99 resultados para Harmful algal blooms
Työssä mallinnettiin kombivoimalaitoksen lämmöntalteenottokattila Apros-simulointiohjelmalla. Simulointimalli valmistettiin vastaamaan Helsingin Energian Vuosaari B:n voimalaitoksen lämmöntalteenottokattilaa, joka toimii kahdella painetasolla. Kattila on Foster Wheelerin valmistama. Ennen mallinnuksen aloittamista tutustuttiin laitoksen termodynamiikkaan, jolloin saatiin riittävä teoreettinen tieto koko laitoksen toiminnasta. Kattilan reunaehtoina ovat kaasuturbiiniprosessi ja laitoksen höyrykierto. Kaasuturbiini korvattiin laskentayhtälöillä, jotka antavat alkuarvot mm. savukaasun massavirralle ja lämpötilalle ennen kattilaa kaasuturbiinin tehon funktiona. Kattila liitetään höyrykiertoon tuorehöyry- ja syöttövesilinjasta, jolloin reunaehtoina annetaan lämpötilat ja paineet massavirroille. Valmistettua mallia testattiin ylösajo- ja kuormanmuutostilanteessa. Ylösajotilanteessa saatuja laskentatuloksia verrattiin todellisen laitoksen mittaustuloksiin, jolloin varmistuttiin simulointimallin oikeasta fysikaalisesta toiminnasta. Kuormanmuutostilanteissa kaasuturbiinin tehoa muutettiin ja samalla seurattiin kattilan reagointia muutostilanteessa. Kuormanmuutosmittauksessa varmistettiin vielä, että kattila reagoi kuormanmuutokseen oikealla tavalla, eikä muutos aiheuta kattilan toiminnalle haitallista värähtelyä.
Pienitehoisessa taajuusmuuttajassa verkkojännite tasasuunnataan yleisesti diodisillalla. Taajuusmuuttajaa kuormitettaessa diodisilta aiheuttaa sen, että verkosta otettava virta on epäsinimuotoista ja sisältää runsaasti eri kertalukujen yliaaltoja. Tällainen virta vääristää verkon jännitettä sekä aiheuttaa häviöitä, resonansseja ja toimintaepävarmuutta sähkönjakeluverkkoon liitetyissä laitteissa ja komponenteissa. Työssä on tarkasteltu pienitehoisen kolmivaiheisen taajuusmuuttajan tulovirrassa esiintyviä yliaaltoja ja keinoja niiden rajoittamiseksi. Laitevalmistajien osalta syynä aiheen tutkimiseen ja kiinnostavuuteen ovat lähinnä uudet yliaaltoja käsittelevät standardit. Työssä onkin tutustuttu tarvittavin osin standardoinnin nykytilaan sekä seurattu standardeja valmistelevien työryhmien työtä ja tätä kautta perehdytty alaa käsittelevien standardien tulevaisuudennäkymiin Euroopan Unionin alueella. Käsittely on kohdistettu kolmivaiheisiin laitteisiin. Standardi IEC 61000-3-2 asettaa yliaaltorajat ammattikäyttöön tarkoitetuille laitteille, kun laitteen tuloteho on korkeintaan 1 kW. Tällä tehoalueella riittää kolmivaihelaitteille kuristimilla suoritettu passiivinen suodatus täyttämään asetetut viranomaisvaatimukset. Tähän liittyen on suunniteltu kolmivaihekuristin, joka on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi taajuusmuuttajasarjan lisävarusteena tehoalueella 0.12…2.2 kW.
