32 resultados para Rousi, Arne
Samlingen med signum HB IIa finns vid huvudbiblioteket och innehåller filosofisk litteratur till och med år 1999. Vid Humanistiska biblioteket finns dessutom en samling filosofisk litteratur i anslutning till ämnet Filosofi. Stommen till akademibibliotekets filosofiska samlingar ligger i donationer. Några donatorer från äldre tid kan nämnas, som hovrättsauskultant Harry Streng, FM Kurt Reuter, prof. Rolf Lagerborg, teol.dr. Eric Hammarberg, prof. J.V.Tallqvist och fil.dr. Arne Törnudd. Friexemplar som erhållits från och med 1919 samt inköp kompletterar samlingen vid huvudbiblioteket. Den filosofiska litteraturen vid huvudbiblioteket söks med sökfunktionen Signum och söktermen HB IIa medan återvinning av litteratur tryckt före 1980 görs genom manuell sökning i huvudbibliotekets systematiska kortkatalog. Retroaktiv inmatning i databasen Alma gör att också litteratur tryckt 1830 t.o.m. 1979 med tiden blir sökbar i Alma. Från och med år 2000 ingår den filosofiska litteraturen vid huvudbiblioteket i en numerus currens-samling.
Poetics and Politics. AugustoBoal and the Theatre of the Oppressed deals with the ideas and methods of the Brazilian author, director and theatre theorist Augusto Boal. The main purpose of the thesis is to give a description of what can be characterized as the poetics of Augusto Boal. What is the specific nature of his theatre methods and in what way do they differ from traditional theatre? How do these methods actually work? What is the overall intention of the Theatre of the Oppressed? As objects for my research I have selected Forum Theatre and Rainbow of Desire. The reason for this choice is partly that the two methods mentioned have become the most widespread among Boal's theatre forms, partly that they complement each other, the former being a method that works with problems of the material world, in realistic action-based narratives; the latter being an expressionistic analytical method, designed to deal with psychological problems and internalized oppression. Going from a micro- to a macro-level, I first examine the theatrical text of both forms, which in this case includes not only the verbal narrative, but also the performance itself and the setting of it, and even the implied conditions of the whole theatrical situation. Secondly, I turn to the encounter between the text and its actual recipient in the theatrical space. What happens, psychologically, when the observing, but passive spectator is turned into the actor of the play? Thirdly, I discuss the ideological and political implications of the Theatre ofthe Oppressed in real life. The way I interpret Boal's poetics, this is of vital importance. The purpose of the Theatre of the Oppressed is not anything resembling l'art pour l'art. In the contrary, its intention is to teach the oppressed the use of theatre as a martial art, so that they can fight and break the oppression in a social context of the real world. Thus the title Poetics and Politics.
Soitinnus: sello, jousiorkesteri.
This paper presents the design for a graphical parameter editor for Testing and Test Control Notation 3 (TTCN-3) test suites. This work was done in the context of OpenTTCN IDE, a TTCN-3 development environment built on top of the Eclipse platform. The design presented relies on an additional parameter editing tab added to the launch configurations for test campaigns. This parameter editing tab shows the list of editable parameters and allows opening editing components for the different parameters. Each TTCN-3 primitive type will have a specific editing component providing tools to ease modification of values of that type.
Monimutkaisissa ja muuttuvissa ympäristöissä työskentelevät robotit tarvitsevat kykyä manipuloida ja tarttua esineisiin. Tämä työ tutkii robottitarttumisen ja robottitartuntapis-teiden koneoppimisen aiempaa tutkimusta ja nykytilaa. Nykyaikaiset menetelmät käydään läpi, ja Le:n koneoppimiseen pohjautuva luokitin toteutetaan, koska se tarjoaa parhaan onnistumisprosentin tutkituista menetelmistä ja on muokattavissa sopivaksi käytettävissä olevalle robotille. Toteutettu menetelmä käyttää intensititeettikuvaan ja syvyyskuvaan po-hjautuvia ominaisuuksi luokitellakseen potentiaaliset tartuntapisteet. Tämän toteutuksen tulokset esitellään.
Mittakaava laskettu janamittakaavasta
XXXII, 552 s. ; 23 cm.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan