20 resultados para Attitude to Death.


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Intracranial aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is a life-threatening condition requiring immediate neurocritical care. A ruptured aneurysm must be isolated from arterial circulation to prevent rebleeding. Open surgical clipping of the neck of the aneurysm or intra-arterial filling of the aneurysm sack with platinum coils are major treatment strategies in an acute phase. About 40% of the patients suffering from aSAH die within a year of the bleeding despite the intensive treatment. After aSAH, the patient may develop a serious complication called vasospasm. Major risk for the vasospasm takes place at days 5–14 after the primary bleeding. In vasospasm, cerebral arteries contract uncontrollably causing brain ischemia that may lead to death. Nimodipine (NDP) is used to treat of vasospasm and it is administrated intravenously or orally every four hours for 21 days. NDP treatment has been scientifically proven to improve patients’ clinical outcome. The therapeutic effect of L-type calcium channel blocker NDP is due to the ability to dilate cerebral arteries. In addition to vasodilatation, recent research has shown the pleiotropic effect of NDP such as inhibition of neuronal apoptosis and inhibition of microthrombi formation. Indeed, NDP inhibits cortical spreading ischemia. Knowledge of the pathophysiology of the vasospasm has evolved in recent years to a complex entity of early brain injury, secondary injuries and cortical spreading ischemia, instead of being pure intracranial vessel spasm. High NDP levels are beneficial since they protect neurons and inhibit the cortical spreading ischemia. One of the drawbacks of the intravenous or oral administration of NPD is systemic hypotension, which is harmful particularly when the brain is injured. Maximizing the beneficial effects and avoiding systemic hypotension of NDP, we developed a sustained release biodegradable NDP implant that was surgically positioned in the basal cistern of animal models (dog and pig). Higher concentrations were achieved locally and lower concentrations systemically. Using this treatment approach in humans, it may be possible to reduce incidence of harmful hypotension and potentiate beneficial effects of NDP on neurons. Intracellular calcium regulation has a pivotal role in brain plasticity. NDP blocks L-type calcium channels in neurons, substantially decreasing intracellular calcium levels. Thus, we were interested in how NDP affects brain plasticity and tested the hypothesis in a mouse model. We found that NDP activates Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) receptor TrkB and its downstream signaling in a reminiscent of antidepressant drugs. In contrast to antidepressant drugs, NDP activates Akt, a major survival-promoting factor. Our group’s previous findings demonstrate that long-term antidepressant treatment reactivates developmental-type of plasticity mechanisms in the adult brain, which allows the remodeling of neuronal networks if combined with appropriate rehabilitation. It seems that NDP has antidepressant-like properties and it is able to induce neuronal plasticity. In general, drug induced neuronal plasticity has a huge potential in neurorehabilitation and more studies are warranted.


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The aim of this paper is to study the role of verbal, visual and brand elements while meas-uring effectiveness of marketing message. The thesis is written in the context of mobile gaming industry. The object of the study is marketing message. To achieve the aim, the main research question was formulated: How do the elements of marketing message, such as verbal, visual and brand, affect the consumer’s attitude toward the ad, emotional response and attention capture? The theory development chapter lays on three corner stones – analysis of previous litera-ture on marketing message and its elements, namely verbal, visual and brand; overview of literature on attitude formation and particularly attitude toward the ad. In addition, investiga-tion of key points of emotional response and attention capture literature finalizes the chap-ter. The empirical part consists of experiment, conducted with 27 participants. Experiment includes the self-report semantically anchored scale, measuring the attitude toward the ad, as well as autonomic measures – eye tracking (attention capture) and facial expressions (emotional response). The results of the experiment showed that the size of the brand element – the logo – has an effect on the attention capture and the overall attitude toward the ad. The bigger the logo, the more time people spend viewing it, and they realise the message is more educa-tional and factual. The measure related to the visual element – the visual complexity – in-creases the intensity of participant’s facial expression. While the measure of verbal ele-ment – the contrast between text and background colours – leads to a better attitude to-ward the ad. The higher the contrast between text and background, the more known the message appears to the viewer.


