the spontaneous adsorption of molecules on metal surfaces. Photoelectron spectroscopy was the main method used in these studies. In photoelectron spectroscopy, the sample is irradiated with photons and emitted photoelectrons are energy-analyzed. The obtained spectra give information about the atomic composition of the surface and about the chemical state of the detected elements. It is widely used in the study of thin layers and is a very powerful tool for this purpose. Some XPS results were complemented with ToF-SIMS measurements. It provides information on the chemical composition and molecular structure of the samples. Thiol (1-Dodecanethiol, CH3(CH2)11SH) solution was used to create SAMs on metal substrates. Uniform layers were formed on most of the studied metal surfaces. On platinum, surface aligned molecules were also detected in investigations by XPS and ToF-SIMS. The influence of radiation on the layer structure was studied, leading to the conclusion that parts of the hydrocarbon chains break off due to radiation and the rest of the layer is deformed. The results obtained showed differences depending on the substrate material. The influence of oxygen on layer formation was also studied. Thiol molecules were found to replace some of the oxygen from the metal surfaces.


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This thesis presents experimental studies of rare earth (RE) metal induced structures on Si(100) surfaces. Two divalent RE metal adsorbates, Eu and Yb, are investigated on nominally flat Si(100) and on vicinal, stepped Si(100) substrates. Several experimental methods have been applied, including scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS), low energy electron diffraction (LEED), synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (SR-PES), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS), and work function change measurements (Δφ). Two stages can be distinguished in the initial growth of the RE/Si interface: the formation of a two-dimensional (2D) adsorbed layer at submonolayer coverage and the growth of a three-dimensional (3D) silicide phase at higher coverage. The 2D phase is studied for both adsorbates in order to discover whether they produce common reconstructions or reconstructions common to the other RE metals. For studies of the 3D phase Yb is chosen due to its ability to crystallize in a hexagonal AlB2 type lattice, which is the structure of RE silicide nanowires, therefore allowing for the possibility of the growth of one-dimensional (1D) wires. It is found that despite their similar electronic configuration, Eu and Yb do not form similar 2D reconstructions on Si(100). Instead, a wealth of 2D structures is observed and atomic models are proposed for the 2×3-type reconstructions. In addition, adsorbate induced modifications on surface morphology and orientational symmetry are observed. The formation of the Yb silicide phase follows the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. Nanowires with the hexagonal lattice are observed on the flat Si(100) substrate, and moreover, an unexpectedly large variety of growth directions are revealed. On the vicinal substrate the growth of the silicide phase as 3D islands and wires depends drastically on the growth conditions. The conditions under which wires with high aspect ratio and single orientation parallel to the step edges can be formed are demonstrated.


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In many industrial applications, accurate and fast surface reconstruction is essential for quality control. Variation in surface finishing parameters, such as surface roughness, can reflect defects in a manufacturing process, non-optimal product operational efficiency, and reduced life expectancy of the product. This thesis considers reconstruction and analysis of high-frequency variation, that is roughness, on planar surfaces. Standard roughness measures in industry are calculated from surface topography. A fast and non-contact method to obtain surface topography is to apply photometric stereo in the estimation of surface gradients and to reconstruct the surface by integrating the gradient fields. Alternatively, visual methods, such as statistical measures, fractal dimension and distance transforms, can be used to characterize surface roughness directly from gray-scale images. In this thesis, the accuracy of distance transforms, statistical measures, and fractal dimension are evaluated in the estimation of surface roughness from gray-scale images and topographies. The results are contrasted to standard industry roughness measures. In distance transforms, the key idea is that distance values calculated along a highly varying surface are greater than distances calculated along a smoother surface. Statistical measures and fractal dimension are common surface roughness measures. In the experiments, skewness and variance of brightness distribution, fractal dimension, and distance transforms exhibited strong linear correlations to standard industry roughness measures. One of the key strengths of photometric stereo method is the acquisition of higher frequency variation of surfaces. In this thesis, the reconstruction of planar high-frequency varying surfaces is studied in the presence of imaging noise and blur. Two Wiener filterbased methods are proposed of which one is optimal in the sense of surface power spectral density given the spectral properties of the imaging noise and blur. Experiments show that the proposed methods preserve the inherent high-frequency variation in the reconstructed surfaces, whereas traditional reconstruction methods typically handle incorrect measurements by smoothing, which dampens the high-frequency variation.