Metalliset maalipurkit valmistetaan tinalla molemmin puolin päällystetystä pellistä. Tina on terästeollisuudelle haitallinen aine raaka-aineen seassa ja tästä syystä tinapellille on ollut vaikeuksia löytää hyötykäyttäjää. Metallipakkauksien osalta on sitouduttu hyötykäyttötavoitteisiin ja niihin pääsemiseksi tulee kerätä myös tinapeltipakkauksia, koska ne muodostavat huomattavan osan vuosittain käytettävistä metallipakkauksista. Suurilta ammattikäyttäjiltä maalipakkauksia on kerätty jo vuodesta 1998 ja pienkuluttajia varten keräyskokeilu aloitettiin vuoden 1999 alkupuolella. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee kuluttajille suunnattua keräyskokeilua ja tutkimuksen tavoitteena on laatia suosituksia ja ohjeita kuluttajamaalipakkausten keräilyn järjestämiseksi Suomessa. Kokeilua varten perustettiin muutamia keräyspisteitä, ensin Suur-Helsingin alueelle ja myöhemmin myös muualle Etelä-Suomeen. Kaikki perustetut keräyspisteet sijaitsivat maalia myyvän kaupan yhteydessä. Kuluttajat suhtautuivat palautusmahdollisuuteen erittäin myönteisesti ja kokeilussa mukana olevat liikkeet saivat positiivista julkisuutta. Keräyspisteisiin pääsääntöisesti palautetut maalipurkit olivat tyhjiä tai niissä oli vain hieman maalia jäljellä. Kaupoissa sijaitsevien keräyspisteiden lisäksi on tarvetta myös kunnallisille keräyspisteille. Kuusakoski Oy on nykyisin ainoa tinapellin käsittelijä Suomessa. Myös Onni Forsell Oy on kehittelemässä tinapellin käsittelymenetelmää. Kuusakosken murskauskäsittelyn ympäristövaikutukset selvitettiin tutkimuksessa ja tulosten mukaan käsittelyssä syntyvä jäte on kaatopaikkakelpoista. Tinapeltimurskeen hyötykäyttäjää ei Suomesta tällä hetkellä löydy, joten murske viedään ulkomaille hyötykäytettäväksi.
Teknologian kehitys ja prosessien tiukempi valvonta ovat alentaneet selluteollisuuden häviöitä tehden prosesseista suljetumpia. Valitettavasti nämä edistysaskeleet teknologiassa ovat lisänneet prosessiin kuulumattomien yhdisteiden määrää kemikaalien talteenottokierrossa. Näistä kemikaaleista haitallisimpia ovat kloridi- ja kaliumyhdisteet, jotka tulevat prosessiin raaka-aineiden ja prosessikemikaalien mukana. Kloridi ja kalium muodostavat emäksisissä liuoksissa epäorgaanisia liukoisia yhdisteitä, jotka rikastuvat lipeäkiertoon. Soodakattilassa kloridien läsnäolo alentaa tuhkan sulamislämpötilaa sekä tarttumispistettä, lisää korroosiota ja saostumien muodostumista kattilan pinnalle. Nämä seuraukset voivat vähentää vuosituotantoa ja nostaa korjauskustannuksia. Kaliumin ja kloridin rikastumista talteenottokiertoon voidaan estää poistamalla ne prosessista. Prosessiin kuulumattomat yhdisteet tulisi poistaa talteenottoprosessista ja säilyttää samalla korkea kemikaalien talteenottoprosentti. Koska kaliumin ja kloridin rikastumiskertoimet soodakattilan tuhkassa ovat korkeita, on tuhkan käsittely tehokasta. Kloridin ja kaliumin poistoon on kehitetty menetelmiä, joilla voidaan vähentää hyödyllisten kemikaalien häviöitä. Näitä menetelmiä ovat uutto, ioninvaihto, elektrodialyysi, jäähdytyskiteytys ja haihdutuskiteytys. Menetelmissä tuhka jaetaan kloridi- ja kaliumpitoiseen osaan ja natriumsulfaattipitoiseen osaan. Kloridi ja kalium poistetaan prosessista ja loput palautetaan lipeäkiertoon. Kloridin ja kaliumin poistoa tuhkasta tutkittiin uuttamalla tuhkaa vedellä. Parhaissa käyttöolosuhteissa natriumsulfaatin liukoisuus veteen on huomattavasti alhaisempi kuin kaliumkloridin liukoisuus veteen. Optimaalinen uuttolämpötila ja tuhka-vesisuhde määritettiin siten, että kloridi- ja kaliumpitoisuudet suodoksessa olivat mahdollisimman korkeat sekä natriumin ja muiden anioneiden pitoisuudet suodoksessa mahdollisimman alhaiset. Saatuja tuloksia käytettiin jatkuvatoimisen uuttoprosessin suunnittelussa.