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Blended learning approaches rise their popularity, however not all professors apply them and find them useful and appropriate. This research focuses on study of flipped classroom arrangement and effectiveness of this concept implementation. The Master’s Thesis explores impact of flipped classroom implementation on resource savings for proffesors. The research is based on the literature review of different education arrangements and results of their implementation, on the survey conducted among proffesors from different Universities and on two experiments of flipped classroom implementation. The results reveal advantages and disadvantages of the concept, professors’ attitude to it and possibility to future research and practice in this field


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Duchennen lihasdystrofia (engl. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, DMD) on lähes pelkästään pojilla ilmenevä perinnöllinen lihasrappeumatauti, joka johtaa kuolemaan noin 25 vuoden iässä. Noin yksi 3500–6000 pojasta sairastaa DMD:tä. Taudin aiheuttaa X-kromosomissa sijaitsevan dystrofiinigeenin mutaatio, jonka seurauksena toimivaa, lihaksia koossapitävää dystrofiinia ei tuotu. Kliinisissä testeissä on lupaavia hoitoja, joten DMD:n vastasyntyneiden seulonnan aloittamista harkitaan. DMD:n seulonnassa analyyttina olisi mahdollista käyttää lihasperäistä kreatiinikinaasia (engl. muscle-type creatine kinase tai creatine kinase MM isoform, CK-MM), jota päätyy vereen lihassolujen vaurioituessa. DMD:tä sairastavilla vastasyntyneillä CK-MM:n määrä veressä on moninkertainen terveisiin vastasyntyneisiin verrattuna lihasten rappeutumisesta johtuen. Perinteisesti kreatiinikinaasia on mitattu entsyymiaktiivisuusmäärityksillä, jotka mittaavat kaikkia kreatiinikinaasimuotoja eli myös sydänperäistä ja aivoperäistä kreatiinikinaasia (CK-MB ja CK-BB). Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää kuivatuista veritäplistä tehtävä CK-MM:lle spesifinen kaksipuoleinen immunomääritys, joka olisi siirrettävissä PerkinElmerin automaattiselle GSP® Genetic Screening Processor -analysaattorille. Työ suoritettiin kolmessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäiseksi vertailtiin kaupallisesti saatavilla olevien CK-MM-vasta-aineiden affiniteetteja biosensorilla. Seuraavassa vaiheessa pystytettiin manuaalinen kaksipuoleinen immunomääritys käyttäen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa valittuja vasta-aineita ja optimoitiin immunomäärityksen parametreja. Lopuksi immunomääritys sovitettiin GSP-laitteelle. Biosensorimittausten ja manuaalisten immunomääritysten tulosten perusteella valittiin kaksi potentiaalista leimavasta-ainetta ja yksi sitojavasta-aineeksi sopiva vasta-aine. Niitä käytettäessä määritys on melko spesifinen CK-MM:lle, sillä CK-BB ei tuottanut lainkaan signaalia ja CK-MB:n ristireaktiivisuus oli noin 7 %. GSP-laitteella mitattaessa DMD:tä sairastavien (n = 10) CK-MM-pitoisuuksien mediaani (vaihteluväli) oli 7590 ng/ml (1490–13400 ng/ml) ja terveiden vastasyntyneiden (n = 8) 165 ng/ml (108–263 ng/ml). Määrityksen dynaamista mittausaluetta ei vielä selvitetty, mutta alustavien mittausten perusteella se kattaa terveiden vastasyntyneiden pitoisuudet ja sairaiden pitoisuudet ainakin 8770 ng/ml asti, mikä mahdollistaa sairaiden erottumisen. Työssä kehitetty määritys vaikuttaa siis sopivalta DMD:n seulontaan vastasyntyneiltä.