28 resultados para Power transmission.
The objective of the thesis was to create three tutorials for MeVEA Simulation Software to instruct the new users to the modeling methodology used in the MeVEA Simulation Software. MeVEA Simulation Software is a real-time simulation software based on multibody dynamics. The simulation software is designed to create simulation models of complete mechatronical system. The thesis begins with a more detail description of the MeVEA Simulation Software and its components. The thesis presents the three simulation models and written theory of the steps of model creation. The first tutorial introduces the basic features which are used in most simulation models. The basic features include bodies, constrains, forces, basic hydraulics and motors. The second tutorial introduces the power transmission components, tyres and user input definitions for the different components in power transmission systems. The third tutorial introduces the definitions of two different types of collisions and collision graphics used in MeVEA Simulation Software.
Tämä työ on tehty Fingrid Oyj:lle. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten reaaliaikaista PMU-mittaustietoa voidaan hyödyntää voimajärjestelmän valvonnassa. Voimajärjestelmän dynaamisia ilmiöitä ovat jännite- ja kulmastabiilius. Työssä tutkittiin voimajärjestelmän kulmastabiiliutta PSS/E-ohjelmalla simuloitujen mittaustulosten perusteella. Fouriermuunnoksen tulokset osoittavat, että huonoiten vaimeneva taajuuskomponentti on 0,3 Hz taajuus. Lisäksi tiedetään, että huonosti vaimeneva taajuuskomponentti rajoittaa siirtokapasiteettia. Voimajärjestelmän stabiiliutta voidaan esittää Wide Area Monitoring -järjestelmien (WAMS) avulla. WAMS perustuu Phasor Measurement -laitteen (PMU) reaaliaikaiseen mittaustekniikkaan. Jännitteen vaihekulman mittaaminen mahdollistaa voimajärjestelmän tilan määrittämisen reaaliajassa. Työssä on esitelty Fingridin käytössä oleva WAMS ja lisäksi esitelty kolmen eri laitetoimittajan WAMS:n rakennetta ja operaattorin käyttöön tarkoitettuja käyttöliittymiä. WAMS:n rakenteet ovat pääpiirteittäin samanlaisia, mutta stabiiliuden visuaalisessa esittämisessä on eroja. PMU -mittaustietoja on mahdollista tuoda käytönvalvontajärjestelmään erillisellä tiedonsiirtoprotokollalla. PMU-mittaustiedon hyödyntäminen käytönvalvontajärjestelmän toimintaaluenäytöllä mahdollistaa verkon tilan esittämisen reaaliajassa. Roottorin kulmastabiilius esitetään Fingridin käytönvalvontajärjestelmässä vaihekulmaerojen avulla ja työssä on esitetty, kuinka vaihekulmaeron arvolla on vaikutus tehonsiirtoon. Vaihekulmaeron arvo kuvaa vian jälkeisen tehoheilahtelun voimakkuutta. PMU-mittaustiedon esittäminen antaa operaattorille selkeämmän kuvan ylläpitää tehonsiirto turvallisella tasolla ja epästabiilin heilahtelun havainnoiminen vähentää suurhäiriön riskiä. Tulevaisuudessa siirtoverkon kehittyessä tarvitaan operaattorin käyttöön myös nopeita stabiilisuutta esittäviä työkaluja.
Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa on tarkoituksena selvittää Baltian maiden sähkömarkkinoi- den kehittymistä ja avautumista kilpailulle. Baltian maiden sähkömarkkinoiden kehittymis- tä on vauhdittanut EU:n energiapolitiikka, jolla pyritään edistämään toimivien yhteiseu- rooppalaisten sähkömarkkinoiden kehittymistä. Baltian maista tullaankin lähitulevaisuu- dessa rakentamaan lisäsiirtoyhteyksiä Pohjoismaihin ja Eurooppaan. Työssä tutkitaan myös Baltian maiden sähköntuotantorakenteen muodostumista ja sähkönsiirtoverkon ra- kennetta. Suomen ja Venäjän välisessä sähkökaupassa on tapahtunut merkittäviä muutok- sia syksyn 2011 jälkeen. Tutkitaan myös Venäjän ja Baltian maiden välistä sähkönsiirtoa.
