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Teräksen raaka-ainekustannusten jyrkkä nousu pakottaa prosessiteollisuuden etsimään vaihtoehtoisia rakennemateriaaleja, joiden ominaisuudet ovat vähintään terästä vastaavia. Prosessiteollisuudessa joudutaan käyttämään runsaasti kemikaaleja kestäviä laitteita, jolloin rakennemateriaaliksi sopiva on haponkestävä teräs. Laitteiden kokojen kasvusta seuraa niiden kokonaispainojen kasvu aiheuttaen haasteita niitä kantaville perustuksille. Komposiitti on yksi varteenotettava vaihtoehto haponkestävän teräksen korvaajaksi, sillä komposiitin ominaisuus/painosuhde on terästä parempi. Diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää Washers & Filters – tuoteperheeseen kuuluvien laitteiden, DD-pesurin (Drum Displacer) ja GF- suotimen (GasFree Filter), rakenteista löytyvien osien mahdollisuutta korvata komposiitilla. Työn pohjaksi on käsitelty komposiittien ominaisuuksia, tyyppejä ja valmistusmenetelmiä sekä perehdytty sellupesureiden toimintaprosessiin. Tältä pohjalta löytyi valintakriteerien avulla rakenteita, joita olisi mahdollista korvata komposiitilla.
Älykkäille lääkkeenjakoratkaisuille tulee luultavasti olemaan tulevaisuudessa suuri kysyntä, sillä asiakasmäärät ja julkisen terveydenhuollon resurssit eivät kohtaa toisiaan. Säilyttääksemme yhteiskuntamme terveydenhuollon tason kohtuullisilla kustannuksilla on ainoana mahdollisuutena alan uudet innovaatiot. Älykkäillä lääkkeenjakoratkaisuilla tarkoitetaan älykkäitä lääkepakkauksia tai muita lääkintään liittyviä tuotteita tai palveluja, jotka mahdollistavat teknologisen edistyksellisyyden avulla ihmistyömäärän vähentämisen terveydenhuollossa. Raportti esittelee tapaustutkimuksen alustavia tuloksia, joissa on tarkoituksena tuoda esille yleiskatsaus tuotteista ja asiakaseduista. Tuotteet on kuvattu niihin liittyvien liiketoimintamallinen tarjoomien avulla. Analyysi rakentuu liiketoimintamallin neljän peruspilarin mukaisesti, Tuote, Asiakassuhde, Rakenne, ja Talous, jotka määrittävät mallin asiakasarvon. Lähtökohtana liiketoimintamallien mittaamisessa on neljä arvon päämittaria: tekniset, taloudelliset, palvelulliset, ja sosiaaliset attribuutit. Esimerkin avulla voidaan huomata, että tarjoamaa markkinoilla on vakiintumaton. Yksi malli painotti lääkkeiden annosjakelun tehokkuutta, toinen nautittujen lääkkeiden oton valvontaa ja kolmas yritti pärjätä molemmissa. Suurimmat hyödyt voidaan nähdä, jos pystytään yhdistämään koneellinen jakelu älykkäisiin jakelulaitteisiin.
Customer specific functionalities are a challenging part of procurement and invoice automation environments. In Basware Enterprise Purchase to Payment product family the customer specific reports are supported only in a basic level without any seamless interface between all EPP products. Also other customer specific functionalities are not supported as there is no customizable interface between the applications and only the most common features are implemented to the products themselves. In this thesis foundations are created for a new web based value added module where it is possible to create seamless customer specific functionalities throughout the whole EPP product family. The work is implemented in a Proof of Concept type of piloting. The system is created in user centered way where the users are able to explain their requests and determine their needs. The result is an excellent foundation for a module that can be developed further.