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Several bioaffinity assays are based on the detection of an analyte which is bound on a solid substrate via biochemical interaction. These so called solid phase assays are based on the adhesion of the primary binding partner on a solid surface, which then binds the analyte to be detected. In this thesis work a novel solid phase based assay technology, known as spot technology, was developed. The spot technology is based on combination of high-capacity solid phases, concentrated in a spot format, utilising modified streptavidin molecules and recombinant antibody fragments. The reduction of the solid phase binding surface to a size of a spot enabled denser binding of the target molecules, providing improved signal intensities and signal-to-background ratio when applied in different solid phase immunoassays. Streptavidin-biotin interactions are commonly utilised in numerous different bioaffinity assays and the ultimate nature of streptavidin to bind biotin is among the strongest non-covalent interaction reported between two biomolecules. In this study native core streptavidin was chemically modified to provide polymerised streptavidin molecules with altered adsorption properties. These streptavidin conjugates, when coated onto polystyrene surface, provided enhanced biotin binding capacity and surface stability when compared to a reference coating constructed with native streptavidin. Furthermore, the combination of chemically modified streptavidin, sitespecifically biotinylated antibody fragments and the spot coating technology provided highly dense solid phase coating with improved binding properties. The performance of the spot assay technology was further demonstrated in different immunoassay configurations. Human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and human cardiac troponin I (cTnI) were used as model analytes to show the applicability of the highly sensitive spot-based solid-phase immunoassay for detection of very low levels of analytes. It was demonstrated that the spot technology provided an assay concept with enhanced sensitivity and short turn-around times, characteristics that are highly suitable for point-of-care applications.


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The goal of this thesis is to implement software for creating 3D models from point clouds. Point clouds are acquired with stereo cameras, monocular systems or laser scanners. The created 3D models are triangular models or NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) models. Triangular models are constructed from selected areas from the point clouds and resulted triangular models are translated into a set of quads. The quads are further translated into an estimated grid structure and used for NURBS surface approximation. Finally, we have a set of NURBS surfaces which represent the whole model. The problem wasn’t so easy to solve. The selected triangular surface reconstruction algorithm did not deal well with noise in point clouds. To handle this problem, a clustering method is introduced for simplificating the model and removing noise. As we had better results with the smaller point clouds produced by clustering, we used points in clusters to better estimate the grids for NURBS models. The overall results were good when the point cloud did not have much noise. The point clouds with small amount of error had good results as the triangular model was solid. NURBS surface reconstruction performed well on solid models.


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The aim of the work is to study the existing analytical calculation procedures found in literature to calculate the eddy-current losses in surface mounted permanent magnets within PMSM application. The most promising algorithms are implemented with MATLAB software under the dimensional data of LUT prototype machine. In addition finite elements analyze, utilized with help of Flux 2D software from Cedrat Ltd, is applied to calculate the eddy-current losses in permanent magnets. The results obtained from analytical methods are compared with numerical results.


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In the present diploma work optical inspection methods were used to investigate surface roughness of paper samples. A special measurement setup, which includes three laser light sources of three different wavelengths, photodetector and goniometer, was used to measure the reflected laser light properties. The intensity of the light reflected in specular direction was measured versus the laser incidence angle for reference metal sample. The value of roughness was estimated and compared to initially known value of metal sample roughness. Thus, the measurement equipment and method were validated. Then the reflected intensity was measured versus reflection angle at constant incidence angle for the same metal sample and paper samples under investigation. The final values of the surface roughness were obtained from the analysis of the reflected intensity dependence. The results are in good correlation with other research groups.