Communications play a key role in modern smart grids. New functionalities that make the grids ‘smart’ require the communication network to function properly. Data transmission between intelligent electric devices (IEDs) in the rectifier and the customer-end inverters (CEIs) used for power conversion is also required in the smart grid concept of the low-voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution network. Smart grid applications, such as smart metering, demand side management (DSM), and grid protection applied with communications are all installed in the LVDC system. Thus, besides remote connection to the databases of the grid operators, a local communication network in the LVDC network is needed. One solution applied to implement the communication medium in power distribution grids is power line communication (PLC). There are power cables in the distribution grids, and hence, they may be applied as a communication channel for the distribution-level data. This doctoral thesis proposes an IP-based high-frequency (HF) band PLC data transmission concept for the LVDC network. A general method to implement the Ethernet-based PLC concept between the public distribution rectifier and the customerend inverters in the LVDC grid is introduced. Low-voltage cables are studied as the communication channel in the frequency band of 100 kHz–30 MHz. The communication channel characteristics and the noise in the channel are described. All individual components in the channel are presented in detail, and a channel model, comprising models for each channel component is developed and verified by measurements. The channel noise is also studied by measurements. Theoretical signalto- noise ratio (SNR) and channel capacity analyses and practical data transmission tests are carried out to evaluate the applicability of the PLC concept against the requirements set by the smart grid applications in the LVDC system. The main results concerning the applicability of the PLC concept and its limitations are presented, and suggestion for future research proposed.
Focus of this thesisis made on development of electricity sector of Russian North-West. The objective was to determine the most likely scenarios for development of the most critical (western) part of Interregional Power System of North-West, from where the most part of Russian electricity exports to the countries of European Union take place. For this purpose all the involved sides were analyzed: generation, transmission system and electricity consumption in different regions of Russian North-West. The analysis was performed through investigation of existing generation andtransmission capacities and plans for their development to be performed by the generation and transmission companies operating in the region. Principles of Russian electricity sector restructuring and electricity market design are also discussed as well as factors that may influence on future electricity price in the region.
The regulation of electricity transmission and distribution business is an essential issue for any electricity market; it is widely introduced in developed electricity markets of Great Britain, Scandinavian countries and United States of America and other. Those markets which were liberalized recently also need well planned regulation model to be chosen and implemented. In open electricity markets the sectors of electricity distribution and transmission remain monopolies, so called "natural monopolies", as introducing the competition into these sectors in most cases appears to be inefficient. Thatis why regulation becomes very important as its main tasks are: to set reasonable tariffs for customers, to ensure non-discriminating process of electricity transmission and distribution, at the same time to provide distribution companies with incentives to operate efficiently and the owners of the companies with reasonable profits as well; the problem of power quality should be solved at the same time. It should be mentioned also, that there is no incentive scheme which will be suitable for any conditions, that is why it is essential to study differentregulation models in order to form the best one for concrete situation. The aim of this Master's Thesis is to give an overview over theregulation of electricity transmission and distribution in Russia. First, the general information about theory of regulation of natural monopolies will be described; the situation in Russian network business and the importance of regulation process for it will be discussed next. Then there is a detailed description ofexisting regulatory system and the process of tariff calculation with an example. And finally, in the work there is a brief analysis of problems of present scheme of regulation, an attempt to predict the following development of regulationin Russia and the perspectives and risks connected to regulation which could face the companies that try to enter Russian electricity market (such as FORTUM OY).
Data transmission between an electric motor and a frequency converter is required in variablespeed electric drives because of sensors installed at the motor. Sensor information can be used for various useful applications to improve the system reliability and its properties. Traditionally, the communication medium is implemented by an additional cabling. However, the costs of the traditional method may be an obstacle to the wider application of data transmission between a motor and a frequency converter. In any case, a power cable is always installed between a motor and a frequency converter for power supply, and hence it may be applied as a communication medium for sensor level data. This thesis considers power line communication (PLC) in inverter-fed motor power cables. The motor cable is studied as a communication channel in the frequency band of 100 kHz−30 MHz. The communication channel and noise characteristics are described. All the individual components included in a variable-speed electric drive are presented in detail. A channel model is developed, and it is verified by measurements. A theoretical channel information capacity analysis is carried out to estimate the opportunities of a communication medium. Suitable communication and forward error correction (FEC) methods are suggested. A general method to implement a broadband and Ethernet-based communication medium between a motor and a frequency converter is proposed. A coupling interface is also developed that allows to install the communication device safely to a three-phase inverter-fed motor power cable. Practical tests are carried out, and the results are analyzed. Possible applications for the proposed method are presented. A speed feedback motor control application is verified in detail by simulations and laboratory tests because of restrictions for the delay in the feedback loop caused by PLC. Other possible applications are discussed at a more general level.