The age-old adage goes that nothing in this world lasts but change, and this generation has indeed seen changes that are unprecedented. Business managers do not have the luxury of going with the flow: they have to plan ahead, to think strategies that will meet the changing conditions, however stormy the weather seems to be. This demand raises the question of whether there is something a manager or planner can do to circumvent the eye of the storm in the future? Intuitively, one can either run on the risk of something happening without preparing, or one can try to prepare oneself. Preparing by planning for each eventuality and contingency would be impractical and prohibitively expensive, so one needs to develop foreknowledge, or foresight past the horizon of the present and the immediate future. The research mission in this study is to support strategic technology management by designing an effective and efficient scenario method to induce foresight to practicing managers. The design science framework guides this study in developing and evaluating the IDEAS method. The IDEAS method is an electronically mediated scenario method that is specifically designed to be an effective and accessible. The design is based on the state-of-the-art in scenario planning, and the product is a technology-based artifact to solve the foresight problem. This study demonstrates the utility, quality and efficacy of the artifact through a multi-method empirical evaluation study, first by experimental testing and secondly through two case studies. The construction of the artifact is rigorously documented as justification knowledge as well as the principles of form and function on the general level, and later through the description and evaluation of instantiations. This design contributes both to practice and foundation of the design. The IDEAS method contributes to the state-of-the-art in scenario planning by offering a light-weight and intuitive scenario method for resource constrained applications. Additionally, the study contributes to the foundations and methods of design by forging a clear design science framework which is followed rigorously. To summarize, the IDEAS method is offered for strategic technology management, with a confident belief that it will enable gaining foresight and aid the users to choose trajectories past the gales of creative destruction and off to a brighter future.
Programming and mathematics are core areas of computer science (CS) and consequently also important parts of CS education. Introductory instruction in these two topics is, however, not without problems. Studies show that CS students find programming difficult to learn and that teaching mathematical topics to CS novices is challenging. One reason for the latter is the disconnection between mathematics and programming found in many CS curricula, which results in students not seeing the relevance of the subject for their studies. In addition, reports indicate that students' mathematical capability and maturity levels are dropping. The challenges faced when teaching mathematics and programming at CS departments can also be traced back to gaps in students' prior education. In Finland the high school curriculum does not include CS as a subject; instead, focus is on learning to use the computer and its applications as tools. Similarly, many of the mathematics courses emphasize application of formulas, while logic, formalisms and proofs, which are important in CS, are avoided. Consequently, high school graduates are not well prepared for studies in CS. Motivated by these challenges, the goal of the present work is to describe new approaches to teaching mathematics and programming aimed at addressing these issues: Structured derivations is a logic-based approach to teaching mathematics, where formalisms and justifications are made explicit. The aim is to help students become better at communicating their reasoning using mathematical language and logical notation at the same time as they become more confident with formalisms. The Python programming language was originally designed with education in mind, and has a simple syntax compared to many other popular languages. The aim of using it in instruction is to address algorithms and their implementation in a way that allows focus to be put on learning algorithmic thinking and programming instead of on learning a complex syntax. Invariant based programming is a diagrammatic approach to developing programs that are correct by construction. The approach is based on elementary propositional and predicate logic, and makes explicit the underlying mathematical foundations of programming. The aim is also to show how mathematics in general, and logic in particular, can be used to create better programs.
Sähköiset palvelut ovat tulleet keskeiseksi osaksi Lappeenrannan seudun opiskelija-asuntosäätiön (LOAS) sisäistä ja ulkoista tiedottamista. Tiedon nopea saatavuus ja yksinkertainen käytettävyys ovat avainasemassa kehitettäessä uusia järjestelmiä. Uuden sukupolven käyttäjät ovat tottuneet tiedon saatavuuden helppouteen, joten tiedon tulee olla selkeästi esillä ja siihen on päästävä käsiksi nopeasti. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää LOAS:n sisäisiä ja ulospäin asiakkaille tarjottavia sähköisiä palveluita. Kehitettävät palvelut olivat intranet, Internet-sivut ja Maestro Opas-asiakashallinta. LOAS:n palvelut on hajautettu usean eri ohjelman välille, joten se aiheuttaa ongelmia informaation siirrossa järjestelmien välillä. Työssä sähköisten palveluiden käytettävyyttä parannettiin lyhentämällä polkuja ja koostamalla palveluita kokonaisuuksiksi. Työn lopputuloksena LOAS:llä on käytössään yksinkertaisemmat Internet-sivut ja selkeämpi intranet-näkymä. Palveluiden käytettävyyden ja vaikuttavuuden arviointi suoritettiin itsenäisenä perehtymisenä ongelmakohtiin ja henkilöhaastatteluina. Haastatteluilla kartoitettiin käyttäjien palvelun tarpeita, jonka avulla kehitettävät kohteet pystyttiin määrittelemään. Palveluiden käytettävyyttä parantamalla asukkaita pyritään ohjaamaan tarjottavien palveluiden piiriin. Tällöin asukkaille tarjottavien palveluiden laatua pystytään parantamaan. LOAS:n tulisi kuitenkin tarkastella erilaisia ratkaisuja toimintojen yhdistämiseen. Tämän avulla asukkaiden kaikki liikkuminen pystyttäisiin käsittelemään yhden ohjelman avulla.
