29 resultados para Ring-billed gull--Ontario--Gull Island.
At present, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) are of great interest. Since they do not have electrical excitation losses, the highly efficient, lightweight and compact PMSGs equipped with damper windings work perfectly when connected to a network. However, in island operation, the generator (or parallel generators) alone is responsible for the building up of the network and maintaining its voltage and reactive power level. Thus, in island operation, a PMSG faces very tight constraints, which are difficult to meet, because the flux produced by the permanent magnets (PMs) is constant and the voltage of the generator cannot be controlled. Traditional electrically excited synchronous generators (EESGs) can easily meet these constraints, because the field winding current is controllable. The main drawback of the conventional EESG is the relatively high excitation loss. This doctoral thesis presents a study of an alternative solution termed as a hybrid excitation synchronous generator (HESG). HESGs are a special class of electrical machines, where the total rotor current linkage is produced by the simultaneous action of two different excitation sources: the electrical and permanent magnet (PM) excitation. An overview of the existing HESGs is given. Several HESGs are introduced and compared with the conventional EESG from technical and economic points of view. In the study, the armature-reaction-compensated permanent magnet synchronous generator with alternated current linkages (ARC-PMSG with ACL) showed a better performance than the other options. Therefore, this machine type is studied in more detail. An electromagnetic design and a thermal analysis are presented. To verify the operation principle and the electromagnetic design, a down-sized prototype of 69 kVA apparent power was built. The experimental results are demonstrated and compared with the predicted ones. A prerequisite for an ARC-PMSG with ACL is an even number of pole pairs (p = 2, 4, 6, …) in the machine. Naturally, the HESG technology is not limited to even-pole-pair machines. However, the analysis of machines with p = 3, 5, 7, … becomes more complicated, especially if analytical tools are used, and is outside the scope of this thesis. The contribution of this study is to propose a solution where an ARC-PMSG replaces an EESG in electrical power generation while meeting all the requirements set for generators given for instance by ship classification societies, particularly as regards island operation. The maximum power level when applying the technology studied here is mainly limited by the economy of the machine. The larger the machine is, the smaller is the efficiency benefit. However, it seems that machines up to ten megawatts of power could benefit from the technology. However, in low-power applications, for instance in the 500 kW range, the efficiency increase can be significant.
Production and generation of electrical power is evolving to more environmental friendly technologies and schemes. Pushed by the increasing cost of fossil fuels, the operational costs of producing electrical power with fossil fuels and the effect in the environment, like pollution and global warming, renewable energy sources gain con-stant impulse into the global energy economy. In consequence, the introduction of distributed energy sources has brought a new complexity to the electrical networks. In the new concept of smart grids and decen-tralized power generation; control, protection and measurement are also distributed and requiring, among other things, a new scheme of communication to operate with each other in balance and improve performance. In this research, an analysis of different communication technologies (power line communication, Ethernet over unshielded twisted pair (UTP), optic fiber, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, and Long Term Evolution) and their respective characteristics will be carried out. With the objective of pointing out strengths and weaknesses from different points of view (technical, economical, deployment, etc.) to establish a richer context on which a decision for communication approach can be done depending on the specific application scenario of a new smart grid deployment. As a result, a description of possible optimal deployment solutions for communication will be shown considering different options for technologies, and a mention of different important considerations to be taken into account will be made for some of the possible network implementation scenarios.
Tropical forests are sources of many ecosystem services, but these forests are vanishing rapidly. The situation is severe in Sub-Saharan Africa and especially in Tanzania. The causes of change are multidimensional and strongly interdependent, and only understanding them comprehensively helps to change the ongoing unsustainable trends of forest decline. Ongoing forest changes, their spatiality and connection to humans and environment can be studied with the methods of Land Change Science. The knowledge produced with these methods helps to make arguments about the actors, actions and causes that are behind the forest decline. In this study of Unguja Island in Zanzibar the focus is in the current forest cover and its changes between 1996 and 2009. The cover and changes are measured with often used remote sensing methods of automated land cover classification and post-classification comparison from medium resolution satellite images. Kernel Density Estimation is used to determine the clusters of change, sub-area –analysis provides information about the differences between regions, while distance and regression analyses connect changes to environmental factors. These analyses do not only explain the happened changes, but also allow building quantitative and spatial future scenarios. Similar study has not been made for Unguja and therefore it provides new information, which is beneficial for the whole society. The results show that 572 km2 of Unguja is still forested, but 0,82–1,19% of these forests are disappearing annually. Besides deforestation also vertical degradation and spatial changes are significant problems. Deforestation is most severe in the communal indigenous forests, but also agroforests are decreasing. Spatially deforestation concentrates to the areas close to the coastline, population and Zanzibar Town. Biophysical factors on the other hand do not seem to influence the ongoing deforestation process. If the current trend continues there should be approximately 485 km2 of forests remaining in 2025. Solutions to these deforestation problems should be looked from sustainable land use management, surveying and protection of the forests in risk areas and spatially targeted self-sustainable tree planting schemes.
