24 resultados para FEEDING BEHAVIORS
The purpose of this work was to study the characteristics of the most commonly used filter aid materials and their influences on the design of proportioning, mixing, and feeding system for polishing filter family. Based on the literature survey and hands-on experience a system was designed with defined equipment and capital and operating costs. The system was designed to serve precoating and bodyfeeding applications and is easily extended to be used in multiple filter processes. Also a test procedure was carried out where influences of flux and filter cloths to accumulated cake were studied. Filter aid is needed in challenging conditions to improve filtration efficiency and cleaning, and thus extend the operating life of the filter media. Filter aid preparation and feeding system was designed for the use of two different filter aids; precoat and bodyfeed. Precoating is used before the filtration step initiates. If the solids in the filterable solution have a tendency to clog the filter bag easily, precoat is used on the filter bag to obtain better filtration efficiency and quality. Diatomite or perlite is usually used as a precoating substance. The intention is to create a uniform cake to the overall surface of the filter cloth, with predetermined thickness, 2 – 5 mm. This ensures that the clogging of the filter cloth is reduced and the filtration efficiency is increased. Bodyfeed is used if the solids in the filterable solution have a tendency to form a sticky impermeable filter cake. The cake properties are enhanced by maintaining the permeability of the accumulating cake by using the filter aid substance as bodyfeed during the filtration process.
Gas shielding plays an important role in laser welding phenomena. This is because it does not only provide shielding against oxidization but it has an effect in beam absorption and thus welds penetration. The goal of this thesis is to study and compare the effects of different shielding gas feeding methods in laser welding of steel. Research method is a literature survey. It is found that the inclination angle and the arrangement of the gas feeding nozzles affect the phenomena significantly. It is suggested that by designing shielding gas feeding case specifically better welding results can be obtained.
Online sexual solicitation (solicitation) of youth has received widespread media and research attention during the last decade. The prevalence rates of youth who have experienced solicitation or solicitation attempts vary between studies depending on the methodology used (e.g., whether youth or adults are the target study group). In studies focusing on youth victims, the prevalence of solicitation attempts made by adults during the past year is typically reported to be between 5 and 9%. Adults who solicit youth online have been found to use deception and other manipulative behaviors to gain access to sexual activities with youth. However, previous studies have lacked a control group of adults who solicit other adults online. Without this comparison, one could argue that deceiving others online about one’s identity, and engaging in manipulative behaviors, is an inherent part of most online sexual interactions with strangers. Additionally, little is known about the associations between manipulative behaviors and the solicitation outcomes. In research concerning offline sexual behaviors, it has been noted that situational factors, such as sexual arousal, may alter both sexual interest and behavior. The effects of situational factors on online sexual behaviors have been less extensively studied (especially so with a quantitative approach); no studies have to date focused on adults’ solicitation of youth. Investigating the role of a lowered sexual age preference and the role of situational factors in the soliciting adults could be an important step in order to receive deeper knowledge of the role of traits and states in the context of solicitation. Additionally, there is a lack of knowledge of the effect of the age of the youth. Although previous studies on solicitation has found that older youth, compared with younger youth and children, are more often solicited, the possible reasons for this have not been investigated. Are adults who solicit youth affected by legal deterrence (through the legal age of consent), is it because older youth are more available online, or are the adults’ age preferences merely a product of a normally distributed age preference in the population? The purpose of the present thesis was fivefold: 1) to obtain an estimate of the frequency of adults’ solicitation of youth as self-reported and observed in actual behavior; 2) to explore whether the legal age of consent (LAC) affects solicitation frequency, or whether a normally distributed sexual age preference more accurately describe the proportion of solicited youth of different ages; 3) to investigate the associations of both traits (e.g., lower sexual age preference) and states (immediate situational factors, such as alcohol intoxication), and the solicitation target; 4) to explore whether adults who solicit youth and adults who solicit adults are equally deceitful and manipulative online, and whether the different solicitation outcomes are as common in both groups; and 5) to investigate whether the deceitful and manipulative behaviors engaged in had different associations with the solicitation outcomes depending on the age of the solicited. In the survey study, a convenience sample of 1393 adult participants (aged 18 years or older) self-reported any online communication with strangers during the past year. Of these, 56% (776 respondents) reported that they had solicited or attempted to solicit at least one stranger. Of the respondents, 453 (58.4%) were men, and 323 (41.6%) were women. Participants with only adult contacts (18 years or older) constituted the majority (640 respondents). In contrast, 136 individuals reported a youth contact (a 13 year old or younger, or a 14 to 17-year old). Approximately half of the participants were men in the adult contact group, while 75% of the participants were men in the youth contact group. Approximately 60% of the participants with youth contacts were recruited from two websites associated with a pedophilic sexual interest. In an online quasi-experimental study, with researchers impersonating youth of different ages (10–18 year olds) in chat rooms, 251 online conversations with chat room visitors made up the entire sample. All chat room visitors alleged to be men. The self-reported frequency