27 resultados para Representativeness of tasks
Hajautettujen ryhmien käyttöä ja virtuaalista yhteistyötä on tutkittu runsaasti. Useat tutkimukset ovat kuvanneet globaalien tiimien toimintaa ja keskittyneet yritysmaailmaan. Puolustusvoimissa on tutkittu virtuaalisen työskentelyn hyödyntämistä, mutta tutkimukset painottuvat opiskelumenetelmiin. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää virtuaalisen yhteistyön edellytyksiä ja sen tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia maavoimien tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnassa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin hajautetun organisaation rakennetta ja johtamista, virtuaalisen yhteistyön edellytyksiä sekä eri viestintävälineiden soveltuvuutta erilaisiin tehtäviin. Empiirinen osuus toteutettiin haastattelututkimuksena kolmessa fokusryhmässä laadullisen analyysin menetelmin. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että rakenteelliset ja tekniset edellytykset virtuaalisen yhteistyön hyödyntämiselle ovat olemassa, mutta organisaation sisäinen vuoropuhelu ei toimi. Tämä osin estää virtuaalisen yhteistyön, koska työryhmiä ei muodostu tai ryhmillä ei ole selkeitä tavoitteita. T&K -toiminnan prosessi on kuvattu varsin tarkasti, mutta prosessi ei toimi kuvatulla tavalla. Tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnan ohjaus ei onnistu, mikä johtaa epäselvyyksiin resurssien käytön suunnittelussa. Yhtenä tekijänä suunnittelun epäonnistumisessa on projektijohtamisen ja projektinhallinnan osaamattomuus.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten hankintatoimi on järjestetty Suomen julkisella sektorilla ja erityisesti mitä motiiveja ja haasteita liittyy case-yrityksen toimintaan. Teoriaosan kirjallisuus-katsauksen avulla tarkastellaan hankintatoimen järjestämistä julkisella sektorilla ja tutkimus painottuu erityisesti kuntasektoriin, sillä suurin osa julkisista hankinnoista tehdään juuri kuntasektorilla. Tavoitteena on lisäksi löytää sopivia viitekehyksiä liittyen lisäarvon tuottamiseen ja arvontuotto-logiikkaan sisäisille asiakkaille yhteishankintayksikön toiminnassa. Empiirisen osan materiaali on koottu haastattelujen perusteella. Tavoitteena on hyödyntää löydettyjä malleja case-yrityksen toiminnan tarkastelussa ja mahdollisesti sen kehittämisessä. Nykyisillä rakenteilla ja toimintamalleilla kunnat eivät selviä niille osoitetuista tehtävistä, sillä kunta-alalla perusongelma on edelleen se, että menot kasvavat nopeammin kuin tulot. Tämä vaatii uusia toimintatapoja ja rakenteita. Yhteishankintayhtiö KL-Kuntahankinnat Oy:n tarjoama ydinpalvelu on tuoda tarjoamansa hankintapalvelun avulla selkeää lisäarvoa kunta-asiakkailleen. Yritys hyödyntää keskitettyä hankintamallia ja toiminnan sen motiivit liittyvät asiantuntijuuteen, asiakkaille tuotettaviin kustannus- ja prosessisäästöihin, erikoistumisella saavutettaviin etuihin ja toiminnan tehokkuuden kasvuun sekä asiakkaiden omaan oppimiseen.
