36 resultados para Metallic interconnect
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia lämpötilan ja sen muutosten vaikutusta kahden metallin tai metallin ja magneetin väliseen liimaliitokseen. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli tutkia magneettien liimaukseen käytetyn akryyliliiman lujuutta lämpösyklitysten jälkeen ja eri käyttölämpötilojen seurauksena. Teoriaosassa on käsitelty erilaisia liimauksen toteutukseen ja liimaliitoksen lujuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Erilaiset metallien liimaukseen soveltuvat liimatyypit ja niiden tarttumiseen liittyvät tekijät, kuten esikäsittelyt on myös käyty läpi teoriaosassa. Myös liiman- ja liimatyypin valintaa koskevia periaatteita ja tekniikoita on käsitelty. Käytännön osassa on esitelty koejärjestelyt sekä tutkittavat materiaalit ja niille suoritetut esikäsittelyt. Käytännön kokeissa suoritettavissa liimaliitoksissa käytettiin akryyli- ja silikoniliimoja, joille suoritettiin erilaisia vetokokeita. Akryyliliimalla liimatuille liitoksille suoritettiin myös lämpösyklityksiä, joita vertailtiin käsittelemättömiin liitoksiin. Magneettien ja metallien välisten liitosten lujuuden lisäksi liimalta saavutettavia lujuuksia arvioitiin rakenneterästen välisen liimaliitoksen sisältävillä vetosauvoilla. Suoritettujen kokeiden perusteella havaittiin lämpötilan vaikuttavan radikaalisesti liimaliitosten lujuuteen. Magneettien liimaliitoksilla saavutettiin käytännön sovellukseen riittävän suuria leikkauslujuuden arvoja vain huoneenlämpötilassa vedettäessä. Lämpösyklitysten todettiin myös heikentävän liitosta selvästi. Silikoniliiman lujuus oli alle sovelluskohteessa vaikuttavien voimien optimaalisissakin olosuhteissa. Metallien välisten liimaliitosten lujuuden todettiin heikentyvän nopeasti kasvatettaessa vetokokeissa käytettyä lämpötilaa. Liitoksen heikkenemistä havaittiin myös lämpötilaa laskettaessa.
Teollisuuden kasvavien laatuvaatimusten johdosta valmistava teollisuus joutuu tiukentamaan laatuvaatimuksiaan täyttääkseen asiakasvaatimukset. Laatujärjestelmät asettavat valmistajille erilaisia vaatimuksia, kuten valmistuksessa käytettävien laitteistojen huoltodokumentaatioiden tuottaminen. Standardi SFS-EN ISO 3834-2 Metallien sulahitsauksen laatuvaatimukset: Kattavat laatuvaatimukset tuo edellä mainitut vaatimukset myös hitsaustuotantoon. Ennakoivaa kunnossapitoa käytetään monilla teollisuuden aloilla, koska tuotannon yllättävät keskeytymiset halutaan ennaltaehkäistä. Käsinhitsaukseen ei ole ollut toistaiseksi työkaluja, jotka mahdollistaisivat ennakoivan kunnossapidon hitsauskoneille. Kemppi Oy kehittää hitsauksen monitorointiratkaisua, jonka yhtenä päämääränä on kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän kehittäminen hitsauslaitteistolle. Järjestelmä ottaa huomioon myös laatujärjestelmien asettamat vaatimukset hitsauskoneiden huoltodokumentaation tuottamisesta. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tehdä vaatimusmäärittely hitsauskoneiden kunnonvalvontajärjestelmälle. Tässä diplomityössä perehdyttiin kunnossapidon ja vikaantumisen lajeihin, laatujärjestelmiin sekä hitsauslaitteistoon. Tutkimuksessa syvennyttiin hitsauskoneiden kunnossapidon ja vikaantumistapauksien kautta suunnitteilla olevan järjestelmän tarpeisiin. Haastatteluiden avulla kartoitettiin hitsauslaitteiden kunnonvalvontajärjestelmältä vaadittavia piirteitä, järjestelmälle asetettavia vaatimuksia sekä järjestelmän monitorointikohteita. Tutkimuksen pohjalta laadittuun vaatimusmäärittelyyn saatiin muodostettua toiminnalliset vaatimukset, joista muodostetaan tuotekehityksen aikana tuotteen ominaisuudet. Lisäksi vaatimusmäärittelyyn luotiin käyttäjäryhmät, käyttötapaukset sekä alustavat monitorointikohteet. Vaatimusten täyttämiseksi kunnonvalvontajärjestelmään on suunnitteilla myös laitetietokanta, johon sisällytetään hitsauslaitteille suoritettujen huoltojen ja validointien tiedot. Varsinaisen tuotekehitystyön alkaessa nyt laadittua vaatimusmäärittelyä tullaan käyttämään suuntaviivojen näyttäjänä projektissa.
