41 resultados para Elastische Deformation


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää nopeasti konvergoiva kuorielementti epälineaarisesti joustavien kappaleiden analysointiin. Kuorielementti perustuu absoluuttisten solmukoordinaattien menetelmään ja se hyödyntää kaarevuuden kuvausta elastisten voimien määrityksessä. Kehitettyä elementtiä verrattiin kontinuumimekaniikalla kehitettyyn kuorielementtiin ja kaupallisen elementtimenetelmän kuorielementtiin. Yksinkertaisimman kuormitustapauksen tuloksia verrattiin teknisen taivutusteorian mukaiseen analyyttiseen ratkaisuun. Staattisten testien tulokset tässä työssä kehitetyllä kuorielementillä vastasivat hyvin kaupallisella elementtimenetelmällä saatuja tuloksia. Deformaatioiden ollessa geometrisesti lineaarisella alueella, kehitetyllä kuorielementillä saadut tulokset vastasivat paremmin sekä analyyttistä ratkaisua että kaupallisella elementtimenetelmällä saatuja tuloksia kuin aiemman kontinuumimekaniikkaan perustuvan kuorielementin tulokset. Kehitetyn kuorielementin ongelmana verrattuna kontinuumimekaniikkaan perustuvaan elementtiin on monimutkaisempi kinematiikan kuvaus. Tästä on seurauksena laskenta-ajan huomattava kasvaminen. Jatkossa kannattaisi keskittyä numeeristen ratkaisumenetelmien kehittämiseen.


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Työssä on tutkittu kylmämuovattujen nelikulmaisten putkipalkkien K-liitosten mallinnusta epälineaarisella elementtimenetelmällä. Työn tärkeimpänä tavoitteena on ollut kehittää putkipalkin osien materiaalimalleja siten, että liitosten kestävyyttä voidaan tutkia laboratoriokokeiden ohella luotettavasti myös elementtimenetelmällä. Toisena tavoitteena on ollut tutkia, voidaanko putkipalkkien liitosten mitoitusohjeita turvallisesti soveltaa kylmämuovatuille putkipalkeille, joissa valmistusprosessi aiheuttaa muutoksia materiaaliominaisuuksiin, erityisesti muodonmuutoskykyyn. Työssä tehtyjen laboratoriokokeiden ja elementtianalyysien perusteella elementti-menetelmä on käyttökelpoinen työkalu putkipalkkiliitosten staattista kestävyyttä määritettäessä, kun materiaalimallit on määritetty oikein. Erityisesti liitoksen käyttö-rajatilan mukaisen kestävyyden laskennassa elementtimenetelmällä saadaan hyvin laboratoriokokeita vastaavia tuloksia. Tehdyt laboratoriokokeet osoittavat myös, että Eurocode 3:n mukaisia putkipalkkien liitosten mitoitusohjeita voi turvallisesti käyttää kylmämuovatuille putkipalkeille.


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Diplomityö käsittelee nostopuomin hitsauksen ja koneistuksen kehittämistä alihankinta-konepajassa. Työn tavoitteena on nostopuomin valmistuksen tehostaminen. Työssä kes-kitytään hitsauksen osalta tuotantolayoutin kehittämiseen, kaariaikasuhteen parantami-seen sekä hitsausmuodonmuutosten ehkäisyyn ja ennakointiin. Koneistuksessa keskity-tään tuotantolayoutin kehittämiseen sekä kappaleen kiinnittämiseen ja työkaluvalintoi-hin. Työn teoriaosa käsittelee hitsauksen ja koneistuksen seikkoja, jotka vaikuttavat valmis-tuksen tehokkuuteen. Lisäksi teoriaosassa perehdytään tuotantomuotoihin, tuotantojär-jestelmiin ja tuotannonohjaukseen. Käytännön osuudessa käsitellään niitä valmistuksen tehostamiskeinoja, jotka soveltuvat metsäkoneen nostopuomien sarjatuotantoon Jormet Oy:ssä. Työssä esitellään valmistuksen työvaiheet sekä selvitetään tuotannon ongelmakohdat ja pullonkaulat. Ongelmana tuotannossa on suuri jalostamattoman työn osuus, joka koos-tuu siirroista, nostoista, muodonmuutosten oikomisesta sekä koneistuksessa puomin kiinnittämisestä ja irrottamisesta. Layout muutokset, hitsauskiinnittimien ja pyörityslaitteiden kehittäminen sekä töiden ohjeistus nostavat kaariaikasuhdetta ja lyhentävät hitsausaikaa. Koneistuksessa layoutin ja kiinnittimen kehittäminen vähentävät jalostamattoman työn osuutta parantaen samalla koneistuksen tehokkuutta. Lastuamistehokkuus paranee oikeiden työkalu- ja parametri-valintojen avulla.