In this Thesis, we study various aspects of ring dark solitons (RDSs) in quasi-two-dimensional toroidally trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, focussing on atomic realisations thereof. Unlike the well-known planar dark solitons, exact analytic expressions for RDSs are not known. We address this problem by presenting exact localized soliton-like solutions to the radial Gross-Pitaevskii equation. To date, RDSs have not been experimentally observed in cold atomic gases, either. To this end, we propose two protocols for their creation in experiments. It is also currently well known that in dimensions higher than one, (ring) dark solitons are susceptible, in general, to an irreversible decay into vortex-antivortex pairs through the snake instability. We show that the snake instability is caused by an unbalanced quantum pressure across the soliton's notch, linking the instability to the Bogoliubov-de Gennes spectrum. In particular, if the angular symmetry is maintained (or the toroidal trapping is restrictive enough), we show that the RDS is stable (long-lived with a lifetime of order seconds) in two dimensions. Furthermore, when the decay does take place, we show that the snake instability can in fact be reversible, and predict a previously unknown revival phenomenon for the original (many-)RDS system: the soliton structure is recovered and all the point-phase singularities (i.e. vortices) disappear. Eventually, however, the decay leads to an example of quantum turbulence; a quantum example of the laminar-to-turbulent type of transition.
Nimeketiedot nimiönkehyksissä
The term urban heat island (UHI) refers to the common situation in which the city is warmer than its rural surroundings. In this dissertation, the local climate, and especially the UHI, of the coastal city of Turku (182,000 inh.), SW Finland, was studied in different spatial and temporal scales. The crucial aim was to sort out the urban, topographical and water body impact on temperatures at different seasons and times of the day. In addition, the impact of weather on spatiotemporal temperature differences was studied. The relative importance of environmental factors was estimated with different modelling approaches and a large number of explanatory variables with various spatial scales. The city centre is the warmest place in the Turku area. Temperature excess relative to the coldest sites, i.e. rural areas about 10 kilometers to the NE from the centre, is on average 2 °C. Occasionally, the UHI intensity can be even 10 °C. The UHI does not prevail continuously in the Turku area, but occasionally the city centre can be colder than its surroundings. Then the term urban cool island or urban cold island (UCI) is used. The UCI is most common in daytime in spring and in summer, whereas during winter the UHI prevails throughout the day. On average, the spatial temperature differences are largest in summer, whereas the single extreme values are often observed in winter. The seasonally varying sea temperature causes the shift of relatively warm areas towards the coast in autumn and inland in spring. In the long term, urban land use was concluded to be the most important factor causing spatial temperature differences in the Turku area. The impact was mainly a warming one. The impact of water bodies was emphasised in spring and autumn, when the water temperature was relatively cold and warm, respectively. The impact of topography was on average the weakest, and was seen mainly in proneness of relatively low-lying places for cold air drainage during night-time. During inversions, however, the impact of topography was emphasised, occasionally outperforming those of urban land use and water bodies.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
The main objective of the study was to define the methodology for assessing the limits for application island grids instead of interconnecting with existing grid infrastructure. The model for simulation of grid extension distance and levelised cost of electricity has been developed and validated by the case study in Finland. Thereafter, sensitivities of the application limits were examined with the respect to operational environment, load conditions, supply security and geographical location. Finally, recommendations for the small-scale rural electrification projects in the market economy environment have been proposed.
Pohjois-Norjassa, Finnmarkin läänin itäosassa sijaitsevan Karasjoen vihreäkivivyöhykkeen (KVV) on muiden vihreäkivialueiden tapaan ajateltu olevan potentiaalinen kohde orogeenisen kullan löytymiselle. Alueella on tehty järjestelmällistä malminetsintää eri yritysten toimesta jo 1950-luvulta asti, mutta aluetta voidaan silti pitää alitutkittuna muihin vastaavanlaisiin alueisiin verrattuna. Vuosina 2006–2012 Store Norske Gull As:n malminetsintään liittyen KVV:ltä kerättiin 1137 raskasmineraalinäytettä, joista on löydetty yhteensä lähes 13 000 kultaraetta. Näistä näytteistä valittiin 892, joiden 7928 kultarakeesta saaduilla tiedoilla määriteltiin alueen tausta-arvot kuvaamaan KVV:n rm-näytteissä esiintyvien kultarakeiden määrää, kokoa ja morfologiaa. Tausta-arvoja ja neljän erilaisen mineralisaatiotyypin ympäristöstä kerätyistä rm-näytteistä löydettyjen kultarakeiden määrää, morfologiaa ja hienouslukua verrattiin toisiinsa erilaisten kultaraepopulaatioiden löytämiseksi ja määrittämiseksi. Kolmella tutkimuskohteella on rm-näytteenoton lisäksi tehty kallioperäkairauksia ja kairasydämistä löytyneiden kultarakeiden hienouslukua verrattiin saman alueen rm-näytteiden kultarakeiden hienouslukuun. Raskasmineraalimenetelmän ohessa