The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to examine the relationship between non-governmental organizations and business in the context of academic discourse, corporate responsibility discourse, and stakeholder dialogue. More specifically, motivated by the increasing emphasis on stakeholder dialogue as a tool for corporate responsibility and accountability, the aim is to critically assess the role of stakeholder dialogue as a self-regulatory mechanism, in particular from the perspective of foreign direct investments. The study comprises two parts; an introductory essay containing the research objectives, theoretical foundations and methodological choices, and four research articles that address one sub-objective: 1) to review the literature on NGO-business relations in business and society, management, and international business journals from 1998–2007; 2) to critically analyze the academic discourse on NGO-business relations; 3) to analyze the problematic aspects of sustainable foreign direct investments as a conceptual construct; and 4) to analyze the problematic aspects of stakeholder dialogue in connection with a foreign direct investment. The ontological and epistemological foundations of this dissertation build on the social constructionist view of reality. The dialogue in this study is viewed as a legitimacy bargaining process that is actively shaped by societal parties in discourse. Similarly, articulations of ‘partnership’ and ‘adversarial’ in NGO-business relations in academic business and society discourse are viewed as competing hegemonic interventions in the field. More specifically, the methods applied in the articles are literature review (Article 1), discourse theory (Article 2), conceptual analysis (Article 3), and case study with document analysis (Article 4). This dissertation has three main arguments and contributions. First, it is argued that the potential of stakeholder dialogue as a tool for corporate responsibility and accountability is inherently limited in both contexts. Second, the study shows the power implications of privileging partnership oriented NGO-business relations over adversarial ones, and of placing business at the centre of governance discourse. The third contribution is methodological: a new way to analyze academic discourse is presented by focusing on the problem setting of an article.
Jatkuvasti nouseva energian hinta ja kiristyneet energiatehokkuusmääräykset asettavat opiskelijoille vuokra-asuntoja tuottaville palveluntarjoajille uusia haasteita. Opiskelijoiden tulotaso ei seuraa energian nopeaa hinnannousua ja jotta pystytään säilyttämään opiskelija-asuntojen hinta riittävän alhaisena, on kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota energiankulutukseen. Tämä diplomityö antaa vahvan alkusysäyksen Lappeenrannan seudun opiskelija-asuntosäätiön (LOAS) energiate-hokkuustyölle ja tavoitteena on tehdä tehokkaasta energiankäytöstä jatkuvaa joka-päiväistä toimintaa. Energiatehokkuustyöhön ryhdyttiin tutustumalla valittujen vertailuyhteisöjen energiatehokkuustoimintaan ja energiatehokkuuteen Suomen rakennuskannassa. Tilastollisesta tarkastelusta siirryttiin tutkimaan LOAS:n kiinteistökannan nykytilaa asuinrakennuksille suunnitellun energiakatselmusmallin avulla. Tehtyjen ha-vaintojen pohjalta toteutettiin erilaisten energiansäästötoimenpiteiden vaikutta-vuuskokeiluja yksittäisissä asuntokohteissa. Saatujen tulosten pohjalta määriteltiin toimenpiteet energiatehokkuustoiminnan jatkamiselle ja parhaiden toimenpiteiden laajentamisesta koskemaan koko LOAS:n rakennuskantaa. Työssä luotiin suositukset myös LOAS:n tuleville laajemmille asuntokohteiden perusparannuksille, joilla energiatehokkuuden tasoa saadaan taloudellisesti kannattavalla tavalla merkittävästi parannettua. Työn kuluessa saatiin aikaiseksi energiatehokkuuden parantamisen kannalta merkittäviä tuloksia. Tehtyjen toimenpiteiden kokonaisvaltaisen käyttöönoton jälkeen LOAS:n energiatehokkuus on valtakunnallista huipputasoa opiskelija-asumista tarjoavien yhteisöjen vuosittaisessa vertailussa.
