24 resultados para Pre-hospital care.


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Hoitotyön laatu - lasten näkökulma Tämän kolmivaiheisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla lasten odotuksia ja arviointeja lasten hoitotyön laadusta sekä kehittää mittari kouluikäisille sairaalassa oleville lapsille laadun arviointiin. Perimmäisenä tavoitteena oli lasten hoitotyön laadun kehittäminen sairaalassa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa 20 alle kouluikäistä (4-6v) sekä 20 kouluikäistä (7-11v) lasta kuvailivat odotuksiaan lasten hoitotyön laadusta. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelulla ja lasten piirustusten avulla, sekä analysoitiin sisällön analyysilla. Lasten odotukset lasten hoitotyön laadusta kohdistuivat hoitajaan, hoitotyön toimintoihin ja ympäristöön, fyysinen ympäristö korostui piirustuksissa. Ensimmäisen vaiheen tulosten, aikaisemman kirjallisuuden sekä Leino-Kilven “HYVÄ HOITO” mittarin pohjalta kehitettiin “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS) mittari ja testattiin sen psykometrisiä ominaisuuksia tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa. Mittaria kehitettiin ja testattiin kolmen vaiheen kautta. Aluksi asiantuntijapaneeli (n=7) arvioi mittarin sisältöä. Seuraavaksi mittari esitestattiin kahdesti kouluikäisillä sairaalassa olevilla lapsilla (n=41 ja n=16), samassa vaiheessa myös viiden lastenosaston hoitajat (n=19) yhdessä arvioivat mittarin sisältöä sekä 8 lasta. Lopuksi mittaria testattiin kouluikäisillä lapsilla (n=388) sairaalassa sekä hoitajat (n=198) arvioivat mittarin sisällön validiteettia. Mittarin kehittämisen aikana päälaatuluokkien: hoitajan ominaisuudet, hoitotyön toiminnot ja hoitotyön ympäristö Cronbachin alfa kertoimet paranivat. Pääkomponentti analyysi tuki mittarin hoitotyön toimintojen ja ympäristön alaluokkien teoreettista rakennetta. Kolmannessa vaiheessa “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS III, versio neljä) mittarilla kerättiin aineisto Suomen yliopistosairaaloiden lastenosastoilta kouluikäisiltä 7-11 -vuotiailta lapsilta (n=388). Mittarin lopussa lapsia pyydettiin lisäksi kuvailemaan kivointa ja ikävintä kokemustaan sairaalahoidon aikana lauseen täydennystehtävänä. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisesti sekä sisällön analyysilla. Lapset arvioivat fyysisen hoitoympäristön, hoitajien inhimillisyyden ja luotettavuuden sekä huolenpidon ja vuorovaikutustoiminnot kiitettäviksi. Lapset arvioivat hoitajien viihdyttämistoiminnot kaikkein alhaisimmiksi. Lapsen ikä ja sairaalantulotapa olivat yhteydessä lasten saamaan tiedon määrään. Lasten kivoimmat kokemukset liittyivät ihmisiin ja heidän ominaisuuksiinsa, toimintoihin, ympäristöön sekä lopputuloksiin. Ikävimmät kokemukset liittyivät potilaana oloon, tuntemuksiin sairauden oireista sekä erossaoloon, hoitotyön fyysisiin toimintoihin sekä ympäristöön. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat lasten olevan kykeneviä arvioimaan omaa hoitoaan ja heidän näkökulmansa tulisi nähdä osana koko laadun kehittämisprosessia parannettaessa laatua käytännössä todella lapsilähtöisemmällä lähestymistavalla. “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS) mittari on mahdollinen väline saada tietoa lasten arvioinneista lasten hoitotyön laadusta, mutta mittarin testaamista tulisi jatkaa tulevaisuudessa