Taloudellisesti tärkeiden metallien varannot ja tuotanto eivät ole jakautuneet tasaisesti. Maantieteelliset alueet, joilla ei ole omia varantoja ovat riippuvaisia muualta tuoduista raaka-aineista. Euroopan komissio ja USA:n energiaministeriö ovat luokitelleet tietyt metallit kriittisiksi niiden taloudellisen merkittävyyden ja saatavuuteen liittyvien epävarmuustekijöiden johdosta. Tällaisten metallien saatavuutta voitaisiin mahdollisesti parantaa lisäämällä niiden talteenottoa jätteistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin Euroopan komission kriittiseksi luokittelemien metallien pitoisuuksia eräissä jätevirroissa. Kartoitetut jätteet olivat teollisissa poltto-prosesseissa syntyneitä polttojätteitä, prosessiteollisuuden jätesakkoja ja sähkö- ja elektroniikkajätteitä. Kartoituksen perusteella valittiin lupaavimmat jätteet ja suoritettiin niille talteenottokokeita. Talteenottokokeita suoritettiin kolmelle jätteelle. Yhdestä jätesakasta liuotettiin indiumia rikki- ja suolahapoilla. Kahden eri polttojätteen seoksesta liuotettiin galliumia rikkihapolla. Käytettyjen loisteputkien käsittelyprosessista peräisin olleesta sakasta liuotettiin maametalleja rikki- ja suolahapoilla sekä rikki- ja typpihapon seoksella. Indium liukeni heikosti (korkeintaan 25 %) huoneenlämmössä rikkihapolla. Suolahapolla se liukeni paremmin (68 %). Polttojätteen liuotuskokeissa galliumin talteenottoasteen todettiin riippuvan käytetyn liuottimen määrästä. Loisteputkijätesakasta liukeni yttriumia ja europiumia kaikilla käytetyillä happoliuoksilla noin 70–100 %. Käytetyillä happokonsentraatioilla ei havaittu suuria eroja yttriumin ja europiumin liukoisuuksissa. Näitä metalleja voitaisiin mahdollisesti ottaa talteen tämän tyyppisestä sakasta liuottamalla ne happoliuoksella ja saostamalla oksalaattina. Tarvittaessa liuokset voitaisiin puhdistaa tai metallit erottaa toisistaan neste–nesteuutolla, joka on tärkein maametallien tuotantoon käytetty hydrometallurginen menetelmä.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää Lappeenrannan teknilliselle yliopistolle nopeasti ja ketterästi liikkuva, lävistyksiä ja muovauksia tekevä puristin. Laitteisto on tarkoitus liittää osaksi tuotantolinjaa, jossa suulakepuristin eli ekstruuderi tuottaa pehmeä, ei-metallista materiaalia katkeamattomasti. Teoriaosuudessa esitellään vaihtoehdot puristimen, ohjauksen, työkalun ja liikutuslaitteiston osalta. Empiriaosuudessa suoritetaan laitteiston eri komponenttien valinta hinnan, nopeuden, kestävyyden, käytettävyyden ja koon perusteella. Tutkimuksen lopussa arvioidaan laitteistokokonaisuuden nopeutta suulakepuristimen tuotaman materiaalin maksiminopeuteen. Laitteiston nopeuden rajoittavana tekijänä toimii puristimen iskunopeus, jonka perusteella suulakepuristimen tuottaman materiaalin etenemisnopeus joudutaan pudottamaan hieman alle puoleen tavoitteena olleesta nopeudesta. Laitteiston kestävyyden heikon kohta on työstöä tekevien komponenttien liikuttamiseen tarkoitettu laitteisto. Puristuslaitteistoa on tarkoitus käyttää kahdeksan tuntia päivässä, viitenä päivänä viikossa, 52 viikkoa vuodessa. Näiden käyttötietojen perusteella koko laitteiston käyttöikä on useita vuosia.