The objective of this study was to understand how organizational knowledge governance mechanisms affect individual motivation, opportunity, and the ability to share knowledge (MOA framework), and further, how individual knowledge-sharing conditions affect actual knowledge sharing behaviour. The study followed the knowledge governance approach and a micro-foundations perspective to develop a theoretical model and hypotheses, which could explain the casual relationships between knowledge governance mechanisms, individual knowledge sharing conditions, and individual knowledge sharing behaviour. The quantitative research strategy and multivariate data analysis techniques (SEM) were used in the hypotheses testing with a survey dataset of 256 employees from eleven military schools of Finnish Defence Forces (FDF). The results showed that “performance-based feedback and rewards” affects employee’s “intrinsic motivation towards knowledge sharing”, that “lateral coordination” affects employee’s “knowledge self-efficacy”, and that ”training and development” is positively related to “time availability” for knowledge sharing but affects negatively employee’s knowledge self-efficacy. Individual motivation and knowledge self-efficacy towards knowledge sharing affected knowledge sharing behaviour when work-related knowledge was shared 1) between employees in a department and 2) between employees in different departments, however these factors did not play a crucial role in subordinate–superior knowledge sharing. The findings suggest that individual motivation, opportunity, and the ability towards knowledge sharing affects individual knowledge sharing behaviour differently in different knowledge sharing situations. Furthermore, knowledge governance mechanisms can be used to manage individual-level knowledge sharing conditions and individual knowledge sharing behaviour but their affect also vary in different knowledge sharing situations.
The practice of social entrepreneurship already exists for a long time but the concept is quite new and has more recently raised a growing interest among academics. However, the majority of researches and considerations about the subject have taken a strong positive concern by omitting some sort of a critical reflection. The idea of this study is to consider the gap between the very optimistic and the more precautious concerns about social entrepreneurship. It means presenting the advantages and downsides connected to the topic in the business, public and third sector. The aim is to help the reader building his/her own belief on social entrepreneurship by considering the positive and negative sides of social entrepreneurship. Hence, the research is intended to take a critical step and aims to answer to the following research questions: Shall we believe in social entrepreneurship? What are the reasons for believing or not in social entrepreneurship taking into account the advantages and possible risks of it in the business, public, and third sector? The theoretical framework consists of the comparison between the promising and precautious sides about social entrepreneurship for private, public and non-governmental organizations including the actors or participants inside these sectors. The empirical part is conducted using a qualitative method. Personal interviews of experts in the fields of business, public and third sectors were handled. The purpose of this approach is to compare the critics in theory with the experience of persons dealing with social entrepreneurship. The results from the interviews revealed that in general, reasons for believing in social entrepreneurship prevail over critics about the subject. Social entrepreneurship may not yet represent a full performing business. Concerns for weakening the public power and putting aside the interests of communities in need may exist too. Furthermore, naïve and extra liberal ways of thinking or doing can lead to practices going in opposition with initial social objectives. Nevertheless, problems about social entrepreneurship would be mainly due to the young age of the movement. Time and experience would give better foundations and results to social entrepreneurs. Critics about social entrepreneurship could also easily be done to any sorts of business. Overall, the positive considerations of social entrepreneurship with skillful, motivated and responsible actors could represent some useful tools for enterprises, governments and charities. Some tools among many other possibilities to help people in need.