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the birth hospital and the time of birth on mortality and the long-term outcome of Finnish very low birth weight (VLBW) or very low gestational age (VLGA) infants. This study included all Finnish VLBW/VLGA infants born at <32 gestational weeks or with a birth weight of ≤1500g, and controls born full-term and healthy. In the first part of the study, the mortality of VLBW/VLGA infants born in 2000–2003 was studied. The second part of the study consisted of a five-year follow-up of VLBW/VLGA infants born in 2001–2002. The study was performed using data from parental questionnaires and several registers. The one-year mortality rate was 11% for live-born VLBW/VLGA infants, 22% for live-born and stillborn VLBW/VLGA infants, and 0% for the controls. In live-born and in all (including stillbirths) VLBW/VLGA infants, the adjusted mortality was lower among those born in level III hospitals compared with level II hospitals. Mortality rates of live-born VLBW/VLGA infants differed according to the university hospital district where the birth hospital was located, but there were no differences in mortality between the districts when stillborn infants were included. There was a trend towards lower mortality rates in VLBW/VLGA infants born during office hours compared with those born outside office hours (night time, weekends, and public holidays). When stillborn infants were included, this difference according to the time of birth was significant. Among five-year-old VLBW/VLGA children, morbidity, use of health care resources, and problems in behaviour and development were more common in comparison with the controls. The health-related quality of life of the surviving VLBW/VLGA children was good but, statistically, it was significantly lower than among the controls. The median and the mean number of quality-adjusted life-years were 4.6 and 3.6 out of a maximum five years for all VLBW/VLGA children. For the controls, the median was 4.8 and the mean was 4.9. Morbidity rates, the use of health care resources, and the mean quality-adjusted life-years differed for VLBW/VLGA children according to the university hospital district of birth. However, the time of birth, the birth hospital level or university hospital district were not associated with the health-related quality of life, nor with behavioural and developmental scores of the survivors at the age of five years. In conclusion, the decreased mortality in level III hospitals was not gained at the expense of long-term problems. The results indicate that VLBW/VLGA deliveries should be centralized to level III hospitals and the regional differences in the treatment practices should further be clarified. A long-term follow-up on the outcome of VLBW/VLGA infants is important in order to recognize the critical periods of care and to optimise the care. In the future, quality-adjusted life-years can be used as a uniform measure for comparing the effectiveness of care between VLBW/VLGA infants and different patient groups


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Background. Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematologic malignancy after lymphomas In Finland: the annual incidence of MM is approximately 200. For three decades the median survival remained at 3 to 4 years from diagnosis until high-dose melphalan treatment supported by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) became the standard of care for newly diagnosed MM since the mid 1990’s and the median survival increased to 5 – 6 years. This study focuses on three important aspects of ASCT, namely 1) stem cell mobilization, 2) single vs. double ASCT as initial treatment, and 3) the role of minimal residual disease (MRD) for longterm outcome. Aim. The aim of this series of studies was to evaluate the outcomes of MM patients and the ASCT procedure at the Turku University Central Hospital, Finland. First, we tried to identify which factors predict unsuccessful mobilization of autologous stem cells. Second, we compared the use of short-acting granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF) with long-acting G-CSF as mobilization agents. Third, one and two successive ASCTs were compared in 100 patients with MM. Fourth, for patients in complete response (CR) after stem cell transplantation (SCT), patient-specific probes for quantitative allele-specific oligonucleotide polymerase-chain reaction (qASO-PCR) measurements were designed to evaluate MRD and its importance for long-term outcome. Results. The quantity of previous chemotherapy and previous interferon use were significant pre-mobilization factors that predicted mobilization failure, together with some factors related to mobilization therapy itself, such as duration and degree of cytopenias and occurrence of sepsis. Short-acting and long-acting G-CSF combined with chemotherapy were comparable as stem cells mobilizers. The progression free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) tended to be longer after double ASCT than after single ASCT with a median follow-up time of 4 years, but this difference disappeared as the follow-up time increased. qASO-PCR was a good and sensitive divider of the CR patients into two prognostic groups: MRD low/negative (≤ 0.01%) and MRD high (>0.01%) groups with a significant difference in PFS and suggestively also in OS. Conclusions. When the factors prediciting a poor outcome of stem cell mobilization prevail, it is possible to identify those patients who need specific efforts to maximize the mobilization efficacy. Long-acting pegfilgrastim is a practical and effective alternative to short-acting filgrastim for mobilization therapy. There is no need to perform double ASCT on all eligible patients. MRD assessment with qASO-PCR is a sensitive method for evaluation of the depth of the CR response and can be used to predict long-term outcome after ACST.