Liiketoiminnot käyttävät useita erillisiä tietojärjestelmiä. Toimintaprosessit sisältävät useiden eri liiketoimintojen suorittamia tehtäviä. Tehtävien tarvitsemien ja tuottamien tietojen sujuvan virtauksen toteutuminen vaatii tietojen ja tietojärjestelmien integraatiota, jota on toteutettu perinteisesti järjestelmien välisillä suorilla yhteyksillä. Tästä seuraa IT-arkkitehtuurin joustamattomuutta. Palvelulähtöisellä arkkitehtuurilla (Service Oriented Architecture, SOA) luvataan IT-arkkitehtuurille parempaa joustavuutta ja toisaalta kustannussäästöjä. Työssä selvitettiin palveluarkkitehtuurin teoreettinen tausta sekä palvelulähtöisen prosessikuvauskielen BPMN ideaa. Empiirisessä osuudessa haettiin teemahaastattelujen avulla kohdeyrityksen ja sen käyttämien järjestelmätoimittajien näkemyksiä palveluarkkitehtuurista ja siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Lisäksi työssä selvitettiin palveluarkkitehtuurista saatavia vastauksia kohdeyrityksen IT-strategiassa esitettyihin tavoitteisiin. Työn tuloksena analysoitiin palvelupohjaista mallinnusmenetelmää noudattaen prosessi- ja palvelukuvaus sekä tunnistettiin niitä tukevat SOA-palvelut. Menetelmän lopputuloksia hyödyntäen työssä esitettiin implementointiratkaisu palveluväylän avulla toteutettuna. Lisäksi luonnosteltiin ehdotusta siitä, miten kohdeyritys voisi lähteä liikkeelle palveluarkkitehtuurin soveltamisessa.
Academic research on services and innovations on services has significantly grown during recent years. So far research concerning management of knowledge intensive work on service development activities is very limited. The objective of this study was to examine knowledge integration practices that support service innovation development and to the best of knowledge such studies have not been previously published in academic literature. In the theoretical part of the study a review of state‐of‐the‐art literature was conducted, research gap was indicated and a framework for analysis was built. In the empirical part an explorative comparative multi‐case study was carried out in KIBS sector. Four companies were selected and four service development projects were inspected. The service development activities and knowledge integration practices were identified. The cases were carefully compared and results formed. The empirical results indicated that service innovation development is partly linear and partly incremental flow of activities where knowledge integration practices have important role supporting the planning and execution of tasks. Knowledge integration practices supporting planning and workshops are close interaction, interpretation, project planning and sequencing of work tasks. The identified knowledge integration practices supporting building service solution were careful role and competence management, routines and common knowledge. The main implication is that to manage knowledge intensive service innovation development a firm should carefully develop and choose relevant knowledge integration practices to support the service development activities.
Toimintaympäristön muutokset ja monipuolistuneet asiakasvaatimukset asettavat organisaatioille vaatimuksia oman toimintansa tarkasteluun. Asiakastyytyväisyys on saavutettava kiristyvässä kilpailussa tuottamalla asiakkaalle arvoa. Organisaation tuottama lisäarvo muodostuu tehtävien ja toimintojen sarjassa – prosesseissa. Menestyäkseen organisaation on hallittava ja kehitettävä prosessejaan. Tilaus-toimitusprosessi kuuluu organisaation ydinprosesseihin, jossa aikaansaadaan asiakkaan tarpeet tyydyttävä tuote tai palvelu. Prosessijohtaminen auttaa ymmärtämään kuinka organisaation suorituskyky syntyy. Prosessijohtamisen avulla prosessien kehitystoimet voidaan kohdistaa oikein. Prosessien kehittämisessä on olennaista ymmärtää toiminnan nykytila ennen kuin kehitystoimiin voidaan ryhtyä. Nykytilamallinnuksen jälkeen toimintaa tulee analysoida, jotta löydetään suorituskykyä edistävät tai estävät tekijät. Analyysin perusteella tehdään mahdolliset kehitystoimet eli muutokset prosessiin. Suoritettujen toimenpiteiden vaikutuksia toimintaan tulee myös seurata. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli case-organisaation tilaus-toimitusprosessin mallintaminen, analysointi ja kehityskohteiden tunnistaminen sekä kehitysehdotusten luonti. Lisäksi tutkimus pyrki selvittämään mitä case-organisaation tilaus-toimitusprosessissa tulisi kehittää. Analyysiä varten liiketoimintaprosessi mallinnettiin. Prosessin suorituskykyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä pyrittiin löytämään haastatteluiden ja havainnoinnin perusteella. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että kohdeyrityksen tulee kiinnittää huomiota palvelutarjonta ja asiakaskohderyhmä valintoihin, jotta yrityksen resurssit sitoutuisivat vain arvoa tuottavien asiakkaiden palvelemiseen. Resurssien jakautumien aiheuttaa myös palvelunlaadun vaihtelua, mikä vaikeuttaa asiakastyytyväisyyden saavuttamista. Tuloksia analysoimalla tunnistettiin myös muita pienempiä kehityskohteita. Kehityskohteille annettiin lopuksi toimenpidesuositukset.