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In this thesis is studied the influence of uniaxial deformation of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well structures to photoluminescence. Uniaxial deformation was applied along [110] and polarization ratio of photoluminescence at T = 77 K and 300 K was measured. Also the physical origin of photoluminescence lines in spectrum was determined and the energy band splitting value between states of heavy and light holes was estimated. It was found that the dependencies of polarization ratio on uniaxial deformation for bulk GaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs are different. Two observed lines in photoluminescence spectrum are induced by free electron recombination to energy sublevels of valence band corresponding to heavy and light holes. Those sublevels are splited due to the combination of size quantization and external pressure. The quantum splitting energy value was estimated. Also was shown a method, which allows to determine the energy splitting value of sublevels at room temperature and at comparatively low uniaxial deformation, when the other method for determining of the splitting becomes impossible.


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Työn tavoitteena on tutkia metsäkoneen uuden harvesteripäämallin tuotekehitysprosessia valmistettavuuden näkökulmasta, selvittää tuotekehitysprosessin eri vaiheet sekä pyrkiä löytämään mahdolliset ongelmakohdat ja niihin ratkaisumallit. Työn tilanneella yrityksellä on pitkä historia ja kokemus harvesteripäiden tuotekehityksestä niin tuotteiden kuin tuotannon osalta. Dokumentoitu prosessi kuitenkin on puuttunut ja tämän työn tarkoituksena on tuottaa ko. prosessi valmistettavuuden huomioimisesta harvesteripään tuotekehitysprosessissa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään alan kirjallisuutta ja yrityksen kokemuksia ja laaditaan niiden pohjalta dokumentointi tuotekehitysprosessin tueksi. Tutkimuksen perusteella havaittiin muutoksen hallinnan ja menetelmäsuunnittelun sekä hitsausten aiheuttamien muodonmuutosten olevan prosessin kriittisimpiä tekijöitä.


