157 resultados para mechanic design


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Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten DSM ja siihen liittyvät analyysit toimivat. Työssä selvitetään myös, miten DSM:a voidaan hyödyntää tuotekehityksessä ja ohjelmistotuotannon kohtaamissa ongelmissa. DSM-neliömatriisiin sijoitetaan tarkasteltavan kohteen osat riveihin ja kolumneihin identtisessä järjestyksessä. Matriisin soluihin merkitään osien väliset riippuvuudet, joilla selvitetään kunkin osan lähettämä ja vastaanottama data suhteessa muihin osiin. DSM-analyysissa osien järjestystä muutetaan suoritus- tai toteutusjärjestyksen mukaisesti parhaaseen järjestykseen. Osat ryhmitellään moduuleihin, jolloin esimerkiksi tuotekehitys ohjautuu automaattisesti modulaarisuuteen. Tuotekehitysprojekteihin DSM on kompaktin muodon, yksinkertaisuuden ja automaattisen järjestelyn ansiosta erinomainen työkalu, jolla voidaan mallintaa käytännössä mitä tahansa, mikä voidaan jakaa toisistaan riippuviin osiin. DSM voi vähentää projektien suunnitteluun vaadittua työmäärää ja avustaa realististen budjettien ja aikataulujen luontia suurissa projekteissa.


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This work goes through the concept of usability in general and healthcare, especially prenatal healthcare, context. Different frameworks and guidelines used to measure it are considered. A collection of metrics is suggested to be used at a prenatal unit of one Finnish healthcare district. The metrics consist of a set of 12 general measures and a supplementary System Usability Scale questionnaire including a Fun Toolkit Smileyometer. The metrics are tested in real life work situations by observing meetings with patients and presenting the questionnaire for the focus group personnel. A total of 6 focus group patient meetings were observed. This work suggests that in order to get more conclusive data from the metrics the focus groups need to be more involved and observation situations need to be more controlled. Revised metrics consist of the 12 general measures.


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Due to various advantages such as flexibility, scalability and updatability, software intensive systems are increasingly embedded in everyday life. The constantly growing number of functions executed by these systems requires a high level of performance from the underlying platform. The main approach to incrementing performance has been the increase of operating frequency of a chip. However, this has led to the problem of power dissipation, which has shifted the focus of research to parallel and distributed computing. Parallel many-core platforms can provide the required level of computational power along with low power consumption. On the one hand, this enables parallel execution of highly intensive applications. With their computational power, these platforms are likely to be used in various application domains: from home use electronics (e.g., video processing) to complex critical control systems. On the other hand, the utilization of the resources has to be efficient in terms of performance and power consumption. However, the high level of on-chip integration results in the increase of the probability of various faults and creation of hotspots leading to thermal problems. Additionally, radiation, which is frequent in space but becomes an issue also at the ground level, can cause transient faults. This can eventually induce a faulty execution of applications. Therefore, it is crucial to develop methods that enable efficient as well as resilient execution of applications. The main objective of the thesis is to propose an approach to design agentbased systems for many-core platforms in a rigorous manner. When designing such a system, we explore and integrate various dynamic reconfiguration mechanisms into agents functionality. The use of these mechanisms enhances resilience of the underlying platform whilst maintaining performance at an acceptable level. The design of the system proceeds according to a formal refinement approach which allows us to ensure correct behaviour of the system with respect to postulated properties. To enable analysis of the proposed system in terms of area overhead as well as performance, we explore an approach, where the developed rigorous models are transformed into a high-level implementation language. Specifically, we investigate methods for deriving fault-free implementations from these models into, e.g., a hardware description language, namely VHDL.


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The thesis is dedicated to enhancement and development of a Mechanism in Company X in order to increase its key parameters and approve its workability. Current Mechanism model is described in details. The basis of various analysis, models and theories that are reflecting the working process of the Mechanism are included in the thesis. According to these three directions of enhancements are chosen: from mechanical, tribological and conceptual points of view. As the result the list of improvements is presented. The new models of Mechanism are built. The efficiency and lifetime value are obtained in accordance with corresponding estimations. The comparative analysis confirms the necessity of conducted changes. Recommendations for the Company X specialists are represented in the thesis. Proposals for deeper research are also suggested.


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The importance of package design as a marketing tool is growing as the competition in retail environment increases. However, there is a lack of studies on how each element of package design affects consumer decisions in different countries. The objective of this thesis is to study the role of package design to Japanese consumers. The research was conducted through an experiment with a sample of 37 Japanese female participants. They were divided into two groups and were given different tasks: one group had to choose a chocolate for themselves, and the other for a group of friends. The participants were presented with 15 different Finnish chocolate boxes to choose from. The qualitative data was gathered through observation and semi-structured interviews. In addition, data from questionnaires was quantified and all the data was triangulated. The empirical results suggest that visual elements strongly affect the decision making of Japanese consumers. Image was the most important element which acted as both, a visual and an informational aspect in the experiment. Informational elements on the other hand have little effect, especially when the context is written in a foreign language. However, informational elements affected participants who were choosing chocolates for a group of friends. A unique finding was the importance of kawaii (cuteness) to Japanese consumers.


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This thesis is about development broadband feed for two-mirror antenna system that match following requirements: beamwidth from 45 to 90 degrees at -3 dB level, circular polarization, absence of radiation to the lower hemisphere area. Literature review was done in the areas of the UWB antennas creation. During the work attempts were made to create a feed in a form of the quad ridged horn and "eleven" antennas. The latter is introduced as the most effective feed among all antennas discussed in thesis. Radiation patterns and other results for "eleven" antenna were obtained. Results were saved as far field sources and placed slightly below focal point into the two-mirror antenna system, because phase center of the “eleven” antenna is predominantly shifted upwards. Directivity patterns for the two-mirror system were obtained and the conclusions about the work results have been made


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At present, one of the main concerns of green network is to minimize the power consumption of network infrastructure. Surveys show that, the highest amount of power is consumed by the network devices during its runtime. However to control this power consumption it is important to know which factors has highest impact on this matter. This paper is focused on the measurement and modeling the power consumption of an Ethernet switch during its runtime considering various types of input parameters with all possible combinations. For the experiment, three input parameters are chosen. They are bandwidth, link load and number of connections. The output to be measured is the power consumption of the Ethernet switch. Due to the uncertain power consuming pattern of the Ethernet switch a fully-comprehensive experimental evaluation would require an unfeasible and cumbersome experimental phase. Because of that, design of experiment (DoE) method has been applied to obtain adequate information on the effects of each input parameters on the power consumption. The whole work consists of three parts. In the first part a test bed is planned with input parameters and the power consumption of the switch is measured. The second part is about generating a mathematical model with the help of design of experiment tools. This model can be used for measuring precise power consumption in different scenario and also pinpoint the parameters with higher influence in power consumption. And in the last part, the mathematical model is evaluated by comparing with the experimental values.