The increasing demand for lightweight components has led to a huge exploitation of non-metallic materials such as polymers, fibers and elastomers in industrial and manufacturing processes. Recent trends towards cost effectiveness, weight reduction and production flexibility in industrial production and manufacturing processes has led to a growing interest in hybrid components where two or more dissimilar materials coexist to achieving specifically optimized characteristics. The importance of this research is to serve as a bridge to understanding the theories behind various joining techniques and the adaptation of the process for metal to polymer hybrid joints. Moreso, it helps companies to select the most productive and yet economical joining process for realization of lightweight metal to polymer hybrid components. This thesis is a literature review analyzing various materials that has been published on various joining methods for metal to polymer hybrid joints on the feasibility and eventual realization of the joint between these dissimilar materials. This study is aimed at theoretically evaluating the feasibility of joining processes between metal and plastic components by exploiting exhaustively joining and welding sources.
The environmental impacts of a single mine often remain local, but acidic and metal-rich acid mine drainage (AMD) from the waste materials may pose a serious threat to adjacent surface waters and their ecosystems. Testate amoebae (thecamoebian) analysis was used together with lake sediment geochemistry to study and evaluate the ecological effects of sulphidic metal mines on aquatic environments. Three different mines were included in the study: Luikonlahti Cu-mine in Kaavi, eastern Finland, Haveri Cu-Au mine in Ylöjärvi, southern Finland and Pyhäsalmi Zn-Cu-S mine in Pyhäjärvi, central Finland. Luikonlahti and Haveri are closed mines, but Pyhäsalmi is still operating. The sampling strategy was case specific, and planned to provide a representative sediment sample series to define natural background conditions, to detect spatial and temporal variations in mine impacts, to evaluate the possible recovery after the peak contamination, and to distinguish the effects of other environmental factors from the mining impacts. In the Haveri case, diatom analyses were performed alongside thecamoebian analysis to evaluate the similarities and differences between the two proxies. The results of the analyses were investigated with multivariate methods (direct and indirect ordinations, diversity and distance measure indices). Finally, the results of each case study were harmonized, pooled, and jointly analyzed to summarize the results for this dissertation. Geochemical results showed broadly similar temporal patterns in each case. Concentrations of ions in the pre-disturbance samples defined the natural baseline against which other results were compared. The beginning of the mining activities had only minor impacts on sediment geochemistry, mainly appearing as an increased clastic input into the lakes at Haveri and Pyhäsalmi. The active mining phase was followed by the metallic contamination and, subsequently, by the most recent change towards decreased but still elevated metal concentrations in the sediments. Because of the delay in the oxidation of waste material and formation of AMD, the most intense, but transient metal contamination phase occurred in the post-mining period at Luikonlahti and Haveri. At Pyhäsalmi, the highest metal contamination preceded effluent mitigation actions. Spatial gradients were observed besides the temporal evolution in both the pre-disturbance and mine-impacted samples from Luikonlahti and Pyhäsalmi. The geochemical gradients varied with distance from the main source of contaminants (dispersion and dilution) and with water depth (redox and pH). The spatial extent of the highest metal contamination associated with these mines remained rather limited. At Haveri, the metallic impact was widespread, with the upstream site in another lake basin found to be contaminated. Changes in thecamoebian assemblages corresponded well with the geochemical results. Despite some differences, the general features and ecological responses of the faunal assemblages were rather similar in each lake. Constantly abundant strains of Difflugia oblonga, Difflugia protaeiformis and centropyxids formed the core of these assemblages. Increasing proportions of Cucurbitella tricuspis towards the surface samples were found in all of the cases. The results affirmed the indicator value of some already known indicator forms, but such as C. tricuspis and higher nutrient levels, but also elicited possible new ones such as D. oblonga ‘spinosa’ and clayey substrate, high conductivity and/or alkalinity, D. protaeiformis ‘multicornis’ and pH, water hardness and the amount of clastic material and Centropyxis constricta ‘aerophila’ and high metal and S concentrations. In each case, eutrophication appeared to be the most important environmental factor, masking the effects of other variables. Faunal responses to high metal inputs in sediments remained minor, but were nevertheless detectable. Besides the trophic state of the lake, numerical methods suggested overall geochemical conditions (pH, redox) to be the most important factor at Luikonlahti, whereas the Haveri results showed the clearest connection between metals and amoebae. At Pyhäsalmi, the strongest relationships were found between Ca- and S-rich present loading, redox conditions and substrate composition. Sediment geochemistry and testate amoeba analysis proved to be a suitable combination of methods to detect and describe the aquatic mine impacts in each specific case, to evaluate recovery and to differentiate between the effects of different anthropogenic and natural environmental factors. It was also suggested that aquatic mine impacts can be significantly mitigated by careful design and after-care of the waste facilities, especially by reducing and preventing AMD. The case-specific approach is nevertheless necessary because of the unique characteristics of each mine and variations in the environmental background conditions.
