43 resultados para 71.55.Eq
Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu, VirtuaaliAMK
Gutenberg-lehti ilmestyi vuosina 1893-1915. Se oli perustettu ammattilehdeksi ja yhdyssiteeksi Suomen kirjanpainajille sekä äänenkannattajaksi Suomen kirjaltajaliitolle.
Soitinnus: orkesteri.
Background: In Finland, breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer among women, and prostate cancer (PC) that among men. At the metastatic stage both cancers remain essentially incurable. The goals of therapy include palliation of symptoms, improvement or maintenance of quality of life (QoL), delay of disease progression, and prolongation of survival. Balancing between efficacy and toxicity is the major challenge. With increasing costs of new treatments, appropriate use of resources is paramount. When new treatment regimes are introduced into clinical practice a comprehensive assessment of clinical benefit, adverse effects and cost is necessary. Both BC and PC show a predilection to metastasize to bone. Bone metastases cause significant morbidity impairing the patients´ QoL. Diagnosis of bone metastases relies mainly on radiological methods, which however lack optimal sensitivity and specificity. New tools are needed for detection and follow-up of bone metastases. Aims: Anthracyclines and taxanes are effective chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with different mechanisms of action. Therefore, evaluation of the combination of anthracyclines with taxanes was a justifiable approach in the treatment of MBC patients. We assessed the efficacy, toxicity, cost of treatment and QoL of BC patients treated with first-line chemotherapy for metastatic disease with the combination epirubicin and docetaxel. We also evaluated the diagnostic potential of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b) and carboxyterminal telopeptides of type I collagen (ICTP) in the diagnosis of bone metastases in BC and TRACP 5b in PC patients. Results: The combination of epirubicin and docetaxel was effective in this phase II study, but required individual dose adjustment to avoid neutropenic infections, and the use of growth factors to maintain a feasible dose level. The response rate was 54 % (95 % CI 37-71) and the median overall survival (OS) was 26 months. Of the patients, 87 % were treated for infections. The treatment of adverse events required additional use of health resources mainly due to neutropenic infections, thereby raising direct treatment costs by 20 %. Despite adverse events, the global QoL was not significantly compromised during the treatment. Clinically evident acute cardiac toxicity was not observed. The combination of serum TRACP 5b and ICTP was at least equally sensitive and specific in detection of of bone metastases as commonly used total alkaline phosphatise (tALP) in BC patients. In contrast, TRACP 5b was less specific and sensitive than tALP as a marker of skeletal changes in PC patients. Conclusions: Treatment with epirubicin and docetaxel showed high efficacy in first-line chemotherapy of MBC. The relatively high incidence of neutropenic infections requiring hospitalization increased the treatment costs. Despite adverse events, the global QoL of the patients was not significantly compromised. The combination of TRACP 5b and ICTP showed similar activity as tALP in detecting bone metastases in MBC. In contrast, TRACP 5b was less specific and sensitive than tALP as a marker of skeletal changes in PC.
Program-Bladet, joka ilmestyi vuosina 1882 sekä 1892-1916, on kiinnostava aikansa kulttuurielämän tutkimuksen lähde. Lehdessä kerrotaan yksityiskohtaiset tiedot Helsingissä järjestetyistä teatteriesityksistä ja konserteista sekä näissä esiintyneistä taiteilijoista. Helsinkiläisten liikeyritysten ilmoituksia ja mainoksia on runsaasti, ja lehdessä kerrotaan myös teatteri- ja konserttimaailman pieniä uutisia.
Soitinnus: piano, 4-kät.
