19 resultados para Moore Pam


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Soitinnus: sello, piano.


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Med avstamp i ett satsbegrepp som inspirerats av Ludwig Wittgenstein, där sats och kontext betraktas som internt förbundna och där den verkliga användningen av en sats är central för dess mening, visar avhandlingen hur filosofers olika uppfattning om den filosofiska terminologins roll och möjligheter har följder för deras sätt att uppfatta och behandla filosofiska frågeställningar. Moores paradox fungerar som testfall. Denna kända filosofiska frågeställning har diskuterats sedan 1940-talet och kretsar kring hävdandet av satsen ”Jag tror att det regnar och det regnar inte”. Problemet är att det vore märkligt för en talare att hävda satsen om sig själv: det verkar finnas ett logiskt hinder för att hävda en sats även om den är välformad, kunde vara sann och inte på ett entydigt sätt innehåller en kontradiktion. Moores paradox behandlas genom att granska några lösningsförslag (framförda av bl.a. G.E. Moore, J. L. Austin, J. Searle) och de uppfattningar om språket som de förutsätter. Genom att kontrastera dessa med ett användarperspektiv där språkets användning i meningsfulla sammanhang förväntas spela en central roll i behandlingen av paradoxen visar författaren hur också den intellektuella kontext inom vilken en filosof betraktar paradoxen spelar en avgörande roll för vilka mått som krävs för att upplösa den. Istället för att föreslå en egen lösning presenteras en behandling av paradoxen genom en diskussion och utredning av de grundvillkor som leder till att den uppstår. Här intar satsbegreppet en central plats. Avhandlingen är författad inom traditionen efter den senare Wittgenstein (närmare bestämt den gren som ansluter sig till en s.k. terapeutisk filosofisyn) men går i dialog med filosofiskt arbete som ligger utanför traditionen. Författaren strävar både till att medla mellan, sammanföra och särskilja olika temata som behandlats på ett sätt inom traditionen och på andra sätt utanför den och använder sig här av metaforen att filosofera inifrån i kontrast till utanför språket. Avhandlingens huvudsakliga bidrag är till metafilosofin genom dess fokus på filosofins metod. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mooren paradoksi on tunnettu filosofinen ongelma, josta on keskusteltu 1940-luvulta alkaen. Paradoksin keskeisenä osana esiintyy väitelause ”Uskon, että ulkona sataa, mutta ulkona ei sada”. Ongelman lähtökohta on, että olisi merkillistä jos puhuja esittäisi lauseen itseään koskevana väitteenä: väite näyttää olevan loogisesti mahdoton esittää, vaikka se on hyvinmuodostettu, mahdollisesti tosi, eikä yksiselitteisellä tavalla sisällä kontradiktiota. Tässä väitöskirjassa Mooren paradoksi esiintyy esimerkkinä filosofisesta ongelmasta, jossa mm. lausekäsitteellä on keskeinen rooli ja jonka avulla voidaan muodostella ns. kielensisäinen filosofinen näkökulma. Mooren paradoksia käsitellään tarkastelemalla muutamia ratkaisuehdotuksia (mm. G.E. Mooren, J.L. Austinin, J. Searlen esittämät) ja niitä kielikäsityksiä joita nämä ratkaisuehdotukset edellyttävät. Asettamalla vastakkain ratkaisuehdotukset ja käyttäjänäkymä, jossa kielenkäyttö mielekkäissä konteksteissa asetetaan keskeiseen asemaan paradoksin käsittelyssä, kirjoittaja osoittaa miten myös paradoksin filosofisen tarkastelun intellektuaalinen konteksti on hyväksyttävien toimenpiteiden löytämisen kannalta ratkaisevaa. Uuden ratkaisun sijaan kirjoittaja ehdottaa paradoksin terapeuttista käsittelyä: keskustelua ja selontekoa niistä perusehdoista, jotka johtavat sen syntyyn. Tässä käsittelyssä lausekäsite on keskipisteenä – erityisesti Ludwig Wittgensteinin inspiroima lausekäsitys, jossa lauseen mielekkyyden kannalta sen todellinen käyttö mielekkäässä kontekstissa on ratkaiseva tekijä. Väitöskirja liittyy myöhäisiwittgensteinilaiseen perinteeseen, johon kuuluu ns. terapeuttinen filosofiankäsitys, mutta teos keskustelee myös tradition ulkopuolisten ajattelijoiden kanssa yrittäen yhdistää, sovitella ja myös eritellä teemoja, joita käsitellään yhdellä tavalla tradition sisällä ja toisella tavalla sen ulkopuolella. Väitöskirjan pääasiallinen panos sijoittuu metafilosofiaan, koska sen mielenkiinnon kohteena ovat erityisesti filosofian menetelmät.


