28 resultados para 6 methoxyluteolin 7 o beta dextro allopyranoside


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The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the structure and the deformation history of a NW-SE trending regional, crustal-scale shear structure in the Åland archipelago, SW Finland, called the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (SJSZ). Approaches involving e.g. structural geology, geochronology, geochemistry and metamorphic petrology were utilised in order to reconstruct the overall deformation history of the study area. The study therefore describes several features of the shear zone including structures, kinematics and lithologies within the study area, the ages of the different deformation phases (ductile to brittle) within the shear zone, as well as some geothermobarometric results. The results indicate that the SJSZ outlines a major crustal discontinuity between the extensively migmatized rocks NE of the shear zone and the unmigmatised, amphibolite facies rocks SW of the zone. The main SJSZ shows overall dextral lateral kinematics with a SW-side up vertical component and deformation partitioning into pure shear and simple shear dominated deformation styles that was intensified toward later stages of the deformation history. The deformation partitioning resulted in complex folding and refolding against the SW margin of the SJSZ, including conical and sheath folds, and in a formation of several minor strike-slip shear zones both parallel and conjugate to the main SJSZ in order to accommodate the regional transpressive stresses. Different deformation phases within the study area were dated by SIMS (zircon U-Pb), ID-TIMS (titanite U-Pb) and 40Ar/39Ar (pseudotachylyte wholerock) methods. The first deformation phase within the ca. 1.88 Ga rocks of the study area is dated at ca. 1.85 Ga, and the shear zone was reactivated twice within the ductile regime (at ca. 1.83 Ga and 1.79 Ga), during which the strain was successively increasingly partitioned into the main SJSZ and the minor shear zones. The age determinations suggest that the orogenic processes within the study area did not occur in a temporal continuum; instead, the metamorphic zircon rims and titanites show distinct, 10-20 Ma long breaks in deformation between phases of active deformation. The results of this study further imply slow cooling of the rocks through 600-700ºC so that at 1.79 Ga, 2 the temperature was still at least 600ºC. The highest recorded metamorphic pressures are 6.4-7.1 kbar. At the late stages or soon after the last ductile phase (ca. 1.79 Ga), relatively high-T mylonites and ultramylonites were formed, witnessing extreme deformation partitioning and high strain rates. After the rocks reached lower amphibolite facies to amphibolite-greenschist facies transitional conditions (ca. 500-550ºC), they cooled rapidly, probably due to crustal uplift and exhumation. The shear zone was reactivated at least once within the semi-brittle to brittle regime between ca. 1.79 Ga and 1.58 Ga, as evidenced by cataclasites and pseudotachylytes. In summary, the results of this study suggest that the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (and the South Finland shear zone) defines a major crustal discontinuity, and played a central role in accommodating the regional stresses during and after the Svecofennian orogeny.


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In older populations, fractures are common and the consequences of fractures may be serious both for an individual and for society. However, information is scarce about the incidence, predictors and consequences of fractures in population-based unselected cohorts including both men and women and a long follow-up. The objective of this study was to analyse the incidence and predictors of fractures as well as functional decline and excess mortality due to fractures, among 482 men and 695 women aged 65 or older in the municipality of Lieto, Finland from 1991 until 2002. In analyses, Poisson’s, Cox proportional Hazards and Cumulative Logistic regression models were used for the control of several confounding variables. During the 12-year follow-up with a total of 10 040 person-years (PY), 307 (26%) persons sustained altogether 425 fractures of which 77% were sustained by women. The total incidence of fractures was 53.4 per 1000 PY (95% confidence intervals [95% CI]: 47.9 - 59.5) in women and 24.9 per 1000 PY (95% CI: 20.4 - 30.4) in men. The incidence rates of fractures at any sites and hip fractures were associated with increasing age. No significant changes in the ageadjusted incidence rates of fractures were found in either gender during the 12-year follow-up. The predictors of fractures varied by gender. In multivariate analyses, reduced handgrip strength and body mass index (BMI) lower than 30 in women and a large number of depressive symptoms in men were independent predictors of fractures. A compression fracture in one or more thoracic or upper lumbar vertebras on chest radiography at baseline was associated with subsequent fractures in both genders. Lower body fractures independently predicted both short- (0-2 years) and long-term (up to 8 years) functional decline in mobility and activities of daily living (ADL) performance during the 8-year follow-up. Upper body fractures predicted decline in ADL performance during longterm follow-up. In the 12-year follow-up, hip fractures in men (Hazard Ratio [HR] 8.1, 95% CI: 4.4-14.9) and in women (HR 3.0, 95% CI: 1.9-4.9), and fractures at the proximal humerus in men (HR 5.4, 95% CI: 1.6-17.7) were independently associated with excess mortality. In addition, leisure time inactivity in physical exercise predicted independently both functional decline and excess mortality. Fractures are common among older people posing serious individual consequences. Further studies about the effectiveness of preventing falls and fractures as well as improving care and rehabilitation after fractures are needed.