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The aim of this study was to develop a theoretical model for information integration to support the deci¬sion making of intensive care charge nurses, and physicians in charge – that is, ICU shift leaders. The study focused on the ad hoc decision-making and immediate information needs of shift leaders during the management of an intensive care unit’s (ICU) daily activities. The term ‘ad hoc decision-making’ was defined as critical judgements that are needed for a specific purpose at a precise moment with the goal of ensuring instant and adequate patient care and a fluent flow of ICU activities. Data collection and research analysis methods were tested in the identification of ICU shift leaders’ ad hoc decision-making. Decision-making of ICU charge nurses (n = 12) and physicians in charge (n = 8) was observed using a think-aloud technique in two university-affiliated Finnish ICUs for adults. The ad hoc decisions of ICU shift leaders were identified using an application of protocol analysis. In the next phase, a structured online question¬naire was developed to evaluate the immediate information needs of ICU shift leaders. A national survey was conducted in all Finnish, university-affiliated hospital ICUs for adults (n = 17). The questionnaire was sent to all charge nurses (n = 515) and physicians in charge (n = 223). Altogether, 257 charge nurses (50%) and 96 physicians in charge (43%) responded to the survey. The survey was also tested internationally in 16 Greek ICUs. From Greece, 50 charge nurses out of 240 (21%) responded to the survey. A think-aloud technique and protocol analysis were found to be applicable for the identification of the ad hoc decision-making of ICU shift leaders. During one day shift leaders made over 200 ad hoc decisions. Ad hoc decisions were made horizontally, related to the whole intensive care process, and vertically, concerning single intensive care incidents. Most of the ICU shift leaders’ ad hoc decisions were related to human resources and know-how, patient information and vital signs, and special treatments. Commonly, this ad hoc decision-making involved several multiprofessional decisions that constituted a bundle of immediate decisions and various information needs. Some of these immediate information needs were shared between the charge nurses and the physicians in charge. The majority of which concerned patient admission, the organisation and management of work, and staff allocation. In general, the information needs of charge nurses were more varied than those of physicians. It was found that many ad hoc deci-sions made by the physicians in charge produced several information needs for ICU charge nurses. This meant that before the task at hand was completed, various kinds of information was sought by the charge nurses to support the decision-making process. Most of the immediate information needs of charge nurses were related to the organisation and management of work and human resources, whereas the information needs of the physicians in charge mainly concerned direct patient care. Thus, information needs differ between professionals even if the goal of decision-making is the same. The results of the international survey confirmed these study results for charge nurses. Both in Finland and in Greece the information needs of charge nurses focused on the organisation and management of work and human resources. Many of the most crucial information needs of Finnish and Greek ICU charge nurses were common. In conclusion, it was found that ICU shift leaders make hundreds of ad hoc decisions during the course of a day related to the allocation of resources and organisation of patient care. The ad hoc decision-making of ICU shift leaders is a complex multi-professional process, which requires a lot of immediate information. Real-time support for information related to patient admission, the organisation and man¬agement of work, and allocation of staff resources is especially needed. The preliminary information integration model can be applied when real-time enterprise resource planning systems are developed for intensive care daily management


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Worry is one of the central factors in primary health care patients’ experience with their current complaint. Worry is associated with, e.g., patients’ expectations and the outcomes of doctor’s consultations. The aim of this study was to explore primary health care patients’ complaint-related worry and its changes, as well as contributing factors. Furthermore, the reasons behind patients’ pre-consultation worry and possible relief were examined. The study was conducted in a public primary health care centre in Forssa in Southern Finland. Patients, aged 18–39 years, with a current complaint were interviewed before and after a doctor’s consultation. The patients’ characteristics, perceptions of their complaint and their expectations and experiences concerning the consultation were obtained through interviews. In addition, two questionnaires were administered to measure general tendency to illness worry (IWS) and psychiatric symptoms (SCL-90). The patients’ ratings of the intensity of worry and the severity of their complaint were measured with a visual analogue scale (VAS 0–100). Changes in worry were measured by comparing pre- and post-consultation VAS ratings and asking the patients to compare their worry after the consultation with the worry they felt before it. In connection with these ratings the patients also gave reasons for their experiences in their own words. The patients’ doctors assessed the medical severity of the complaints and whether they had found a medical explanation for the complaints. Many patients were very worried before the consultation (65 % scored over 50 points on the VAS). Worry and severity ratings were associated with the duration and course of the complaint, with a general tendency to illness worry and hostility. On average, the patients were less worried after the consultation than before it. Persistent worry was associated with the patients’ uncertainty about their complaint, their perceiving it as severe, expectations for examinations and reporting symptoms of anxiety. Patients were most often worried about the nature of their complaint (e.g. duration or intensity), not knowing what was wrong, the possible harmful effects of the complaint on body functions, the complaint’s prognosis, e.g. will it get better, and their ability to function. Patients were relieved by getting an explanation or treatment or by having a positive view of the complaint’s prognosis. Patients who reported uncertainty (lack of an explanation, worry about the nature of the complaint) or worry about the complaint’s possible bodily harmfulness were relieved by getting an explanation, often accompanied with getting treatment. On the other hand, worries about the ability to function tended to persist. Doctors should bring up patients’ worries for discussion in order to be able to respond to them appropriately. Because it tends to persist, worry about the ability to function should be addressed. Uncertain patients with concerns about their complaint’s bodily harmfulness or psychological consequences need special attention from their doctor.