Statins are indicated for preventing cardiovascular disease events. Patients with diabetes have a risk of major cardiovascular events double the risk of their peers without diabetes. Thus, clinical treatment guidelines recommend statins for the management of diabetic dyslipidemia. The evidence base for statin use in cardiovascular disease derives from the randomized controlled statin trials designed to prove statin efficacy under ideal conditions, among a homogenous study population meeting strict trial eligibility criteria. This thesis was implemented as four pharmacoepidemiological statin studies using register data on realworld statin users. The overall purpose was to evaluate the trends, patterns and effectiveness of statin use in everyday life. More specifically, nationwide secular trends in statin use in Finland were analysed, especially among patient groups which had been underrepresented in the statin trials. Furthermore, the benchmarking statin trials in diabetes, the Heart Protection Study and the Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes Study, were evaluated for their representativeness for real-world diabetes care with the emphasis placed on adherence to statin use. The association between good adherence and the incidence of major cardiovascular events in the real-world was further investigated in diabetes. These studies demonstrate that statin initiations increased from 1995 to 2005 in Finland. The increase was most pronounced among those aged at least 75 years and was observed already before the publication of rigorous trial data conducted in elderly subjects. Thus, statins seem to have been initiated in clinical practice also going beyond the strict trial eligibility criteria. Nonetheless, low adherence to statin use among the real-world patients with diabetes was found not only to limit the representativeness of the trials for clinical care but also to attenuate in all likelihood their benefits in the real-world. In fact, good adherence to statin use was found to associate with a decreased risk for major cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes. In conclusion, these studies highlight the importance of good adherence to statin use in clinical practice in order to obtain the full therapeutic value demonstrated in the statin trials. Simply increasing the number of statin users will not alone suffice in sharing our common resources appropriately.
Traditionally metacognition has been theorised, methodologically studied and empirically tested from the standpoint mainly of individuals and their learning contexts. In this dissertation the emergence of metacognition is analysed more broadly. The aim of the dissertation was to explore socially shared metacognitive regulation (SSMR) as part of collaborative learning processes taking place in student dyads and small learning groups. The specific aims were to extend the concept of individual metacognition to SSMR, to develop methods to capture and analyse SSMR and to validate the usefulness of the concept of SSMR in two different learning contexts; in face-to-face student dyads solving mathematical word problems and also in small groups taking part in inquiry-based science learning in an asynchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. This dissertation is comprised of four studies. In Study I, the main aim was to explore if and how metacognition emerges during problem solving in student dyads and then to develop a method for analysing the social level of awareness, monitoring, and regulatory processes emerging during the problem solving. Two dyads comprised of 10-year-old students who were high-achieving especially in mathematical word problem solving and reading comprehension were involved in the study. An in-depth case analysis was conducted. Data consisted of over 16 (30–45 minutes) videotaped and transcribed face-to-face sessions. The dyads solved altogether 151 mathematical word problems of different difficulty levels in a game-format learning environment. The interaction flowchart was used in the analysis to uncover socially shared metacognition. Interviews (also stimulated recall interviews) were conducted in order to obtain further information about socially shared metacognition. The findings showed the emergence of metacognition in a collaborative learning context in a way that cannot solely be explained by individual conception. The concept of socially-shared metacognition (SSMR) was proposed. The results highlighted the emergence of socially shared metacognition specifically in problems where dyads encountered challenges. Small verbal and nonverbal signals between students also triggered the emergence of socially shared metacognition. Additionally, one dyad implemented a system whereby they shared metacognitive regulation based on their strengths in learning. Overall, the findings suggested that in order to discover patterns of socially shared metacognition, it is important to investigate metacognition over time. However, it was concluded that more research on socially shared metacognition, from larger data sets, is needed. These findings formed the basis of the second study. In Study II, the specific aim was to investigate whether socially shared metacognition can be reliably identified from a large dataset of collaborative face-to-face mathematical word problem solving sessions by student