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1) Jumalan kymmenen käsky-sanat. - 2)Uscon tunnustus. - 3) Isä meidän rucous. - 4) Casten sacramentti. - 5) Rippi eli synnin päästö. - 6) Altarin sacramentti. - 7) Huonen taulu. - 8) Christilliset kysymyxet wastausten canssa. d. Mart. Lutheruxelda nijen eteen astetut jotca altarin sacramendillä käydä tahtowat.- 9) seurwat muutamat paicat sijtä pyhästä Raamatusta caickille chritityille erinomattain nuorelle cansalle heidän christillisess uscosans ojennukxexi sopiwaisest (51. psalmi, Esa 53 lucu, p. Matteuxen ewangeliumi kirjan 5. lucu, 6. lucu, 7. lucu).- 10) Serva Deus verbum tuum. - 11) Da pacem Domine.


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Tavanomaisten rauhanturvaoperaatioiden muututtua kriisinhallintaoperaatioiksi, usein asymmetristä sodankäyntiä käyvässä valtiossa, sekä sotilaan henkilökohtaisen että ajoneuvojen suojan tarve on noussut merkittävästi. Tällaisen muuttuneen sodankuvan myötä suojavarusteiden kehitys on lähtenyt merkittävän nousuun ja esimerkiksi suomalaisten kriisinhallintajoukkojen varusteita Afganistanissa on kehitetty merkittävästi ISAF-operaation alkuun verrattuna Taistelija 2015 -hankeen ja siihen liittyvien suojajärjestelmien integroimisen ansiosta. Afganistanissa meneillään olevassa operaatiossa on kuolemaan johtaneista tappiosta noin 42,2 prosenttia tuotettu improvisoiduilla räjähteillä (IED) ja vain 19,6 – 26,7 prosenttia luotien vaikutuksesta. Tämä on asettanut kriisinhallinnan Afganistanissa uusien vaatimusten eteen. Ammusten vaikutus pehmeisiin maaleihin perustuu lähinnä sirpaleisiin, luoteihin ja paineeseen. Kuolemaan johtavat vammat sijaitsevat yleisesti pään, rintakehän ja vatsan alueilla. Sotilaan, joka on varustettu luotisuojaliiveillä ja kypärällä, haavoittuva pinta-ala asevaikutukselle koostuu näiden sekä raajojen yhteenlasketusta pinta-alasta. Ajoneuvoon kohdistuva paineisku altistaa ajoneuvossa olevan henkilöstön paineen lisäksi täryvaikutukselle, jolloin iskun energia välittyy ajoneuvon rakenteita pitkin suoraan ajoneuvon henkilöstöön tai heidän suojavarustukseen, kun taas taistelijan ballistisen suojaliivin läpäisyyn tarvitaan vähintään 80 Joulen liike-energia, mutta ihmisen ihon läpäisyyn tarvitaan ainoastaan 10 Joulen liike-energia. Näiden tietojen valossa kehitystyötä ballististen suojavarusteiden kehittämiseksi tehdään joka hetki. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on antaa vastaus Afganistanissa ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) -operaatiossa palvelevan suomalaisen kriisinhallintajoukon suojavarusteiden kehittymisestä sekä nykyisellään kriisinhallintajoukkojen käytössä olevien tai lähitulevaisuudessa henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön suunnitelluista suojavarusteista sekä niiden välisistä merkittävimmistä eroista. Samalla pyritään antamaan vastaus edellä mainittujen varusteiden toimivuudesta Afganistanin kaltaisella toimintakentällä ja vastaus kysymykseen onko Afganistanissa palvelevalla kriisinhallintajoukolla riittävät henkilökohtaiset suojavarusteet. Tutkimuksen tärkeimmät lähteet ovat erilaiset puolustusvoimien laitosten ja siviiliyritysten sekä yksityisten henkilöiden laatimat tutkimusraportit ballistisista suojavarusteista, joita on täydennetty Maavoimien Materiaalilaitoksen Esikunnan asiantuntijoiden lausunnoilla.


