21 resultados para Course reserve


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The Thesis is dedicated to development of an operative tool to support decision making of battery energy storages implementation in distribution networks. The basics of various battery technologies, their perspectives and challenges are represented in the Thesis. Mathematical equations that describe economic effect from battery energy storage installation are offered. The main factors that influence profitability of battery settings have been explored and mathematically defined. Mathematical model and principal trends of battery storage profitability under an impact of the major factors are determined. The meaning of annual net value was introduced to show the difference between savings and required costs. The model gives a clear vision for dependencies between annual net value and main factors. Proposals for optimal network and battery characteristics are suggested.


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The genetic and environmental risk factors of vascular cognitive impairment are still largely unknown. This thesis aimed to assess the genetic background of two clinically similar familial small vessel diseases (SVD), CADASIL (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy) and Swedish hMID (hereditary multi-infarct dementia of Swedish type). In the first study, selected genetic modifiers of CADASIL were studied in a homogenous Finnish CADASIL population of 134 patients, all carrying the p.Arg133Cys mutation in NOTCH3. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotypes, angiotensinogen (AGT) p.Met268Thr polymorphism and eight NOTCH3 polymorphisms were studied, but no associations between any particular genetic variant and first-ever stroke or migraine were seen. In the second study, smoking, statin medication and physical activity were suggested to be the most profound environmental differences among the monozygotic twins with CADASIL. Swedish hMID was for long misdiagnosed as CADASIL. In the third study, the CADASIL diagnosis in the Swedish hMID family was ruled out on the basis of genetic, radiological and pathological findings, and Swedish hMID was suggested to represent a novel SVD. In the fourth study, the gene defect of Swedish hMID was then sought using whole exome sequencing paired with a linkage analysis. The strongest candidate for the pathogenic mutation was a 3’UTR variant in the COL4A1 gene, but further studies are needed to confirm its functionality. This study provided new information about the genetic background of two inherited SVDs. Profound knowledge about the pathogenic mutations causing familial SVD is also important for correct diagnosis and treatment options.


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This thesis develops a method for identifying students struggling in their mathematical studies at an early stage. It helps in directing support to students needing and benefiting from it the most. Thus, frustration felt by weaker students may decrease and therefore, hopefully, also drop outs of potential engineering students. The research concentrates on a combination of personality and intelligence aspects. Personality aspects gave information on conation and motivation for learning. This part was studied from the perspective of motivation and self-regulation. Intelligence aspects gave information on declarative and procedural knowledge: what had been taught and what was actually mastered. Students answered surveys on motivation and self-regulation in 2010 and 2011. Based on their answers, background information, results in the proficiency test, and grades in the first mathematics course, profiles describing the students were formed. In the following years, the profiles were updated with new information obtained each year. The profiles used to identify struggling students combine personality (motivation, selfregulation, and self-efficacy) and intelligence (declarative and procedural knowledge) aspects at the beginning of their studies. Identifying students in need of extra support is a good start, but methods for providing support must be found. This thesis also studies how this support could be taken into account in course arrangements. The methods used include, for example, languaging and scaffolding, and continuous feedback. The analysis revealed that allocating resources based on the predicted progress does not increase costs or lower the results of better students. Instead, it will help weaker students obtain passing grades.


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Atherosclerosis is a chronic and progressive disease of the vasculature. Increasing coronary atherosclerosis can lead to obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) or myocardial infarction. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) allows noninvasive assessment of coronary anatomy and quantitation of atherosclerotic burden. Myocardial blood flow (MBF) can be accurately measured in absolute terms (mL/g/min) by positron emission tomography (PET) with [15O] H O as a radiotracer. We studied the coronary microvascular dysfunction as a risk factor for future coronary calcification in healthy young men by measuring the coronary flow reserve (CFR) which is the ratio between resting and hyperemic MBF. Impaired vasodilator function was not linked with accelerated atherosclerosis 11 years later. Currently, there is a global interest in quantitative PET perfusion imaging. We established optimal thresholds of [15O] H O PET perfusion for diagnosis of CAD (hyperemic MBF of 2.3 mL/g/min and CFR of 2.5) in the first multicenter study of this type (Turku, Amsterdam and Uppsala). In myocardial bridging a segment of the coronary artery travels inside the myocardium and can be seen as intramural course (CTA) or systolic compression (invasive coronary angiography). Myocardial bridging is frequently linked with proximal atherosclerotic plaques. We used quantitative [15O] H O PET perfusion to evaluate the hemodynamic effects of myocardial bridging. Myocardial bridging was not associated with decreased absolute MBF or increased atherosclerotic burden. Speckle tracking allows quantitative echocardiographic imaging of myocardial deformation. Speckle tracking during dobutamine stress echocardiography was feasible and comparable to subjective wall motion analysis in the diagnosis of CAD. In addition, it correctly risk stratified patients with multivessel disease and extensive ischemia.


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Tässä sivuaineen tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin englannin kielen sanaston kehitystä lukion vieraan kielen syventävän suullisen kurssin aikana. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten oppilaiden sanastollinen rikkaus muuttuu puhutussa kielessä. Sanastollista rikkautta analysoitiin sanastollisen variaation ja sanastollisen tiheyden mittareilla. Työssä hyödynnettiin pitkittäistutkimusasetelmaa eli verrattiin yhden oppilasryhmän puhetta sekä ennen lukion englannin kielen suullista kurssia että sen jälkeen. Osanottajia oli yhteensä yhdeksän, jotka kaikki olivat lukion toisella vuosikurssilla. Osallistujien tekemät suulliset testit olivat osa Turun yliopiston keräämää tutkimuskäyttöön tarkoitettua materiaalia. Äänitteistä tehdyt transkriptiot muokattiin tätä tutkimusta varten sopiviksi, jonka jälkeen niistä mitattiin sanastollista rikkautta erilaisilla mittareilla. Aineistoa tutkittiin määrällisin menetelmin. Tulokset osoittavat, että keskimääräisesti sekä puheen sanastollinen variaatio että sanastollinen tiheys kehittyivät kurssin aikana hiukan. Toisin sanoen oppilaat käyttivät kurssin jälkeen tehdyssä testissä aavistuksen verran monipuolisempaa sanastoa, ja sisältösanojen osuus kieliopillisiin sanoihin nähden oli hieman suurempi kuin ennen kurssia. Kurssin aikana oppilaiden aktiivisessa sanavarastossa tapahtunut kehitys ei kuitenkaan ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää. Lisäksi tutkimus osoitti, että osallistujien väliset erot olivat suuria, mutta erot tasoittuivat jonkin verran kurssin jälkeen. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan olettaa englannin kielen suullisen kurssin sekä lisänneen oppilaiden sanastollista rikkautta että tasoittaneen yksilöllisiä eroja, yhdessä monien muiden mahdollisten tekijöiden kanssa. Tutkimusotoksen pienuuden vuoksi tuloksia ei kuitenkaan voida yleistää. Jatkossa olisi mielenkiintoista laajentaa tutkimusnäkökulmaa koskemaan muitakin sanastollisen rikkauden osa-alueita kuten sanastollista sofistikaatiota. Olisi myös mielenkiintoista sisällyttää tutkimukseen oppilaiden passsiivisen sanavaraston mittaaminen ja mahdollisesti tutkia englannin kielen suullisen kurssin vaikutuksia oppilaiden suullisen kielitaidon kehittymiseen laajemminkin kuin vain sanavaraston osalta.