104 resultados para International Society for Folk Narrative Research, ISFNR


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China's Silk Road Economic Belt plan is a part of One Belt, One Road initiative that aims to create trade routes from China all the way to Europe. Despite the potential benefits, there are also problems along the way. In this research I am examining the adverse effects of one part of the Silk Road Economic Belt with my focus on Xinjiang Uyghur minority and their rights and Central Asian regional stability. Moreover, I suggest that China's past commitments in the international society as well as her actions in relations to the undertaking can give an insight into a regime where China would be the dominant power in international society. I have used qualitative analysis to study the topics. My most important methodological tools to examine the topics are as follows. I utilise conceptual analysis to borrow concepts from international relations field. I use method of situation analysis when I am describing the current circumstances in China's Xinjiang and Central Asia. Inductive analysis is the overall method since I suggest that the content I have examined could give an insight to how China regards and relates to international law in the future. Moreover, my theoretical framework of the research sees international law as a tool that a state can use to gain more power but at the same time international law restricts state's behaviour. Based on the findings of this research, in case of Xinjiang the New Silk Road is likely to worsen Uyghurs situation because of Beijing's worries and harsh actions to prevent any disturbance. However, the New Silk Road could bring stability and maintain regional security in Central Asia when the states could see it beneficial to unite for cooperation which can result with greater benefits. China's potential future regime will emphasize sovereignty and non-interference to states’ domestic matters. Moreover, there will be no room for minority rights in China's concept of human rights. Human rights are meant to protect rights of masses but are of secondary importance since development and security will be more important goals to pursue. In the field of cooperation, China is increasingly using multilateral forums to discuss the matters but reserves bilateral negotiations for executing the plans.


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People make places - ways of feeling the world The 10th congress of the International Society of Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) Lissabon, Portugali, 17.-21.4.2011.


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The 11th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore SIEF 2013: Circulation, Tartossa 30.6.–4.7.2013.


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Tämä kandidaatintyö käsittelee laadullisten tutkimusmenetelmien käyttöön teollisessa markkinoinnissa. Työssä tutkitaan laadullisten tutkimusmenetelmien käyttöä vuosien 2010-2013 aikana Industrial Marketing Management –lehdessä. Työssä käsitellään käytetyimpien menetelmien piirteitä, käyttöä ja soveltuvuutta teollisen markkinoinnin tutkimuksessa sekä vertaillaan menetelmiä keskenään. Työn lopussa pohditaan myös laadullisten tutkimusmenetelmien käyttöä tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimuksen pohjalta laadullisten tutkimusmenetelmien huomataan olevan kasvussa, kun taas kvantitatiivisten menetelmien käyttö on vähenemässä. Käytetyimmiksi tunnistetut menetelmät ovat case-menetelmä, joka on tutkimuksen perusteella tällä hetkellä suosituin menetelmä, grounded theory, etnografia ja narratiivinen tutkimus.


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