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Low quality mine drainage from tailings facilities persists as one of the most significant global environmental concerns related to sulphide mining. Due to the large variation in geological and environmental conditions at mine sites, universal approaches to the management of mine drainage are not always applicable. Instead, site-specific knowledge of the geochemical behaviour of waste materials is required for the design and closure of the facilities. In this thesis, tailings-derived water contamination and factors causing the pollution were investigated in two coeval active sulphide mine sites in Finland: the Hitura Ni mine and the Luikonlahti Cu-Zn-Co-Ni mine and talc processing plant. A hydrogeochemical study was performed to characterise the tailingsderived water pollution at Hitura. Geochemical changes in the Hitura tailings were evaluated with a detailed mineralogical and geochemical investigation (solid-phase speciation, acid mine drainage potential, pore water chemistry) and using a spatial assessment to identify the mechanisms of water contamination. A similar spatial investigation, applying selective extractions, was carried out in the Luikonlahti tailings area for comparative purposes (Hitura low-sulphide tailings vs. Luikonlahti sulphide-rich tailings). At both sites, hydrogeochemistry of tailings seepage waters was further characterised to examine the net results of the processes observed within the impoundments and to identify constraints for water treatment. At Luikonlahti, annual and seasonal variation in effluent quality was evaluated based on a four-year monitoring period. Observations pertinent to future assessment and mine drainage prevention from existing and future tailings facilities were presented based on the results. A combination of hydrogeochemical approaches provided a means to delineate the tailings-derived neutral mine drainage at Hitura. Tailings effluents with elevated Ni, SO4 2- and Fe content had dispersed to the surrounding aquifer through a levelled-out esker and underneath the seepage collection ditches. In future mines, this could be avoided with additional basal liners in tailings impoundments where the permeability of the underlying Quaternary deposits is inadequate, and with sufficiently deep ditches. Based on the studies, extensive sulphide oxidation with subsequent metal release may already initiate during active tailings disposal. The intensity and onset of oxidation depended on e.g. the Fe sulphide content of the tailings, water saturation level, and time of exposure of fresh sulphide grains. Continuous disposal decreased sulphide weathering in the surface of low-sulphide tailings, but oxidation initiated if they were left uncovered after disposal ceased. In the sulphide-rich tailings, delayed burial of the unsaturated tailings had resulted in thick oxidized layers, despite the continuous operation. Sulphide weathering and contaminant release occurred also in the border zones. Based on the results, the prevention of sulphide oxidation should already be considered in the planning of tailings disposal, taking into account the border zones. Moreover, even lowsulphide tailings should be covered without delay after active disposal ceases. The quality of tailings effluents showed wide variation within a single impoundment and between the two different types of tailings facilities assessed. The affecting factors included source materials, the intensity of weathering of tailings and embankment materials along the seepage flow path, inputs from the process waters, the water retention time in tailings, and climatic seasonality. In addition, modifications to the tailings impoundment may markedly change the effluent quality. The wide variation in the tailings effluent quality poses challenges for treatment design. The final decision on water management requires quantification of the spatial and seasonal fluctuation at the site, taking into account changes resulting from the eventual closure of the impoundment. Overall, comprehensive hydrogeochemical mapping was deemed essential in the identification of critical contaminants and their sources at mine sites. Mineralogical analysis, selective extractions, and pore water analysis were a good combination of methods for studying the weathering of tailings and in evaluating metal mobility from the facilities. Selective extractions with visual observations and pH measurements of tailings solids were, nevertheless, adequate in describing the spatial distribution of sulphide oxidation in tailings impoundments. Seepage water chemistry provided additional data on geochemical processes in tailings and was necessary for defining constraints for water treatment.