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Kainuun ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan yleisten kirjastojen toimintaa ja taloutta vuonna 2011 käsittelevässä tilastojulkaisussa ovat mukana kaikki kyseisten maakuntien kirjastolaitokset. Julkaisun tiedot perustuvat yleisten kirjastojen tilastotietokannan tilastoihin. Kainuun ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan yleisissä kirjastoissa tilastoitiin asiakaskäyntejä 4,7 miljoonaa vuonna 2011. Käyntejä kertyi 10 asukasta kohden. Fyysiset käynnit vähenivät 2,1 % edelliseen vuoteen verrattuna samalla kun verkkokäynnit lisääntyivät 14,6 % yltäen 7,8 miljoonaan käyntikertaan. Kirjastoista lainattiin yhteensä 9,75 miljoonaa lainaa, mikä tekee 20,5 lainaa asukasta kohden. Lainojen määrä pysyi lähes ennallaan laskien vain 0,2 % edelliseen vuoteen verrattuna. Kainuun ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan yleisissä kirjastoissa tehtiin 375 henkilötyövuotta, joista kirjastoammatillisia oli 93 %. Kirjaston palkkaamia henkilötyövuosia oli 0,8 tuhatta asukasta kohden. Kainuun ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan yleisten kirjastojen toimintakulut kasvoivat 4 % vuodesta 2010. Kirjastojen toimintakulut asukasta kohden olivat 56,6 euroa vuonna 2011 nousten edelliseen vuoteen verrattuna noin kaksi euroa.


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The 11th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore SIEF 2013: Circulation, Tartossa 30.6.–4.7.2013.


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The aim of the present set of longitudinal studies was to explore 3-7-year-old children.s Spontaneous FOcusing on Numerosity (SFON) and its relation to early mathematical development. The specific goals were to capture in method and theory the distinct process by which children focus on numerosity as a part of their activities involving exact number recognition, and individual differences in this process that may be informative in the development of more complex number skills. Over the course of conducting the five studies, fifteen novel tasks were progressively developed for the SFON assessments. In the tasks, confounding effects of insufficient number recognition, verbal comprehension, other procedural skills as well as working memory capacity were aimed to be controlled. Furthermore, how children.s individual differences in SFON are related to their development of number sequence, subitizing-based enumeration, object counting and basic arithmetic skills was explored. The effect of social interaction on SFON was tested. Study I captured the first phase of the 3-year longitudinal study with 39 children. It was investigated whether there were differences in 3-year-old children.s tendency to focus on numerosity, and whether these differences were related to the children.s development of cardinality recognition skills from the age of 3 to 4 years. It was found that the two groups of children formed on the basis of their amount of SFON tendency at the age of 3 years differed in their development of recognising and producing small numbers. The children whose SFON tendency was very predominant developed faster in cardinality related skills from the age of 3 to 4 years than the children whose SFON tendency was not as predominant. Thus, children.s development in cardinality recognition skills is related to their SFON tendency. Studies II and III were conducted to investigate, firstly, children.s individual differences in SFON, and, secondly, whether children.s SFON is related to their counting development. Altogether nine tasks were designed for the assessments of spontaneous and guided focusing on numerosity. The longitudinal data of 39 children in Study II from the age of 3.5 to 6 years showed individual differences in SFON at the ages of 4, 5 and 6 years, as well as stability in children.s SFON across tasks used at different ages. The counting skills were assessed at the ages of 3.5, 5 and 6 years. Path analyses indicated a reciprocal tendency in the relationship between SFON and counting development. In Study III, these results on the individual differences in SFON tendency, the stability of SFON across different tasks and the relationship of SFON and mathematical skills were confirmed by a larger-scale cross-sectional study of 183 on average 6.5-year-old children (range 6;0-7;0 years). The significant amount of unique variance that SFON accounted for number sequence elaboration, object counting and basic arithmetic skills stayed statistically significant (partial correlations varying from .27 to .37) when the effects of non-verbal IQ and verbal comprehension