The objective of my thesis is to assess mechanisms of ecological community control in macroalgal communities in the Baltic Sea. In the top-down model, predatory fish feed on invertebrate mesograzers, releasing algae partly from grazing pressure. Such a reciprocal relationship is called trophic cascade. In the bottom-up model, nutrients increase biomass in the food chain. The nutrients are first assimilated by algae and, via food chain, increase also abundance of grazers and predators. Previous studies on oceanic shores have described these two regulative mechanisms in the grazer - alga link, but how they interact in the trophic cascades from fish to algae is still inadequately known. Because the top-down and bottom-up mechanisms are predicted to depend on environmental disturbances, such as wave stress and light, I have studied these models at two distinct water depths. There are five factorial field experiments behind the thesis, which were all conducted in the Finnish Archipelago Sea. In all the experiments, I studied macroalgal colonization - either density, filament length or biomass - on submerged colonization substrates. By excluding predatory fish and mesograzers from the algal communities, the studies compared the strength of the top-down control to natural algal communities. A part of the experimental units were, in addition, exposed to enriched nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, which enabled testing of bottom-up control. These two models of community control were further investigated in shallow (<1 m) and deep (ca. 3 m) water. Moreover, the control mechanisms were also expected to depend on grazer species. Therefore different grazer species were enclosed into experimental units and their impacts on macroalgal communities were followed specifically. The community control in the Baltic rocky shores was found to follow theoretical predictions, which have not been confirmed by field studies before. Predatory fish limited grazing impact, which was seen as denser algal communities and longer algal filaments. Nutrient enrichment increased density and filament length of annual algae and, thus, changed the species composition of the algal community. The perennial alga Fucus vesiculosusA and the red alga Ceramium tenuicorne suffered from the increased nutrient availabilities. The enriched nutrient conditions led to denser grazer fauna, thereby causing strong top-down control over both the annual and perennial macroalgae. The strength of the top-down control seemed to depend on the density and diversity of grazers and predators as well as on the species composition of macroalgal assemblages. The nutrient enrichment led to, however, weaker limiting impact of predatory fish on grazer fauna, because fish stocks did not respond as quickly to enhanced resources in the environment as the invertebrate fauna. According to environmental stress model, environmental disturbances weaken the top-down control. For example, on a wave-exposed shore, wave stress causes more stress to animals close to the surface than deeper on the shore. Mesograzers were efficient consumers at both the depths, while predation by fish was weaker in shallow water. Thus, the results supported the environmental stress model, which predicts that environmental disturbance affects stronger the higher a species is in the food chain. This thesis assessed the mechanisms of community control in three-level food chains and did not take into account higher predators. Such predators in the Baltic Sea are, for example, cormorant, seals, white-tailed sea eagle, cod and salmon. All these predatory species were recently or are currently under intensive fishing, hunting and persecution, and their stocks have only recently increased in the region. Therefore, it is possible that future densities of top predators may yet alter the strengths of the controlling mechanisms in the Baltic littoral zone.
Ultrafiltration (UF) is widely applied in different separation processes in the pulp and paper industry. The growing need to protect the environment, a lack of pure water and an interest in producing high-value chemicals from compounds present in process waters will probably lead to an increase in the use of UF in the pulp and paper industry. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a UF process depends on the applied membrane. The membrane should have a high and stable filtration capacity, a particular selectivity and a long operational lifetime. To meet these requirements a membrane should have a low fouling tendency. In addition, it should withstand the prevailing operational and chemical conditions. This thesis evaluates the performance and applicability of the regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes 00030T and C2 in the treatment of pulp and paper mill process waters based on the requirements above. The results demonstrated that both the tested RC membranes fulfilled well the requirement of high filtration capacity. In addition, in the filtration of a paper mill clear filtrate (CF) the RC membranes were not as greatly affected by variations in the CF quality as a polysulphone membrane. Furthermore, due to their extreme hydrophilicity and weak charge the fouling tendency of the membranes can be expected to be low in pulp and paper mill filtration applications. It is, however, known that fouling cannot be totally avoided even when the membrane is chosen very carefully. This study indicated that carbohydrates influenced negatively on permeability and caused fouling in the filtration of groundwood mill circulation water. Thus, a pre-treatment effectively reducing the amount of carbohydrates might help to maintain a stable capacity. However, the results of the thesis also showed that the removal of some of the possible foulants might just increase the harmful effect of others. Multivariate examination was useful in the understanding of the complicated factors causing the unstable capacity. The thesis also revealed that the 00030T and C2 membranes can be used at high pressure (max. tested pressure 12 bar). The C2 membrane, having a sponge-like substructure, was more pressure resistant, and its performance was more stable at high pressure compared to the UCO30T membrane containing macrovoids in its substructure. Both tested membranes can, according to the results, also be used at temperatures as high as 70°C in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions. However, the use at extreme conditions might cause faster ageing of the membranes compared to ageing in neutral conditions. The thesis proved that both the tested RC membranes are very suitable for pulp and paper mill applications and that the membranes can be utilised in processes operating in challenging conditions. Thus, they could be used in more demanding applications than supposed earlier.
