32 resultados para FRACTURE MECHANICS


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Työssä tutkittiin hitsattujen levyliitosten väsymiskestävyyden mitoitusarvoja. Hitsien väsymiskestävyyden mitoitusarvot määritettiin lineaarista murtumismekaniikkaa soveltavalla 2D FEM-laskentaohjelmalla. Murtumismekaanisen laskennan tuloksista määriteltiin, eri liitosgeometrioiden ja kuormitustyyppien mukaisia, nimellisen jännityksen väsymismitoitusmenetelmää vastaavia FAT-luokkia, joissa on huomioitu rakenteellinen jännitys hitsiä vastaan kohtisuorassa suunnassa. Tutkittujen liitosten geometriat olivat pääsääntöisesti poikkeavia mitoitusstandardien ja ohjeiden sisältämistä taulukkotapauksista. Laskennassa otettiin huomioon hitsien liittymiskulma perusaineeseen, rajaviivan pyöristykset ja vajaa hitsautumissyvyys. Kuormitustyyppien vaihtelua tutkittiin rakenteellisen jännityksen taivutusosuuden muutoksilla ja kuormaa kantavien X-liitosten risteävien kuormituksien suhteellisilla suuruuksilla. Väsymiskestävyydet määritettiin kuormituskohtaisille kalvo- ja taivutusjännityksille sekä näiden jännitysjakaumien keskiarvoille. Työssä saatuja FAT-luokkia voidaan hyödyntää vastaavien geometrioiden ja kuormitusten yhteydessä, sekä interpoloimalla myös tuloksien väliarvoissa. Työssä käytetyillä menetelmillä voidaan parantaa nimellisen jännityksen mitoitusmenetelmän tarkkuutta ja laajentaa sitä koskemaan myös taulukkotapausten ulkopuolisia liitoksia. Työn tuloksissa on esitetty FAT-luokkia T-, X- ja päittäisliitoksille ja näiden eri kuormitusyhdistelmille.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin FE-analyysin soveltamista S960 QC teräksisen I-profiilin kestävyyden määrittämisessä. Työn tavoitteena oli tarkastella nykyisten suunnitteluohjeiden soveltuvuutta ultralujille teräksille ja koota ohjemateriaali I-profiilin optimoimisesta sekä FE-analyysin hyö-dyntämisestä I-profiilin staattisen ja dynaamisen kestävyyden määrittämisessä. I-profiili mitoitettiin ja optimoitiin Eurokoodi 3:ssa esitettyjen PL3 mukaisten mitoitusohjeiden avulla. Rakenteelle suoritettiin Eurokoodi 3:n ja IIW:n mukaiset lommahdus-, kiepahdus- ja vä-symiskestävyystarkastelut. Väsymistarkastelussa sovellettiin nimellisen jännityksen, rakenteelli-sen jännityksen ja tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmiä sekä murtumismekaniikkaa. Rakenteel-lisen jännityksen menetelmässä sovellettiin lisäksi lineaarista ja parabolista pintaa pitkin ekstra-polointia, paksuuden yli linearisointia sekä Dong:in menetelmää. Lommahdus-, kiepahdus- ja väsymistarkasteluissa hyödynnettiin analyyttistä laskentaa, FE-analyysiä sekä Frank2d sovellusta. Tarkastelujen perusteella voidaan todeta, että analyyttisillä menetelmillä saadaan numeerisia me-netelmiä varmemmalla puolella olevia tuloksia. Lommahdustarkastelussa ero tulosten välillä on suurimmillaan 8 % ja kiepahdustarkastelussa suurimmillaan 20 % mutta väsymistarkastelussa saadut tulokset eroavat keskenään huomattavasti. Väsymistarkastelussa tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmällä sekä rakenteellisen jännityksen menetelmän Dong:in menetelmällä saadaan huo-mattavasti muita menetelmiä pidempiä kestoikiä, kun taas yksinkertaisemmilla menetelmillä saa-dut kestoiät ovat lyhyempiä. Rakenteen kestävyyden määrittäminen analyyttisillä menetelmillä on melko helppoa, mutta tu-lokset ovat monesti liian konservatiivisia. FE-analyysillä saadaan puolestaan hyvin tarkkoja tu-loksia mallin ollessa yksityiskohtainen. Mallintaminen on kuitenkin aikaa ja resursseja vievää ja vaatii käyttökokemusta. FE-analyysin mahdolliset hyödyt on aina arvioitava tapauskohtaisesti tarkasteltavan geometrian, kuormitusten ja reunaehtojen perusteella.