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The target organization of this study, otherwise South-Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) provides health, senior, family and social welfare services. South Karelia Central Hospital provides special health care and offers health services from all of the most important medical specialties. Eksote has in use 15D instrument to measure the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of their patients before and after their interventions for observing the health effects of the medical care. Furthermore, 15D allows measuring the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health care when comparing these before and after results of the 15D measurements and adding the costs of the interventions into this research. The main purposes of this study were to analyze the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of medical care in South Karelia Central Hospital by using the gathered 15D data to calculate effectiveness and cost-effectiveness ratios and to analyze the reliability and availability of the data. Study has been conducted using literature review and quantitative research methods. The results indicate that from the patients within the eight units selected to this study the 15D change information was available from the 52 %, the 15D change and the cost information from 38 % and the information of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) produced and the cost information from 35 %. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of medical care were greatest at the units of Pain Outpatient Clinic and Rheumatic Diseases Outpatient Clinic. The most effective medical care is given in the unit where the average price of one produced QALY is the highest (Orthopedics). However, the calculated standard deviations pointed out that there are great variances in the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness within the units also.


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Today’s healthcare organizations are under constant pressure for change, as hospitals should be able to offer their patients the best possible medical care with limited resources and, at the same time, to retain steady efficiency level in their operation. This is challenging, especially in trauma hospitals, in which the variation in the patient cases and volumes is relatively high. Furthermore, the trauma patient's care requires plenty of resources as most the patients have to be treated as single cases. Occasionally, the sudden increases in demand causes congestion in the operations of the hospital, which in Töölö hospital appears as an increase in the surgery waiting times within the yellow urgency class patients. An increase in the surgery waiting times may cause the diminution of the patient's condition, which also raises the surgery risks. The congestion itself causes overloading of the hospital capacity and staff. The aim of this master’s thesis is to introduce the factors contributing to the trauma process, and to examine the correlation between the different variables and the lengthened surgery waiting times. The results of this study are based on a three-year patient data and different quantitative analysis. Based on the analysis, a daily usable indicator was created in order to support the decision making in the operations management. By using the selected indicator, the effects of congestion can be acknowledged and the corrective action can also be taken more proactively.


