480 resultados para elinikkäinen oppiminen


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Artikkeli perustuu Tia Isokorven lectioon väitöskirjatutkimuksesta "Tunneälytaitojen ja yhteisöllisyyden oppiminen kokemusten reflektoinnin ja ryhmäprosessin avulla"


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Olli-Jukka Jokisaaren artikkeli "Elinikäinen oppiminen - häpeä ja menetetty vapaus" on aikuiskasvatuksen vuoden 2004 tiedeartikkeli


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Opinnäytetyömme on oppimateriaali, joka käsittelee ensivaiheen traumakuvantamisen asettelua. Tuotos on A4-kokoinen, 22-sivuinen opas, joka on myös tulostettavissa Metropolian Moodle-työtilasta. Opas sisältää esipuheen, sanasto-osuuden ja muistilistan traumakuvantamisessa huomioitavista asioista. Näitä seuraa kolme potilastapausta, jotka simuloivat autenttisia kokemuksia työelämässä. Jokaisen tapauksen ensimmäisellä sivulla on lähetetiedot ja pohdittavaa kuvauksen suorittamisesta. Ensimmäinen tapaus käsittelee olkapäätä ja kyynärpäätä, toinen lantiota ja polvea. Kolmas tapaus käsittelee kaularankapotilasta. Idea opinnäytetyön aiheesta tuli meiltä itseltämme käytyämme traumakuvantamisen vapaasti valittavan kurssin. Opas on tarkoitettu yhteistoiminnalliseen oppimiseen. Oppaan materiaalia voidaan käyttää koulussa kontaktitunneilla tapahtuvaan ryhmätyöskentelyyn ja se soveltuu myös itseopiskeluun. Opas on tarkoitettu yhteistoiminnalliseen oppimiseen. Röntgenhoitajat tarvitsevat päivittäisessä työskentelyssään ryhmätyötaitoja. Yksilö pystyy ryhmässä työskennellessään ulkoistamaan ajatteluaan ja näin kehittämään omia ideoitaan ja käsityksiään. Työn kirjallisessa osuudessa käsitellään lyhyesti oppimista ilmiönä, oppimisprosessia ja opettamista. Työssä analysoidaan traumakuvantamiseen liityviä käsitteitä. Teoriaosuuden loppuosassa käymme läpi oppimateriaalin suunnittelua, sisältöä ja ulkoasua. Lähdemateriaalia oppimismenetelmistä löytyi runsaasti. Valitsimme teoreettiseksi viitekehykseksi ongelmaperustaisen oppimisen. Se on yleistyvä oppimismenetelmä, joka tukee toiminnallista oppimista ja lisää opiskelijan valmiuksia aktiiviseen tiedonhakuun. Ongelmaperustaisen oppimisen mukaan opittavalle sisällölle saavutetaan parempi käyttöarvo, mikäli oppiminen tapahtuu aitoja tosielämän ongelmia ratkomalla aiheen pelkän teoreettisen käsittelyn sijaan. Opinnäytetyömme tuotos syventää opiskelijoiden teoreettista osaamista ja antaa valmiudet kirjasessa esiintyvien projektioiden hallitsemiseen harjoittelun ja ongelmaperustaisen oppimisen avulla.


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Immigrant Pupils in Special Education Schools The study focused on the opinions of immigrant pupils in the 1st–9th grades of basic education in four special education schools of the City of Turku and in need of special support about the following: 1. Their difficulties in going to school in general education before the transfer to a special education school. 2. Their opinions about the transfer process to special education and the changes in their school practice after being transferred to a special education school. 3. Their experiences about their school and coping in special education school. The study strengthened the idea that immigrant pupils need positive special treatment, linguistic support, individual guidance, small teaching groups and operating models that promote well-being on their integration and education path. The central educational idea of inclusive education is based on deconstructing the power structures concerning gender, ethnicity and “race” and approval of differences in the pupils. Shifting the emphasis from the pupil to working on the learning environment has resulted in special education no longer being primarily separate special education tied to a certain place, but directing the teaching more towards individuality. The central dimension of intercultural competence of a teacher working in a multicultural class seems to be the attitudes and approaches to a different pupil; the teacher must be interculturally sensitive when facing children and young people from a foreign culture. Education and teaching affect every sector of the pupil’s well-being. Learning and learning results have a connection with teaching, education and well-being. Every sector is important for the going to school and integration of an immigrant pupil in need of special support. The basis of the study is the equality of opportunities and the humanistic idea of the human being in the Finnish education policy. The immigrant pupils selected for the study represented the following language groups: Arabian, Albanian, Somali, Russian and Vietnamese. In the four special education schools, the number of immigrant pupils belonging to these language groups (2004) totalled 104. A total of 89 pupils i.e. 86% answered the questionnaire, which is sufficient considering the generalisation of the study. Although this is basically a quantitative study, the interviewing method was used in part of the study, because the questionnaires were in Finnish and consequently, it was difficult for some immigrant pupils to understand them. Understanding the questions was also affected by the fact that the age distribution in the study was very wide (7–18). According to the results of the study, the immigrants felt that the biggest drawbacks in general education were their inability to speak Finnish and lack of concentration. The actual process of being transferred to a special education class remained unclear for immigrant pupils, and they could do very little about the transfer themselves. The results show that immigrant pupils coped well in special education school; they felt that their learning ability and concentration improved in the small groups of the special education school. They considered the individual support given in the special education schools to be useful. The lower-grade immigrant pupils had a more positive attitude towards special education school than the upper-grade immigrant pupils. In all the special education schools the immigrant pupils experienced that they were in a good position in the class; girls felt this even a little more strongly than boys. The teacher-pupil-relationship was felt to be good. School bullying being so common was a negative feature experienced by immigrant pupils, who were often targets or bullies themselves. Immigrant pupils believed in their success at school and in the opportunities offered by special education schools. Generally they were of the opinion that pupils are not labelled by special school; however, upper-grade immigrant pupils were more hesitant than lower-grade immigrant pupils. This study aimed at bringing out the immigrant pupils’ own opinions. Teaching immigrant pupils in special education schools has not been very much studied in Finland, which made the topic new and even more challenging.