were controlled. In addition, to confirm that the SFON tasks assess SFON tendency independently from enumeration skills, guided focusing tasks were used for children who had failed in SFON tasks. It was explored whether these children were able to proceed in similar tasks to SFON tasks once they were guided to focus on number. The results showed that these children.s poor performance in the SFON tasks was not caused by their deficiency in executing the tasks but on lacking focusing on numerosity. The longitudinal Study IV of 39 children aimed at increasing the knowledge of associations between children.s long-term SFON tendency, subitizing-based enumeration and verbal counting skills. Children were tested twice at the age of 4-5 years on their SFON, and once at the age of 5 on their subitizing-based enumeration, number sequence production, as well as on their skills for counting of objects. Results showed considerable stability in SFON tendency measured at different ages, and that there is a positive direct association between SFON and number sequence production. The association between SFON and object counting skills was significantly mediated by subitizing-based enumeration. These results indicate that the associations between the child.s SFON and sub-skills of verbal counting may differ on the basis of how significant a role understanding the cardinal meanings of number words plays in learning these skills. The specific goal of Study V was to investigate whether it is possible to enhance 3-year old children.s SFON tendency, and thus start children.s deliberate practice in early mathematical skills. Participants were 3-year-old children in Finnish day care. The SFON scores and cardinality-related skills of the experimental group of 17 children were compared to the corresponding results of the 17 children in the control group. The results show an experimental effect on SFON tendency and subsequent development in cardinality-related skills during the 6-month period from pretest to delayed posttest in the children with some initial SFON tendency in the experimental group. Social interaction has an effect on children.s SFON tendency. The results of the five studies assert that within a child.s existing mathematical competence, it is possible to distinguish a separate process, which refers to the child.s tendency to spontaneously focus on numerosity. Moreover, there are significant individual differences in children.s SFON at the age of 3-7 years. Moderate stability was found in this tendency across different tasks assessed both at the same and at different ages. Furthermore, SFON tendency is related to the development of early mathematical skills. Educational implications of the findings emphasise, first, the importance of regarding focusing on numerosity as a separate, essential process in the assessments of young children.s mathematical skills. Second, the substantial individual differences in SFON tendency during the childhood years suggest that uncovering and modeling this kind of mathematically meaningful perceiving of the surroundings and tasks could be an efficient tool for promoting young children.s mathematical development, and thus prevent later failures in learning mathematical skills. It is proposed to consider focusing on numerosity as one potential sub-process of activities involving exact number recognition in future studies.


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Äyräpään–Vuosalmen torjuntataistelu käytiin 20.6.–18.7.1944. Taistelu voidaan jakaa kah-teen vaiheeseen. Taisteluja käytiin Äyräpäässä Vuoksen etelärannalla sekä Vuosalmella Vuoksen pohjoisrannalla, jossa Neuvostoliiton joukkojen hyökkäys pysäytettiin. Suomalaisia taisteluihin osallistui kolmesta divisioonasta ja yhdestä prikaatista. Neuvostojoukoilla oli käytössään kolmen armeijakunnan voimat. Kokonaisuudessaan neuvostojoukkojen käytössä oli siis yhteensä yhdeksän divisioonaa sekä suuri joukko vahvennuksia. Suomalaisten III Armeijakunnan alainen 2. Divisioona osallistui Äyräpään–Vuosalmen torjuntataisteluun tais-teluiden alkamisesta 20. kesäkuuta aina taisteluiden laantumiseen saakka heinäkuun 18. päi-vänä. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään jatkosodan aikana käytössä olleet tiedustelumenetelmät, Äyrä-pään–Vuosalmen torjuntataistelussa toteutettu 2. Divisioonaa koskeva tiedustelutoiminta sekä näiden tietojen käyttö taisteluiden aikana. Tutkimustehtävän vastausten sekä niiden toi-siinsa vertailun ja analysoinnin avulla arvioidaan tiedustelun merkitystä 2. Divisioonan tais-telulle Äyräpään–Vuosalmen torjuntataistelussa. Tutkimuksen päämenetelmänä on kvalitatiivinen analyysi. Pääaineistona tutkimuksessa ovat Kansallisarkiston arkistolähteet, jatkosotaan liittyvä tutkimuskirjallisuus sekä jatkosodan aikana voimassa olleet ohjesäännöt ja oppaat. Arkistolähteistä hyödyllisimpiä ovat 2. Divisi-oonan ja III Armeijakunnan esikuntien tiedustelupäiväkirjat, muut tiedustelua koskevat asia-kirjat sekä 2. Divisioonan ja sen alaisten joukkojen sotapäiväkirjat. Tutkimuskirjallisuusläh-teistä hyödyllisimpiä ovat tiedusteluun, viholliseen sekä 2. Divisioonaan liittyvät teokset. Jatkosodan aikana tiedustelussa käytettyjä päälajeja olivat maatähystys, liikkuva maatiedus-telu eli partiotiedustelu, ilmatiedustelu, vankien, yliloikkareiden ja paikallisten asukkaiden kuulustelu, viholliselta, vangeilta, yliloikkareilta, kaatuneilta, esikunnista ja muualta talteen otettujen asiakirjojen tutkiminen, kuuntelu ja suuntiminen, valon- ja äänenmittaus sekä salai-nen tiedustelu. Tiedustelumenetelmistä 2. Divisioonan kannalta merkityksellisimmiksi mene-telmiksi muodostuivat maatähystys, sotavankien kuulustelu sekä ilmatiedustelu. Muut toteu-tetut tiedustelumenetelmät tukivat ja antoivat oman lisänsä kokonaistiedustelulle. Oman merkittävän osansa tiedustelutoiminnassa muodosti tietojen vaihto. Parhaimpaan lopputulok-seen päästiin keinojen ja tietojen yhdistelemisellä, ja sitä kautta kattavalla tiedustelulla ja analysoinnilla. Selkeät puutteet 2. Divisioonan kokonaistiedusteluverkossa ovat löydettävissä vastustajan etulinjan taakse ulottuvasta tiedustelusta ja tiedustelutietojen käytöstä. Kokonais-tiedustelulla kyettiin luomaan riittävän selkeä kuva taistelualueella olevasta vihollisesta. Ny-kypäivän näkökulmasta katsottuna tiedustelulla ei kuitenkaan kyetty luomaan riittävää ana-lyysia ja arviota tiedustelutiedoista, jotta päätöksenteon tukena olisi ollut joka tilanteessa riittäviä ennakoivia arvioita vihollisen tulevasta toiminnasta.


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Thesis: A liquid-cooled, direct-drive, permanent-magnet, synchronous generator with helical, double-layer, non-overlapping windings formed from a copper conductor with a coaxial internal coolant conduit offers an excellent combination of attributes to reliably provide economic wind power for the coming generation of wind turbines with power ratings between 5 and 20MW. A generator based on the liquid-cooled architecture proposed here will be reliable and cost effective. Its smaller size and mass will reduce build, transport, and installation costs. Summary: Converting wind energy into electricity and transmitting it to an electrical power grid to supply consumers is a relatively new and rapidly developing method of electricity generation. In the most recent decade, the increase in wind energy’s share of overall energy production has been remarkable. Thousands of land-based and offshore wind turbines have been commissioned around the globe, and thousands more are being planned. The technologies have evolved rapidly and are continuing to evolve, and wind turbine sizes and power ratings are continually increasing. Many of the newer wind turbine designs feature drivetrains based on Direct-Drive, Permanent-Magnet, Synchronous Generators (DD-PMSGs). Being low-speed high-torque machines, the diameters of air-cooled DD-PMSGs become very large to generate higher levels of power. The largest direct-drive wind turbine generator in operation today, rated just below 8MW, is 12m in diameter and approximately 220 tonne. To generate higher powers, traditional DD-PMSGs would need to become extraordinarily large. A 15MW air-cooled direct-drive generator would be of colossal size and tremendous mass and no longer economically viable. One alternative to increasing diameter is instead to increase torque density. In a permanent magnet machine, this is best done by increasing the linear current density of the stator windings. However, greater linear current density results in more Joule heating, and the additional heat cannot be removed practically using a traditional air-cooling approach. Direct liquid cooling is more effective, and when applied directly to the stator windings, higher linear current densities can be sustained leading to substantial increases in torque density. The higher torque density, in turn, makes possible significant reductions in DD-PMSG size. Over the past five years, a multidisciplinary team of researchers has applied a holistic approach to explore the application of liquid cooling to permanent-magnet wind turbine generator design. The approach has considered wind energy markets and the economics of wind power, system reliability, electromagnetic behaviors and design, thermal design and performance, mechanical