Nowadays the Finnish-Russian electric energy interaction is carried out through the back-to-back DC Vyborg substation and several power plants working synchronously with Finnish power system. Constant amount of energy flows in one direction — from Russia to Finland. But the process of electricity market development in Russian energy system makes the new possibilities of electrical cooperation available. The goal of master's thesis is to analyze the current state and possible evolution trends of North-West Russian system in relation with future possible change in power flow between Russia and Finland. The research is done by modelling the market of North-West Russia and examination of technical grid restrictions. The operational market models of North-West region of Russia for the years 2008 and 2015 were created during the research process. The description of prepared market models together with modelling results and their analysis are shown in the work. The description of power flow study process and results are also presented.
In the Thesis main focus is done on power flow development paths around the Baltic States as well as on market-based requirements for creation of the common Baltic electricity market. Current market regulations between the countries are presented; barriers for creating competitive common Baltic power market and for electricity trading with third countries are clarified; solutions are offered and corresponding road map is developed. Future power development paths around the Baltic States are analysed. For this purpose the 330 kV transmission grid of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is modelled in a power flow tool. Power flow calculations are carried out for winter and summer peak and off-peak load periods in 2020 with different combinations of interconnections. While carrying out power balance experiments several power flow patterns in the Baltic States are revealed. Conclusions are made about security of supply, grid congestion and transmission capacity availability for different scenarios.
All over the world power systems become bigger and bigger every day. New equipment is installed, new feeders are constructed, new power units are installed. Some old elements of the network, however, are not changed in time. As a result, “bottlenecks” for capacity transmission can occur. By locked power problem the situation when a power plant has installed capacity exceeding the power it can actually deliver is usually meant. Regime, scheme or even technical restrictions-related issues usually cause this kind of problem. It is really important, since from the regime point of view it is typical decision to have a mobile capacity reserve, in case of malfunctions. And, what can be even more significant, power plant owner (JSC Fortum in our case) losses his money because of selling less electrical energy. The goal of master`s thesis is to analyze the current state of Chelyabinsk power system and the CHP-3 (Combined Heat and Power plant) in particular in relation with it`s ability to deliver the whole capacity of the CHP in it`s existing state and also taking into consideration the prospect of power unit 3 installation by the fourth quarter of 2010. The thesis contains some general information about the UPS of Russia, CPS of Ural, power system of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region itself. Then the CHP-3 is described from technical point of view with it`s equipment observation. Regimes for the nowadays power system and for the system after the power unit 3 installation are reviewed. The problems occurring are described and, finally, a solution is offered.
This study is a survey of benefits and drawbacks of embedding a variable gearbox instead of a single reduction gear in electric vehicle powertrain from efficiency point of view. Losses due to a pair of spur gears meshing with involute teeth are modeled on the base of Coulomb’s law and fluid mechanics. The model for a variable gearbox is fulfilled and further employed in a complete vehicle simulation. Simulation model run for a single reduction gear then the results are taken as benchmark for other types of commonly used transmissions. Comparing power consumption, which is obtained from simulation model, shows that the extra load imposed by variable transmission components will shade the benefits of efficient operation of electric motor. The other accomplishment of this study is a combination of modified formulas that led to a new methodology for power loss prediction in gear meshing which is compatible with modern design and manufacturing technology.
Gear rattle is a phenomenon that occurs when idling or lightly loaded gears collide due to engine’s torque fluctuations. This behaviour is related to vibration behaviour of the transmission system. Aim of this master’s thesis is to evaluate Adams and Adams/Machinery as a simulation tools for modelling the rattle e ect in a transmission system. A case study of tractor’s power take-o driveline, suspected to be prone to rattle, is performed in this work. Modelling methods used by Adams in this type of study are presented in the theory section while simulation model build with the software during this work is presented in the results. The Machinery toolbox is used to create gears and bearings while other model components are created with standard Adams tool set. Geometries and excitations are exported from other softwares. Results were obtained from multiple variations of a base model. These result sets and literature review suggest that Adams/Machinery may not be the most suitable tool for rattle analysis. While the system behaviour was partially captured, for accurate modelling user-written routines must be used which may be more easily performed with other tools. Further research about this topic is required.