A rotating machine usually consists of a rotor and bearings that supports it. The nonidealities in these components may excite vibration of the rotating system. The uncontrolled vibrations may lead to excessive wearing of the components of the rotating machine or reduce the process quality. Vibrations may be harmful even when amplitudes are seemingly low, as is usually the case in superharmonic vibration that takes place below the first critical speed of the rotating machine. Superharmonic vibration is excited when the rotational velocity of the machine is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. In such a situation, a part of the machine’s rotational energy is transformed into vibration energy. The amount of vibration energy should be minimised in the design of rotating machines. The superharmonic vibration phenomena can be studied by analysing the coupled rotor-bearing system employing a multibody simulation approach. This research is focused on the modelling of hydrodynamic journal bearings and rotorbearing systems supported by journal bearings. In particular, the non-idealities affecting the rotor-bearing system and their effect on the superharmonic vibration of the rotating system are analysed. A comparison of computationally efficient journal bearing models is carried out in order to validate one model for further development. The selected bearing model is improved in order to take the waviness of the shaft journal into account. The improved model is implemented and analyzed in a multibody simulation code. A rotor-bearing system that consists of a flexible tube roll, two journal bearings and a supporting structure is analysed employing the multibody simulation technique. The modelled non-idealities are the shell thickness variation in the tube roll and the waviness of the shaft journal in the bearing assembly. Both modelled non-idealities may cause subharmonic resonance in the system. In multibody simulation, the coupled effect of the non-idealities can be captured in the analysis. Additionally one non-ideality is presented that does not excite the vibrations itself but affects the response of the rotorbearing system, namely the waviness of the bearing bushing which is the non-rotating part of the bearing system. The modelled system is verified with measurements performed on a test rig. In the measurements the waviness of bearing bushing was not measured and therefore it’s affect on the response was not verified. In conclusion, the selected modelling approach is an appropriate method when analysing the response of the rotor-bearing system. When comparing the simulated results to the measured ones, the overall agreement between the results is concluded to be good.
One of the primary goals for food packages is to protect food against harmful environment, especially oxygen and moisture. The gas transmission rate is the total gas transport through the package, both by permeation through the package material and by leakage through pinholes and cracks. The shelf life of a product can be extended, if the food is stored in a gas tight package. Thus there is a need to test gas tightness of packages. There are several tightness testing methods, and they can be broadly divided into destructive and nondestructive methods. One of the most sensitive methods to detect leaks is by using a non destructive tracer gas technique. Carbon dioxide, helium and hydrogen are the most commonly used tracer gases. Hydrogen is the lightest and the smallest of all gases, which allows it to escape rapidly from the leak areas. The low background concentration of H2 in air (0.5 ppm) enables sensitive leak detection. With a hydrogen leak detector it is also possible to locate leaks. That is not possible with many other tightness testing methods. The experimental work has been focused on investigating the factors which affect the measurement results with the H2leak detector. Also reasons for false results were searched to avoid them in upcoming measurements. From the results of these experiments, the appropriate measurement practice was created in order to have correct and repeatable results. The most important thing for good measurement results is to keep the probe of the detector tightly against the leak. Because of its high diffusion rate, the HZ concentration decreases quickly if holding the probe further away from the leak area and thus the measured H2 leaks would be incorrect and small leaks could be undetected. In the experimental part hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour transmissions through laser beam reference holes (diameters 1 100 μm) were also measured and compared. With the H2 leak detector it was possible to detect even a leakage through 1 μm (diameter) within a few seconds. Water vapour did not penetrate even the largest reference hole (100 μm), even at tropical conditions (38 °C, 90 % RH), whereas some O2 transmission occurred through the reference holes larger than 5 μm. Thus water vapour transmission does not have a significant effect on food deterioration, if the diameter of the leak is less than 100 μm, but small leaks (5 100 μm) are more harmful for the food products, which are sensitive to oxidation.