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The transport of macromolecules, such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and their accumulation in the layers of the arterial wall play a critical role in the creation and development of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease of large arteries e.g., the aorta, coronary, carotid, and other proximal arteries that involves a distinctive accumulation of LDL and other lipid-bearing materials in the arterial wall. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows the arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to organs and other parts of the body is reduced. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death. It has been proven that the accumulation of macromolecules in the arterial wall depends not only on the ease with which materials enter the wall, but also on the hindrance to the passage of materials out of the wall posed by underlying layers. Therefore, attention was drawn to the fact that the wall structure of large arteries is different than other vessels which are disease-resistant. Atherosclerosis tends to be localized in regions of curvature and branching in arteries where fluid shear stress (shear rate) and other fluid mechanical characteristics deviate from their normal spatial and temporal distribution patterns in straight vessels. On the other hand, the smooth muscle cells (SMCs) residing in the media layer of the arterial wall respond to mechanical stimuli, such as shear stress. Shear stress may affect SMC proliferation and migration from the media layer to intima. This occurs in atherosclerosis and intimal hyperplasia. The study of blood flow and other body fluids and of heat transport through the arterial wall is one of the advanced applications of porous media in recent years. The arterial wall may be modeled in both macroscopic (as a continuous porous medium) and microscopic scales (as a heterogeneous porous medium). In the present study, the governing equations of mass, heat and momentum transport have been solved for different species and interstitial fluid within the arterial wall by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Simulation models are based on the finite element (FE) and finite volume (FV) methods. The wall structure has been modeled by assuming the wall layers as porous media with different properties. In order to study the heat transport through human tissues, the simulations have been carried out for a non-homogeneous model of porous media. The tissue is composed of blood vessels, cells, and an interstitium. The interstitium consists of interstitial fluid and extracellular fibers. Numerical simulations are performed in a two-dimensional (2D) model to realize the effect of the shape and configuration of the discrete phase on the convective and conductive features of heat transfer, e.g. the interstitium of biological tissues. On the other hand, the governing equations of momentum and mass transport have been solved in the heterogeneous porous media model of the media layer, which has a major role in the transport and accumulation of solutes across the arterial wall. The transport of Adenosine 5´-triphosphate (ATP) is simulated across the media layer as a benchmark to observe how SMCs affect on the species mass transport. In addition, the transport of interstitial fluid has been simulated while the deformation of the media layer (due to high blood pressure) and its constituents such as SMCs are also involved in the model. In this context, the effect of pressure variation on shear stress is investigated over SMCs induced by the interstitial flow both in 2D and three-dimensional (3D) geometries for the media layer. The influence of hypertension (high pressure) on the transport of lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL) through deformable arterial wall layers is also studied. This is due to the pressure-driven convective flow across the arterial wall. The intima and media layers are assumed as homogeneous porous media. The results of the present study reveal that ATP concentration over the surface of SMCs and within the bulk of the media layer is significantly dependent on the distribution of cells. Moreover, the shear stress magnitude and distribution over the SMC surface are affected by transmural pressure and the deformation of the media layer of the aorta wall. This work reflects the fact that the second or even subsequent layers of SMCs may bear shear stresses of the same order of magnitude as the first layer does if cells are arranged in an arbitrary manner. This study has brought new insights into the simulation of the arterial wall, as the previous simplifications have been ignored. The configurations of SMCs used here with elliptic cross sections of SMCs closely resemble the physiological conditions of cells. Moreover, the deformation of SMCs with high transmural pressure which follows the media layer compaction has been studied for the first time. On the other hand, results demonstrate that LDL concentration through the intima and media layers changes significantly as wall layers compress with transmural pressure. It was also noticed that the fraction of leaky junctions across the endothelial cells and the area fraction of fenestral pores over the internal elastic lamina affect the LDL distribution dramatically through the thoracic aorta wall. The simulation techniques introduced in this work can also trigger new ideas for simulating porous media involved in any biomedical, biomechanical, chemical, and environmental engineering applications.


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There is an increasing reliance on computers to solve complex engineering problems. This is because computers, in addition to supporting the development and implementation of adequate and clear models, can especially minimize the financial support required. The ability of computers to perform complex calculations at high speed has enabled the creation of highly complex systems to model real-world phenomena. The complexity of the fluid dynamics problem makes it difficult or impossible to solve equations of an object in a flow exactly. Approximate solutions can be obtained by construction and measurement of prototypes placed in a flow, or by use of a numerical simulation. Since usage of prototypes can be prohibitively time-consuming and expensive, many have turned to simulations to provide insight during the engineering process. In this case the simulation setup and parameters can be altered much more easily than one could with a real-world experiment. The objective of this research work is to develop numerical models for different suspensions (fiber suspensions, blood flow through microvessels and branching geometries, and magnetic fluids), and also fluid flow through porous media. The models will have merit as a scientific tool and will also have practical application in industries. Most of the numerical simulations were done by the commercial software, Fluent, and user defined functions were added to apply a multiscale method and magnetic field. The results from simulation of fiber suspension can elucidate the physics behind the break up of a fiber floc, opening the possibility for developing a meaningful numerical model of the fiber flow. The simulation of blood movement from an arteriole through a venule via a capillary showed that the model based on VOF can successfully predict the deformation and flow of RBCs in an arteriole. Furthermore, the result corresponds to the experimental observation illustrates that the RBC is deformed during the movement. The concluding remarks presented, provide a correct methodology and a mathematical and numerical framework for the simulation of blood flows in branching. Analysis of ferrofluids simulations indicate that the magnetic Soret effect can be even higher than the conventional one and its strength depends on the strength of magnetic field, confirmed experimentally by Völker and Odenbach. It was also shown that when a magnetic field is perpendicular to the temperature gradient, there will be additional increase in the heat transfer compared to the cases where the magnetic field is parallel to the temperature gradient. In addition, the statistical evaluation (Taguchi technique) on magnetic fluids showed that the temperature and initial concentration of the magnetic phase exert the maximum and minimum contribution to the thermodiffusion, respectively. In the simulation of flow through porous media, dimensionless pressure drop was studied at different Reynolds numbers, based on pore permeability and interstitial fluid velocity. The obtained results agreed well with the correlation of Macdonald et al. (1979) for the range of actual flow Reynolds studied. Furthermore, calculated results for the dispersion coefficients in the cylinder geometry were found to be in agreement with those of Seymour and Callaghan.