Microreactors have proven to be versatile tools for process intensification. Over recent decades, they have increasingly been used for product and process development in chemical industries. Enhanced heat and mass transfer in the reactors due to the extremely high surfacearea- to-volume ratio and interfacial area allow chemical processes to be operated at extreme conditions. Safety is improved by the small holdup volume of the reactors and effective control of pressure and temperature. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful green oxidant that is used in a wide range of industries. Reduction and auto-oxidation of anthraquinones is currently the main process for hydrogen peroxide production. Direct synthesis is a green alternative and has potential for on-site production. However, there are two limitations: safety concerns because of the explosive gas mixture produced and low selectivity of the process. The aim of this thesis was to develop a process for direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide utilizing microreactor technology. Experimental and numerical approaches were applied for development of the microreactor. Development of a novel microreactor was commenced by studying the hydrodynamics and mass transfer in prototype microreactor plates. The prototypes were designed and fabricated with the assistance of CFD modeling to optimize the shape and size of the microstructure. Empirical correlations for the mass transfer coefficient were derived. The pressure drop in micro T-mixers was investigated experimentally and numerically. Correlations describing the friction factor for different flow regimes were developed and predicted values were in good agreement with experimental results. Experimental studies were conducted to develop a highly active and selective catalyst with a proper form for the microreactor. Pd catalysts supported on activated carbon cloths were prepared by different treatments during the catalyst preparation. A variety of characterization methods were used for catalyst investigation. The surface chemistry of the support and the oxidation state of the metallic phase in the catalyst play important roles in catalyst activity and selectivity for the direct synthesis. The direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide was investigated in a bench-scale continuous process using the novel microreactor developed. The microreactor was fabricated based on the hydrodynamic and mass transfer studies and provided a high interfacial area and high mass transfer coefficient. The catalysts were prepared under optimum treatment conditions. The direct synthesis was conducted at various conditions. The thesis represents a step towards a commercially viable direct synthesis. The focus is on the two main challenges: mitigating the safety problem by utilization of microprocess technology and improving the selectivity by catalyst development.
Fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) are a new group of non-metallic biomaterials showing a growing popularity in many dental and medical applications. As an oral implant material, FRC is biocompatible in bone tissue environment. Soft tissue integration to FRC polymer material is unclear. This series of in vitro studies aimed at evaluating unidirectional E-glass FRC polymer in terms of mechanical, chemical, and biological properties in an attempt to develop a new non-metallic oral implant abutment alternative. Two different types of substrates were investigated: (a) Plain polymer (BisGMA 50%–TEGDMA 50%) and (b) Unidirectional FRC. The mechanical behavior of high fiber-density FRCs was assessed using a three-point bending test. Surface characterization was performed using scanning electron and spinning disk confocal microscopes. The surface wettability/energy was determined using sessile drop method. The blood response, including blood-clotting ability and platelet morphology was evaluated. Human gingival fibroblast cell responses - adhesion kinetics, adhesion strength, and proliferation activity - were studied in cell culture environment using routine test conditions. A novel tissue culture method was developed and used to evaluate porcine gingival tissue graft attachment and growth on the experimental composite implants. The analysis of the mechanical properties showed that there is a direct proportionality in the relationship between E-glass fiber volume fraction and toughness, modulus of elasticity, and load bearing capacity; however, flexural strength did not show significant improvement when high fiber-density FRC is used. FRCs showed moderate hydrophilic properties owing to the presence of exposed glass fibers on the polymer surface. Blood-clotting time was shorter on FRC substrates than on plain polymer. The FRC substrates also showed higher platelet activation state than plain polymer substrates. Fibroblast cell adhesion strength and proliferation rate were highly pronounced on FRCs. A tissue culture study revealed that gingival epithelium and connective tissue established an immediate close contact with both plain polymer and FRC implants. However, FRC seemed to guide epithelial migration outwards from the tissue/implant interface. Due to the anisotropic and hydrophilic nature of FRC, it can be concluded that this material enhances biological events related with soft tissue integration on oral implant surface.