dyads. We specifically examined different difficulty levels of tasks as well as the function and focus of socially shared metacognition. Furthermore, the presence of observable metacognitive experiences at the beginning of socially shared metacognition was explored. Four dyads participated in the study. Each dyad was comprised of high-achieving 10-year-old students, ranked in the top 11% of their fourth grade peers (n=393). Dyads were from the same data set as in Study I. The dyads worked face-to-face in a computer-supported, game-format learning environment. Problem-solving processes for 251 tasks at three difficulty levels taking place during 56 (30–45 minutes) lessons were video-taped and analysed. Baseline data for this study were 14 675 turns of transcribed verbal and nonverbal behaviours observed in four study dyads. The micro-level analysis illustrated how participants moved between different channels of communication (individual and interpersonal). The unit of analysis was a set of turns, referred to as an ‘episode’. The results indicated that socially shared metacognition and its function and focus, as well as the appearance of metacognitive experiences can be defined in a reliable way from a larger data set by independent coders. A comparison of the different difficulty levels of the problems suggested that in order to trigger socially shared metacognition in small groups, the problems should be more difficult, as opposed to moderately difficult or easy. Although socially shared metacognition was found in collaborative face-to-face problem solving among high-achieving student dyads, more research is needed in different contexts. This consideration created the basis of the research on socially shared metacognition in Studies III and IV. In Study III, the aim was to expand the research on SSMR from face-to-face mathematical problem solving in student dyads to inquiry-based science learning among small groups in an asynchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. The specific aims were to investigate SSMR’s evolvement and functions in a CSCL environment and to explore how SSMR emerges at different phases of the inquiry process. Finally, individual student participation in SSMR during the process was studied. An in-depth explanatory case study of one small group of four girls aged 12 years was carried out. The girls attended a class that has an entrance examination and conducts a language-enriched curriculum. The small group solved complex science problems in an asynchronous CSCL environment, participating in research-like processes of inquiry during 22 lessons (á 45–minute). Students’ network discussion were recorded in written notes (N=640) which were used as study data. A set of notes, referred to here as a ‘thread’, was used as the unit of analysis. The inter-coder agreement was regarded as substantial. The results indicated that SSMR emerges in a small group’s asynchronous CSCL inquiry process in the science domain. Hence, the results of Study III were in line with the previous Study I and Study II and revealed that metacognition cannot be reduced to the individual level alone. The findings also confirm that SSMR should be examined as a process, since SSMR can evolve during different phases and that different SSMR threads overlapped and intertwined. Although the classification of SSMR’s functions was applicable in the context of CSCL in a small group, the dominant function was different in the asynchronous CSCL inquiry in the small group in a science activity than in mathematical word problem solving among student dyads (Study II). Further, the use of different analytical methods provided complementary findings about students’ participation in SSMR. The findings suggest that it is not enough to code just a single written note or simply to examine who has the largest number of notes in the SSMR thread but also to examine the connections between the notes. As the findings of the present study are based on an in-depth analysis of a single small group, further cases were examined in Study IV, as well as looking at the SSMR’s focus, which was also studied in a face-to-face context. In Study IV, the general aim was to investigate the emergence of SSMR with a larger data set from an asynchronous CSCL inquiry process in small student groups carrying out science activities. The specific aims were to study the emergence of SSMR in the different phases of the process, students’ participation in SSMR, and the relation of SSMR’s focus to the quality of outcomes, which was not explored in previous studies. The participants were 12-year-old students from the same class as in Study III. Five small groups consisting of four students and one of five students (N=25) were involved in the study. The small groups solved ill-defined science problems in an asynchronous CSCL environment, participating in research-like processes of inquiry over a total period of 22 hours. Written notes (N=4088) detailed the network discussions of the small groups and these constituted the study data. With these notes, SSMR threads were explored. As in Study III, the thread was used as the unit of analysis. In total, 332 notes were classified as forming 41 SSMR threads. Inter-coder agreement was assessed by three coders in the different phases of the analysis and found to be reliable. Multiple methods of analysis were used. Results