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The purpose of gamma spectrometry and gamma and X-ray tomography of nuclear fuel is to determine both radionuclide concentration and integrity and deformation of nuclear fuel. The aims of this thesis have been to find out the basics of gamma spectrometry and tomography of nuclear fuel, to find out the operational mechanisms of gamma spectrometry and tomography equipment of nuclear fuel, and to identify problems that relate to these measurement techniques. In gamma spectrometry of nuclear fuel the gamma-ray flux emitted from unstable isotopes is measured using high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. The production of unstable isotopes correlates with various physical fuel parameters. In gamma emission tomography the gamma-ray spectrum of irradiated nuclear fuel is recorded for several projections. In X-ray transmission tomography of nuclear fuel a radiation source emits a beam and the intensity, attenuated by the nuclear fuel, is registered by the detectors placed opposite. When gamma emission or X-ray transmission measurements are combined with tomographic image reconstruction methods, it is possible to create sectional images of the interior of nuclear fuel. MODHERATO is a computer code that simulates the operation of radioscopic or tomographic devices and it is used to predict and optimise the performance of imaging systems. Related to the X-ray tomography, MODHERATO simulations have been performed by the author. Gamma spectrometry and gamma and X-ray tomography are promising non-destructive examination methods for understanding fuel behaviour under normal, transient and accident conditions.


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In the present work electroluminescence in Si-SiO2 structures has been investigated. Electroluminescence has been recorded in the range of 250-900 nm in a system of electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor at the room temperature. The heating process of electrons in SiO2 was studied and possibility of separation it into two phases has been shown. The nature of luminescence centers and the model of its formation were proposed. This paper also includes consideration of oxide layer formation. Charge transfer mechanisms have been attended as well. The nature of electroluminescence is understood in detail. As a matter of fact, electron traps in silicon are the centers of luminescence. Electroluminescence occurs when electrons move from one trap to another. Thus the radiation of light quantum occurs. These traps appear as a result of the oxide growth. At the same time the bonds deformation of silicon atoms with SiOH groups is not excludes. As a result, dangling bonds are appeared, which are the trapping centers or the centers of luminescence.


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The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the compression of filter cakes at high filtration pressures with five different test materials and to compare the energy consumption of high pressure compression with the energy consumption of thermal drying. The secondary target of this study was to investigate the particle deformation of test materials during filtration and compression. Literature part consists of basic theory of filtration and compression and of the basic parameters that influence the filtration process. There is also a brief description about all of the test materials including their properties and their industrial production and processing. Theoretical equations for calculating the energy consumptions of the filtrations at different conditions are also presented. At the beginning of the experiments at experimental part, the basic filtration tests were done with all the five test materials. Filtration tests were made at eight different pressures, from 6 bars up to 100 bars, by using piston press pressure filter. Filtration tests were then repeated by using a cylinder with smaller slurry volume than in the first series of filtration tests. Separate filtration tests were also done for investigating the deformation of solid particles during filtration and for finding the optimal curve for raising the filtration pressure. Energy consumption differences between high pressure filtration and ideal thermal drying process were done partly experimentally and partly by using theoretical calculation equations. By comparing these two water removal methods, the optimal ranges for their use were found considering their energy efficiency. The results of the measurements shows that the filtration rate increased and the moisture content of the filter cakes decreased as the filtration pressure was increased. Also the porosity of the filter cakes mainly decreased when the filtration pressure was increased. Particle deformation during the filtration was observed only with coal particles.


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The focus of this dissertation is to develop finite elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation is a nonlinear finite element formulation, which is introduced for special requirements in the field of flexible multibody dynamics. In this formulation, a special definition for the rotation of elements is employed to ensure the formulation will not suffer from singularities due to large rotations. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation can be used for analyzing the dynamics of beam, plate and shell type structures. The improvements of the formulation are mainly concentrated towards the description of transverse shear deformation. Additionally, the formulation is verified by using conventional iso-parametric solid finite element and geometrically exact beam theory. Previous claims about especially high eigenfrequencies are studied by introducing beam elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation in the framework of the large rotation vector approach. Additionally, the same high eigenfrequency problem is studied by using constraints for transverse deformation. It was determined that the improvements for shear deformation in the transverse direction lead to clear improvements in computational efficiency. This was especially true when comparative stress must be defined, for example when using elasto-plastic material. Furthermore, the developed plate element can be used to avoid certain numerical problems, such as shear and curvature lockings. In addition, it was shown that when compared to conventional solid elements, or elements based on nonlinear beam theory, elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation do not lead to an especially stiff system for the equations of motion.