architecture and behaviors, and the performance modeling of installed wind turbines. This dissertation is based on seven publications that chronicle the work. The primary outcomes are the proposal of a novel generator architecture, a multidisciplinary set of analyses to predict the behaviors, and experimentation to demonstrate some of the key principles and validate the analyses. The proposed generator concept is a direct-drive, surface-magnet, synchronous generator with fractional-slot, duplex-helical, double-layer, non-overlapping windings formed from a copper conductor with a coaxial internal coolant conduit to accommodate liquid coolant flow. The novel liquid-cooling architecture is referred to as LC DD-PMSG. The first of the seven publications summarized in this dissertation discusses the technological and economic benefits and limitations of DD-PMSGs as applied to wind energy. The second publication addresses the long-term reliability of the proposed LC DD-PMSG design. Publication 3 examines the machine’s electromagnetic design, and Publication 4 introduces an optimization tool developed to quickly define basic machine parameters. The static and harmonic behaviors of the stator and rotor wheel structures are the subject of Publication 5. And finally, Publications 6 and 7 examine steady-state and transient thermal behaviors. There have been a number of ancillary concrete outcomes associated with the work including the following. X Intellectual Property (IP) for direct liquid cooling of stator windings via an embedded coaxial coolant conduit, IP for a lightweight wheel structure for lowspeed, high-torque electrical machinery, and IP for numerous other details of the LC DD-PMSG design X Analytical demonstrations of the equivalent reliability of the LC DD-PMSG; validated electromagnetic, thermal, structural, and dynamic prediction models; and an analytical demonstration of the superior partial load efficiency and annual energy output of an LC DD-PMSG design X A set of LC DD-PMSG design guidelines and an analytical tool to establish optimal geometries quickly and early on X Proposed 8 MW LC DD-PMSG concepts for both inner and outer rotor configurations Furthermore, three technologies introduced could be relevant across a broader spectrum of applications. 1) The cost optimization methodology developed as part of this work could be further improved to produce a simple tool to establish base geometries for various electromagnetic machine types. 2) The layered sheet-steel element construction technology used for the LC DD-PMSG stator and rotor wheel structures has potential for a wide range of applications. And finally, 3) the direct liquid-cooling technology could be beneficial in higher speed electromotive applications such as vehicular electric drives.


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Solvent extraction of calcium and magnesium impurities from a lithium-rich brine (Ca ~ 2,000 ppm, Mg ~ 50 ppm, Li ~ 30,000 ppm) was investigated using a continuous counter-current solvent extraction mixer-settler set-up. The literature review includes a general review about resources, demands and production methods of Li followed by basics of solvent extraction. Experimental section includes batch experiments for investigation of pH isotherms of three extractants; D2EHPA, Versatic 10 and LIX 984 with concentrations of 0.52, 0.53 and 0.50 M in kerosene respectively. Based on pH isotherms LIX 984 showed no affinity for solvent extraction of Mg and Ca at pH ≤ 8 while D2EHPA and Versatic 10 were effective in extraction of Ca and Mg. Based on constructed pH isotherms, loading isotherms of D2EHPA (at pH 3.5 and 3.9) and Versatic 10 (at pH 7 and 8) were further investigated. Furthermore based on McCabe-Thiele method, two extraction stages and one stripping stage (using HCl acid with concentration of 2 M for Versatic 10 and 3 M for D2EHPA) was practiced in continuous runs. Merits of Versatic 10 in comparison to D2EHPA are higher selectivity for Ca and Mg, faster phase disengagement, no detrimental change in viscosity due to shear amount of metal extraction and lower acidity in stripping. On the other hand D2EHPA has less aqueous solubility and is capable of removing Mg and Ca simultaneously even at higher Ca loading (A/O in continuous runs > 1). In general, shorter residence time (~ 2 min), lower temperature (~23 °C), lower pH values (6.5-7.0 for Versatic 10 and 3.5-3.7 for D2EHPA) and a moderately low A/O value (< 1:1) would cause removal of 100% of Ca and nearly 100% of Mg while keeping Li loss less than 4%, much lower than the conventional precipitation in which 20% of Li is lost.