35 resultados para HPLC-APCI-MS
Two probably originally distinct but roughly contemporary books (I-II, copied by three scribes, A-C): A psalter and a Dominican breviary. Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
Contents: I: Psalter: Fols. 7r–76va, Psalter, with additional hymns, concluding with Te Deum; Fols. 76vb–77vb, the Athanasian Creed; Fols. 77vb–80v, litany and other prayers. II: Dominican breviary: Fols. 1r–6v, English Dominican calendar (Jan.–Dec.); Fols. 81r–242v, 276r–312r, proprium de tempore (defect), from the First Advent to the First Sunday after Trinity, and from septuagesima in mensis Augusti to the 25th Sunday after Trinity; Fols. 313ra–318v, Office for the dedication of a church; Fols. 243r–275v, 319r–334v, 353r–v, 335r–352v, 354r–371r, proprium de sanctis (defect), from the beginning up to the office of Mary Magdalene, with a misplaced leaf, fol. 353, at translatio B. Dominici, and, after several missing gatherings, the end of commune sanctorum; Fol. 371v, originally empty, with office for St Ursula added in a saec. XIV hand.
Koodeksiin sisältyy kolme tekstikokonaisuutta. Ydinosan muodostavat suomalainen kirkkokäsikirja ja messu eli jumalanpalvelusjärjestys, joilla on oma, alkuperäinen sivunumerointinsa. Kolmas kokonaisuus on suomennos saksalaisen Urbanus Rhegiuksen laatimasta sielunhoidon opaskirjasta Sieluin vahvistus, lohutos ja lääkitys.
A very small gradual and hymnary, for the most part copied in the last years of the sixteenth century or in the first quarter of the seventeenth. Assuming that Henricus Jacobi indeed signed his name in the sixteenth century (as Kurvinen reports), some of the manuscript was copied in that century: in lieu of a more accurate indicator the date of the manuscript appears to fall between 1589 and Mathias Benedicti's additions in 1635. The book was kept, perhaps even copied but certainly used, at Ilmajoki from the seventeenth century, and came from there to the University Library.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
A graduale (defect) from Ilmajoki. Written in three parts, part I (fols. 1-134) dating probably from the 1540's, part II (fols. 135-140) probably from the 1550's and part III (fols. 141-194) from the 1530's.
A Lutheran gradual copied apparently by one scribe at the end of the sixteenth century and probably repaired (fol. 29) in the beginning of the seventeenth century.
A Lutheran gradual from Kalanti. As covers used a fragment of the Liturgical calendar of the Diocese of Turku, Saec. XIV 2/2, Diocese of Turku.
Much of the manuscript is taken up by a collection Sunday sermons and by a selection from Legenda Aurea. The manuscript features several scribes and may be a result of compiling text from different sources.
An abridgement or selections from Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae. The text strongly modifies and abridges the original.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
A graduale and a sequentiarium were copied in the reformation period for use in the Diocese of Turku, possibly in Raisio. The graduale in Finnish appears to depend on Jacobus Finno's hymnbook of 1586, whereas the sequentiarium is probably somewhat older, possibly even coeval with Mathias Westh's liturgical codex (1540's). The present fragments probably come from at least two (possibly three) originally distinct books or booklets.
A Lutheran copy of a Dominican antiphonary, copied with modifications some time after the middle of the sixteenth century. The very selective sanctoral reflects Lutheran tastes, with only biblical saints (and possibly St Henry).
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.