Improving the competitiveness of electrolytic Zinc process by chemical reaction engineering approach
This doctoral thesis describes the development work performed on the leachand purification sections in the electrolytic zinc plant in Kokkola to increase the efficiency in these two stages, and thus the competitiveness of the plant. Since metallic zinc is a typical bulk product, the improvement of the competitiveness of a plant was mostly an issue of decreasing unit costs. The problems in the leaching were low recovery of valuable metals from raw materials, and that the available technology offered complicated and expensive processes to overcome this problem. In the purification, the main problem was consumption of zinc powder - up to four to six times the stoichiometric demand. This reduced the capacity of the plant as this zinc is re-circulated through the electrolysis, which is the absolute bottleneck in a zinc plant. Low selectivity gave low-grade and low-value precipitates for further processing to metallic copper, cadmium, cobalt and nickel. Knowledge of the underlying chemistry was poor and process interruptions causing losses of zinc production were frequent. Studies on leaching comprised the kinetics of ferrite leaching and jarosite precipitation, as well as the stability of jarosite in acidic plant solutions. A breakthrough came with the finding that jarosite could precipitate under conditions where ferrite would leach satisfactorily. Based on this discovery, a one-step process for the treatment of ferrite was developed. In the plant, the new process almost doubled the recovery of zinc from ferrite in the same equipment as the two-step jarosite process was operated in at that time. In a later expansion of the plant, investment savings were substantial compared to other technologies available. In the solution purification, the key finding was that Co, Ni, and Cu formed specific arsenides in the “hot arsenic zinc dust” step. This was utilized for the development of a three-step purification stage based on fluidized bed technology in all three steps, i.e. removal of Cu, Co and Cd. Both precipitation rates and selectivity increased, which strongly decreased the zinc powder consumption through a substantially suppressed hydrogen gas evolution. Better selectivity improved the value of the precipitates: cadmium, which caused environmental problems in the copper smelter, was reduced from 1-3% reported normally down to 0.05 %, and a cobalt cake with 15 % Co was easily produced in laboratory experiments in the cobalt removal. The zinc powder consumption in the plant for a solution containing Cu, Co, Ni and Cd (1000, 25, 30 and 350 mg/l, respectively), was around 1.8 g/l; i.e. only 1.4 times the stoichiometric demand – or, about 60% saving in powder consumption. Two processes for direct leaching of the concentrate under atmospheric conditions were developed, one of which was implemented in the Kokkola zinc plant. Compared to the existing pressure leach technology, savings were obtained mostly in investment. The scientific basis for the most important processes and process improvements is given in the doctoral thesis. This includes mathematical modeling and thermodynamic evaluation of experimental results and hypotheses developed. Five of the processes developed in this research and development program were implemented in the plant and are still operated. Even though these processes were developed with the focus on the plant in Kokkola, they can also be implemented at low cost in most of the zinc plants globally, and have thus a great significance in the development of the electrolytic zinc process in general.