of having solicited youth (0–17-year olds) during the past year was approximately 10% in our sample of adults who reported communicating with any strangers online. When we observed this behavior in chat rooms, we found that approximately 30% of the chat room visitors who believed they interacted with a 10 to 14 year old attempted to solicit the youth. We found that solicitation attempts increased equally much when increasing the age of the impersonated youth from 14 to 16, as from 16 to 18. Thus, we concluded that a normally distributed age preference in the population was a more plausible explanation to the effect of the age of the solicited, rather than the LAC (here; 15 and 16). If the chat room visitors would have been deterred only by the LAC, we would have expected that the change in amount of solicitation attempts from an illegal age group to a legal age group would have been significantly stronger than changes between age groups within illegal-illegal and legal-legal groups. Our subsample of survey participants from the pedophilia-related websites expectedly reported that they had solicited youth more often in comparison to the sample gathered through general (i.e., not associated with any particular sexual preference) websites. We also found that participants with a youth contact reported higher levels of sexual arousal and shame before the sexual interaction with their online contact, compared with participants with an adult contact. Additionally, the participants with youth contacts who reported consumption of child- and adolescent pornography also reported being more sexually aroused before the interaction, compared to the participants with youth contacts who did not report consumption of these kinds of pornography. We also found clear indications that the online sexual interaction had an alleviatory effect on reported levels of sadness, boredom and stress, independent of the age of the contact. Generally, the participants with youth and adult contacts reported deceiving their contacts as often and suggesting keeping the communication a secret from someone as often. Participants with a youth contact, however, reported using more persuasion techniques for online sexual purposes or for the purpose of an offline meeting, compared to those with an adult contact. In the chat rooms, we found that more indirect ways of future sexual communication (e.g., continuing chatting) was suggested by the chat room visitors that were under the assumption of interacting with youth aged 10 to 14, compared with more direct means (e.g., meeting offline). Survey participants with youth contacts who had used deception, suggested keeping the interactions a secret, and/or persuaded their contact by appealing to the contacts feelings of love and attachment for the participant had also more often engaged in cybersex with the contact. No other manipulative behaviors were associated with the other investigated solicitation outcomes (receiving a sexual picture, meeting offline, and engaging in sexual contact offline) within this group of participants. However, using deception, suggesting secrecy and using persuasion was also positively associated with certain solicitation outcomes within participants with an adult contact. In summary, adults’ solicitation of youth is much more frequent when observed in chat rooms than self-reported. Additionally, an underlying lowered sexual age preference seems to be a motivating factor on a group level in adults who solicit youth. We concluded that directed prevention efforts should be made on pedophiliarelated websites. Additionally, the role of situational factors, especially sexual arousal in persons with a pedo- or hebephilic sexual interest should be investigated further in the context of online sexual solicitation.
I vår moderna värld har förekomsten av ångeststörningar drastiskt ökat, vilket påverkar välfärden i våra samhällen. Eftersom de molekylära mekanismerna bakom ångest är relativt okända, är möjligheterna till behandling av ångeststörningar begränsade. I och med utvecklingen av genetiska manipuleringmetoder och avbildningstekniker har strukturella förändringar associerade med ångeststörningar kunnat konstateras. Neuroanatomiska studier har påvisat störningar i dendritarkitektur, dendrittaggar och i neurogenesen hos vuxna individer. Särskilt neurogenesen i hippocampus anses viktig i detta sammanhang. Neurogenes i hippocampus har föreslagits spela en viktig roll i ångeststörningarnas patofysiologi och för hur vissa antidepressiva läkemedel förmedlar sin effekt. Under senare år har MAP-kinaser (MAPK) föreslagits vara involverade både i uppkomsten av affektiva störningar och i neurogenes i hippocampus. JNK är en grupp kinaser inom MAPK-familjen som aktiveras av olika externa stressfaktorer. I normala celler är aktiviteten hos JNK låg. Cell-stress ökar aktiviteten hos JNK vilket leder till bl.a. apoptos. JNK kinaser anses vara potentiella terapeutiska mål för behandling av neurodegenerativa sjukdomar men deras potential som mål för behandling av affektiva sjukdomar har tillsvidare inte utretts. Den här avhandlingen behandlar betydelsen av JNK för ångestrelaterat beteende hos möss. Med hjälp av Jnk1-knockout möss och farmakologisk inhibering av JNK-signalering, demonstreras att JNK reglerar neurogenes i hippocampus, vilket i sin tur ligger bakom mössens ångestrelaterade beteende. Jnk1-knockout möss var mindre ängsliga och uppvisade ökad neurogenes i hippcampus jämfört med kontrollmöss. Inhibering av JNK-signalering i hjärnan hos möss gjorde dem också mindre ängsliga och ökade neurogenesen i hippocampus på samma sätt som vissa antidepressiva läkemedel. Inhibering av JNK-aktivitet ledde inte bara till ökad neurogenes i hippocampus, utan främjade också mognandet av nybildade nervceller hos vuxna möss. Resultaten visar också att dendritarkitekturen och fördelningen av dendrittaggar hos CA3 neuroner i hippocampus är förändrad hos Jnk1-knockout möss. Genom screening av substratmolekyler för JNK hittades två JNKeffektormolekyler, MARCKSL1 (ett aktin-associerat protein) och MAP2 (ett mikrotubulus-associerat protein), som reglerade neuronernas sttruktur. Det här tyder på att JNK-signalering kan kontrollera ångeststörningsrelaterade förändringar hor dendriter och dendrittaggar. Sammanfattningsvis ger resultaten som presenteras i avhandlingen en ökad insikt i molekylära mekanismer som kan leda till ångeststörningsrelaterade förändringar i neurogenes och dendritstruktur. Därtill föreslås att JNKsignalbanan har potential som terapeutiskt mål för behandling av ångeststörningar.