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Intracranial aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is a life-threatening condition requiring immediate neurocritical care. A ruptured aneurysm must be isolated from arterial circulation to prevent rebleeding. Open surgical clipping of the neck of the aneurysm or intra-arterial filling of the aneurysm sack with platinum coils are major treatment strategies in an acute phase. About 40% of the patients suffering from aSAH die within a year of the bleeding despite the intensive treatment. After aSAH, the patient may develop a serious complication called vasospasm. Major risk for the vasospasm takes place at days 5–14 after the primary bleeding. In vasospasm, cerebral arteries contract uncontrollably causing brain ischemia that may lead to death. Nimodipine (NDP) is used to treat of vasospasm and it is administrated intravenously or orally every four hours for 21 days. NDP treatment has been scientifically proven to improve patients’ clinical outcome. The therapeutic effect of L-type calcium channel blocker NDP is due to the ability to dilate cerebral arteries. In addition to vasodilatation, recent research has shown the pleiotropic effect of NDP such as inhibition of neuronal apoptosis and inhibition of microthrombi formation. Indeed, NDP inhibits cortical spreading ischemia. Knowledge of the pathophysiology of the vasospasm has evolved in recent years to a complex entity of early brain injury, secondary injuries and cortical spreading ischemia, instead of being pure intracranial vessel spasm. High NDP levels are beneficial since they protect neurons and inhibit the cortical spreading ischemia. One of the drawbacks of the intravenous or oral administration of NPD is systemic hypotension, which is harmful particularly when the brain is injured. Maximizing the beneficial effects and avoiding systemic hypotension of NDP, we developed a sustained release biodegradable NDP implant that was surgically positioned in the basal cistern of animal models (dog and pig). Higher concentrations were achieved locally and lower concentrations systemically. Using this treatment approach in humans, it may be possible to reduce incidence of harmful hypotension and potentiate beneficial effects of NDP on neurons. Intracellular calcium regulation has a pivotal role in brain plasticity. NDP blocks L-type calcium channels in neurons, substantially decreasing intracellular calcium levels. Thus, we were interested in how NDP affects brain plasticity and tested the hypothesis in a mouse model. We found that NDP activates Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) receptor TrkB and its downstream signaling in a reminiscent of antidepressant drugs. In contrast to antidepressant drugs, NDP activates Akt, a major survival-promoting factor. Our group’s previous findings demonstrate that long-term antidepressant treatment reactivates developmental-type of plasticity mechanisms in the adult brain, which allows the remodeling of neuronal networks if combined with appropriate rehabilitation. It seems that NDP has antidepressant-like properties and it is able to induce neuronal plasticity. In general, drug induced neuronal plasticity has a huge potential in neurorehabilitation and more studies are warranted.


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Sleep is important for the recovery of a critically ill patient, as lack of sleep is known to influence negatively a person’s cardiovascular system, mood, orientation, and metabolic and immune function and thus, it may prolong patients’ intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stay. Intubated and mechanically ventilated patients suffer from fragmented and light sleep. However, it is not known well how non-intubated patients sleep. The evaluation of the patients’ sleep may be compromised by their fatigue and still position with no indication if they are asleep or not. The purpose of this study was to evaluate ICU patients’ sleep evaluation methods, the quality of non-intubated patients’ sleep, and the sleep evaluations performed by ICU nurses. The aims were to develop recommendations of patients’ sleep evaluation for ICU nurses and to provide a description of the quality of non-intubated patients’ sleep. The literature review of ICU patients’ sleep evaluation methods was extended to the end of 2014. The evaluation of the quality of patients’ sleep was conducted with four data: A) the nurses’ narrative documentations of the quality of patients’ sleep (n=114), B) the nurses’ sleep evaluations (n=21) with a structured observation instrument C) the patients’ self-evaluations (n=114) with the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire, and D) polysomnographic evaluations of the quality of patients’ sleep (n=21). The correspondence of data A with data C (collected 4–8/2011), and data B with data D (collected 5–8/2009) were analysed. Content analysis was used for the nurses’ documentations and statistical analyses for all the other data. The quality of non-intubated patients’ sleep varied between individuals. In many patients, sleep was light, awakenings were frequent, and the amount of sleep was insufficient as compared to sleep in healthy people. However, some patients were able to sleep well. The patients evaluated the quality of their sleep on average neither high nor low. Sleep depth was evaluated to be the worst and the speed of falling asleep the best aspect of sleep, on a scale 0 (poor sleep) to 100 (good sleep). Nursing care was mostly performed while the patients were awake, and thus the disturbing effect was low. The instruments available for nurses to evaluate the quality of patients’ sleep were limited and measured mainly the quantity of sleep. Nurses’ structured observatory evaluations of the quality of patients’ sleep were correct for approximately two thirds of the cases, and only regarding total sleep time. Nurses’ narrative documentations of the patients’ sleep corresponded with patients’ self-evaluations in just over half of the cases. However, nurses documented several dimensions of sleep that are not included in the present sleep evaluation instruments. They could be classified according to the components of the nursing process: needs assessment, sleep assessment, intervention, and effect of intervention. Valid, more comprehensive sleep evaluation methods for nurses are needed to evaluate, document, improve and study patients’ quality of sleep.