The Arctic region becoming very active area of the industrial developments since it may contain approximately 15-25% of the hydrocarbon and other valuable natural resources which are in great demand nowadays. Harsh operation conditions make the Arctic region difficult to access due to low temperatures which can drop below -50 °C in winter and various additional loads. As a result, newer and modified metallic materials are implemented which can cause certain problems in welding them properly. Steel is still the most widely used material in the Arctic regions due to high mechanical properties, cheapness and manufacturability. Moreover, with recent steel manufacturing development it is possible to make up to 1100 MPa yield strength microalloyed high strength steel which can be operated at temperatures -60 °C possessing reasonable weldability, ductility and suitable impact toughness which is the most crucial property for the Arctic usability. For many years, the arc welding was the most dominant joining method of the metallic materials. Recently, other joining methods are successfully implemented into welding manufacturing due to growing industrial demands and one of them is the laser-arc hybrid welding. The laser-arc hybrid welding successfully combines the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of the both joining methods therefore produce less distortions, reduce the need of edge preparation, generates narrower heat-affected zone, and increase welding speed or productivity significantly. Moreover, due to easy implementation of the filler wire, accordingly the mechanical properties of the joints can be manipulated in order to produce suitable quality. Moreover, with laser-arc hybrid welding it is possible to achieve matching weld metal compared to the base material even with the low alloying welding wires without excessive softening of the HAZ in the high strength steels. As a result, the laser-arc welding methods can be the most desired and dominating welding technology nowadays, and which is already operating in automotive and shipbuilding industries with a great success. However, in the future it can be extended to offshore, pipe-laying, and heavy equipment industries for arctic environment. CO2 and Nd:YAG laser sources in combination with gas metal arc source have been used widely in the past two decades. Recently, the fiber laser sources offered high power outputs with excellent beam quality, very high electrical efficiency, low maintenance expenses, and higher mobility due to fiber optics. As a result, fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers even more extended advantages and applications. However, the information about fiber or disk laser-arc hybrid welding is very limited. The objectives of the Master’s thesis are concentrated on the study of fiber laser-MAG hybrid welding parameters in order to understand resulting mechanical properties and quality of the welds. In this work only ferrous materials are reviewed. The qualitative methodological approach has been used to achieve the objectives. This study demonstrates that laser-arc hybrid welding is suitable for welding of many types, thicknesses and strength of steels with acceptable mechanical properties along very high productivity. New developments of the fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers extended capabilities over CO2 laser combined with the arc. This work can be used as guideline in hybrid welding technology with comprehensive study the effect of welding parameter on joint quality.
Diplomityössä tarkastellaan standardin EN 1090 vaikutuksia Bilfinger Industrial Services Finland Oy:n toimintaympäristössä ja kuinka niitä voidaan hallita hitsauksen laatujärjestelmän avulla. Työssä on myös käsitelty yrityksen pääasiallisen tuotannon eli metallisten teollisuusputkistojen valmistusta sekä laadunhallintaa yleisellä tasolla ja erityisesti hitsauksessa. Rakennustuoteasetuksen mukaisen yhdenmukaistetun standardin EN 1090-1:n siirtymäaika päättyy 1.7.2014 ja se asettaa uudenlaisia vaatimuksia teräsrakentamiseen. Rakennustuotteiden CE-merkintä ja sertifioidun laadunhallinnan järjestäminen vaikuttaa hyvin laajasti suomalaiseen metalliteollisuuteen. Työssä selvitettiin yrityksen nykyiset menettelyt ja kuinka niitä tulisi kehittää uusien vaatimusten mukaiseksi. Tietoa hankittiin keskustelemalla yrityksen henkilöstön kanssa ja tutustumalla sen toimintaperiaatteisiin. Selvitystyötä helpotti jo valmiiksi suhteellisen korkea hitsaustoiminnan laatutaso, joka johtuu vaativien asiakkaiden velvoittamasta laatutyöstä. Työn tuloksena yrityksellä on selkeä kuva miten toimintaa tulee kehittää EN 1090 vaatimusten täyttämiseksi. ISO 3834-2:n soveltaminen paineenalaisten putkistojen valmistuksessa tulee ulottaa myös teräsrakenteiden valmistukseen. Myös vaatimusten mukaisen dokumentaation luomista ja hallintaa tulee kehittää, jotta siitä ei tule liian raskasta henkilöstölle.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Työssä kehitetään standardin EN 12952 mukaisille vesiputkikattiloiden paineenalaisille osille lujuuslaskentaohjelma. Lisäksi perehdytään putkisto-osien mitoituksen lujuusopilliseen pohjaan ja tarkastellaan vastaako standardin mitoitus sitä. Standardin EN 13480 mukaisille metallisille teollisuusputkistoille on kohdeyrityksellä käytössään mitoitusohjelma. Näin ollen työssä vertaillaan standardin EN 12952 ja EN 13480 mukaisia putkisto-osien mitoituksia. Vertailun perusteella selvitetään mitkä putkistokomponentit voidaan mitoittaa olemassa olevalla ohjelmalla. Joidenkin putkisto-osien mitoitus on standardeissa yhtenevä. Suunnittelujännitys määritetään kuitenkin eri tavalla kyseisissä standardeissa. Tämän takia kaikki yrityksen tarvitsemat putkistokomponentit ovat kirjattu kehitettyyn laskentaohjelmaan. Koska putkistokomponenttien mitoitus on yhtenevä monelta osin kyseisissä standardeissa, vertaillaan ohjelmien antamia tuloksia toisiinsa. Näin voidaan todeta kehitetty laskentaohjelma toimivaksi.