tehtiin moreenin geokemiallista tutkimusta, jonka perusteella saatuja tuloksia verrattiin tiettyjen alkuaineiden osalta saman näytepisteen rm-näytteen kultarakeiden määrään. Kaikki kultarakeet tutkittiin stereomikroskoopilla ja tämän lisäksi jokaiselta kohdealueelta valittiin muutamia rm- ja kairasydännäytteiden kultarakeita SEM-EDS-tutkimuksiin, jolla selvitettiin rakeiden pintojen tekstuurit ja kemialliset koostumukset. Kohdealueiden kultarakeiden määrän perusteella pystyttiin osoittamaan kaksi selvästi anomaalista aluetta Suolomaraksen BIF-tyypin rautamuodostumalla ja Raitevarrin porfyyrityypin Cu-Au-mineralisaatiolta. Muiden kohdealueiden ympäristössä kultarakeiden määrä rm-näytteissä ei ollut merkittävä. Rakeiden määrän ja morfologian sekä niiden hienouslukujen perusteella voitiin hyvällä varmuudella todeta Suolomaraksen esiintymällä olevien rakeiden olevan erittäin paikallisia, eivätkä ne todennäköisesti ole kulkeutuneet lainkaan viimeisimmän jäätiköitymisen aikana. Raitevarrin mineralisaation luoteisosassa olevat erittäin anomaaliset rm-näytteet ja niissä olevat kultarakeet ovat todennäköisesti peräisin eri mineralisaatiosta tai vaihtoehtoisesti saman mineralisaation kemiallisesti erilaisesta osasta kuin niistä noin kolme kilometriä kaakkoon kairatun kairasydännäytteet kultarakeet. Muiden kohdealueiden osalta aineistoa oli liian vähän, jotta rakeiden alkuperästä olisi voitu tehdä luotettavia päätelmiä. Moreenin geokemialliset analyysitulokset osoittivat kasvavaa korrelaatiota samasta näytepisteestä otettujen kultarakeiden määrän kanssa, kun rakeiden määrä näytteessä oli suurempi. Kultarakeiden määrän ollessa alle anomaliarajan, korrelaatio geokemiallisten tulosten kanssa oli heikko, kun taas anomaalisissa näytteissä vaikutti olevan jonkinlainen yhteys moreenin geokemiaan. Moreenin kultatutkimusten osalta rm-menetelmä vaikuttaisi antavan luotettavamman kuvan moreenin kullan määrästä kuin geokemiallinen menetelmä
Recent developments in power electronics technology have made it possible to develop competitive and reliable low-voltage DC (LVDC) distribution networks. Further, islanded microgrids—isolated small-scale localized distribution networks— have been proposed to reliably supply power using distributed generations. However, islanded operations face many issues such as power quality, voltage regulation, network stability, and protection. In this thesis, an energy management system (EMS) that ensures efficient energy and power balancing and voltage regulation has been proposed for an LVDC island network utilizing solar panels for electricity production and lead-acid batteries for energy storage. The EMS uses the master/slave method with robust communication infrastructure to control the production, storage, and loads. The logical basis for the EMS operations has been established by proposing functionalities of the network components as well as by defining appropriate operation modes that encompass all situations. During loss-of-powersupply periods, load prioritizations and disconnections are employed to maintain the power supply to at least some loads. The proposed EMS ensures optimal energy balance in the network. A sizing method based on discrete-event simulations has also been proposed to obtain reliable capacities of the photovoltaic array and battery. In addition, an algorithm to determine the number of hours of electric power supply that can be guaranteed to the customers at any given location has been developed. The successful performances of all the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated by simulations.
Today, renewable energy technologies and modern power electronics have made it feasible to implement low voltage direct current (LVDC) microgrids (MGs) ca-pable to island operation. Such LVDC networks are particularly useful in remote areas. However, there are still pending issues in island operated LVDC MGs like electrical safety and controlled operation, which should be addressed before wide-scale implementation. This thesis is focused on the overall protection of an island operated LVDC network concept, including protection against electrical shocks, mains equipment protection and protection of photovoltaic (PV) power sources and battery energy storage systems (BESSs). The topic is approached through ex-amination of the safety hazards and the appropriate methods to protect against them, comprising considerations for earthing system selection and realisation of the protection system.
The aim of this thesis is to find and analyze different methods which reduce fluid bed boilers’ auxiliary power consumption. The objective is to examine the effects and feasibility of these methods. The literature part explains how fluid bed boilers work and what are the main sources of auxiliary power consumption. Designs and operation of these equipment are presented. The literature part also discusses the basics of auxiliary power consumption reduction and introduces four low pressure drop constructions. The experimental part inspects six different methods. Effects of these methods on the auxiliary power consumption are calculated and their impacts on the operation of the boiler are modeled. Calculations show that reasonable changes can reduce fluid bed boiler’s auxiliary power consumption by 2,1-10,2 %. Biggest reductions come from lower air coefficients, smaller bed a-level pressures and lower primary/secondary air –ratios. Models showed no problems with the smaller bed a-level pressures. With the lower air coefficients and smaller primary/secondary air –ratios the models showed a significant increase in the carbon monoxide levels.