Mekaanisen massan peroksidivalkaisussa on perinteisesti käytetty kahta kompleksinmuodostajaa, jotka ovat dietyleenitriamiinipentaetikkahappo (DTPA) ja etyleenidiamiinipentaetikkahappo (EDTA). Kompleksinmuodostajat saavat aikaan hyvän kelatointituloksen muodostamalla valkaisulle haitallisten metalli-ionien kanssa kompleksin ja estäen näin metalli-ionien valkaisutulosta huonontavan vaikutuksen. Perinteiset kompleksinmuodostajat DTPA ja EDTA eivät kuitenkaan ole biohajoavia ja niiden epäillään irrottavan metalleja vesistöjen sedimenteistä. Työssä selvitettiin kolmen eri biohajoavan kompleksinmuodostajan valkaisuteho verrattuna perinteisiin kompleksinmuodostajiin. Laboratoriossa suoritetut pesukokeet osoittivat, että mikään biohajoava kompleksinmuodostaja ei saavuttanut samaa pesutehoa kuin perinteiset kompleksinmuodostajat. Valkaisukokeet kuitenkin osoittivat, että biohajoava kompleksinmuodostaja ISA pääsi hyvin lähelle perinteisten kompleksinmuodostajien valkaisutuloksia suoritettaessa valkaisu siten, että massa esipestään kompleksinmuodostajalla ja sen jälkeen valkaistaan vakiokemikaaliannoksella alkalina ollessa natriumhydroksidi. Kaksi muuta biohajoavaa kompleksinmuodostajaa, ISA+EDDS ja HAS, eivät saavuttaneet samaa tasoa. HAS toimi kyllä stabilaattorina, muttei pystynyt nostamaan massan vaaleutta.
Induction motors are widely used in industry, and they are generally considered very reliable. They often have a critical role in industrial processes, and their failure can lead to significant losses as a result of shutdown times. Typical failures of induction motors can be classified into stator, rotor, and bearing failures. One of the reasons for a bearing damage and eventually a bearing failure is bearing currents. Bearing currents in induction motors can be divided into two main categories; classical bearing currents and inverter-induced bearing currents. A bearing damage caused by bearing currents results, for instance, from electrical discharges that take place through the lubricant film between the raceways of the inner and the outer ring and the rolling elements of a bearing. This phenomenon can be considered similar to the one of electrical discharge machining, where material is removed by a series of rapidly recurring electrical arcing discharges between an electrode and a workpiece. This thesis concentrates on bearing currents with a special reference to bearing current detection in induction motors. A bearing current detection method based on radio frequency impulse reception and detection is studied. The thesis describes how a motor can work as a “spark gap” transmitter and discusses a discharge in a bearing as a source of radio frequency impulse. It is shown that a discharge, occurring due to bearing currents, can be detected at a distance of several meters from the motor. The issues of interference, detection, and location techniques are discussed. The applicability of the method is shown with a series of measurements with a specially constructed test motor and an unmodified frequency-converter-driven motor. The radio frequency method studied provides a nonintrusive method to detect harmful bearing currents in the drive system. If bearing current mitigation techniques are applied, their effectiveness can be immediately verified with the proposed method. The method also gives a tool to estimate the harmfulness of the bearing currents by making it possible to detect and locate individual discharges inside the bearings of electric motors.
Neste Oil has introduced plant oils and animal fats for the production of NExBTL renewable diesel, and these raw materials differ from the conventional mineral based oils. One subject of new raw materials study is thermal degradation, or in another name pyrolysis, of these organic oils and fats. The aim of this master’s thesis is to increase knowledge on thermal degradation of these new raw materials, and to identify possible gaseous harmful thermal degradation compounds. Another aim is to de-termine the health and environmental hazards of identified compounds. One objective is also to examine the formation possibilities of hazardous compounds in the produc-tion of NExBTL-diesel. Plant oils and animal fats consist mostly of triglycerides. Pyrolysis of triglycerides is a complex phenomenon, and many degradation products can be formed. Based on the literature studies, 13 hazardous degradation products were identified, one of which was acrolein. This compound is very toxic and dangerous to the environment. Own pyrolysis experiments were carried out with rapeseed and palm oils, and with a mix-ture of palm oil and animal fat. At least 12 hazardous compounds, including acrolein, were analysed from the gas phase. According to the experiments, the factors which influence on acrolein formation are the time of the experiment, the sphere (air/hydrogen) in which the experiment is carried out, and the characteristics of the used oil. The production of NExBTL-diesel is not based on pyrolysis. This is why thermal degradation is possible only when abnormal process conditions prevail.