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Brittleness is a well-known material characteristic but brittleness of paper is vaguely covered. The objective of this thesis was to characterize the phenomenon and causes around brittleness of paper and to clarify if it is a measurable property. Brittleness of paper was approached from the perspectives of paper physics and paper mills. Brittleness is a property of dry paper and it causes problems at the finishing stages of paper machine. According to paper physics, brittle materials fail in the elastic regime, while ductile materials can locally accumulate a plastic deformation prior to the fracture and they are often able to withstand higher stresses. Brittleness of paper is vastly affected by the surrounding conditions: paper as a hygroscopic material tries to get to the equilibrium. It is also affected by the quality of the pulp used. Measurement techniques can be divided into two categories: based on the viscoelastic behavior of paper and on the exposure to the mechanical stress of sort. The experimental part of the thesis was based on the trials with brittle and non-brittle mill-made LWC papers. It is divided into three parts: strength testing of the brittle and non-brittle papers, analysis of the conditions that may contribute the brittleness and the experimental methods to evaluate brittle behavior. The strength measurements confirmed the influence of the moisture content, but only tensile energy absorption and the fracture toughness measurements provided modest differences between the brittle and non-brittle papers. Versatile analysis of the possible contributing factors resulted into speculation, while the brittle papers contained higher amount of starch, triglycerides and steryl esters. The experimental research proved that the formation, the sensory impression and the variation of local strains may contain the crucial information of paper brittleness.


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Tässä työssä suunniteltiin lappeenrantalaisen Astex Oy:n tilauksesta liikkuvan työkoneen runkorakenne. Työ tehtiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston teräsrakenteiden laboratoriossa. Suunniteltava rakenne kuului linkkuohjattuun, noin 5000 kg painoiseen trukkitraktoriin. Lähtökohtana rakenteen suunnittelulle olivat tilaajan asettamat rakenteen geometriaan ja suorituskykyyn liittyvät reunaehdot ja rajoitteet. Uuden rakenteen suunnittelussa hyödynnettiin myös tilaajatahon kehittelemää vastaavan tyyppistä prototyyppirakennetta. Rakenteen suunnitteluprosessi koostui neljästä eri vaiheesta. Suunniteltavan rakenteen lähtökohtana olleelle prototyyppirakenteelle suoritettiin koneen käytönaikaisia venymäliuskamittauksia rakenteen kuormitushistorian selvittämiseksi. Mittauksista saatujen tulosten perusteella määritettiin kuormitukset uudelle suunniteltavalle rakenteelle. Määritettyjä kuormituksia hyödyntäen ideoitiin, suunniteltiin ja mallinnettiin uusi tilaajan vaatimuksia vastaava rakenne. Uudelle rakenteelle suoritettiin lujuusanalyysit FE-analyysiä hyödyntäen. Uuden rakenteen suunnittelussa kiinnitettiin huomiota rakenteen hyvään valmistettavuuteen ja suunniteltiin rakenneratkaisut tilaajataholle mahdollisimman optimaalisiksi. Suunnittelu- ja mallinnustyö tehtiin Solidworks 2014 ohjelmistolla. Rakenteen lujuustekniset tarkastelut sisälsivät rakennedetaljien analyyttistä mitoitusta ja laskentaa. FE-laskennalla selvitettiin rakenteen ääri- ja väsymiskestävyys. Laskenta sisälsi koko rakenteen globaaleja tarkasteluja, sekä eri kriittisten rakennedetaljien yksityiskohtaisempia analyysejä. FE-laskennan pääpaino oli rakenteen väsymisanalyyseissä, jotka toteutettiin Hot-Spot- ja särönkasvumenetelmillä. Rakenteen FE-analyysien suorittamisessa käytettiin Femap, NxNastran ja Abaqus-ohjelmistoja.


