258 resultados para Hekanaho, Pia Livia
Artikkeliin liittyy Pia Siveniuksen esipuhe Diotima.
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to study ways to increase the operating cost-efficiency of the hydrogen production process by optimizing the process parameters while, at the same time, maintaining plant reliability and safety. The literature part reviewed other hydrogen production and purification processes as well as raw material alternatives for hydrogen production. The experimental part of the master’s thesis was conducted at Solvay Chemicals Finland Oy’s hydrogen plant in spring 2012. It was performed by changing the process parameters, first, one by one, aiming for a more efficient process with clean product gas and lower natural gas consumption. The values of the process parameters were tested based on the information from the literature, process simulation and experiences of previous similar processes. The studied parameters were reformer outlet temperature, shift converter inlet temperature and steam/carbon ratio. The results show that the optimal process conditions are a lower steam/carbon ratio and reformer outlet temperature than the current values of 3.0 and 798 °C. An increase/decrease in the shift conversion inlet temperature does not affect natural gas consumption, but it has an effect on minimizing the process steam overload.
CHARGE syndrome, Sotos syndrome and 3p deletion syndrome are examples of rare inherited syndromes that have been recognized for decades but for which the molecular diagnostics only have been made possible by recent advances in genomic research. Despite these advances, development of diagnostic tests for rare syndromes has been hindered by diagnostic laboratories having limited funds for test development, and their prioritization of tests for which a (relatively) high demand can be expected. In this study, the molecular diagnostic tests for CHARGE syndrome and Sotos syndrome were developed, resulting in their successful translation into routine diagnostic testing in the laboratory of Medical Genetics (UTUlab). In the CHARGE syndrome group, mutation was identified in 40.5% of the patients and in the Sotos syndrome group, in 34%, reflecting the use of the tests in routine diagnostics in differential diagnostics. In CHARGE syndrome, the low prevalence of structural aberrations was also confirmed. In 3p deletion syndrome, it was shown that small terminal deletions are not causative for the syndrome, and that testing with arraybased analysis provides a reliable estimate of the deletion size but benign copy number variants complicate result interpretation. During the development of the tests, it was discovered that finding an optimal molecular diagnostic strategy for a given syndrome is always a compromise between the sensitivity, specificity and feasibility of applying a new method. In addition, the clinical utility of the test should be considered prior to test development: sometimes a test performing well in a laboratory has limited utility for the patient, whereas a test performing poorly in the laboratory may have a great impact on the patient and their family. At present, the development of next generation sequencing methods is changing the concept of molecular diagnostics of rare diseases from single tests towards whole-genome analysis.
Nimekkeen selitys: Etiikka ja sukupuolimoraali Immanuel Kantilla, Jacques Lacanilla ja D. A. F. de Sadella.
De förändringar som sker i samhället och i ungdomskulturen har gett upphov till ett fjärmande från naturen bland ungdomar. Samtidigt är det synnerligen relevant hur människan förhåller sig till naturen i en tid då så gott som all natur är mer eller mindre påverkad av människan och jordens befolkning ökar i snabb takt. Syftet med avhandlingen är att fördjupa förståelsen av gymnasie-studerandes förhållande till naturen. Syftet har brutits ner i fyra forskningsfrågor som berör gymnasiestuderandes beskrivningar av begreppen natur och miljö samt deras naturintresse, miljöetiska hållning och förhållande till miljökrisen. Den empiriska undersökningen bestod av två delstudier: en enkätundersökning (N=678) och en intervjuundersökning (N=14) bland österbottniska gymnasiestuderande. Den ringa andelen studerande som var helt ointresserade av naturen utgjorde ett positivt resultat med tanke på utgångspunkterna för lärande om naturen, men andelen eldsjälar var också liten. Respondenterna ansåg inte att skolan hade påverkat deras naturintresse nämnvärt. Studien visade även att studerandena hade en övervägande romantisk syn på naturen, med såväl människocentrerade som naturcentrerade inslag. Naturvärden som betonar rekreation, estetik och materiell nytta var de mest centrala värdena för de studerande. Flickors värderingar var i högre grad naturcentrerade än pojkars. De studerandes oro för miljökrisen var starkt kopplad till framtiden och de verkade inte inse att läget redan är akut på många områden. På basis av de kategorier som blev resultatet när respondenterna skulle ange orsakerna till sitt naturintresse respektive ointresse för naturen kan man konkludera att det är a och o att i undervisningen sträva efter att elever i olika åldrar börjar trivas i naturen. De naturvärden som visade sig vara de mest centrala för studerande borde även betonas i undervisningen för att föra ungdomarna närmare naturen och därigenom motverka det fjärmande som sker.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine what the normative, effective social Intranet solution is for Tellabs Mobile Routing business unit in terms of sharing knowledge more openly and effectively, fostering innovation, and improving team spirit and positive employee experience. Additionally, these aspects are researched from the intra- and inter-organizational points of view. The research is based on previous literature and empirical interviews. Based on these two items, an eight-fold recommendation proposal was created to change the current Intranet to become an effective social Intranet.