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Inclusion or Exclusion? Trade Union Strategies and Labor Migration This research identified and analyzed immigration-related strategies of the Finnish Construction Trade Union (FCTU) and the Service Union United (SUU); e.g. how the unions react to labor immigration, whether unions seek to include migrants in the unions, and what is migrants’ position in the unions. The two unions were chosen as the focus of the research because the workforce in the sectors they represent is migrant-dense. The study also analyzed the experiences that migrants who work in these sectors have with trade unions. The Estonian labor market situation –including the role of Estonian trade unions– was also examined as it has a considerable impact on the operating environment of the FCTU. The results of the study indicate that immigration is a contradictory issue for both unions. On the one hand, they strive to include migrants as trade union members and to defend migrants’ labor rights. On the other hand, they, together with their umbrella organization the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK), seek to prevent labor immigration from outside the EU and EEA countries. They actively defend current labor immigration restrictions by drawing atten- tion to high unemployment figures and to the breaches of working conditions migrants encounter. In contrast, the employer organizations promote a more liberal state policy on labor immigration because they see it as a boost for business. Both the unions and the employer organizations ground their arguments on national interest. However, the position of the trade union movement is not uniform: unions belonging to the Confederation of Unions for Professionals and Managerial Staff in Finland (Akava) embrace more liberal labor immigration stances than the SAK. A key trade union strategy is to try to guarantee that migrants’ working condi- tions do not differ from those of the natives. The FCTU and the SUU inform migrants about Finnish collective agreements and trade union membership in the most common migrant languages. This is important for the unions because it is not in their interest that migrants’ working conditions are undercut. The interviewed migrants said that natives had more negotiating power with employers, which is often negatively portrayed in migrants’ working conditions. Migrants perceive that trade unions have an important role in protecting their working conditions. However, they stressed that migrants’ knowledge of unions is often very limited. The number of migrants in both two unions studied here is increasing. Espe- cially in the SUU, a considerable proportion of the new members are migrants. The FCTU is in a more challenging situation than the SUU because migrant construc- tion workers often work only for short periods in Finland and are consequently not interested in becoming union members. The unions’ strategies partly differ: the FCTU was the first Finnish trade union to establish a trade union branch/lo- cal for migrant members. The goal is to facilitate migrants’ inclusion in the union and to highlight the specific problems they face. The SUU, for its part, insists that such a special strategy would exclude migrants within the union organization. Despite the unions’ strategies, migrants are still underrepresented as union members and officials, which some of the interviewed migrants saw as a problem. Immigrants’ perception of trade unions was pragmatic: they had joined unions when membership yielded concrete benefits. In spite of the unions’ strategies, migrants –and temporary migrants– encoun- ter specific problems in terms of working conditions. Both unions demand more state intervention to protect migrants’ labor rights because overseeing working conditions consumes union resources. However, without the unions’ intervention, these problems would be more common than is currently the case. For instance, some of the interviewed migrants had received trade union assistance in claim- ing unpaid wages. The study demonstrated with the help of building on Walter Korpi’s power resources theory, that immigration is a power resource issue for the unions: suc- cessful immigration-related strategies strengthen unions –and vice versa. The research also showed how the unions’ operating environments constrain and enable their immigration-related strategies. This study has illuminated a previously ignored dimension: the immigrant- inclusive strategies of the Finnish trade unions. The research material consists of 78 qualitative interviews, observation in trade union events, and trade unions’ and employer organizations’ public state- ments.


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PhotoAcoustic Imaging (PAI) is a branch in clinical and pre-clinical imaging, that refers to the techniques mapping acoustic signals caused by the absorption of the short laser pulse. This conversion of electromagnetic energy of the light to the mechanical (acoustic) energy is usually called photoacoustic effect. PAI, by combining optical excitation with acoustical detection, is able to preserve the diffraction limited spatial resolution. At the same time, the penetration depth is extended beyond the diffusive limit. The Laser-Scanning PhotoAcoustic Microscope system (LS-PAM) has been developed, that offers the axial resolution of 7.75 µm with the lateral resolution better than 10 µm. The first in vivo imaging experiments were carried out. Thus, in vivo label-free imaging of the mouse ear was performed. The principle possibility to image vessels located in deep layers of the mouse skin was shown. As well as that, a gold printing sample, vasculature of the Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay, Drosophila larvae were imaged by PAI. During the experimental work, a totally new application of PAM was found, in which the acoustic waves, generated by incident light can be used for further imaging of another sample. In order to enhance the performance of the presented system two main recommendation can be offered. First, the current system should be transformed into reflection-mode setup system. Second, a more powerful source of light with the sufficient repetition rate should be introduced into the system.