The thesis is devoted to a theoretical study of resonant tunneling phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures. It considers several problems relevant to modern solid state physics. Namely these are tunneling between 2D electron layers with spin-orbit interaction, tunnel injection into molecular solid material, resonant tunnel coupling of a bound state with continuum and resonant indirect exchange interaction mediated by a remote conducting channel. A manifestation of spin-orbit interaction in the tunneling between two 2D electron layers is considered. General expression is obtained for the tunneling current with account of Rashba and Dresselhaus types of spin-orbit interaction and elastic scattering. It is demonstrated that the tunneling conductance is very sensitive to relation between Rashba and Dresselhaus contributions and opens possibility to determine the spin-orbit interaction parameters and electron quantum lifetime in direct tunneling experiments with no external magnetic field applied. A microscopic mechanism of hole injection from metallic electrode into organic molecular solid (OMS) in high electric field is proposed for the case when the molecules ionization energy exceeds work function of the metal. It is shown that the main contribution to the injection current comes from direct isoenergetic transitions from localized states in OMS to empty states in the metal. Strong dependence of the injection current on applied voltage originates from variation of the number of empty states available in the metal rather than from distortion of the interface barrier. A theory of tunnel coupling between an impurity bound state and the 2D delocalized states in the quantum well (QW) is developed. The problem is formulated in terms of Anderson-Fano model as configuration interaction between the carrier bound state at the impurity and the continuum of delocalized states in the QW. An effect of this interaction on the interband optical transitions in the QW is analyzed. The results are discussed regarding the series of experiments on the GaAs structures with a -Mn layer. A new mechanism of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor heterosructures is considered, namely the resonant enhancement of indirect exchange interaction between paramagnetic centers via a spatially separated conducting channel. The underlying physical model is similar to the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction; however, an important difference relevant to the low-dimensional structures is a resonant hybridization of a bound state at the paramagnetic ion with the continuum of delocalized states in the conducting channel. An approach is developed, which unlike RKKY is not based on the perturbation theory and demonstrates that the resonant hybridization leads to a strong enhancement of the indirect exchange. This finding is discussed in the context of the known experimental data supporting the phenomenon.
Additive manufacturing is a fast growing manufacturing technology capable of producing complex objects without the need for conventional manufacturing process planning. During the process the work piece is built by adding material one layer at a time according to a digital 3D CAD model. At first additive manufacturing was mainly used to make prototypes but the development of the technology has made it possible to also make final products. Welding is the most common joining method for metallic materials. As the maximum part size of additive manufacturing is often limited, it may sometimes be required to join two or more additively manufactured parts together. However there has been almost no research on the welding of additively manufactured parts so far, which means that there has been very little information available on the possible differences compared to the welding of sheet metal parts. The aim of this study was to compare the weld joint properties of additively manufactured parts to those of sheet metal parts. The welding process that was used was TIG welding and the test material was 316L austenitic stainless steel. Weld joint properties were studied by making tensile, bend and hardness tests and by studying the weld microstructures with a microscope. Results show that there are certain characteristics in the welds of additively manufactured parts. The building direction of the test pieces has some impact on the mechanical properties of the weld. Nevertheless all the welds exhibited higher yield strength than the sheet metal welds but at the same time elongation at break was lower. It was concluded that TIG welding is a feasible process for welding additively manufactured parts.