67 resultados para Elevation map
This Ph.D. thesis consists of four original papers. The papers cover several topics from geometric function theory, more specifically, hyperbolic type metrics, conformal invariants, and the distortion properties of quasiconformal mappings. The first paper deals mostly with the quasihyperbolic metric. The main result gives the optimal bilipschitz constant with respect to the quasihyperbolic metric for the M¨obius self-mappings of the unit ball. A quasiinvariance property, sharp in a local sense, of the quasihyperbolic metric under quasiconformal mappings is also proved. The second paper studies some distortion estimates for the class of quasiconformal self-mappings fixing the boundary values of the unit ball or convex domains. The distortion is measured by the hyperbolic metric or hyperbolic type metrics. The results provide explicit, asymptotically sharp inequalities when the maximal dilatation of quasiconformal mappings tends to 1. These explicit estimates involve special functions which have a crucial role in this study. In the third paper, we investigate the notion of the quasihyperbolic volume and find the growth estimates for the quasihyperbolic volume of balls in a domain in terms of the radius. It turns out that in the case of domains with Ahlfors regular boundaries, the rate of growth depends not merely on the radius but also on the metric structure of the boundary. The topic of the fourth paper is complete elliptic integrals and inequalities. We derive some functional inequalities and elementary estimates for these special functions. As applications, some functional inequalities and the growth of the exterior modulus of a rectangle are studied.
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Kääntöpuolella kannessa: Finland Travel Bureau Ltd Esplanade 19, Branch Office Stockmanns Department Stores
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Sisältää myös kartakkeet: Pastkaartje van de Noord Bodem, Suomenlahden itäosa ja Laatokka
Nimeketiedot nimiönkehyksissä
Nimeketiedot nimiönkehyksissä
Nimeketiedot nimiönkehyksissä
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Erip.: Ymer 1891.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan