51 resultados para AK4-274
The aim of `Valssi' study was to find out the service requirements in `business-to-business' (B2B) markets and to present a new logistics service concept, where the traditional logistics service is expanded with significant manufacturing and value addedfacilities. The traditional third-party logistics service providers are not necessarily able to offer services, which cover widely the needs of potential customers. The study has been outlined to spare part markets in metal industry. In the second phase of the Valssi-project the aim is to examine the economical conditions and potentiality of the new logistics business concept. This research report (Part 1) concentrates on examining current trends in global and domestic logistics markets. Based on detailed survey among the participating companies, the study presents basis for a new logistics business concept model. The developed concept consists of 12 different service modules, which are split into deeper details of processes. The integration of worldwide supplier and service provider network together with customer companies systems is a challenge. The report focuses on evaluating the requirements for the new business concept from the customer-companies point of view. The study paints an overall picture of distribution and service provider network including an abstract about the software and system integration possibilities. As a result of the survey, it can be concluded that thereis need for the new business concept among the participating companies, and a modular service concept meets the requirements of them, because the new sophisticated concept considers the specialities involved in spare part logistics in metal industry.
Tutkimus suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksista hiilidoksidipäästöjen vähentämisen parissa Luoteis-Venäjällä.
Tukhulmissa : Painettu B. M. Bredbergin Kirja-pajassa 1832
Arnhem : Joannis Janssonius 1621
Research into the course of life, mental stamina and health status of wartime prisoners, victims of Soviet partisan attacks, and paupers in Finnish Lapland The basis of this research comprised the issues raised during the interviews conducted in my work as a general practitioner in Lapland, regarding factors that have possibly affected the life stories and health conditions of Lappish people who had lived through the war as war prisoners, victims of partisan attacks, or paupers. The purpose of the study was to describe how the different life phases and experiences emerged from the interviewees’ stories and to identify their mental stamina. Another goal was to make observations on their health status, in which the main emphasis became to address mental symptoms. The cohort consisted of elderly Finns who lived in Lapland during the war and experienced war imprisonment, pauperism, or became victims of partisan attacks. All three groups consisted of 12 interviewees. The interview transcripts were read several times and then investigated using the content analysis methods applicable to the material. The research methodology was based on building awareness and understanding. Thematic tagging and data coding were used as structured analysis tools. In all three groups most of the interviewees clearly identified their mental stamina, the most fundamental of which were home, family and work. The war prisoners’ injuries and nervous sensibility symptoms had been shown in earlier studies on war prisoners, and on this basis they had been granted disability pensions. However, many of them had suppressed their traumatic experiences and mental difficulties, and they could not talk about these issues until at the time of these interviews held at old age. Four of them still suffered from a post-traumatic stress disorder. The victims of Soviet partisans had had to carry their mental load alone for decades before the cruel ravages on civilians in remote areas of Lapland became publicly known. Most of them still had disturbing nervous sensibility symptoms. Four interviewees had a post-traumatic stress disorder, and in addition to these, the mental symptoms of one had developed into a post-traumatic stress disorder during old age. Many of the interviewees who had been left paupers remembered their childhood as filled with grief and feelings of inferiority, and had nightmares relating to their wartime experiences. Yet none of them suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. The results showed that the exceptional suffering caused by the war, the wartime imprisonment and the devastating attacks by Soviet partisans had led especially to mental difficulties. These were left almost completely unnoticed in the post-war conditions, and the war victims were unable to seek help on their own. Based on the results, our health care for the elderly should focus on familiarization with the individual experiences and life stories of each elderly person. This can facilitate geriatric diagnostics and individual therapy planning. Empathic familiarization with the life experiences of the elderly may strengthen their mental stamina and improve the quality of successful aging.