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Lukuisissa teollisuussovelluksissa materiaalien, kuten paperin ja teräslevyjen, muokkaamiseen käytettävät pyörivät nippitelat kärsivät aina erilaisten herätteiden synnyttämistä mekaanisista värähtelyistä, jotka voivat aiheuttaa virheitä valmistettaviin tuotteisiin. Tässä työssä tutkittiin viskoelastisia polymeerejä ja polymeeripinnoitteen nipilliseen telasysteemiin synnyttämiä haitallisia itseherätteisiä värähtelyjä. Työn polymeerejä käsittelevässä kirjallisuusosassa luotiin katsaus amorfisten polymeerien fysikaalisiin ominaisuuksiin. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin tarkemmin kahden amorfisen telapinnoitepolymeerin termoreologisia ja mekaanisia ominaisuuksia suoritettujen DMTA-mittausten perusteella. Sovittamalla toisen polymeerin master-käyrään yleistetty lineaarisen standardiaineen malli saatiin selville polymeerin mekaaniset parametrit ja approksimaatio sen relaksaatiospektrille. Telapinnoitteen nipilliseen systeemiin synnyttämiä itseherätteisiä värähtelyjä ja niiden seurauksia tarkasteltiin kahdelle telalle ja polymeeripinnoitteelle kehitetyn analyyttisen mallin ja numeeristen laskujen avulla. Pinnoite mallinnettiin lineaarisen standardiaineen mukaisesti. Telasysteemin parametrit määritettiin DMTA-mittaustuloksista ja systeemiä vastaavasta koelaitteesta kokeellisella moodianalyysillä ja elementtimenetelmällä. Numeerisesta stabiilisuusanalyysistä ja liikeyhtälöiden integroinneista saadut tulokset kertovat telapinnoitteen aaltomaisista deformaatiomuodoista ja niiden synnyttämistä taajuusalueittain esiintyvistä epästabiileista värähtelyistä. Telasysteemi on epästabiili pinnoitedeformaatiokuvion systeemiin aiheuttaman herätevoiman taajuuden ollessa lähellä systeemin korkeampaa ominaistaajuutta. Numeerisista tuloksista voitiin ennustaa nopean ja hitaan barringin olemassaolo.


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The effects of pulp processing on softwood fiber properties strongly influence the properties of wet and dry paper webs. Pulp strength delivery studies have provided observations that much of the strength potential of long fibered pulp is lost during brown stock fiber line operations where the pulp is merely washed and transferred to the subsequent processing stages. The objective of this work was to study the intrinsic mechanisms which maycause fiber damage in the different unit operations of modern softwood brown stock processing. The work was conducted by studying the effects of industrial machinery on pulp properties with some actions of unit operations simulated in laboratory scale devices under controlled conditions. An optical imaging system was created and used to study the orientation of fibers in the internal flows during pulp fluidization in mixers and the passage of fibers through the screen openings during screening. The qualitative changes in fibers were evaluated with existing and standardized techniques. The results showed that each process stage has its characteristic effects on fiber properties: Pulp washing and mat formation in displacement washers introduced fiber deformations especially if the fibers entering the stage were intact, but it did not decrease the pulp strength properties. However, storage chests and pulp transfer after displacement washers contributed to strength deterioration. Pulp screening proved to be quite gentle, having the potential of slightly evening out fiber deformations from very deformed pulps and vice versa inflicting a marginal increase in the deformation indices if the fibers were previously intact. Pulp mixing in fluidizing industrial mixers did not have detrimental effects on pulp strength and had the potential of slightly evening out the deformations, provided that the intensity of fluidization was high enough to allow fiber orientation with the flow and that the time of mixing was short. The chemical and mechanical actions of oxygen delignification had two distinct effects on pulp properties: chemical treatment clearly reduced pulp strength with and without mechanical treatment, and the mechanical actions of process machinery introduced more conformability to pulp fibers, but did not clearly contribute to a further decrease in pulp strength. The chemical composition of fibers entering the oxygen stage was also found to affect the susceptibility of fibers to damage during oxygen delignification. Fibers with the smallest content of xylan were found to be more prone to irreversibledeformations accompanied with a lower tensile strength of the pulp. Fibers poor in glucomannan exhibited a lower fiber strength while wet after oxygen delignification as compared to the reference pulp. Pulps with the smallest lignin content on the other hand exhibited improved strength properties as compared to the references.


