18 resultados para Hydrogen peroxide thermal analysis


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Tämä raportti on tehty osana Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun hallinnoiman NELIn (North European Logistics Institute) esiselvitystä vaarallisten aineiden tunnistamisesta konttiliikenteessä. Tässä Turun yliopiston merenkulkualan koulutus- ja tutkimuskeskuksen Kotkassa toimivan Merenkulun logistiikan tutkimus -yksikön tekemässä selvityk-sessä on tutkittu kansallista satamaliikenteen PortNet-järjestelmää hyödyntäen, mitä pakattuina kuljetettavia vaarallisia aineita ja kuinka suuria määriä Suomen satamissa käsitellään. PortNet-analyysin tulosten pohjalta tutkimuksessa on selvitetty Suomen satamissa eniten käsiteltyjen, pakattuina kuljetettavien vaarallisten aineiden vaaraominaisuuksia sekä ihmisten että ympäristön kannalta. Tutkimuksessa tehdyn PortNet-analyysin perusteella pakattuja vaarallisia aineita käsiteltiin 16:ssa Suomen satamassa vuonna 2012. Käsiteltyjen aineiden kokonaismäärä oli noin 820 000 tonnia, josta viennin osuus oli 53 % ja tuonnin 47 %. Eniten kuljetettuja IMDG-luokkia olivat luokan 3 palavat nesteet (31 %:n osuus), luokan 9 muut vaaralliset aineet ja esineet (25 %) sekä luokan 8 syövyttävät aineet (23 %). Muiden luokkien osuus oli alle 10 %. Suomen satamissa käsiteltiin vuonna 2012 yhteensä noin 1 020 eri-laista, pakattua vaarallista ainetta. Yli 10 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita oli yhteensä 16, 1 000–10 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita 84, 100–1 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita 148 ja alle 100 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita noin 770. Eniten käsiteltyjä aineita olivat pääasiassa erilaiset aineyhdisteet ja tarkemmin määrittelemättömät aineet, kuten ympäristölle vaarallinen aine n.o.s, maalit, polymeeripelletit, hartsiliuos, kohotetussa lämpötilassa oleva neste n.o.s. ja nikkelimetallihybridiakut. Näitä kaikkia käsiteltiin Suomen satamissa yli 20 000 tonnia vuonna 2012. Varsinaisista yksittäisistä vaarallisista aineista eniten käsiteltyjä olivat muurahaishappo, vetyperoksidin vesiliuos, natriumkloraatti, ammoniumnitraatti, fenoli ja kloorietikkahappoliuos. Näitä kaikkia käsiteltiin yli 10 000 tonnia vuonna 2012. PortNet-analyysin tulosten pohjalta valittiin kymmenen ainetta, joiden vaaraominaisuuksia sekä ihmisten että ympäristön kannalta tarkasteltiin tarkemmin. Tarkasteluun valittiin, tieteellistä harkintaa käyttäen, eniten kuljetettavia vaarallisia yksittäisiä kemikaaleja. Tarkasteluun valitut kemikaalit olivat muurahaishappo, vetyperoksidi, natrium-kloraatti, kloorietikkahappo, fenoli, akryyliamidiliuos, ksyleenit, akryylinitriili, tolueeni ja epikloorihydriini. Tutkituista kemikaaleista ympäristölle haitallisimpia ovat fenoli, kloorietikkahappo ja akryyliamidiliuos. Ihmisen kannalta kaikki 10 tutkittua kemikaalia muodostavat onnettomuustilanteessa riskin ihmisten terveydelle joko syövyttävyytensä, reaktiivisuutensa tai myrkyllisyytensä vuoksi. Osa kemikaaleista voi aiheuttaa ihmisille myös kroonisia haittoja, kuten kohonnutta syöpäriskiä tai muutoksia perimässä, joko suurina kerta-annoksina tai pieninä toistuvina pitoisuuksina. Suomen satamissa käsiteltävien pakattujen kemikaalien erilaisuus ja suuri lukumäärä tekevät niistä vaikeasti hallittavissa olevan riskitekijän. Yleisesti ottaen voidaan sanoa, että pakatuista kemikaaleista aiheutuu pienehköissä vuototilanteissa suurempi uhka ihmisen terveydelle kuin ympäristölle, kun taas irtolastikuljetuksissa tapahtuvien onnettomuuksien yhteydessä vuotaneen aineen määrä on yleensä suurempi ja näin ollen myös ympäristölle koituva uhka voi olla suuri.