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In this study, finite element analyses and experimental tests are carried out in order to investigate the effect of loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength of three different non-load carrying welded joints. The current codes and recommendations do not give explicit instructions how to consider degree of bending in loading and the effect of symmetry in the fatigue assessment of welded joints. The fatigue assessment is done by using effective notch stress method and linear elastic fracture mechanics. Transverse attachment and cover plate joints are analyzed by using 2D plane strain element models in FEMAP/NxNastran and Franc2D software and longitudinal gusset case is analyzed by using solid element models in Abaqus and Abaqus/XFEM software. By means of the evaluated effective notch stress range and stress intensity factor range, the nominal fatigue strength is assessed. Experimental tests consist of the fatigue tests of transverse attachment joints with total amount of 12 specimens. In the tests, the effect of both loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength is studied. Finite element analyses showed that the fatigue strength of asymmetric joint is higher in tensile loading and the fatigue strength of symmetric joint is higher in bending loading in terms of nominal and hot spot stress methods. Linear elastic fracture mechanics indicated that bending reduces stress intensity factors when the crack size is relatively large since the normal stress decreases at the crack tip due to the stress gradient. Under tensile loading, experimental tests corresponded with finite element analyzes. Still, the fatigue tested joints subjected to bending showed the bending increased the fatigue strength of non-load carrying welded joints and the fatigue test results did not fully agree with the fatigue assessment. According to the results, it can be concluded that in tensile loading, the symmetry of joint distinctly affects on the fatigue strength. The fatigue life assessment of bending loaded joints is challenging since it depends on whether the crack initiation or propagation is predominant.


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The aim of this thesis is to present a solution to the quantum phase problem of the single-mode optical field. The solution is based on the use of phase shift covariant normalized positive operator measures. These measures describe realistic direct coherent state phase measurements such as the phase measurement schemes based on eight-port homodyne detection or heterodyne detection. The structure of covariant operator measures and, more generally, covariant sesquilinear form measures is analyzed in this work. Four different characterizations for phase shift covariant normalized positive operator measures are presented. The canonical covariant operator measure is definded and its properties are studied. Finally, some other suggested phase theories are introduced to investigate their connections to the covariant sesquilinear form measures.


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This research has been focused at the development of a tuned systematic design methodology, which gives the best performance in a computer aided environment and utilises a cross-technological approach, specially tested with and for laser processed microwave mechanics. A tuned design process scheme is also presented. Because of the currently large production volumes of microwave and radio frequency mechanics even slight improvements of design methodologies or manufacturing technologies would give reasonable possibilities for cost reduction. The typical number of required iteration cycles could be reduced to one fifth of normal. The research area dealing with the methodologies is divided firstly into a function-oriented, a performance-oriented or a manufacturability-oriented product design. Alternatively various approaches can be developed for a customer-oriented, a quality-oriented, a cost-oriented or an organisation-oriented design. However, the real need for improvements is between these two extremes. This means that the effective methodology for the designers should not be too limited (like in the performance-oriented design) or too general (like in the organisation-oriented design), but it should, include the context of the design environment. This is the area where the current research is focused. To test the developed tuned design methodology for laser processing (TDMLP) and the tuned optimising algorithm for laser processing (TOLP), seven different industrial product applications for microwave mechanics have been designed, CAD-modelled and manufactured by using laser in small production series. To verify that the performance of these products meets the required level and to ensure the objectiveness ofthe results extensive laboratory tests were used for all designed prototypes. As an example a Ku-band horn antenna can be laser processed from steel in 2 minutes at the same time obtaining a comparable electrical performance of classical aluminium units or the residual resistance of a laser joint in steel could be limited to 72 milliohmia.


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The questions studied in this thesis are centered around the moment operators of a quantum observable, the latter being represented by a normalized positive operator measure. The moment operators of an observable are physically relevant, in the sense that these operators give, as averages, the moments of the outcome statistics for the measurement of the observable. The main questions under consideration in this work arise from the fact that, unlike a projection valued observable of the von Neumann formulation, a general positive operator measure cannot be characterized by its first moment operator. The possibility of characterizing certain observables by also involving higher moment operators is investigated and utilized in three different cases: a characterization of projection valued measures among all the observables is given, a quantization scheme for unbounded classical variables using translation covariant phase space operator measures is presented, and, finally, a mathematically rigorous description is obtained for the measurements of rotated quadratures and phase space observables via the high amplitude limit in the balanced homodyne and eight-port homodyne detectors, respectively. In addition, the structure of the covariant phase space operator measures, which is essential for the above quantization, is analyzed in detail in the context of a (not necessarily unimodular) locally compact group as the phase space.