Chorioamnionitis is known to be an important risk factor underlying preterm delivery, and it has also been suggested to associate with brain lesions and deviant neurological development in both preterm and term infants. Cytokines are believed to be the link causing the deleterious effects of inflammation to the nervous system. Their genetic regulation has also been suggested to play a role, as interleukin (IL)-6 -174 and -572 genotypes, which partly regulate IL-6 synthesis responses, have been connected with deviant neurological development in preterm infants. We evaluated the association of histological chorioamnionitis with brain lesions, regional brain volumes, and the functioning of the auditory pathway in very low birth weight/very low gestational age (VLBW/VLGA) infants. In addition, we investigated the association between IL-6 -174 and -572 genotypes and histological chorioamnionitis, neonatal infections, and brain lesions and regional brain volumes in VLBW/VLGA infants. This study is a part of a larger multidisciplinary project PIPARI (Development and Functioning of Very Low Birth Weight Infants from Infancy to School Age), in which the survivors of a 6-year cohort of VLBW/VLGA infants (n=274) are being followed until school age in Turku University Central Hospital, Finland. Placental samples were collected in the delivery room, and were analyzed for histological inflammatory findings. Blood samples from the infants were collected and DNA was genotyped for IL-6-174 and -572 polymorphisms (GG/GC/CC). Brain ultrasound examinations were performed repeatedly in the neonatal intensive care unit and at term age, and were analysed for structural brain lesions. Brain magnetic resonance imaging was performed at term age, and was analysed for regional brain volumes. In addition, diffusion tensor imaging was performed at term, and was used to analyse fractional anisotrophy and the apparent diffusion coefficient of inferior colliculus. The brainstem auditory evoked potential recordings were carried out according to the routine clinical procedure at median age of 30 days after term age. In our study, we found that histological chorioamnionitis was not an independent risk factor for brain lesions, reduced regional brain volumes or abnormal functioning of the auditory pathway in VLBW/VLGA infants. In addition, we found that IL-6 -174 GG and -572 GC genotypes were associated with a higher incidence of histological chorioamnionitis, and that -174 CC genotype associated with higher incidence of septicaemia. The analysed IL-6 genotypes were not associated with other brain lesions, but a reduced volume of basal ganglia and thalami was associated with IL-6 -174 CC and -572 GG genotypes. In conclusion, our findings suggest that histological chorioamnionitis is not an independent risk factor for the brain development of VLBW/VLGA infants, or that the risk caused by inflammation does not exceed the risks attributed to other underlying pathologies behind preterm deliveries. In addition, our findings give reason to propose that IL-6 promoter genotypes have a role in the defence against serious infections and in the brain development of VLBW/VLGA infants.
Soitinnus: sekakuoro (SATB), piano.
Invocatio: I.N.J.C.
Kontiolahden kunta on laatinut yhdessä Pohjois-Savon ELY-keskuksen kanssa kunnan liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelman. Suunnitelma sisältää sekä liikenneympäristön parantamissuunnitelman että liikenneturvallisuustyön toimintasuunnitelman. Liikenneympäristön parantamistoimenpiteiden suunnittelua ohjasivat osaltaan koko Joensuun seudulle määritellyt yhteiset liikenneturvallisuus- ja esteettömyysperiaatteet. Kunnan liikenneturvallisuusongelmia kartoitettiin syksyllä 2010 tehdyillä asukas- ja koululaiskyselyillä, haastatteluilla, vuosina 2005-2009 tapahtuneiden onnettomuuksien analyyseillä sekä maastokäynneillä. Lisäksi otettiin huomioon saadut liikenneturvallisuusaloitteet. Liikenneturvallisuusongelmien analysoinnin sekä valtakunnallisten ja Itä-Suomea koskevien liikenneturvallisuustavoitteiden pohjalta kuntaan määritettiin sekä määrälliset että toiminnalliset liikenneturvallisuustavoitteet. Määrälliseksi tavoitteeksi asetettiin, että kenenkään ei tarvitse kuolla tai loukkaantua vakavasti liikenteessä. Liikenneympäristön parantamiseksi tehtiin toimenpide-esitykset yhteensä 52 kohteeseen. Toimenpiteet painottuivat kirkonkylän sekä Lehmon taajamien alueelle. Myös haja-alueen asutuskeskittymiin ja pääteille esitettiin sekä pieniä liikenteenohjauksen toimenpiteitä että suurempia väylä-, valaistus- ja liittymien parantamishankkeita. Toimenpiteet jaettiin pieniin pikatoimenpiteisiin sekä varsinaisiin liikenneturvallisuustoimenpiteisiin. Lisäksi eroteltiin suuremmat ns. erillishankkeet. Toimenpiteiden toteuttaminen vaiheistettiin pikatoimenpiteiden ohella kolmeen ohjeelliseen kiireellisyysluokkaan; vuosina 2011-2014 ja 2015-2018 sekä vuoden 2019 jälkeen toteutettavat toimenpiteet. Toimenpiteistä on esitetty raportissa lyhyet yleiskuvaukset sekä raportin liitteenä tarkemmat, helposti päivitettävissä olevat toimenpidekartat ja –taulukot. Toteuttamisohjelmaan sisältyvien toimenpiteiden kokonaiskustannukset ovat 14,8 milj. € (sisältäen myös suuremmat erillishankkeet). Liikenneturvallisuustyön toimintasuunnitelmassa määritettiin kunnan liikenneturvallisuustyötä organisoivan liikenneturvallisuustyöryhmän toimintamalli ja tehtävät sekä seurantavastuut. Työryhmään kuuluvat edustajat kaikista hallintokunnista sekä yhteistyökumppaneilta. Työn yhteydessä päivitettiin lisäksi edellisen liikenneturvallisuussuunnitelman yhteydessä laaditut hallintokuntakohtaiset toimintasuunnitelmat ja pyrittiin kehittämään poikkihallinnollista yhteistyötä jo suunnitelman laatimisen aikana. Tärkeää on, että kunnan liikenneturvallisuustyö sisällytetään osaksi kaikkien hallintokuntien jokapäiväistä työtä ja että työ on suunnitelmallista.