17 resultados para Persecution against Christians
This dissertation examines parental disciplinary violence against children in authority records and in the criminal procedure in Finland. The main aim is to analyze disciplinary violence, how it is defined, and how it is constructed as a crime by social workers, the police, and parents. This dissertation consists of four sub-studies and a summary article. In the first sub-study, I examine how disciplinary violence appears in child welfare documents and analyze the decision-making processes and measures taken by the child welfare workers. The second sub-study, utilizing police interview data, examines police officers’ perceptions of disciplinary violence, its criminalization, and its investigation. In addition to this analysis of police officers’ own perceptions, in the third sub-study, I use reports of crime and pre-trial investigation documents to look at what a typical suspicion of disciplinary violence coming to the attention of the police is and examine the decision-making processes of the police. Utilizing authority data, the fourth sub-study analyzes how parents rationalize the use of disciplinary violence to the authorities investigating these suspicions. The research provides findings that are unprecedented in Finland. Firstly, it was shown that social workers’ decision-making processes in suspicions of disciplinary violence follow three pathways of reasoning, with many factors taken into consideration; and in less than one-third of the cases, a request for criminal investigation has been made to the police. Secondly, it was verified that police officers hold different perceptions of disciplinary violence, and these perceptions have multiple effects on the investigation of these cases and the construction of disciplinary violence as a crime. Thirdly, the analysis of the reports of crime and pre-trial investigation documents showed that almost two-thirds of the cases of disciplinary violence had been sent to a prosecutor by the police and, thus, defined as a crime. However, in many cases, acts of disciplinary violence were often seen as ‘educational, petty one-off incidents’ and a possible trial and punishment for the perpetrator were seen as unreasonable. Fourthly, it was found that parents often try to neutralize and rationalize the violence they have used against their children, for example, either by denying the victim, the criminal intent, or the entire act, or relying on the necessity of the forbidden act. The dissertation concludes that disciplinary violence is defined and constructed in authority policies and practices, first and foremost, by the severity of the act, the nature of the act as continuous or singular, the perceived harm caused by the act to a child, and the perceptions of authorities regarding physical punishment of children. The asymmetrical power setting present in disciplinary violence and parents’ legitimized right to raise and discipline their children partly seem to explain why criminal-law processing of these suspicions of violence and understanding these as crimes is difficult. Finally, this research calls for more coherent and consistent authority practices and policies, achieved by educating authorities and increasing awareness on disciplinary violence, questions the need for a concept like ‘disciplinary’ violence, and suggests more emphasis on unambiguous perceptions of a child’s best interest.
In marine benthic communities, herbivores consume a considerable proportion of primary producer biomass and, thus, generate selection for the evolution of resistance traits. According to the theory of plant defenses, resistance traits are costly to produce and, consequently, inducible resistance traits are adaptive in conditions of variable herbivory, while in conditions of constant/strong herbivory constitutive resistance traits are selected for. The evolution of resistance plasticity may be constrained by the costs of resistance or lack of genetic variation in resistance. Furthermore, resource allocation to induced resistance may be affected by higher trophic levels preying on herbivores. I studied the resistance to herbivory of a foundation species, the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus. By using factorial field experiments, I explored the effects of herbivores and fish predators on growth and resistance of the alga in two seasons. I explored genetic variation in and allocation costs of resistance traits as well as their chemical basis and their effects on herbivore performance. Using a field experiment I tested if induced resistance spreads via water-borne cues from one individual to another in relevant ecological conditions. I found that in the northern Baltic Sea F. vesiculosus communities, strength of three trophic interactions strongly vary among seasons. The highly synchronized summer reproduction of herbivores promoted their escape from the top-down control of fish predators in autumn. This resulted into large grazing losses in algal stands. In spring, herbivore densities were low and regulated by fish, which, thus,enhanced algal growth. The resistance of algae to herbivory increased with an increase in constitutive phlorotannin content. Furthermore, individuals adopted induced resistance when grazed and when exposed to water-borne cues originating from grazing of conspecific algae both in the laboratory and in field conditions. Induced resistance was adopted to a lesser extent in the presence of fish predators. The results in this thesis indicate that inducible resistance in F. vesiculosus is an adaptation to varying herbivory in the northern Baltic Sea. The costs of resistance and strong seasonality of herbivory have likely contributed to the evolution of this defense strategy. My findings also show that fish predators have positive cascading effects on F. vesiculosus which arise via reduced herbivory but possibly also through reduced resource allocation to resistance. I further found evidence that the spread of resistance via water-borne cues also occurs in ecologically realistic conditions in natural marine sublittoral. Thus, water-borne induction may enable macroalgae to cope with the strong grazing pressure characteristic of marine benthic communities. The results presented here show that seasonality can have pronounced effects on the biotic interactions in marine benthic communities and thereafter influence the evolution of resistance traits in primary producers.