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Surface chemistry is of great importance in plant biomass engineering and applications. The surface chemical composition of biomass which includes lignin, carbohydrates and extractives influences its interactions with chemical agents, such as pulp processing/papermaking chemicals, or enzymes for different purposes. In this thesis, the changes in the surface chemical composition of lignocellulosic biomass after physical modification for the improvement of resulting paper properties and chemical treatment for the enhancement of enzymatic hydrolysis were investigated. Low consistency (LC) refining was used as physical treatment of bleached softwood and hardwood pulp samples, and the surface chemistry of refined samples was investigated. The refined pulp was analysed as whole pulp while the fines-free fibre samples were characterized separately. The fines produced in LCrefining contributed to an enlarged surface specific area as well as the change of surface coverage by lignin and extractives, as investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The surface coverage by lignin of the whole pulp decreased after refining while the surface coverage by extractives increased both for pine and eucalyptus. In the case of pine, the removal of fines resulted in reduction of the surface coverage by extractives, while the surface coverage by lignin increased on fibre sample (without fines). In the case of eucalyptus, the surface coverage by lignin of fibre samples decreased after the removal of fines. In addition, the surface distribution of carbohydrates, lignin and extractives of pine and eucalyptus samples was determined by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). LC-refining increased the amounts of pentose, hexose and extractives on the surface of pine samples. ToF-SIMS also gave clear evidence about xylan deposition and reduction of surface lignin distribution on the fibre of eucalyptus. However, the changes in the surface chemical composition during the physical treatment has led to an increase in the adsorption of fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) on fibres due to a combination of electro-static forces, specific surface area of fibres and hydrophobic interactions. Various physicochemical pretreatments were conducted on wood and non-wood biomass for enhancing enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharides, and the surface chemistry of the pretreated and enzymatically hydrolysed samples was investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), XPS and ToF-SIMS. A hydrotrope was used as a relatively novel pretreatment technology both in the case of wood and non-wood biomass. For comparison, ionic liquid and hydrothermal pretreatments were applied on softwood and hardwood as well. Thus, XPS analysis showed that the surface lignin was more efficiently removed by hydrotropic pretreatment compared to ionic liquid or hydrothermal pretreatments. SEM analysis also found that already at room temperature the ionic liquid pretreatments were more effective in swelling the fibres compared with hydrotropic pretreatment at elevated temperatures. The enzymatic hydrolysis yield of hardwood was enhanced due to the decrease in surface coverage of lignin, which was induced by hydrotropic treatment. However, hydrotropic pretreatment was not appropriate for softwood because of the predominance of guaiacyl lignin structure in this material. In addition, the reduction of surface lignin and xylan during pretreatment and subsequent increase in cellulose hydrolysis by enzyme could be observed from ToF-SIMS results. The characterisation of the non-wood biomass (e.g. sugarcane bagasse and common reed) treated by hydrotropic method, alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatments were carried out by XPS and ToF-SIMS. According to the results, the action for the removal of the surface lignin of non-wood biomass by hydrotropic pretreatment was more significant compared to alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatments, although a higher total amount of lignin could be removed by alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatment. Furthermore, xylan could be remarkably more efficiently removed by hydrotropic method. Therefore, the glucan yield achieved from hydrotropic treated sample was higher than that from samples treated with alkaline or alkaline hydrogen peroxide. Through the use of ToF-SIMS, the distribution and localization of lignin and carbohydrates on the surface of ignocelluloses during pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis could be detected, and xylan degradation during enzymatic hydrolysis could also be assessed. Thus, based on the results from XPS and ToF-SIMS, the mechanism of the hydrotropic pretreatment in improving the accessibility of enzymes to fibre and further ameliorating of the enzymatic saccharification could be better elucidated.


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Electric energy demand has been growing constantly as the global population increases. To avoid electric energy shortage, renewable energy sources and energy conservation are emphasized all over the world. The role of power electronics in energy saving and development of renewable energy systems is significant. Power electronics is applied in wind, solar, fuel cell, and micro turbine energy systems for the energy conversion and control. The use of power electronics introduces an energy saving potential in such applications as motors, lighting, home appliances, and consumer electronics. Despite the advantages of power converters, their penetration into the market requires that they have a set of characteristics such as high reliability and power density, cost effectiveness, and low weight, which are dictated by the emerging applications. In association with the increasing requirements, the design of the power converter is becoming more complicated, and thus, a multidisciplinary approach to the modelling of the converter is required. In this doctoral dissertation, methods and models are developed for the design of a multilevel power converter and the analysis of the related electromagnetic, thermal, and reliability issues. The focus is on the design of the main circuit. The electromagnetic model of the laminated busbar system and the IGBT modules is established with the aim of minimizing the stray inductance of the commutation loops that degrade the converter power capability. The circular busbar system is proposed to achieve equal current sharing among parallel-connected devices and implemented in the non-destructive test set-up. In addition to the electromagnetic model, a thermal model of the laminated busbar system is developed based on a lumped parameter thermal model. The temperature and temperature-dependent power losses of the busbars are estimated by the proposed algorithm. The Joule losses produced by non-sinusoidal currents flowing through the busbars in the converter are estimated taking into account the skin and proximity effects, which have a strong influence on the AC resistance of the busbars. The lifetime estimation algorithm was implemented to investigate the influence of the cooling solution on the reliability of the IGBT modules. As efficient cooling solutions have a low thermal inertia, they cause excessive temperature cycling of the IGBTs. Thus, a reliability analysis is required when selecting the cooling solutions for a particular application. The control of the cooling solution based on the use of a heat flux sensor is proposed to reduce the amplitude of the temperature cycles. The developed methods and models are verified experimentally by a laboratory prototype.