showed that SSMR emerged in all the asynchronous CSCL inquiry processes in the small groups. However, the findings did not reveal any significantly changing trend in the emergence of SSMR during the process. As a main trend, the number of notes included in SSMR threads differed significantly in different phases of the process and small groups differed from each other. Although student participation was seen as highly dispersed between the students, there were differences between students and small groups. Furthermore, the findings indicated that the amount of SSMR during the process or participation structure did not explain the differences in the quality of outcomes for the groups. Rather, when SSMRs were focused on understanding and procedural matters, it was associated with achieving high quality learning outcomes. In turn, when SSMRs were focused on incidental and procedural matters, it was associated with low level learning outcomes. Hence, the findings imply that the focus of any emerging SSMR is crucial to the quality of the learning outcomes. Moreover, the findings encourage the use of multiple research methods for studying SSMR. In total, the four studies convincingly indicate that a phenomenon of socially shared metacognitive regulation also exists. This means that it was possible to define the concept of SSMR theoretically, to investigate it methodologically and to validate it empirically in two different learning contexts across dyads and small groups. In-depth micro-level case analysis in Studies I and III showed the possibility to capture and analyse in detail SSMR during the collaborative process, while in Studies II and IV, the analysis validated the emergence of SSMR in larger data sets. Hence, validation was tested both between two environments and within the same environments with further cases. As a part of this dissertation, SSMR’s detailed functions and foci were revealed. Moreover, the findings showed the important role of observable metacognitive experiences as the starting point of SSMRs. It was apparent that problems dealt with by the groups should be rather difficult if SSMR is to be made clearly visible. Further, individual students’ participation was found to differ between students and groups. The multiple research methods employed revealed supplementary findings regarding SSMR. Finally, when SSMR was focused on understanding and procedural matters, this was seen to lead to higher quality learning outcomes. Socially shared metacognition regulation should therefore be taken into consideration in students’ collaborative learning at school similarly to how an individual’s metacognition is taken into account in individual learning.
Pro Gradu –tutkielman tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää tämän hetken yritysmaailman yhtä keskeisintä aihetta, tehtävien keskittämistä palvelukeskukseen. Yrityksen tekemään päätökseen ovat vaikuttaneet useat eri tekijät, joista kiristyvä kilpailu ja toimintaympäristön muutokset ovat olleet merkittävimmät. Muutosprosessin läpivieminen vie aikaa ja siihen tulisi valmistautua huolella, sillä prosessiin liittyy useita eri vaiheita. Toimintojen organisointi ja muutosjohtaminen muodostavat tutkimuksen teoriapohjan. Tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka aineisto on kerätty haastatteluiden ja havainnoinnin avulla. Tutkimus tehtiin eräässä kansainvälisessä yrityksessä, sen yhden liiketoiminta-alueen ja yhden toimintayksikön osalta. Tutkimustuloksista voitiin havaita, että tehtävien keskittäminen palvelukeskukseen koostui useasta vaiheesta. Se koettiin hyväksi ja onnistuneeksi toimintatavaksi. Tehtävien keskittämisprosessiin liittyy hyötyjä ja haasteita, näiden osalta tutkimustuloksissa löytyi yhteneviä tekijöitä aiempien tutkimusten ja kirjallisuusmateriaalin kanssa. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että muutosjohtaminen noudatteli tunnettua vaiheistusmallia. Muutosjohtamiseen liittyy merkittävästi ihmisten ja organisaation käyttäytyminen, joka vaikuttaa muutosprosessin onnistuneeseen läpiviemiseen. Ihmiset kokevat muutoksen eri tavoin ja aluksi vastustavat uutta tilannetta.
Recent research in relationships marketing and sales and sales management emphasizes companies’ ability to create customer value as a core of all business-to-business relationships. The role of individual salespeople in business relation-ships is commonly acknowledged, but has been largely neglected in extant literature. This study offers especially more detailed perspective on salespeople’s roles and tasks in business-to-business value-based sales process. It focuses especially on Software-as-a-Service business environment. The objective of the study is to find out how salespeople can create value in Software-as-a-Service value-based sales process. It determines value-based sales process, salespeople’s roles and tasks in it, and combines value assessment in to process. The results indicate that salespeople have to adapt different selling roles and tasks in Software-as-a-Service value-based sales process to be able to support the customer’s value-in-use experience. The process itself is highly complex, consisting of multiple facets and selling behaviors, and involves relevant actors from both parties of relationship. The study concludes with a discussion of possibilities that provide interesting aspects for future research.