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In this thesis the structure and properties of imprecise quantum measurements are investigated. The starting point for this investigation is the representation of a quantum observable as a normalized positive operator measure. A general framework to describe measurement inaccuracy is presented. Requirements for accurate measurements are discussed, and the relation of inaccuracy to some optimality criteria is studied. A characterization of covariant observables is given in the case when they are imprecise versions of a sharp observable. Also the properties of such observables are studied. The case of position and momentum observables is studied. All position and momentum observables are characterized, and the joint positionmomentum measurements are discussed.


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This thesis concentrates on developing a practical local approach methodology based on micro mechanical models for the analysis of ductile fracture of welded joints. Two major problems involved in the local approach, namely the dilational constitutive relation reflecting the softening behaviour of material, and the failure criterion associated with the constitutive equation, have been studied in detail. Firstly, considerable efforts were made on the numerical integration and computer implementation for the non trivial dilational Gurson Tvergaard model. Considering the weaknesses of the widely used Euler forward integration algorithms, a family of generalized mid point algorithms is proposed for the Gurson Tvergaard model. Correspondingly, based on the decomposition of stresses into hydrostatic and deviatoric parts, an explicit seven parameter expression for the consistent tangent moduli of the algorithms is presented. This explicit formula avoids any matrix inversion during numerical iteration and thus greatly facilitates the computer implementation of the algorithms and increase the efficiency of the code. The accuracy of the proposed algorithms and other conventional algorithms has been assessed in a systematic manner in order to highlight the best algorithm for this study. The accurate and efficient performance of present finite element implementation of the proposed algorithms has been demonstrated by various numerical examples. It has been found that the true mid point algorithm (a = 0.5) is the most accurate one when the deviatoric strain increment is radial to the yield surface and it is very important to use the consistent tangent moduli in the Newton iteration procedure. Secondly, an assessment of the consistency of current local failure criteria for ductile fracture, the critical void growth criterion, the constant critical void volume fraction criterion and Thomason's plastic limit load failure criterion, has been made. Significant differences in the predictions of ductility by the three criteria were found. By assuming the void grows spherically and using the void volume fraction from the Gurson Tvergaard model to calculate the current void matrix geometry, Thomason's failure criterion has been modified and a new failure criterion for the Gurson Tvergaard model is presented. Comparison with Koplik and Needleman's finite element results shows that the new failure criterion is fairly accurate indeed. A novel feature of the new failure criterion is that a mechanism for void coalescence is incorporated into the constitutive model. Hence the material failure is a natural result of the development of macroscopic plastic flow and the microscopic internal necking mechanism. By the new failure criterion, the critical void volume fraction is not a material constant and the initial void volume fraction and/or void nucleation parameters essentially control the material failure. This feature is very desirable and makes the numerical calibration of void nucleation parameters(s) possible and physically sound. Thirdly, a local approach methodology based on the above two major contributions has been built up in ABAQUS via the user material subroutine UMAT and applied to welded T joints. By using the void nucleation parameters calibrated from simple smooth and notched specimens, it was found that the fracture behaviour of the welded T joints can be well predicted using present methodology. This application has shown how the damage parameters of both base material and heat affected zone (HAZ) material can be obtained in a step by step manner and how useful and capable the local approach methodology is in the analysis of fracture behaviour and crack development as well as structural integrity assessment of practical problems where non homogeneous materials are involved. Finally, a procedure for the possible engineering application of the present methodology is suggested and discussed.