The aim of this study was to describe the demographic, clinicopathological, biological and morphometric features of Libyan breast cancer patients. The supporting value of nuclear morphometry and static image cytometry in the sensitivity for detecting breast cancer in conventional fine-needle aspiration biopsies were estimated. The findings were compared with findings in breast cancer in Finland and Nigeria. In addation, the value of ER and PR were evaluated. There were 131 histological samples, 41 cytological samples, and demographic and clinicopathological data from 234 Libyan patients. The Libyan breast cancer is dominantly premenopausal and in this feature it is similar to breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africans, but clearly different from breast cancer in Europeans, whose cancers are dominantly postmenopausal in character. At presention most Libyan patients have locally advanced disease, which is associated with poor survival rates. Nuclear morphometry and image DNA cytometry agree with earlier published data in the Finnish population and indicate that nuclear size and DNA analysis of nuclear content can be used to increase the cytological sensitivity and specificity in doubtful breast lesions, particularly when free cell sampling method is used. Combination of the morphometric data with earlier free cell data gave the following diagnostic guidelines: Range of overlap in free cell samples: 55 μm2 -71 μm2. Cut-off values for diagnostic purposes: Mean nuclear area (MNA) >54 μm2 for 100% detection of malignant cases (specificity 84 %), MNA < 72 μm2 for 100% detection of benign cases (sensitivity 91%). Histomorphometry showed a significant correlation between the MNA and most clinicopathological features, with the strongest association observed for histological grade (p <0.0001). MNA seems to be a prognosticator in Libyan breast cancer (Pearson’s test r = - 0.29, p = 0.019), but at lower level of significance than in the European material. A corresponding relationship was not found in shape-related morphometric features. ER and PR staining scores were in correlation with the clinical stage (p= 0.017, and 0.015, respectively), and also associated with lymph node negative patients (p=0.03, p=0.05, respectively). Receptor-positive (HR+) patients had a better survival. The fraction of HR+ cases among Libyan breast cancers is about the same as the fraction of positive cases in European breast cancer. The study suggests that also weak staining (corresponding to as few as 1% positive cells) has prognostic value. The prognostic significance may be associated with the practice to use antihormonal therapy in HR+ cases. The low survival and advanced presentation is associated with active cell proliferation, atypical nuclear morphology and aneuploid nuclear DNA content in Libyan breast cancer patients. The findings support the idea that breast cancer is not one type of disease, but should probably be classified into premenopausal and post menopausal types.
Tämä työ on osa vuonna 2007 alkanutta Kehä V –hanketta ja jatkoselvitys Kehä V:n opastuksen ja viitoituksen esiselvitykselle. Hankkeen taustalla vaikuttavat kaikki tien lähialueen kunnat sekä kauppakamarit. Myös kuntien elinkeinotoimet ja –yhtiöt ovat sitoutuneet hankkeeseen. Tässä selvityksessä on tutkittu tarkemmin Kehä V –viitoituksen toteutuksen mahdollisuuksia. Lähtökohtaisesti tarkoituksena oli tehdä tarkempia liittymäkuvia Kehä V -opasteista tarkempine kustannuksineen. Työn aikana jouduttiin kuitenkin myös uudelleen miettimään Kehä V –opastuksen muotoa ja luonnostelemaan sen teknistä toteutusta. Suunnittelun aikana työryhmä selvitti myös viranomaisilta Kehä V –opastuksen toteutumisnäkymiä. Tähän selvitykseen on koottu yhteen Kehä V:n viitoituksen lähtökohtia, toteutukseen liittyviä näkökohtia ja alustavaa kustannustietoa jatkotyöskentelyä varten.
kuv., 25 x 18 cm
This research is a survey on values related to entrepreneurship education and a participatory action research on entrepreneurship education curricula in teacher education. Research problems, rising from the practical development work, were solved by several methods, following the principles of design-based research. Values related to entrepreneurship education were studied among teachers, headmasters, teacher educators, researchers and officers in the field of entrepreneurship education in 16 European Union countries. Fifteen most important values related to entrepreneurship education were listed based on two qualitative surveys (N 124 and N 66). Values were also surveyed among Finnish teacher trainees (N 71). Results of the surveys show that the values given by the teacher trainees did not differ much from the ones given by the professionals already working in the field. Subsequently, emergence of these values was studied in documents that steer education. The values gathered in the surveys did not occur in the documents to a substantial degree. Development of entrepreneurship education curricula in teacher education was conducted by means of participatory action research. The development project gathered 55 teacher trainers from 15 teacher education organisations in Finland. The starting point of the phenomenon based project (see Annala and Mäkinen 