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Rautaruukki Oyj:n uusi Ruukki double grade S420MH/S355J2H -rakenneputki yhdistää putkilajien S420MH ja S355J2H ominaisuudet. Eurocode 3:n suunnitteluohjeiden mukaan Ruukki double graden käyttöön on sovellettava lujuusluokan S420 mukaista hitsien mitoitusta ja rakenneputkiliitosten staattista mitoituskestävyyttä alentavaa varmuuskerrointa, kun halutaan hyödyntää lujuusluokan S420 ominaisuudet Ruukki double gradea käytettäessä. Tässä työssä tutkittiin S420-lujuusluokkaa vastaavien suunnittelumääräysten soveltamistarvetta Ruukki double grade -rakenneputken käyttöön. Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida Ruukki double grade -rakenneputkesta hitsaamalla valmistetun X-liitoksen kestävyyden ja muodonmuutoskyvyn riittävyys, kun hitsit mitoitettiin S355-lujuusluokkaa vastaavien Eurocode 3:n suunnitteluohjeiden mukaisesti. X-liitosten kestävyyttä ja muodonmuutoskykyä tutkittiin kokeellisesti -40 C lämpötilassa suoritettujen laboratoriokokeiden avulla sekä analyyttisen laskennan ja elementtimenetelmän keinoin. Kestävyyden riittävyyttä arvioitiin vertaamalla laboratoriokokeista saatuja liitosten kestävyyksiä Eurocode 3:n ja myötöviivateorian mukaisiin kestävyyksiin. Elementtimenetelmän ja laboratoriokokeen pohjalta piirrettyjä liitoksen voima-siirtymäkuvaajia vertailtiin keskenään, kun elementtimalli analysoitiin eri materiaalimalleilla. Lisäksi verrattiin elementtimallin voima-venymäkuvaajia liitoksen venymäliuskan arvoihin. Kaikki koesarjan S355-lujuusluokan mukaisilla hitsin a-mitoilla valmistetut liitokset täyttivät kestävyydelle ja muodonmuutoskyvylle asetetut vaatimukset. Täten tämän koesarjan perusteella ei ollut tarpeellista soveltaa S420-lujuusluokan mukaista hitsien mitoitusta ja staattista mitoituskestävyyttä alentavaa varmuuslukua Ruukki double grade -rakenneputkeen. Elementtimenetelmästä ja laboratoriokokeesta saadut liitoksen voima-siirtymäkuvaajat vastasivat hyvin toisiaan. Sen sijaan elementtimallin voima-venymä-kuvaajat eivät vastanneet venymäliuskojen mittausdataa kovin hyvin.


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The capacity of beams is a very important factor in the study of durability of structures and structural members. The capacity of a high-strength steel I-beam made of S960 QC was investigated in this study. The investigation included assessment of the service limits and ultimate limits of the steel beam. The thesis was done according to European standards for steel structures, Eurocode 3. An analytical method was used to determine the throat thickness, deformation, elastic and plastic moment capacities as well as the fatigue life of the beam. The results of the analytical method were compared with those obtained by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Elastic moment capacity obtained by the analytical method was 172 kNm. FEA and the analytical method predicted the maximum lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) capacity in the range of 90-93 kNm and the probability of failure as a result of LTB is estimated to be 50%. The lateral buckling capacity meant that the I-beam can carry a safe load of 300 kN instead of the initial load of 600 kN. The beam is liable to fail shortly after exceeding the elastic moment capacity. Based on results in of the different approaches, it was noted that FEA predicted higher deformation values on the load-deformation curve than the analytical results. However, both FEA and the analytical methods predicted identical results for nominal stress range and moment capacities. Fatigue life was estimated to be in the range of 53000-64000 cycles for bending stress range using crack propagation equation and strength-life approach. As Eurocode 3 is limited to steel grades up to S690, results for S960 must be verified with experimental data and appropriate design rules.