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Hip fractures are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Cervical and trochanteric fractures have a different morphometry, surgical treatment, and outcome. Polypharmacy, common in older people, is associated with increased mortality. The risk factors for mortality can be identified based on cause-of-death analysis. In this population-based study, 461 older, surgically in 1999-2000 treated hip fracture patients were enrolled. Incidence, morphometry, medication, mortality, and cause-of-death were analysed. Hip fractures were most commonly sustained by women, occurred mostly indoors, and often in institutions. One in four patients had sustained a previous fracture. Routine clinical radiographs revealed no differences in the hip geometry between hip fracture types. Age-adjusted mortality was higher in men than in women during the follow-up. Chronic lung disease and male sex were predictors of mortality after cervical fracture. In men, potent anticholinergics were associated with excess age-adjusted mortality. Men were more likely to die from circulatory disease and dementia after hip fracture than women. Mortality after hip fracture was 3-fold higher than that of the general population, including every cause-of-death class. Fracture prevention in institutions and homes, indoor safety measures, and treatment of chronic lung diseases should be encouraged. Hip morphometry analyses require more accurate measures than that provided by routine radiographs. Careful use of potent anticholinergics may reduce mortality. Compared to the general population, excess mortality after hip fracture was evident up to 9 years after hip fracture. Cause-of-death analysis indicates that all major comorbidities require optimal treatment after hip fracture surgery.


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Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant hereditary syndrome, affecting skin, neural tissues and skeleton. Hallmarks of NF1 include benign cutaneous neurofibroma tumors, pigmentation lesions on the skin and in the iris, learning disabilities and predisposition to selected malignancies. Low bone mineral density (BMD) and osteopenia/osteoporosis are common in NF1. Osteoporosis is a systemic disorder characterized by low bone mineral density and increased fracture risk. Treatment of osteoporosis aims to prevent falls and decrease fracture risk. Osteoporosis is diagnosed in adults by measuring BMD and evaluating clinical risk factors of the patient. Bone turnover is a process of old bone resorbed by osteoclasts and new bone formed by osteoblasts. Multinuclear osteoclasts are derived from osteoclast progenitors, which can be isolated from peripheral blood. Osteoclast progenitors were isolated from 17 NF1 patients and healthy controls, and cultured in vitro to osteoclasts. NF1 osteoclasts are hyperactive, displaying increased differentiation and resorption capacity, abnormal morphology and tolerance to serum deprivation compared to control osteoclasts. These findings expanded the study to evaluate the effects of bisphosphonates, drugs designed to treat osteoporosis, in osteoclasts derived from blood samples of 20 NF1 and control persons. The number of control osteoclasts was expectedly reduced after bisphosphonate treatment. However, NF1 osteoclasts tolerated the apoptotic effect of alendronate, zoledronic acid and clodronate in vitro compared to controls. NF1-related osteoporosis was found in ~20 % of the patients, and selected laboratory parameters were measured. Patients with NF1 have increased levels of serum CTX and PINP, reflecting increased bone turnover in vivo. BMD decreases progressively in NF1 as evaluated in 19 NF1 patients 12 years after their initial BMD measurement. Patients with NF1-related osteopenia often progress to osteoporosis. This was found in patients aged 37-76.


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The objective of this thesis was to identify the determinants of bone strength and predictors of hip fracture in representative samples of Finnish adults. A secondary objective was to construct a simple multifactorial model for hip fracture prediction over a 10-year follow-up period. The study was based on the Health 2000 Survey conducted during 2000 to 2001 (men and women aged 30 years or over, n=6 035) and the Mini-Finland Health Survey conducted during 1978 to 1980 (women aged 45 years or over, n=2 039). Study subjects participated in health interviews and comprehensive health examination. In the Health 2000 Survey, bone strength was assessed by means of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound (QUS). The follow-up information about hip fractures was drawn from the National Hospital Discharge Register. In this study, age, weight, height, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (S-25(OH)D), physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption as well as menopause and eventual HRT in women were found to be associated with calcaneal broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and speed of sound (SOS). Parity was associated with a decreased risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. Age, height, weight or waist circumference, quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), S-25(OH)D and fall-related factors, such as maximal walking speed, Parkinson’s disease, and the number of prescribed CNS active medication were significant independent predictors of hip fracture. At the population level, the incremental value of QUS appeared to be minor in hip fracture prediction when the fall-related risk factors were taken into account. A simple multifactorial model for hip fracture prediction presented in this study was based on readily available factors (age, gender, height, waist circumference, and fallrelated factors). Prospective studies are needed to test this model in patient-based study populations.