21 resultados para Inoculum levels
Quite often, in the construction of a pulp mill involves establishing the size of tanks which will accommodate the material from the various processes in which case estimating the right tank size a priori would be vital. Hence, simulation of the whole production process would be worthwhile. Therefore, there is need to develop mathematical models that would mimic the behavior of the output from the various production units of the pulp mill to work as simulators. Markov chain models, Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, Mean reversion models with ensemble interaction together with Markov regime switching models are proposed for that purpose.
The application of VSC-HVDC technology throughout the world has turned out to be an efficient solution regarding a large share of wind power in different power systems. This technology enhances the overall reliability of the grid by utilization of the active and reactive power control schemes which allows to maintain frequency and voltage on busbars of the end-consumers at the required level stated by the network operator. This master’s thesis is focused on the existing and planned wind farms as well as electric power system of the Åland Islands. The goal is to analyze the wind conditions of the islands and appropriately predict a possible production of the existing and planned wind farms with a help of WAsP software program. Further, to investigate the influence of increased wind power it is necessary to develop a simulation model of the electric grid and VSC-HVDC system in PSCAD and examine grid response to different wind power production cases with respect to the grid code requirements and ensure the stability of the power system.
TAVOITTEET: Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on tarkastella eri toimialojen likviditeettitasoja vuosien 2007 ja 2013 välillä. Se tarkastelee myös kassanhallinnan ja likviditeetin kirjallisuutta, erilaisia likviditeettiä kuvaavia tunnuslukuja sekä asioita, joilla on vaikutusta likviditeettiin. Tämän lisäksi se tutkii informaatio ja kommunikaatio sektoria tarkemmin. DATA: Data on kerätty Orbis tietokannasta. Toimialakohtaiset keskiarvot on laskettu joko kappaleen 2 esittämillä kaavoilla tai noudettu suoraan tietokannasta. Hajonta kuvaajat on tehty Excelillä ja korrelaatio matriisi ja regressioanalyysit SAS EG:llä. TULOKSET: Tämä tutkimus esittää toimialakohtaiset keskiarvot liquidity ratiosta, solvency ratiosta sekä gearingista, kuten monista muista likviditeettiä kuvaavista tai siihen vaikuttavista tunnusluvuista. Tutkimus osoittaa, että keskimäärin likviditeetti ja maksuvalmius ovat säilyneet melko samana, mutta toimialakohtaiset muutokset ovat voimakkaita. IC sektorilla likviditeettiin vaikuttaa katetuotto, työntekijöiden määrä, liikevaihto, taseen määrä sekä maksuaika.
ABSTRACT Fescues consist of wild and cultivated grasses that have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions. They are an excellent model species for evolutionary ecology studies that investigate symbiosis and polyploidization and their effects on plant performance. First, they are frequently infected with symbiotic endophytic fungi known to affect a plant’s ability to cope with biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Second, fescue species have been reported to have substantial intraspecific variation in their ploidy level and morphology. In my thesis, I examined large-scale generalizations for frequency of polyploidy and endophyte infections and their effects on plant morphology. As a model species, I selected red (Festuca rubra) and viviparous sheep’s (F. vivipara) fescues. They are closely related, but they differ in terms of distribution and endophyte infection frequency. I investigated the biogeographic pattern and population biology of 29 red and 12 viviparous sheep’s fescue populations across ≈300 latitudes in Europe (400-690 N). To examine plant ploidy levels, I implemented time- and cost-efficient plate-based high throughput flow cytometric analysis. This efficient procedure enabled me to analyze over 1000 red fescue individuals. I found three ploidy levels among them: overall 84 %, 9 % and 7 % of the red fescue plants were hexaploid, tetraploid and octoploid, respectively. However, all viviparous sheep’s fescue plants were tetraploid. Ploidy level of red fescue appeared to some extent follow gradients in latitude and primary production as suggested by previous studies, but these results could be explained better by taking the sampling design and local adaptation into account. Three Spanish populations were mostly tetraploids and one high elevation population in northernmost Finland (Halti) was octoploid, while most other populations (25 sites) were dominated by hexaploids. Endophyte infection frequencies of wild fescue populations varied from 0 to 81 % in red fescue populations and from 0 to 30 % in viviparous sheep’s fescue populations. No gradients with latitude or primary production of the sites were detected. As taxonomy of red fescues is somewhat unclear, I also studied morphology, ploidy variation and endophyte status of proposed subspecies of European red fescues. Contrary to previous literature, different ploidy levels occurred in the same subspecies. In addition to wild fescues, I also used two agronomically important cultivars of meadow and tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix and S. pratensis). As grass-legume mixtures have an agronomic advantage over monocultures in meadows, I carried out a mixture/competition experiment with fescues and red clover to find that species composition, nutrient availability and endophyte status together determined the total biomass yield that was higher in mixtures compared to monocultures. The results of this thesis demonstrate the importance of local biotic and abiotic factors such as grazing gradients and habitat types, rather than suggested general global geographical or environmental factors on grass polyploidization or its association with symbiotic endophytic fungi. I conclude that variation in endophyte infection frequencies and ploidy levels of wild fescues support the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution. Historical incidents, e.g., glaciation and present local factors, rather than ploidy or endophyte status, determine fescue morphology.