2011) was the activity plan created for developing entrepreneurship education curricula. During the project, the learning of the teacher educators proceeded in a balanced way as brightening visions, stronger motivation, increasing understanding and new practices, following Shulman and Shulman’s model (2004). Goals of the development project were set to each teacher educator acquiring basic knowledge on entrepreneurship education, organization of obligatory courses on entrepreneurship education, and making entrepreneurship education a cross-curricular theme in teacher education. The process increased the understanding and motivation of teacher educators to develop and teach entrepreneurship education. It also facilitated collaboration as well as creating visions on entrepreneurship education. Based on the results, the concept of enterprisingness was defined, and recommendations were given for developing curricula in entrepreneurship education.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää upseerien ammatillista kasvun ja oppimisen välistä yhteyttä sekä sitä kuinka hyvin opetustavoitteet olivat täyttyneet upseerin tutkinnon sekä sotatieteiden maisterin tutkinnon suorittaneiden kohdalla. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää upseerien omia käsityksiä ja kokemuksia siitä, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat ammatilliseen kehittymiseen ja kuinka hyvin Merisotakoulu on pystynyt vastaamaan koulutuksen haasteisiin. Tutkimusongelma on: Mitkä upseerien ammatillisen kehityksen osa-alueet korostuvat eniten, mitkä vähiten, sekä miten opetustavoitteet ollaan saavutettu 68., 69., 70., ja 71. Merikadettikursseilla? Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitetään onko upseerin tutkinnon ja sotatieteiden maisterin tutkinnon suorittaneiden välillä eroa, onko joitain ainekokonaisuuksia painotettu liikaa tai liian vähän ammatillisen kasvun kannalta, millaisia käsityksiä ja kokemuksia upseereilla on ammatillisesta kasvusta ja oppimisesta sekä opiskelusta Merisotakoulussa, millaisia käsityksiä opettajilla on siitä, voidaanko täydennyskoulutuksella edistää työssä jaksamista sekä millaista ammatillista kasvua edistävän koulutuksen tulisi upseerien mielestä olla? Tutkimukseen osallistui 28 upseeria, jotka olivat valmistuneet laivastolinjalta Merikadettikursseilta 68., 69., 70., sekä 71. Tutkimus on kyselytutkimus, ja tieteellisenä menetelmänä on käytetty χ2-testiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa ei luotu mitään keinoa paremman koulutusjärjestelmän luomiseksi, vaan tutkimuksessa toin esille upseerien omat näkemykset omasta ammatillisesta kehittymisestä. Tutkimuksessa kuitenkin tuli ilmi asioita mitkä olisi hyvä ottaa huomioon suunniteltaessa opetustavoitteita ja kurssien läpivientejä. Opiskeluilmapiiri oli yksi huomion arvoinen asia, mikä tuli ilmi niin monivalintakysymyksissä kuin avoimissakin kysymyksissä. Opiskeluilmapiiriin oli otettu kantaa ja suurin osa upseereista oli pitänyt sitä kehittämisen arvoisena asiana. Opiskeluilmapiiri ei varsinaisesti liity opetustavoitteisiin, mutta liittyy vahvasti siihen kuinka hyvin ne saavutetaan. Toinen tutkimuksessa esille tullut puute oli ensimmäiseen työtehtävään tähtäävän koulutuksen puutteellisuus.
Soitinnus: orkesteri.
The aim of this work is to perform an in-depth overview on the sustainability of several major commercialized technologies for water desalination and to identify the challenges and propose suggestions for the development of water desalination technologies. The overview of those technologies mainly focuses on the sustainability from the viewpoint of total capital investment, total product cost, energy consumption and global warming index. Additionally, a systematic sustainability assessment methodology has been introduced to validate the assessment process. Conclusions are:1) Reverse osmosis desalination (RO) plants are better than multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) desalination plants and multiple-effect distillation (MED) desalination plants from the viewpoint of energy consumption, global warming index and total production cost; 2)Though energy intensive, MSF plants and MED plants secure their advantages over RO plants by lower total capital investment, wider applicability and purer water desalted and they are still likely to flourish in energy-rich area;3) Water production stage and wastewater disposal stage are the two stages during which most pollutant gases are emitted. The water production stage alone contributes approximately 80~90% of the total pollutant gases emission during its life cycle; 4)The total capital cost per m3 desalted water decreases remarkably with the increasing of plant capacity. The differences between the capital cost per m3 desalted water of RO and other desalination plants will decrease as the capacity increases; 5) It is found that utilities costs serve as the major part of the total product cost, and they account for 91.16%, 85.55% and 71.26% of the total product cost for MSF, MED and RO plants, respectively; 6) The absolute superiority of given technology depends on the actual social-economic situation (energy prices, social policies, technology advancements).
1 kartta :, vär. ;, 62,8 x 46,5 cm, lehti 71 x 55 cm