To predict the capacity of the structure or the point which is followed by instability, calculation of the critical crack size is important. Structures usually contain several cracks but not necessarily all of these cracks lead to failure or reach the critical size. So, defining the harmful cracks or the crack size which is the most leading one to failure provides criteria for structure’s capacity at elevated temperature. The scope of this thesis was to calculate fracture parameters like stress intensity factor, the J integral and plastic and ultimate capacity of the structure to estimate critical crack size for this specific structure. Several three dimensional (3D) simulations using finite element method by Ansys program and boundary element method by Frank 3D program were carried out to calculate fracture parameters and results with the aid of laboratory tests (loaddisplacement curve, the J resistance curve and yield or ultimate stress) leaded to extract critical size of the crack. Two types of the fracture which is usually affected by temperature, Elastic and Elasti-Plastic fractures were simulated by performing several linear elastic and nonlinear elastic analyses. Geometry details of the weldment; flank angle and toe radius were also studied independently to estimate the location of crack initiation and simulate stress field in early stages of crack extension in structure. In this work also overview of the structure’s capacity in room temperature (20 ºC) was studied. Comparison of the results in different temperature (20 ºC and -40 ºC) provides a threshold of the structure’s behavior within the defined range.
The Baltic Sea is one of the most studied areas in the world. However, parts of its northernmost reach, the Bothnian Sea, seem to be under represented in the natural scientific literature compared to other parts of the Baltic. The Bothnian Sea represents a unique inland sea environment for the scientific community to study due to its shallowness and low salinity. The natural sciences research carried out on the Bothnian Sea has been reviewed between 1975 and 2008. This time period was chosen to continue on from an earlier review paper ending in 1974. Along with the number of papers published the goal was also to review the content of the papers, indentifying dominating themes to evaluate gaps in the current knowledge on the Bothnian Sea and provide recommendations for topics of future research focus. In a classification into specific research topics biodiversity was the leading research focus followed by chemical and physical oceanography, pollution and toxins, and fish biology and fisheries. The current good condition of the Bothnian Sea is highly valued with its historically less eutrophic and clearer waters when compared to the Baltic. However, today the Bothnian Sea is facing eutrophication resulting from nutrient-rich water transported by the many rivers draining into it from Sweden and Finland making it an area in need of protection and preservation. More human activity will also concentrate on the Bothnian Sea in the future. Therefore the use of the sea and its coastal areas must be planned carefully to minimize the harmful effects of this increasing human activity. To achieve this more information is needed for the basis of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and maritime spatial planning (MSP). For example, for the Bothnian Sea the information on the underwater nature which is essential for ICZM is so far missing to a large extent. Specific biological, chemical and physical oceanographic information is needed to combine with economic analyses and environmental policies regarding this region. More research of a multidisciplinary nature is required on the unique Bothnian Sea environment and this we feel is best achieved through a joint Finnish-Swedish research strategy.
Probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the mouth – in vitro studies on saliva-mediated functions and acid production Probiotics are viable bacteria which, when used in adequate amounts, are beneficial to the health of the host. Although most often related to intestinal health, probiotic bacteria can be found also in the mouth after consumption of products that contain them. This study aimed at evaluating the oral effects of probiotic bacteria already in commercial use. In a series of in vitro studies, the oral colonisation potential of different probiotic bacteria, their acid production and potential saliva-mediated effects on oral microbial ecology were investigated. The latter included effects on the salivary pellicle, the adhesion of other bacteria, and the activation of the peroxidase system. Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus gordonii, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Helicobacter pylori were used as bacterial indicators of the studied phenomena. There were significant differences between the probiotic strains in their colonisation potential. They all were acidogenic, although using different sugars and sugar alcohols. However, their acid production could be inhibited by the peroxidase system. Based on the results, it can be suggested that probiotic bacteria might influence the oral microbiota by different, partly species or strain-specific means. These include the inhibition of bacterial adhesion, modification of the enamel pellicle, antimicrobial activity, and activation of the peroxidase system. To conclude, probiotic strains differed from each other in their colonisation potential and other oral effects as evaluated in vitro. Both positive and potentially harmful effects were observed, but the significance of the perceived results needs to be further evaluated in vivo.