20 resultados para Dieter Meier


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Konserttitaltiointi Bachwoche Ansbach -festivaaleilta 1974.


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Faksimile roomalaisesta tiekartasta Tabula Peutingeriana


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Deregulated proliferation has been recognized among the most important factors promoting breast cancer development and progression. The aim of the project is to gain understanding of the role of specific cell cycle regulators of metaphase-anaphase transition and evaluate their potential in breast cancer prognostication and treatment decisions. Metaphase-anaphase transition is triggered by activation of anaphase promoting complex (APC) which is activated by a cascade of regulatory proteins, among them securin, Cdc20 and Cdc27. These proteins promote the metaphase–anaphase transition and participate in the timely separation of the chromatids. This study is based on a patient material of approximately 600 breast cancer patients and up to 22 years of follow-up. As the main observation, based on DNA cytometric and immunohistochemical methods, securin, Cdc20 and Cdc27 protein expressions were associated with abnormal DNA content and outcome of breast cancer. In the studied patient material, high securin expression alone and in combination with Cdc20 and Cdc27 predicted up to 9.8-fold odds for aneuploid DNA content in human breast cancer. In Kaplan–Meier analyses, high expression of securin systematically indicated decrease in breast cancer survival as compared to low expression cases. The adverse effect of high securin expression was further strengthened by combining it with Cdc20 or Cdc27 expressions, resulting in up to 6.8-fold risk of breast cancer death. High securin and Cdc20 expression was also associated with triple-negative breast cancer type with high statistical significance. Securin, Cdc20 or Cdc27 have not previously been investigated in a clinically relevant large breast cancer patient material or in association with DNA ploidy. The present findings suggest that the studied proteins may serve as potential biomarkers for identification of aggressive course of disease and unfavourable outcome of human breast cancer, and that they may provide a future research aim for understanding abnormal proliferation in malignant disease.


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The context of financial services has been characterised by changes in the regulatory, technological and societal landscape. Consumers are increasingly interested in mobile payments, crowdfunding and microfinance services, either for themselves or because collaborative consumption is viewed as a more sustainable. Retail branches are re-organised to further meet the expectations of customers, start-ups focusing on technology for financial services (i.e. Fintech) are ever growing and financial services companies reinforce their own innovation practices (e.g. creation of innovation labs or venture capital investment funds). The innovation ecosystem around financial services companies represents the many actors with whom they can co-create and co-produce innovative new services for their customers (or for themselves). The innovation process is no longer a closed internal effort but needs to include external actors from the innovation ecosystem. This topic is especially interesting in a small and open economy where the financial centre takes a prominent place in the economy. The research question is therefore “How does the innovation ecosystem influence the innovation process within financial services companies?”. The influence of the innovation ecosystem on the innovation process within financial service companies mainly comes from its social capital and value creation efforts. However learning to work and exchange in an innovation ecosystem is also expected to influence the innovation process in place. Realizing the potential of the innovation ecosystem requires sufficient capabilities to manage new information coming from the innovation ecosystem. The professional associations provide the necessary coordination among actors in the innovation ecosystem to co-create and appropriate value, while fostering co-evolution within the innovation ecosystem.


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Silmänliiketutkimus on hieman yli 100 vuotta sitten alkunsa saanut tutkimusmenetelmä, jossa silmänliikkeitä seuraamalla saadaan tietoa siitä, mihin ihmisen katse kiinnittyy kuvaa katsoessa tai tekstiä lukiessa. Silmänliikkeiden mittaamiseen käytetään silmänliikekameroita, joiden avulla katseen liikkeistä voidaan erotella katseen siirtymiset eli sakkadit, sekä fiksaatiot, jotka ovat pysähtymisiä näiden siirtymien välillä. Tässä tutkielmassa sovelletaan elinaikamalleja Turun yliopiston psykologian laitoksella kerättyyn silmänliikeaineistoon, jossa on tutkittu koehenkilöiden silmänliikkeitä heidän lukiessaan erityyppisiä väittämiä. Tutkielmassa selvitetään elinaika-analyysin menetelmin, miten lukijan oma asenne vaikuttaa lukenemisprosessiin, ja miten katseen eteneminen eroaa erityyppisissä virkkeissä. Tutkittavina silmänliikemuuttujina on sanojen ensilukuaika sekä virkkeen kokonaislukuaika, ja virkkeiden aiheena on maahanmuutto. Eri asenneryhmien jakaumia tarkastellaan Kaplan-Meier -estimaateilla, ja asenteen vaikutusta erityyppisten virkkeiden lukemiseen tutkitaan semiparametrisella Coxin mallilla. Lukijan asenteella ei voitu todeta olevan vaikutusta sanojen ensilukuaikaan, eli asenteella ei ollut vaikutusta katseen etenemiseen virkkeiden ensimmäisellä lukukerralla. Virkkeiden kokonaislukuajoissa havaittiin selvästi enemmän vaihtelua, mutta erot olivat samansuuntaisia kaikissa virketyypeissä. Negatiivisen asenteen omaavilla lukijoilla kokonaislukuajat olivat pidempiä virkkeen tyypistä riippumatta, mutta suurimmat erot asenneryhmien välillä havaittiin luettaessa positiivisia virkkeitä. Negatiivisen suhtautumisen luettavaan aiheeseen voidaan siis sanoa hidastavan lukemisprosessia.