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It is a well known phenomenon that the constant amplitude fatigue limit of a large component is lower than the fatigue limit of a small specimen made of the same material. In notched components the opposite occurs: the fatigue limit defined as the maximum stress at the notch is higher than that achieved with smooth specimens. These two effects have been taken into account in most design handbooks with the help of experimental formulas or design curves. The basic idea of this study is that the size effect can mainly be explained by the statistical size effect. A component subjected to an alternating load can be assumed to form a sample of initiated cracks at the end of the crack initiation phase. The size of the sample depends on the size of the specimen in question. The main objective of this study is to develop a statistical model for the estimation of this kind of size effect. It was shown that the size of a sample of initiated cracks shall be based on the stressed surface area of the specimen. In case of varying stress distribution, an effective stress area must be calculated. It is based on the decreasing probability of equally sized initiated cracks at lower stress level. If the distribution function of the parent population of cracks is known, the distribution of the maximum crack size in a sample can be defined. This makes it possible to calculate an estimate of the largest expected crack in any sample size. The estimate of the fatigue limit can now be calculated with the help of the linear elastic fracture mechanics. In notched components another source of size effect has to be taken into account. If we think about two specimens which have similar shape, but the size is different, it can be seen that the stress gradient in the smaller specimen is steeper. If there is an initiated crack in both of them, the stress intensity factor at the crack in the larger specimen is higher. The second goal of this thesis is to create a calculation method for this factor which is called the geometric size effect. The proposed method for the calculation of the geometric size effect is also based on the use of the linear elastic fracture mechanics. It is possible to calculate an accurate value of the stress intensity factor in a non linear stress field using weight functions. The calculated stress intensity factor values at the initiated crack can be compared to the corresponding stress intensity factor due to constant stress. The notch size effect is calculated as the ratio of these stress intensity factors. The presented methods were tested against experimental results taken from three German doctoral works. Two candidates for the parent population of initiated cracks were found: the Weibull distribution and the log normal distribution. Both of them can be used successfully for the prediction of the statistical size effect for smooth specimens. In case of notched components the geometric size effect due to the stress gradient shall be combined with the statistical size effect. The proposed method gives good results as long as the notch in question is blunt enough. For very sharp notches, stress concentration factor about 5 or higher, the method does not give sufficient results. It was shown that the plastic portion of the strain becomes quite high at the root of this kind of notches. The use of the linear elastic fracture mechanics becomes therefore questionable.


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The development of load-bearing osseous implant with desired mechanical and surface properties in order to promote incorporation with bone and to eliminate risk of bone resorption and implant failure is a very challenging task. Bone formation and resoption processes depend on the mechanical environment. Certain stress/strain conditions are required to promote new bone growth and to prevent bone mass loss. Conventional metallic implants with high stiffness carry most of the load and the surrounding bone becomes virtually unloaded and inactive. Fibre-reinforced composites offer an interesting alternative to metallic implants, because their mechanical properties can be tailored to be equal to those of bone, by the careful selection of matrix polymer, type of fibres, fibre volume fraction, orientation and length. Successful load transfer at bone-implant interface requires proper fixation between the bone and implant. One promising method to promote fixation is to prepare implants with porous surface. Bone ingrowth into porous surface structure stabilises the system and improves clinical success of the implant. The experimental part of this work was focused on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) -based composites with dense load-bearing core and porous surface. Three-dimensionally randomly orientated chopped glass fibres were used to reinforce the composite. A method to fabricate those composites was developed by a solvent treatment technique and some characterisations concerning the functionality of the surface structure were made in vitro and in vivo. Scanning electron microscope observations revealed that the pore size and interconnective porous architecture of the surface layer of the fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) could be optimal for bone ingrowth. Microhardness measurements showed that the solvent treatment did not have an effect on the mechanical properties of the load-bearing core. A push-out test, using dental stone as a bone model material, revealed that short glass fibre-reinforced porous surface layer is strong enough to carry load. Unreacted monomers can cause the chemical necrosis of the tissue, but the levels of leachable resisidual monomers were considerably lower than those found in chemically cured fibre-reinforced dentures and in modified acrylic bone cements. Animal experiments proved that surface porous FRC implant can enhance fixation between bone and FRC. New bone ingrowth into the pores was detected and strong interlocking between bone and the implant was achieved.